996 resultados para Structural Decomposition
A frequency-domain method for nonlinear analysis of structural systems with viscous, hysteretic, nonproportional and frequency-dependent damping is presented. The nonlinear effects and nonproportional damping are considered through pseudo-force terms. The modal coordinates uncoupled equations are iteratively solved. The treatment of initial conditions in the frequency domain which is necessary for the treatment of the uncoupled equations is initially adressed.
This paper presents the development of a two-dimensional interactive software environment for structural analysis and optimization based on object-oriented programming using the C++ language. The main feature of the software is the effective integration of several computational tools into graphical user interfaces implemented in the Windows-98 and Windows-NT operating systems. The interfaces simplify data specification in the simulation and optimization of two-dimensional linear elastic problems. NURBS have been used in the software modules to represent geometric and graphical data. Extensions to the analysis of three-dimensional problems have been implemented and are also discussed in this paper.
Vaahdotusta käytetään yleisesti erottamaan eri mineraaleja malmista. Tässä menetelmässä käytetään erityisiä pinta-aktiivisia aineita, joita kutsutaan kokoojakemikaaleiksi, muuntamaan halutut mineraalit hydrofobisiksi ja erottamaan ne hydrofiilisistä partikkeleista ilmakuplien avulla. Eräs tärkeimmistä kokoojakemikaalien ryhmistä on ksantaatit. Ksantaateilla on havaittu taipumusta hajota useiksi erilaisiksi hajoamistuotteiksi vaahdotusprosessin aikana. Näillä hajoamistuotteilla voi olla monia haitallisia vaikutuksia vaahdotuksen tuloksiin. Näiden tuotteiden tunnistaminen ja määrittäminen on tärkeää vaahdotusprosessin paremman ymmärtämisen kannalta. Työn kirjallisuusosassa vaahdotusprosessi, ksantaatit ja niiden yleisimmät hajoamistuotteet on esitelty, kuten myös käytetty analyysimenetelmä, kapillaarielektroforeesi. Työn kokeellisessa osassa etsittiin sopivaa erotusmenetelmää etyyliksantaatin, etyylitiokarbonaatin, etyyliperksantaatin ja etyyliksantyylitiosulfaatin erottamiseksi kapillaarilelektroforeesilla. Pääasiassa keskityttiin kahteen eri erotusmenetelmään. Ensimmäinen menetelmä kykeni erottamaan kaikki tutkitut tuotteet puhdasvesinäytteissä, ja toinen menetelmä oli sopiva näiden tuotteiden erottamiseen prosessivesinäytteissä. Jälkimmäistä menetelmää kokeiltiin käytännössä rikastamolla, jossa sillä kyettiin erottamaan isobutyyliksantaatti, isobutyylitiokarbonaatti, ja suurella todennäköisyydellä myös isobutyyliperksantaatti.
Resultaten påvisade små, men mätbara försämringar i minnes- och verbal förmåga hos personer som haft Parkinsons sjukdom under tre år. Jämfört med en kontrollgrupp uppvisade Parkinsonpatienter avvikande responser i hjärnans elektriska aktivitet under en korttidsminnesuppgift, och de presterade även sämre i olika typer av andra minnesuppgifter. Försämring i en specifik typ av minnesuppgift korrelerade med förminskad volym i höger hjärnhalva. Samband hittades också mellan sämre verbal förmåga och förminskad volym i djupa hjärnstrukturer. Förminskad hjärnvolym har tidigare påvisats hos dementa patienter i senare sjukdomsstadier. Forskningsresultaten bidrar med ny kunskap om kognitiva symptom och deras neurala bakgrund vid Parkinsons sjukdom. De tyder också på att tidig kognitiv funktionsnedsättning kan identifieras, vilket kan bidra till utvecklingen av sjukdomens behandling. Parkinsons sjukdom är den näst vanligaste neurogeriatriska sjukdomen efter Alzheimers sjukdom. Symptomen uppstår som följd av förminskad produktion av hjärnans transmittorämne dopamin. Parkinsons sjukdom har traditionellt betraktats som en progressiv motorisk sjukdom. Ny forskning tyder på att multipla hjärnsystem skadas, vilket resulterar i att även tankeprocesser påverkas. 