892 resultados para Sports facilities -- Heating and ventilation
Seventeen samples from pillow or massive "zero age" fresh basalts from ODP Legs 106 and 109 were studied in order to examine their magnetic properties and oxidation degree. Thermomagnetic analyses of studied samples show Curie temperatures from 127°C to 220°C with reversible heating and cooling curves. Hysteresis parameters indicate the contribution of large Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) grain of titanomagnetites with saturation magnetization between 0.4 and 0.7 emu/g which is almost twice that those of other recent mid-oceanic dredged basalts (e.g., FAMOUS and CYAMEX-RISE). The large grain sizes and higher magnetic mineral concentration may suggest a slower cooling of these basalts compared to those previously studied. Electron microprobe analyses of titanomagnetite grains combined with Curie point determinations give z = 0.3 for the degree of low temperature oxidation, which is close to the other values reported for low temperature oxidation of mid-oceanic ridge basalts.
Site 1256 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 206 to the Guatemala Basin on the eastern flank of the East Pacific Rise yielded a near-complete, middle Miocene-Quaternary carbonate-rich section that provides an opportunity to study low-latitude biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events. The sedimentary sequence in Hole 1256B has been zoned using calcareous nannofossils according to the biostratigraphic schemes by Martini of 1971 (modified by Martini and Müller in 1986) and Okada and Bukry of 1980. The nannofossil assemblage is characteristic of the low latitudes, with abundant Gephyrocapsa, Discoaster, and Sphenolithus, and is in general moderately to well preserved, depending on nannofossil abundance and the presence of diatoms. Age estimates for the first occurrence and last occurrence of Reticulofenestra rotaria were derived from biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy independently and assigned to 7.18 and 6.32 Ma, respectively. Linear sedimentation rates, calculated using 28 nannofossil datums and age estimates, are high in the middle Miocene, decrease from the late Miocene to the Pliocene, then increase upsection. The abrupt drop in carbonate mass accumulation rates during the early late Miocene is referred to as the "carbonate crash." This pattern reflects (1) the long-trend decrease of productivity as the site moves away from the upwelling system at the equatorial divergence as well as (2) fluctuation in the chemistry of the bottom waters associated with production of the North Atlantic Bottom Water and ventilation via the Panama Gateway. A basement age of 14.5 Ma was obtained by extrapolating the 39.1-m/m.y. rate in the middle Miocene to the basement at 250.7 meters below seafloor, and is consistent with the ~15-Ma age of the oceanic crust estimated from marine magnetic anomalies. Reworked nannofossils and lithologic changes were used to unravel postdepositional history, and three episodes were recognized, one of which in the latest Miocene can be widely correlated.
La presente investigación parte del problema en las zonas de clima cálido - húmedo en las cuales se producen impactos asociados a la incomodidad térmica producto de la intensa radiación solar, altas temperaturas y elevada humedad. Estos factores reducen la calidad de los espacios abiertos y desarrollan en la población una actitud de rechazo hacia el uso del microespacio urbano entre edificaciones en los desarrollos urbanos - conjuntos urbanos - , los mismos frecuentemente admiten soluciones que al parecer no contribuyen a la realización de las actividades comunes de esparcimiento de la población residente. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es profundizar en la temática urbano - ambiental - social y el diseño urbano vinculada a la particularidad morfológica local, las condiciones microclimáticas, el uso del microespacio y los requerimientos de los usuarios. La finalidad de desarrollar estrategias de control microclimático del microespacio entre edificios en clima cálido - húmedo en búsqueda de soluciones óptimas que satisfagan las necesidades de los usuarios de los espacios exteriores en estas áreas residenciales. La investigación se centra en el estudio de las particularidades contextuales relacionadas con el microclima y las características urbanas - morfotipológicas, básicamente los factores microclimáticos (soleamiento y ventilación), los morfológicos y edificatorios y las características de las superficies (pavimentos). En coherencia con el objetivo propuesto el trabajo se desarrolla en cuatro fases: la primera aborda la revisión documental, literatura relevante e investigaciones relativas a la calidad ambiental, medio social, medio físico, el microespacio urbano, control y diseño sostenible, modelización