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Brefeldin A (BFA) inhibited the exchange of ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-bound GDP for GTP by a Golgi-associated guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP) [Helms, J. B. & Rothman, J. E. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 352–354; Donaldson, J. G., Finazzi, D. & Klausner, R. D. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 350–352]. Cytosolic ARF GEP was also inhibited by BFA, but after purification from bovine brain and rat spleen, it was no longer BFA-sensitive [Tsai, S.-C., Adamik, R., Moss, J. & Vaughan, M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 305–309]. We describe here purification from bovine brain cytosol of a BFA-inhibited GEP. After chromatography on DEAE–Sephacel, hydroxylapatite, and Mono Q and precipitation at pH 5.8, GEP was eluted from Superose 6 as a large molecular weight complex at the position of thyroglobulin (≈670 kDa). After SDS/PAGE of samples from column fractions, silver-stained protein bands of ≈190 and 200 kDa correlated with activity. BFA-inhibited GEP activity of the 200-kDa protein was demonstrated following electroelution from the gel and renaturation by dialysis. Four tryptic peptides from the 200-kDa protein had amino acid sequences that were 47% identical to sequences in Sec7 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (total of 51 amino acids), consistent with the view that the BFA-sensitive 200-kDa protein may be a mammalian counterpart of Sec7 that plays a similar role in cellular vesicular transport and Sec7 may be a GEP for one or more yeast ARFs.


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Early in ontogeny, the secondary lymphoid organs become populated with numerous cells of mesodermal origin which forms both the lymphoid and stromal elements. The critical receptor/ligand interactions necessary for lymphoid organogenesis to occur are for the most part unknown. Although lymphotoxin-α (LTα) has been shown to be required for normal lymph node, Peyer’s patch, and splenic development, it is unclear if soluble LTα3, and/or cell-bound lymphotoxin-αβ (LTαβ) mediate these developmental events. Here we report that blocking LTαβ/lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) interaction in vivo by generating mice which express a soluble LTβR–Fc fusion protein driven by the human cytomegalovirus promoter results in an array of anatomic abnormalities affecting both the spleen and Peyer’s patches, but not the lymph nodes. These results demonstrate that surface LTαβ ligand plays a critical role in normal lymphoid organ development.


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A 200-kDa guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (p200 or GEP) for ADP-ribosylation factors 1 and 3 (ARF1 and ARF3) that was inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA) was purified earlier from cytosol of bovine brain cortex. Amino acid sequences of four tryptic peptides were 47% identical to that of Sec7 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is involved in vesicular trafficking in the Golgi. By using a PCR-based procedure with two degenerate primers representing sequences of these peptides, a product similar in size to Sec7 that contained the peptide sequences was generated. Two oligonucleotides based on this product were used to screen a bovine brain library, which yielded one clone that was a partial cDNA for p200. The remainder of the cDNA was obtained by 5′ and 3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The ORF of the cDNA encodes a protein of 1,849 amino acids (≈208 kDa) that is 33% identical to yeast Sec7 and 50% identical in the Sec7 domain region. On Northern blot analysis of bovine tissues, a ≈7.4-kb mRNA was identified that hybridized with a p200 probe; it was abundant in kidney, somewhat less abundant in lung, spleen, and brain, and still less abundant in heart. A six-His-tagged fusion protein synthesized in baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells demonstrated BFA-inhibited GEP activity, confirming that BFA sensitivity is an intrinsic property of this ARF GEP and not conferred by another protein component of the complex from which p200 was originally purified.


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SOCS-1, a member of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family, was identified in a genetic screen for inhibitors of interleukin 6 signal transduction. SOCS-1 transcription is induced by cytokines, and the protein binds and inhibits Janus kinases and reduces cytokine-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 and the gp130 component of the interleukin 6 receptor. Thus, SOCS-1 forms part of a feedback loop that modulates signal transduction from cytokine receptors. To examine the role of SOCS-1 in vivo, we have used gene targeting to generate mice lacking this protein. SOCS-1−/− mice exhibited stunted growth and died before weaning with fatty degeneration of the liver and monocytic infiltration of several organs. In addition, the thymus of SOCS-1−/− mice was reduced markedly in size, and there was a progressive loss of maturing B lymphocytes in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. Thus, SOCS-1 is required for in vivo regulation of multiple cell types and is indispensable for normal postnatal growth and survival.