75-80% uppskattas insjukna i demens 10-15 år efter diagnos, men det kognitiva sjukdomsförloppet och orsaken till demenssymptomen är tillsvidare okänd. I Finland uppskattas ca 10-12 000 personer ha Parkinsons sjukdom, varav ca 3 000 uppskattas ha demens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutkimuksessa todettiin lieviä muutoksia muisti- ja kielellisissä toiminnoissa alle kolme vuotta sairastaneilla Parkinson-potilailla. Potilailla havaittiin poikkeavia aivosähkötoiminnan vasteita lyhytkestoista muistia mittaavan tehtävän aikana. Potilaat suoriutuivat myös verrokkiryhmää heikommin useissa muistitehtävissä. Heikentynyt tahaton muisti liittyi pienempään aivokuoren harmaan aineen paikalliseen tilavuuteen. Heikompi kielellinen suoriutuminen liittyi pienempään harmaan aineen tilavuuteen aivojen syvissä rakenteissa. Pienentyneitä aivorakenteiden tilavuuksia on aiemmin todettu dementoituneilla Parkinson-potilailla sairauden myöhemmissä vaiheissa. Tutkimustulokset tuovat uutta tietoa Parkinsonin taudin kognitiivisista oireista ja niiden aivoperäisestä taustasta. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista tunnistaa jo varhaisia kognitiivisia muutoksia, mikä voi mahdollistaa tehokkaamman hoidon kohdentamisen. Parkinsonin tauti on Alzheimerin taudin jälkeen toiseksi yleisin neurogeriatrinen sairaus. Oirekuva liittyy aivojen dopaminergisen järjestelmän rappeutumiseen. Perinteisesti liikehäiriösairaudeksi luokiteltu sairaus vaurioittaa lukuisia muita aivojärjestelmiä aiheuttaen muutoksia myös mm. ajattelutoiminnoissa. Pitkään sairastaneista 75–80 prosentilla esiintyy dementiaoireita, mutta oireiden syy ja kehityskaari tunnetaan toistaiseksi huonosti. Suomessa on arviolta 10–12 000 Parkinson-potilasta, joista noin 3 000 arvioidaan kärsivän dementiaoireista.
Monikykyiset kantasolut pystyvät erilaistumaan alkion kehityksen aikana miksi tahansa kehittyvän eläimen kudokseksi. Alkion kehitystä on tutkittu vuosikymmeniä ja ensimmäisen kerran kantasoluja viljeltiin 1980-luvulla. Noin vuosikymmen myöhemmin kloonattiin ensimmäinen nisäkäs, Dolly-lammas, mikä oli läpimurto perimän kloonauksessa. Vajaa kymmenen vuotta sitten japanilaiset tutkijat pystyivät ensimmäisen kerran tuottamaan indusoituja monikykyisiä kantasoluja. Nämä kantasolut tuotettiin ilmentämällä neljää geeniä, jotka uudelleenohjelmoivat erilaistuneet solut takaisin kantasoluiksi. Geenien ilmentymistä säätelevä ja DNA:han sitoutuvan proteiinin Oct4:n on todettu olevan tärkeä tekijä uudelleenohjelmissa. Oct4 kuuluu transkriptiotekijäperheeseen, joka säätelee geenien ilmentymistä kantasoluissa. Tässä työssä kiteytin Oct4-proteiinin sen kohde-DNA:n kanssa sekä tutkin sen sitoutumista ja atomitason rakennetta röntgensädekristallografian avulla. Tutkimuksessamme paljastui useita Oct4:n atomitason rakenteellisia ominaisuuksia, jotka selittävät sen säätelymekanismeja kantasoluissa.
The objective of this work was to analyze the floristic variation and phytosociological structure of weeds as influenced by relief and time of year in eucalyptus plantations in Santana do Paraíso and Guanhães - MG. The total area sampled for each locality was approximately 10 ± 3 hectares, comprising three types of relief: lowland, slope, and upper area. In each type of relief, 10 plots of 1 m² were sampled, corresponding to 30 plots per locality, where they were randomly allocated in a zigzag. The taxonomic identification was performed in four assessments, corresponding to the months of November and March, comprising two ratings each season, always at the same points, and geo-referenced using the Global Positioning System (GPS). A total of 3,893 individuals, 18 families and 61 species, were identified in Santana do Paraiso and a total of 1,166 individuals, 13 families and 58 species, in Guanhães. In both localities, the most representative families in terms of wealth were: Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae. Galinsoga parviflora was the most abundant species. The Vernonia polyantes was identified only in the lowlands, while Arrabida florida was identified in the slope and upper area. On the other hand, Emilia coccinea, Sida rhombifolia, S. paniculatum and Spermacoce latifolia were common to all three environments. Commelina benghalensis was present only in the month of March, while G. parviflora was present only in the month of November. It was concluded that the floristic and phytosociological variation of weeds in eucalyptus plantations is influenced by the type of relief and time of year, which should guide the management practices used in the culture.