proyectual y estrategias sostenibles; la segunda fase se refiere al marco contextual, características urbanas, datos climáticos locales, planes y procesos urbanos, tipologías y conformación urbana. En esta fase se describe el proceso de selección, análisis y evaluación urbano - ambiental de los casos de estudio (conjuntos residenciales). En la tercera fase se aborda el marco evaluativo y estudio de casos, consideraciones físicas, climáticas y valoración térmico - ambiental de los conjuntos residenciales seleccionados. En esta fase se aplican Técnicas Estadísticas y de Simulación Computacional y se analizan los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, la cuarta fase propositiva incluye el establecimiento de Estrategias, Principios y Lineamientos de optimación térmica y se exponen las Conclusiones parciales de la tesis, alcances y perspectivas futuras. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el análisis en las experiencias de la realidad permiten comprobar que las situaciones y alteraciones ambientales sustanciales, los niveles de afectación térmica y las condiciones de confortabilidad e impacto derivan de las características urbanas, los componentes del microespacio y de las condiciones climáticas las cuales afectan el desarrollo de las actividades y el uso efectivo del microespacio entre edificios. El análisis de los factores morfo - climáticos incidentes y el estudio de los efectos de interacción contribuyen al establecimiento de Principios y Lineamientos para la evaluación y diseño sostenible del microespacio entre edificios y el uso correcto de los elementos del clima en estas áreas urbanas destinadas a la actividad social y al esparcimiento de la población residente. ABSTRACT This research starts from the problem of hot - humid climate zones where impacts related to thermal discomfort are produced as a result from the intense solar radiation and high temperatures and humidity. These factors reduce the quality of open spaces and people develop an attitude of rejection towards the use of urban microspace among buildings within urban developments - urban complexes - . Usually, these complexes admit solutions that apparently do not contribute to the achievement of common leisure activities in the resident dwellers. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to deepen in the urban - environmental - social issue and urban design linked to the local morphological particularity, microclimate conditions, use of microspace and users’ requirements. In order to develop microclimate control strategies of microspace among buildings in hot - humid climate to look for optimal solutions that satisfy users’ needs of outdoors spaces in these residential areas. The research focuses in the study of contextual particularities related to microclimate and urban - morphotypological characteristics. Basically, microclimate (sunlight and ventilation), morphological and building factors as well as road surface characteristics. According to the proposed objective, this research is developed in four phases: the first one considers documentary review, relevant literature and researches related to environmental quality, social environment, physical environment, urban microspace, control and sustainable design, project modelling and sustainable strategies; while the second phase refers to contextual framework, urban characteristics, local climate data, plans and urban processes, typologies and urban structure. In this phase, the process of selection, analysis and urban - environmental evaluation of case studies (residential complexes) is described. The third phase approaches the assessment framework and case studies, physical and climate considerations as well as environmental - thermal evaluation of selected residential complexes. In this phase, statistical techniques and computational simulations are applied. Likewise, results obtained are analysed. Similarly, fourth and proposing phase includes the establishment of strategies, principles and guidelines of thermal optimization and partial conclusions of the thesis, scopes and future perspectives are exposed. Finally, from the results obtained, it is demonstrated that the analysis on reality experiences allow proving that situations and substantial environmental changes, levels of thermal affectations, comfort conditions and impact derive from urban characteristics, microspace components and from climate conditions which affect the development of activities and the effective use of microspace among buildings. The analysis of incidental morpho - climate factors and the study of interaction effects contribute to the establishment of principles and guidelines for the assessment and sustainable design of microspace among buildings as well as the correct use of climate elements in these urban areas oriented to social and leisure activities of resident population.