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The adhesive mechanisms allowing hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) homing to the bone marrow (BM) after BM transplantation are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endothelial selectins and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) in this process. Lethally irradiated recipient mice deficient in both P-and E-selectins (P/E−/−), reconstituted with minimal numbers (≤5 × 104) of wild-type BM cells, poorly survived the procedure compared with wild-type recipients. Excess mortality in P/E−/− mice, after a lethal dose of irradiation, was likely caused by a defect of HPC homing. Indeed, we observed that the recruitment of HPC to the BM was reduced in P/E−/− animals, either splenectomized or spleen-intact. Homing into the BM of P/E−/− recipient mice was further compromised when a function-blocking VCAM-1 antibody was administered. Circulating HPC, 14 hr after transplantation, were greatly increased in P/E−/− mice treated with anti-VCAM-1 compared with P/E−/− mice treated with just IgG or wild-type mice treated with either anti-VCAM-1 or IgG. Our results indicate that endothelial selectins play an important role in HPC homing to the BM. Optimal recruitment of HPC after lethal doses of irradiation requires the combined action of both selectins and VCAM-1 expressed on endothelium of the BM.


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The goal of this study was to identify the circulating cell that is the immediate precursor of tissue macrophages. ROSA 26 marrow mononuclear cells (containing the β-geo transgene that encodes β-galactosidase and neomycin resistance activities) were cultured in the presence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor and flt3 Ligand for 6 days to generate monocytic cells at all stages of maturation. Expanded monocyte cells (EMC), the immature (ER-MP12+) and more mature (ER-MP20+) subpopulations, were transplanted into irradiated B6/129 F2 mice. β-gal staining of tissue sections from animals 15 min after transplantation demonstrated that the donor cells landed randomly. By 3 h, donor cells in lung and liver were more frequent in animals transplanted with ER-MP20+ (more mature) EMC than in animals transplanted with unseparated EMC or fresh marrow mononuclear cells, a pattern that persisted at 3 and 7 days. At 3 days, donor cells were found in spleen, liver, lung, and brain (rarely) as clusters as well as individual cells. By 7 and 14 days, the clusters had increased in size, and the cells expressed the macrophage antigen F4/80, suggesting that further replication and differentiation had occurred. PCR for the neogene was used to quantitate the amount of donor DNA in tissues from transplanted animals and confirmed that ER-MP20+ EMC preferentially engrafted. These data demonstrate that a mature monocytic cell gives rise to tissue macrophages. Because these cells can be expanded and manipulated in vitro, they may be a suitable target population for gene therapy of lysosomal storage diseases.


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High-affinity binding was demonstrated between suppressor-T-cell-derived bioactive glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) and helper T hybridomas and natural killer cell line cells. Inactive GIF present in cytosol of suppressor T cells and Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human GIF (rhGIF) failed to bind to these cells. However, affinity of rhGIF for the target cells was generated by replacement of Cys-57 in the sequence with Ala or of Asn-106 with Ser or binding of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid to Cys-60 in the molecule. Such mutations and the chemical modification of rhGIF synergistically increased the affinity of GIF molecules for the target cells. The results indicated that receptors on the target cells recognize conformational structures of bioactive GIF. Equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of the specific binding between bioactive rGIF derivatives and high-affinity receptors was 10–100 pM. Receptors for bioactive GIF derivatives were detected on Th1 and Th2 T helper clones and natural killer NK1.1+ cells in normal spleen but not on naive T or B cells. Neither the inactive rGIF nor bioactive rGIF derivatives bound to macrophage and monocyte lines or induced macrophages for tumor necrosis factor α production.


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Bcl-2, which can both reduce apoptosis and retard cell cycle entry, is thought to have important roles in hematopoiesis. To evaluate the impact of its ubiquitous overexpression within this system, we targeted expression of the human bcl-2 gene in mice by using the promoter of the vav gene, which is active throughout this compartment but rarely outside it. The vav-bcl-2 transgene was expressed in essentially all nucleated cells of hematopoietic tissues but not notably in nonhematopoietic tissues. Presumably because of enhanced cell survival, the mice displayed increases in myeloid cells as well as a marked elevation in B and T lymphocytes. The spleen was enlarged and the lymphoid follicles expanded. Although total thymic cellularity was normal, T cell development was altered: cells at the very immature and most mature stages were increased, whereas those at the intermediate stage were decreased. Unexpectedly, blood platelets were reduced by half, suggesting that their production from megakaryocytes is regulated by the Bcl-2 family. Colony formation by myeloid progenitor cells in vitro remained cytokine dependent, and the frequency of most progenitor and preprogenitor cells was normal. Macrophage progenitors were less frequent and yielded smaller colonies, however, perhaps reflecting inhibitory effects of Bcl-2 on cell cycling in specific lineages. After irradiation or factor deprivation, Bcl-2 markedly enhanced clonogenic survival of all tested progenitor and preprogenitor cells. Thus, Bcl-2 has multiple effects on the hematopoietic system. These mice should help to further clarify the role of apoptosis in the development and homeostasis of this compartment.