Green sugarcane harvesting may promote great changes in the dynamics of herbicides in the environment. Our goal was to evaluate the influence of straw decomposition degree on leaching and weed (Ipomoea grandifolia) control efficacy by (14C) tebuthiuron and hexazinone. The presence of straw on the soil surface affected leaching, mainly for hexazinone (leaching reduced from 37 to 5% of the applied amount in the presence of straw). Overall, tebuthiuron showed more efficient control of Ipomoea than hexazinone. The straw decomposition degree affected only hexazinone efficacy that was lowest for the least decomposed straw. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of sugarcane straw on herbicides dissipation, particularly on volatilization and photolysis, to better predict their efficacy and environmental fate.
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase is a native C3 grass species with high biomass production and abundance in the cerrado comparable to Melinis minutiflora Beauv., a C4 forage grass of African origin, widespread in the cerrado, displacing some native herbaceous species. These species accumulate mainly starch, differently of Lolium multiflorum Lam. ssp. italicum Beck cv. Lema (ryegrass), a C3 temperate forage grass that accumulates fructans as the major storage carbohydrate in the vegetative tissues. In the present study, we analyzed diurnal variations in the content and composition of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in the aerial vegetative parts of the three species. Results showed similarity in water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and starch contents between Melinis minutiflora and Echinolaena inflexa, with the exotic grass accumulating higher amounts of NSC. However, the levels of sucrose, glucose and fructose were 10 fold higher in Lolium multiflorum, that accumulates fructan as the main storage carbohydrate. Although the contents of WSC and starch were similar in the tropical species E. inflexa and M. minutiflora, their diurnal variations were different and could be related to starch metabolism, especially in M. minutiflora.
Granitic rock outcrops of the Brazilian southeast are either coastal or inland. The latter can often have high altitudes, such as in the summits of "Serra do Mar" and "Serra da Mantiqueira", where they are known as "Campos de Altitude". The landscape on these high altitude plateaux is often a mosaic of shrubs and treelets within a bunchgrass matrix, with sparse pteridophytes and other herbs, interspersed with variable extensions of rock outcrops. Despite the pervasiveness of rock outcrops in the Brazilian landscape, studies on the structural analysis of the vegetation on such formations are scarce. This study aimed to analyze the structure of the vegetation on a highland granitic rock outcrop in "Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro", state of Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil (42°20' - 42°40' S and 20°20' - 21°00' W, 1,722 m of elevation ). Quantitative parameters of absolute and relative frequency and dominance (cover) were estimated. The group analysis used the Jaccard similarity index. Trilepis lhotzkiana, Panicum sp. 1, and Vellozia variegata presented the highest relative frequencies, relative dominances and importance values. These three species, along with Dyckia bracteata, Rhynchospora emaciate, and Tibouchina cf. manicata, represented 98.3% of the relative dominance. The remaining 1.7% referred to 22 remaining species. The distinction among quadrats within formed groups by cluster analysis was due to the great number of low frequency species.
Lipoprotein Lp(a) is a major and independent genetic risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The essential difference between Lp(a) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) is apolipoprotein apo(a), a glycoprotein structurally similar to plasminogen, the precursor of plasmin, the fibrinolytic enzyme. This structural homology endows Lp(a) with the capacity to bind to fibrin and to membrane proteins of endothelial cells and monocytes, and thereby to inhibit plasminogen binding and plasmin generation. The inhibition of plasmin generation and the accumulation of Lp(a) on the surface of fibrin and cell membranes favor fibrin and cholesterol deposition at sites of vascular injury. Moreover, insufficient activation of TGF-ß due to low plasmin activity may result in migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells into the vascular intima. These mechanisms may constitute the basis of the athero-thrombogenic mode of action of Lp(a). It is currently accepted that this effect of Lp(a) is linked to its concentration in plasma. An inverse relationship between Lp(a) concentration and apo(a) isoform size, which is under genetic control, has been documented. Recently, it has been shown that inhibition of plasminogen binding to fibrin by apo(a) is also inversely associated with isoform size. Specific point mutations may also affect the lysine-binding function of apo(a). These results support the existence of functional heterogeneity in apolipoprotein(a) isoforms and suggest that the predictive value of Lp(a) as a risk factor for vascular occlusive disease would depend on the relative concentration of the isoform with the highest affinity for fibrin