The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. In the last years, the required quick response of the ventilation system, from normal to emergency mode, has been improved by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the support to the operators decision taking, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closedloop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc), optimizing the quality of the smoke control process
El alcance del proyecto es describir las directrices técnicas, la definición de criterios, y la estrategia de suministro de energía (Electricidad. Calefacción y Agua Caliente Sanitaria (ACS)) a un barrio modelo situado en un entorno urbano. De inicio se estudia los diversos modelos energéticos atendiendo a la normativa y tecnología, que se pueden aplicar en un conjunto residencial, dando como resultado el modelo propuesto de abastecimiento energético, mediante calefacción de distrito, que incorporara el diseño de una planta de producción de energía termo-eléctrica o Central de Energías basada en la tecnología de condensación de baja temperatura para calefacción y A.C.S. incluyendo una cogeneración con pila de combustible. Al mismo tiempo se han calculado y diseñado una serie de chimeneas externas para dar cumplida necesidad técnica y legal al proyecto. Estos estudios nos sirven de punto de partida para analizar la amortización de la inversión y por tanto la rentabilidad y viabilidad del proyecto, comparándose con los costes económicos derivados de la generación por sistemas convencionales. Para finalizar se hace mención a las ventajas medioambientales y a los grados de seguridad en la planta de producción ABSTRACT The scope of this work is the description of an energy supply project ( Electricity, heat and hot water ) to a housing development in a urban neibourhood , including technical criteria in their different options. Initially, several solutions are studied based on available technologies and legal restrictions. The final proposal is based on the district hearing model including electricity production in cogeneration via fuel cell technology as well as heating and hot water produced by low temperature condensation boilers It includes calculations and design criteria of the exhaust gases system and chimeneys in compliance with legal requirement in urban areas. This work also includes an economical model including payback, IRR and VAN analysis and an economical comparaison with the standard solutions. Finally, environmental advantages of the preferred solution over other standards as well as safety issues are also presented.
Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre el funcionamiento y aplicaciones de las células de combustible de membrana tipo PEM, o de intercambio de protones, alimentadas con hidrógeno puro y oxigeno obtenido de aire comprimido. Una vez evaluado el proceso de dichas células y las variables que intervienen en el mismo, como presión, humedad y temperatura, se presenta una variedad de métodos para la instrumentación de tales variables así como métodos y sistemas para la estabilidad y control de las mismas, en torno a los valores óptimos para una mayor eficacia en el proceso. Tomando como variable principal a controlar la temperatura del proceso, y exponiendo los valores concretos en torno a 80 grados centígrados entre los que debe situarse, es realizado un modelo del proceso de calentamiento y evolución de la temperatura en función de la potencia del calentador resistivo en el dominio de la frecuencia compleja, y a su vez implementado un sistema de medición mediante sensores termopar de tipo K de respuesta casi lineal. La señal medida por los sensores es amplificada de manera diferencial mediante amplificadores de instrumentación INA2126, y es desarrollado un algoritmo de corrección de error de unión fría (error producido por la inclusión de nuevos metales del conector en el efecto termopar). Son incluidos los datos de test referentes al sistema de medición de temperatura , incluyendo las desviaciones o error respecto a los valores ideales de medida. Para la adquisición de datos y implementación de algoritmos de control, es utilizado un PC con el software Labview de National Instruments, que permite una programación intuitiva, versátil y visual, y poder realizar interfaces de usuario gráficas simples. La conexión entre el hardware de instrumentación y control de la célula y el PC se realiza mediante un interface de adquisición de datos USB NI 6800 que cuenta con un amplio número de salidas y entradas analógicas. Una vez digitalizadas las muestras de la señal medida, y corregido el error de unión fría anteriormente apuntado, es implementado en dicho software un controlador de tipo PID ( proporcional-integral-derivativo) , que se presenta como uno de los métodos más adecuados por su simplicidad de programación y su eficacia para el control de este tipo de variables. Para la evaluación del comportamiento del sistema son expuestas simulaciones mediante el software Matlab y Simulink determinando por tanto las mejores estrategias para desarrollar