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A monoclonal antibody specific for the empty conformation of class II MHC molecules revealed the presence of abundant empty molecules on the surface of spleen- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) among various types of antigen-presenting cells. The empty class II MHC molecules are developmentally regulated and expressed predominantly on immature DC. They can capture peptide antigens directly from the extracellular medium and present bound peptides to antigen-specific T lymphocytes. The ability of the empty cell-surface class II MHC proteins to bind peptides and present them to T cells without intracellular processing can serve to extend the spectrum of antigens able to be presented by DC, consistent with their role as sentinels in the immune system.


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HOX11, a divergent homeodomain-containing transcription factor, was isolated from the breakpoint of the nonrandom t(10;14)(q24;q11) chromosome translocation found in human T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias. The translocation places the HOX11 coding sequence under the transcriptional control of TCR α/δ regulatory elements, resulting in ectopic expression of a normal HOX11 protein in thymocytes. To investigate the oncogenic potential of HOX11, we targeted its expression in lymphocytes of transgenic mice by placing the human cellular DNA under the transcriptional control of Ig heavy chain or LCK regulatory sequences. Only IgHμ-HOX11 mice expressing low levels of HOX11 were viable. During their second year of life, all HOX11 transgenic mice became terminally ill with more than 75% developing large cell lymphomas in the spleen, which frequently disseminated to thymus, lymph nodes, and other nonhematopoietic tissues. Lymphoma cells were predominantly clonal IgM+IgD+ mature B cells. Repopulation of severe combined immunodeficient mice with cells from hyperplastic spleens indicated that the HOX11 tumor phenotype was transplantable. Before tumor development, expression of the transgene did not result in perturbations in lymphopoiesis; however, lymphoid hyperplasia involving the splenic marginal zones was present in 20% of spleens. Our studies provide direct evidence that expression of HOX11 in lymphocytes leads to malignant transformation. These mice are a useful model system to study mechanisms involved in transformation from B-lineage hyperplasia to malignant lymphoma and for testing novel approaches to therapy. They represent a novel animal model for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of peripheral mature B cell origin.


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Immunological functions were analyzed in mice lacking granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The response of splenic T cells to allo-antigens, anti-mouse CD3 mAb, interleukin 2 (IL-2), or concanavalin A was comparable in GM-CSF +/+ and GM-CSF −/− mice. To investigate the responses of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells against exogenous antigens, mice were immunized with ovalbumin peptide or with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells with specificity for ovalbumin peptide could not be induced in GM-CSF −/− mice. After immunization with KLH, there was a delay in IgG generation, particularly IgG2a, in GM-CSF −/− mice. Purified CD4+ T cells from GM-CSF −/− mice immunized with KLH showed impaired proliferative responses and produced low amounts of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and IL-4 when KLH-pulsed B cells or spleen cells were used as antigen presenting cells (APC). When enriched dendritic cells (DC) were used as APC, CD4+ T cells from GM-CSF −/− mice proliferated as well as those from GM-CSF +/+ mice and produced high amounts of IFN-γ and IL-4. To analyze the rescue effect of DC on CD4+ T cells, supernatants from (i) CD4+ T cells cultured with KLH-pulsed DC or (ii) DC cultured with recombinant GM-CSF were transferred to cultures of CD4+ T cells and KLH-pulsed spleen cells from GM-CSF −/− mice. Supernatants from both DC sources contained a factor or factors that restored proliferative responses and IFN-γ production of CD4+ T cells from GM-CSF −/− mice.


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HIV entry into human cells is mediated by CD4 acting in concert with one of several members of the chemokine receptor superfamily. The resistance to HIV infection observed in individuals with defective CCR5 alleles indicated that this particular chemokine receptor plays a crucial role in the initiation of in vivo HIV infection. Expression of human CD4 transgene does not render mice susceptible to HIV infection because of structural differences between human and mouse CCR5. To ascertain whether expression of human CD4 and CCR5 is sufficient to make murine T lymphocytes susceptible to HIV infection, the lck promoter was used to direct the T cell-specific expression of human CD4 and CCR5 in transgenic mice. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and splenocytes isolated from these mice expressed human CD4 and CCR5 and were infectible with selected M-tropic HIV isolates. After in vivo inoculation, HIV-infected cells were detected by DNA PCR in the spleen and lymph nodes of these transgenic mice, but HIV could not be cultured from these cells. This indicated that although transgenic expression of human CD4 and CCR5 permitted entry of HIV into the mouse cells, significant HIV infection was prevented by other blocks to HIV replication present in mouse cells. In addition to providing in vivo verification for the important role of CCR5 in T lymphocyte HIV infection, these transgenic mice represent a new in vivo model for understanding HIV pathogenesis by delineating species-specific cellular factors required for productive in vivo HIV infection. These mice should also prove useful for the assessment of potential therapeutic and preventative modalities, particularly vaccines.