The direct synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen is a green alternative for production of hydrogen peroxide. However, this process suffers from two challenges. Firstly, mixtures of hydrogen and oxygen are explosive over a wide range of concentrations (4-94% H2 in O2). Secondly, the catalytic reaction of hydrogen and oxygen involves several reaction pathways, many of them resulting in water production and therfore decreasing selectivity. The present work deals with these two challenges. The safety problem was dealed by employing a novel microstructured reactor. Selectivity of the reaction was highly improved by development a set of new catalysts. The final goal was to develop an effective and safe continuous process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from H2 and O2. Activated carbon cloth and Sibunit were examined as the catalysts’ supports. Palladium and gold monometallic and palladium-gold bimetallic catalysts were thoroughly investigated by numerous kinetic experiments performed in a tailored batch reactor and several catalyst charachterization methods. A complete set of data for direct synthesis of H2O2 and its catalytic decomposition and hydrogenation was obtained. These data were used to assess factors influencing selectivity and activity of the catalysts in direct synthesis of H2O2 as well as its decomposition and hydrogenation. A novel microstructured reactor was developed based on hydrodynamics and mass transfer studies in prototype microstractural plates. The shape and the size of the structural elements in the microreactor plate were optimized in a way to get high gas-liquid interfacial area and gas-liquid mass transfer. Finally, empirical correlations for the volumetric mass transfer coefficient were derived. A bench-scale continuous process was developed by using the novel microstructral plate reactor. A series of kinetic experiments were performed to investigate the effects of the gas and the liquid feed rates and their ratio, the amount of the catalyst, the gas feed composition and pressure on the final rate of H2O2 production and selectivity.
The characterization of proteins from Brucella spp, the causative agent of brucellosis, has been the subject of intensive research. We have described an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein of Brucella abortus and shown the potential usefulness of this protein as an antigen for the serologic diagnosis of brucellosis. The amino acid sequence of the protein showed a low but significant homology with that of lumazine synthases. Lumazine is an intermediate product in bacterial riboflavin biosynthesis. The recombinant form of the 18-kDa protein (expressed in E. coli) folds like the native Brucella protein and has lumazine-synthase enzymatic activity. Three-dimensional analysis by X-ray crystallography of the homolog Bacillus subtilis lumazine synthase has revealed that the enzyme forms an icosahedral capsid. Recombinant lumazine synthase from B. abortus was crystallized, diffracted X rays to 2.7-Å resolution at room temperature, and the structure successfully solved by molecular replacement procedures. The macromolecular assembly of the enzyme differs from that of the enzyme from B. subtilis. The Brucella enzyme remains pentameric (90 kDa) in its crystallographic form. Nonetheless, the active sites of the two enzymes are virtually identical at the structural level, indicating that inhibitors of these enzymes could be viable pharmaceuticals across a broad species range. We describe the structural reasons for the differences in their quaternary arrangement and also discuss the potential use of this protein as a target for the development of acellular vaccines.
Seven unrelated patients with hemoglobin (Hb) H disease and 27 individuals with alpha-chain structural alterations were studied to identify the alpha-globin gene mutations present in the population of Southeast Brazil. The -alpha3.7, --MED and -(alpha)20.5 deletions were investigated by PCR, whereas non-deletional alpha-thalassemia (alphaHphalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, aaNcoI, alphaIcalpha and alphaTSaudialpha) was screened with restriction enzymes and by nested PCR. Structural alterations were identified by direct DNA sequencing. Of the seven patients with Hb H disease, all of Italian descent, two had the -(alpha)20.5/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/alphaHphalpha genotype and three showed interaction of the -alpha3.7 deletion with an unusual, unidentified form of non-deletional alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7/(aa)T]. Among the 27 patients with structural alterations, 15 (of Italian descent) had Hb Hasharon (alpha47Asp->His) associated with the -alpha3.7 deletion, 4 (of Italian descent) were heterozygous for Hb J-Rovigo (alpha53Ala->Asp), 4 (3 Blacks and 1 Caucasian) were heterozygous for Hb Stanleyville-II (alpha78Asn->Lys) associated with the alpha+-thalassemia, 1 (Black) was heterozygous for Hb G-Pest (alpha74Asp->Asn), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Kurosaki (alpha7Lys->Glu), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Westmead (alpha122His->Gln), and 1 (Caucasian) was the carrier of a novel silent variant (Hb Campinas, alpha26Ala->Val). Most of the mutations found reflected the Mediterranean and African origins of the population. Hbs G-Pest and Kurosaki, very rare, and Hb Westmead, common in southern China, were initially described in individuals of ethnic origin differing from those of the carriers reported in the present study and are the first cases to be reported in the Brazilian population.