el control PID, así como los posibles resultados del proceso. En cuanto al sistema de calentamiento de los fluidos, es empleado un elemento resistor calentador, cuya potencia es controlada mediante un circuito electrónico compuesto por un detector de cruce por cero de la onda AC de alimentación y un sistema formado por un elemento TRIAC y su circuito de accionamiento. De manera análoga se expone el sistema de instrumentación para la presión de los gases en el circuito, variable que oscila en valores próximos a 3 atmosferas, para ello es empleado un sensor de presión con salida en corriente mediante bucle 4-20 mA, y un convertidor simple corriente a tensión para la entrada al sistema de adquisición de datos. Consecuentemente se presenta el esquema y componentes necesarios para la canalización, calentamiento y humidificación de los gases empleados en el proceso así como la situación de los sensores y actuadores. Por último el trabajo expone la relación de algoritmos desarrollados y un apéndice con información relativa al software Labview. ABTRACT This document presents a study about the operation and applications of PEM fuel cells (Proton exchange membrane fuel cells), fed with pure hydrogen and oxygen obtained from compressed air. Having evaluated the process of these cells and the variables involved on it, such as pressure, humidity and temperature, there is a variety of methods for implementing their control and to set up them around optimal values for greater efficiency in the process. Taking as primary process variable the temperature, and exposing its correct values around 80 degrees centigrade, between which must be placed, is carried out a model of the heating process and the temperature evolution related with the resistive heater power on the complex frequency domain, and is implemented a measuring system with thermocouple sensor type K performing a almost linear response. The differential signal measured by the sensor is amplified through INA2126 instrumentation amplifiers, and is developed a cold junction error correction algorithm (error produced by the inclusion of additional metals of connectors on the thermocouple effect). Data from the test concerning the temperature measurement system are included , including deviations or error regarding the ideal values of measurement. For data acquisition and implementation of control algorithms, is used a PC with LabVIEW software from National Instruments, which makes programming intuitive, versatile, visual, and useful to perform simple user interfaces. The connection between the instrumentation and control hardware of the cell and the PC interface is via a USB data acquisition NI 6800 that has a large number of analog inputs and outputs. Once stored the samples of the measured signal, and correct the error noted above junction, is implemented a software controller PID (proportional-integral-derivative), which is presented as one of the best methods for their programming simplicity and effectiveness for the control of such variables. To evaluate the performance of the system are presented simulations using Matlab and Simulink software thereby determining the best strategies to develop PID control, and possible outcomes of the process. As fluid heating system, is employed a heater resistor element whose power is controlled by an electronic circuit comprising a zero crossing detector of the AC power wave and a system consisting of a Triac and its drive circuit. As made with temperature variable it is developed an instrumentation system for gas pressure in the circuit, variable ranging in values around 3 atmospheres, it is employed a pressure sensor with a current output via 4-20 mA loop, and a single current to voltage converter to adequate the input to the data acquisition system. Consequently is developed the scheme and components needed for circulation, heating and humidification of the gases used in the process as well as the location of sensors and actuators. Finally the document presents the list of algorithms and an appendix with information about Labview software.
A two-stage mission to place a spacecraft (SC) below the Jovian radiation belts, using a spinning bare tether with plasma contactors at both ends to provide propulsion and power,is proposed. Capture by Lorentz drag on the tether, at the periapsis of a barely hyperbolic equatorial orbit, is followed by a sequence of orbits at near-constant periapsis, drag finally bringing the SC down to a circular orbit below the halo ring. Although increasing both tether heating and bowing, retrograde motion can substantially reduce accumulated dose as compared with prograde motion, at equal tether-to-SC mass ratio. In the second stage,the tether is cut to a segment one order of magnitude smaller, with a single plasma contactor, making the SC to slowly spiral inward over severalmonths while generating large onboard power, which would allow multiple scientific applications, including in situ study of Jovian grains, auroral sounding of upper atmosphere, and space- and time-resolved observations of surface and subsurface.
