998 resultados para Stadt.
Die Arbeit untersucht das seuchenartige Auftreten von Besessenheitsfällen in Annaberg (Erzgebirge) in den Jahren 1713-1720, die Auslöser der letzten Hexenprozesse in Kursachsen waren. Zeitgenössische Beobachter stritten intensiv, ob diese sogenannte „Annaberger Krankheit“ durch Zauberei verursacht oder eine psychosomatisch bedingte Massenerkrankung war. In Abkehr von dem Vorurteil, alle Betroffenen einer solchen Massenhysterie litten an derselben Erkrankung, werden diverse Krankengeschichten rekonstruiert. Indem sich dabei Elemente von Rollenspielen (Kinderhexen, Hysterie) und Betrug (Almosenerschleichung, Denunziationen, politisch motivierte Inszenierungen) finden, zeigt sich die wundersame „Krankheit“ als nicht pathologischer sondern sozialer Vorgang. rnAm dessen Beginn stand die Geburt der Interpretation, es gäbe eine außergewöhnliche Krankheit in der Stadt, wozu akzidentielle Ereignisse mehr beitrugen als auffällige Krankheitsfälle. Gerüchtbildung und politische Instrumentalisierung bildeten den Rahmen für den Einstieg von Nachahmern, die das fiktive Krankheitsbild in die Realität eines demonstrativen Schauspiel umsetzten. Dieser Mechanismus eines selbsterfüllenden Menetekels wird vor dem Hintergrund seiner kulturellen, sozialen, ökonomischen und historischen Bedingungen detailliert rekonstruiert.
Purpose: Acupuncture is one of the complementary medicine therapies with the greatest demand in Switzerland and many other countries in the West and in Asia. Over the past decades, the pool of scientific literature in acupuncture has markedly increased. The diagnostic methods upon which acupuncture treatment is based, have only been addressed sporadically in scientific journals. The goal of this study is to assess the use of different diagnostic methods in the acupuncture practices and to investigate similarities and differences in using these diagnostic methods between physician and non-physician acupuncturists. Methods: 44 physician acupuncturists with certificates of competence in acupuncture – traditional chinese medicine (TCM) from ASA (Assoziation Schweizer Ärztegesellschaften für Akupunktur und Chinesische Medizin: the Association of Swiss Medical Societies for Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine) and 33 non-physician acupuncturists listed in the EMR (Erfahrungsmedizinisches Register: a national register, which assigns a quality label for CAM therapists in complementary and alternative medicine) in the cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land were asked to fill out a questionnaire on diagnostic methods. The responder rate was 46.8% (69.7% non-physician acupuncturists and 29, 5% physician acupuncturists). Results: The results show that both physician and non-physician acupuncturists take patients’ medical history (94%), use pulse diagnosis (89%), tongue diagnosis (83%) and palpation of body and ear acupuncture points (81%) as diagnostic methods to guide their acupuncture treatments. Between the two groups, there were significant differences in the diagnostic tools being used. Physician acupuncturists do examine their patients significantly more often with western medical methods (p<.05) than this is the case for nonphysician acupuncturists. Non-physician acupuncturists use pulse diagnosis more often than physicians (p<.05). A highly significant difference was observed in the length of time spent with collecting patients’ medical history, where nonphysician acupuncturists clearly spent more time (p<.001). Conclusion: Depending on the educational background of the acupuncturist, different diagnostic methods are used for making the diagnosis. Especially the more time consuming methods like a comprehensive anamnesis and pulse diagnosis are more frequently employed by non-physician practitioners. Further studies will clarify if these results are valid for Switzerland in general, and to what extent the differing use of diagnostic methods has an impact on the diagnosis itself and on the resulting treatment methods, as well as on the treatment success and the patients’ satisfaction.