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In lysosomes isolated from rat liver and spleen, a percentage of the intracellular inhibitor of the nuclear factor κ B (IκB) can be detected in the lysosomal matrix where it is rapidly degraded. Levels of IκB are significantly higher in a lysosomal subpopulation that is active in the direct uptake of specific cytosolic proteins. IκB is directly transported into isolated lysosomes in a process that requires binding of IκB to the heat shock protein of 73 kDa (hsc73), the cytosolic molecular chaperone involved in this pathway, and to the lysosomal glycoprotein of 96 kDa (lgp96), the receptor protein in the lysosomal membrane. Other substrates for this degradation pathway competitively inhibit IκB uptake by lysosomes. Ubiquitination and phosphorylation of IκB are not required for its targeting to lysosomes. The lysosomal degradation of IκB is activated under conditions of nutrient deprivation. Thus, the half-life of a long-lived pool of IκB is 4.4 d in serum-supplemented Chinese hamster ovary cells but only 0.9 d in serum-deprived Chinese hamster ovary cells. This increase in IκB degradation can be completely blocked by lysosomal inhibitors. In Chinese hamster ovary cells exhibiting an increased activity of the hsc73-mediated lysosomal degradation pathway due to overexpression of lamp2, the human form of lgp96, the degradation of IκB is increased. There are both short- and long-lived pools of IκB, and it is the long-lived pool that is subjected to the selective lysosomal degradation pathway. In the presence of antioxidants, the half-life of the long-lived pool of IκB is significantly increased. Thus, the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species during serum starvation may be one of the mechanisms mediating IκB degradation in lysosomes. This selective pathway of lysosomal degradation of IκB is physiologically important since prolonged serum deprivation results in an increase in the nuclear activity of nuclear factor κ B. In addition, the response of nuclear factor κ B to several stimuli increases when this lysosomal pathway of proteolysis is activated.


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EGFRvIII is a mutant epidermal growth factor receptor found in glioblastoma, and in carcinoma of the breast, ovary, and lung. The mutant receptor has a deletion in its extracellular domain that results in the formation of a new, tumor-specific extracellular sequence. Mice were immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to this sequence and purified EGFRvIII. A single chain antibody variable domain (scFv) phage display library of 8 × 106 members was made from the spleen of one immunized mouse. A scFv specific for EGFRvIII was isolated from this library by panning with successively decreasing amounts of synthetic peptide. This was used to make an immunotoxin by fusing the scFv DNA sequence to sequences coding for domains II and III of Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Purified immunotoxin had a Kd of 22 nM for peptide and a Kd of 11 nM for cell-surface EGFRvIII. The immunotoxin was very cytotoxic to cells expressing EGFRvIII, with an IC50 of 1 ng/ml (16 pM) on mouse fibroblasts transfected with EGFRvIII and an IC50 of 7–10 ng/ml (110–160 pM) on transfected glioblastoma cells. There was no cytotoxic activity at 1000 ng/ml on the untransfected parent glioblastoma cell line. The immunotoxin was completely stable upon incubation at 37°C for 24 h in human serum. The combination of good affinity, cytotoxicity and stability make this immunotoxin a candidate for further preclinical evaluation.


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Infectious diseases and malnutrition represent major burdens afflicting millions of people in developing countries. Both conditions affect individuals in industrialized nations, particularly the aged, the HIV-infected, and people with chronic diseases. While malnutrition is known to induce a state of immunodeficiency, the mechanisms responsible for compromised antimicrobial resistance in malnourished hosts remain obscure. In the present study, mice fed a 2% protein diet and developing protein calorie malnutrition, in contrast to well-nourished controls receiving a 20% protein diet, rapidly succumbed to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Malnourished mice exhibited a tissue-specific diminution in the expression of interferon γ, tumor necrosis factor α, and the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase in the lungs, but not the liver. The expression of these molecules critical to the production of mycobactericidal nitrogen oxides was depressed in malnourished animals in the lungs specifically at early times (<14 days) after infection. At later times, levels of expression became comparable to those in well-nourished controls, although the bacillary burden in the malnourished animals continued to rise. Nevertheless, urinary and serum nitrate contents, an index of total nitric oxide (NO) production in vivo, were not detectably diminished in malnourished, mycobacteria-infected mice. In contrast to the selective and early reduction of lymphokines and the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase in the lung, a marked diminution of the granulomatous reaction was observed in malnourished mice throughout the entire course of infection in all tissues examined (lungs, liver, and spleen). Remarkably, the progressively fatal course of tuberculosis observed in the malnourished mice could be reversed by restoring a full protein (20%) diet. The results indicate that protein calorie malnutrition selectively compromises several components of the cellular immune response that are important for containing and restricting tuberculous infection, and suggest that malnutrition-induced susceptibility to some infectious diseases can be reversed or ameliorated by nutritional intervention.