The electron-retarding range of the current-voltage characteristic of a flat Langmuir probe perpendicular to a strong magnetic field in a fully ionized plasma is analysed allowing for anomalous (Bohm) cross-field transport and temperature changes in the collection process. With probe size and ion thermal gyroradius comparable, and smaller than the electron mean free path, there is an outer quasineutral region with ion viscosity determinant in allowing nonambipolar parallel and cross flow. A potential overshoot lying either at the base or inside the quasineutral region both makes ions follow Boltzmann's law at negative bias and extends the electron-retarding range to probe bias e(j)p ~ +2Too. Electron heating and cooling occur roughly at positive and negative bias, with a re-minimum around efa ~ - 2 7 ^ ; far from the probe heat conduction cools and heats electrons at and radially away from the probe axis, respectively. The potential overshoot with no thermal effects would reduce the electron current Ie, making the In Ie versus 4>p graph downwards-concave,but cooling further reduces Ie substantially, and may tilt the slope upwards past the temperature minimum. The domain of strict validity of our analysis is narrow in case of low ion mass (deuterium), breaking down with the ion Boltzmann law.
One of the biggest challenges in speech synthesis is the production of naturally sounding synthetic voices. This means that the resulting voice must be not only of high enough quality but also that it must be able to capture the natural expressiveness imbued in human speech. This paper focus on solving the expressiveness problem by proposing a set of different techniques that could be used for extrapolating the expressiveness of proven high quality speaking style models into neutral speakers in HMM-based synthesis. As an additional advantage, the proposed techniques are based on adaptation approaches, which means that they can be used with little training data (around 15 minutes of training data are used in each style for this paper). For the final implementation, a set of 4 speaking styles were considered: news broadcasts, live sports commentary, interviews and parliamentary speech. Finally, the implementation of the 5 techniques were tested through a perceptual evaluation that proves that the deviations between neutral and speaking style average models can be learned and used to imbue expressiveness into target neutral speakers as intended.
An electrodynamic bare tether is shown to allow carrying out scientific observations very close to Jupiter, for exploration of its surface and subsurface, and ionospheric and atmospheric in-situ measurements. Starting at a circular equatorial orbit of radius about 1.3/1.4 times the Jovian radius, continuous propellantless Lorentz drag on a thin-tape tether in the 1-5 km length range would make a spacecraft many times as heavy as the tape slowly spiral in, over a period of many months, while generating power at a load plugged in the tether circuit for powering instruments in science data acquisition and transmission. Lying under the Jovian radiation belts, the tape would avoid the most severe problem facing tethers in Jupiter, which are capable of producing both power and propulsion but, operating slowly, could otherwise accumulate too high a radiation dose . The tether would be made to spin in its orbit to keep taut; how to balance the Lorentz torque is discussed. Constraints on heating and bowing are also discussed, comparing conditions for prograde versus retrograde orbits. The system adapts well to the moderate changes in plasma density and motional electric field through the limited radial range in their steep gradients near Jupiter.
Between 2003 and 2007 an urban network of road tunnels with a total constructed tubes length of 45 km was built in the city of Madrid. This amazing engineering work, known as “Calle30 Project” counted with different kinds of tunnel typologies and ventilation systems. Due to the length of the tunnels and the impact of the work itself, the tunnels were endowed with a great variety of installations to provide the maximum levels of safety both for users and the infrastructure including,in some parts of the tunnel, fixed fire fighting system based on water mist. Within this framework a large-scale campaign of fire tests were planned to study different aspects related to fire safety in the tunnels including the phenomena of the interaction between ventilation and extinction system. In addition, this large scale fire tests allowed fire brigades of the city of Madrid an opportunity to define operational procedures for specific fire fighting in tunnels and evaluate the possibilities of fixed fire fighting systems. The tests were carried out in the Center of Experimentation "San Pedro of Anes" which counts with a 600 m tunnel with a removable false ceiling for reproducing different ceiling heights and ventilation conditions (transverse and longitudinal ones). Interesting conclusions on the interaction of ventilation and water mist systems were obtained but also on other aspects including performance of water mist system in terms of reduction of gas temperatures or visibility conditions. This paper presents a description of the test’s campaign carried out and some previous results obtained.
In an early paper Herbert Mohring (J. Poi Et on , 49 (1961)) presented a model for land rent distribution yielding the well-known result that the price of land must fall with the distance from the city center to offset transportation costs. Our paper is an extension of Mohring's model in which we relax some of his drastic simplifying assumptions. This extended model has been incorporated in a method for economic evaluation of city master plans which has been applied to a Swedish city. In this method the interdependence among housing, heating, and transportation, the dura-bility of urban structures, and the uncertainty of future demand are explicitly considered within a cost-benefit approach. Some empirical results from this pilot study concerning land rent distributions are also presented here.
Actualmente existe un gran interés orientado hacia el mercado del gas natural. Son muchas las razones por las que este combustible se posiciona como uno de los más importantes dentro del panorama energético mundial. Además de que salvaría el hueco dejado por el carbón y el petróleo, supone una alternativa mucho más limpia que se podría desarrollar aún más tanto a nivel doméstico, industrial como en el mundo de los transportes. La industria del gas natural está cambiando rápidamente fundamentalmente por la aparición del gas no convencional y sus técnicas de extracción. Por lo que se está produciendo un cambio en la economía de la producción de gas así como en la dinámica y los movimientos del GNL a lo largo de todo el planeta. El propósito de este estudio es enfocar el estado del sector y mercado del gas natural en todo el mundo y de esta forma subrayar las principales regiones que marcan la tendencia general de los precios de todo el planeta. Además, este trabajo reflejará los pronósticos esperados para los próximos años así como un resumen de las tendencias que se han seguido hasta el momento. Particularmente, se centrará la atención en el movimiento hacia los sistemas basados en forma de hub que comenzaron en EE.UU. y que llegaron a Reino Unido y al continente Europeo a principios del S.XX. Esta tendencia es la que se pretende implantar en España con el fin de conseguir una mayor competitividad, flexibilidad y liquidez en los precios y en el sistema gasista. De esta forma, poco a poco se irá construyendo la estructura hacia un Mercado Único Europeo que es el objetivo final que plantean los organismos de los estados miembros. Sin embargo, para la puesta en marcha de este nuevo modelo es necesario realizar una serie de cambios en el sistema como la modificación de la Ley de Hidrocarburos, la designación de un Operador de Mercado, elaboración de una serie de reglas para regular el mercado así como fomentar la liquidez del mercado. Cuando tenga lugar el cambio regulatorio, la liquidez del sistema español incrementará y se dará la oportunidad de crear nuevas formas para balancear las carteras de gas y establecer nuevas estrategias para gestionar el riesgo. No obstante, antes de que se hagan efectivos los cambios en la legislación, se implantaría uno de los modelos planteados en el “Gas Target Model”, el denominado “Modelo de Asignación de Capacidad Implícita”. La introducción de este modelo sería un primer paso para la integración de un mercado de gas sin la necesidad de afrontar un cambio legislativo, lo que serviría de VIII impulso para alcanzar el “Modelo de Área de Mercado” que sería el mejor para el sistema gasista español y se conectaría ampliamente con el resto de mercados europeos. Las conclusiones del estudio en relación a la formación del nuevo modelo en forma de hub plantean la necesidad de aprovechar al máximo la nueva situación y conseguir implantar el hub lo antes posible para poder dotar al sistema de mayor competencia y liquidez. Además, el sistema español debe aprovechar su gran capacidad y moderna infraestructura para convertir al país en la entrada de gas del suroeste de Europa ampliando así la seguridad de suministro de los países miembros. Otra conclusión que se puede extraer del informe es la necesidad de ampliar el índice de penetración del gas en España e incentivar el consumo frente a otros combustibles fósiles como el carbón y el petróleo. Esto situaría al gas natural como la principal energía de respaldo con respecto a las renovables y permitiría disminuir los precios del kilovatio hora del gas natural. El estudio y análisis de la dinámica que se viene dando en la industria del gas en el mundo es fundamental para poder anticiparse y planear las mejores estrategias frente a los cambios que poco a poco irán modificando el sector y el mercado gasista. ABSTRACT There is a great deal of focus on the natural gas market at the moment. Whether you view natural gas as bridging the gap between coal/oil and an altogether cleaner solution yet to be determined, or as a destination fuel which will be used not only for heating and gas fired generation but also as transportation fuel, there is no doubt that natural gas will have an increasingly important role to play in the global energy landscape. The natural gas industry is changing rapidly, as shale gas exploration changes the economics of gas production and LNG connects regions across the globe. The purpose of this study is to outline the present state of the global gas industry highlighting the differing models around the world. This study will pay particular attention to the move towards hub based pricing that has taken hold first in the US and over the past decade across the UK and Continental Europe. In the coming years the Spanish model will move towards hub based pricing. As gas market regulatory change takes hold, liquidity in the Spanish gas market will increase, bringing with it new ways to balance gas portfolios and placing an increasing focus on managing price risk. This study will in turn establish the links between the changes that have taken place in other markets as a way to better understanding how the Spanish market will evolve in the coming years.
In typical liquid-fueled burners the fuel is injected as a high-velocity liquid jet that breaks up to form the spray. The initial heating and vaporization of the liquid fuel rely on the relatively large temperatures of the sourrounding gas, which may include hot combustion products and preheated air. The heat exchange between the liquid and the gas phases is enhanced by droplet dispersion arising from the turbulent motion. Chemical reaction takes place once molecular mixing between the fuel vapor and the oxidizer has occurred in mixing layers separating the spray flow from the hot air stream. Since in most applications the injection velocities are much larger than the premixed-flame propagation velocity, combustion stabilization relies on autoignition of the fuel-oxygen mixture, with the combustion stand-off distance being controlled by the interaction of turbulent transport, droplet heating and vaporization, and gas-phase chemical reactions. In this study, conditions are identified under which analyses of laminar flamelets canshed light on aspects of turbulent spray ignition. This study extends earlier fundamental work by Liñan & Crespo (1976) on ignition in gaseous mixing layers to ignition of sprays. Studies of laminar mixing layers have been found to be instrumental in developing un-derstanding of turbulent combustion (Peters 2000), including the ignition of turbulent gaseous diffusion flames (Mastorakos 2009). For the spray problem at hand, the configuration selected, shown in Figure 1, involves a coflow mixing layer formed between a stream of hot air moving at velocity UA and a monodisperse spray moving at velocity USUA. The boundary-layer approximation will be used below to describe the resulting sl ender flow, which exhibits different igniting behaviors depending on the characteristics of t he fuel. In this approximation, consideration of the case U A = U S enables laminar ignition distances to be related to ignition times of unstrained spray flamelets, thereby pro viding quantitative information of direct applicability in regions of low scala r dissipation-rate in turbulent reactive flows (see the discussion in pp. 181–186 of Peters (2000)) . This report is organized as follows. Effects of droplet dispersion dynamics on ignition of sprays in turbulent mixing layers are discussed in Section 2. The formulation f or ignition in laminar mixing layers is outlined in Sections 3 and 4. The results are presented in Section 5. In Section 6, the mixture-fraction field and associated scalar dissipat ion rates for spray ignition are discussed. Finally, some brief conclusions are drawn in Section 7.