999 resultados para Sort Sea Shipping (SSS)


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In this study, the behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis of seizures induced by the intrahippocampal injection in rats of granulitoxin, a neurotoxic peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera, was determined. The first alterations occurred during microinjection of granulitoxin (8 µg) into the dorsal hippocampus and consisted of seizure activity that began in the hippocampus and spread rapidly to the occipital cortex. This activity lasted 20-30 s, and during this period the rats presented immobility. During the first 40-50 min after its administration, three to four other similar short EEG seizure periods occurred and the rats presented the following behavioral alterations: akinesia, facial automatisms, head tremor, salivation, rearing, jumping, barrel-rolling, wet dog shakes and forelimb clonic movements. Within 40-50 min, the status epilepticus was established and lasted 8-12 h. These results are similar to those observed in the acute phase of the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy and suggest that granulitoxin may be a useful tool not only to study the sodium channels, but also to develop a new experimental model of status epilepticus.


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Sea anemones are a rich source of biologically active substances. In crayfish muscle fibers, Bunodosoma cangicum whole venom selectively blocks the I K(Ca) currents. In the present study, we report for the first time powerful hemolytic and neuroactive effects present in two different fractions obtained by gel-filtration chromatography from whole venom of B. cangicum. A cytolytic fraction (Bcg-2) with components of molecular mass ranging from 8 to 18 kDa elicited hemolysis of mouse erythrocytes with an EC50 = 14 µg/ml and a maximum dose of 22 µg/ml. The effects of the neuroactive fraction, Bcg-3 (2 to 5 kDa), were studied on isolated crab nerves. This fraction prolonged the compound action potentials by increasing their duration and rise time in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was evident after the washout of the preparation, suggesting the existence of a reversible substance that was initially masking the effects of an irreversible one. In order to elucidate the target of Bcg-3 action, the fraction was applied to a tetraethylammonium-pretreated preparation. An additional increase in action potential duration was observed, suggesting a blockade of a different population of K+ channels or of tetraethylammonium-insensitive channels. Also, tetrodotoxin could not block the action potentials in a Bcg-3-pretreated preparation, suggesting a possible interaction of Bcg-3 with Na+ channels. The present data suggest that B. cangicum venom contains at least two bioactive fractions whose activity on cell membranes seems to differ from the I K(Ca) blockade described previously.


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Trimethylsulfonium, a compound present in the midgut gland of the sea hare Aplysia brasiliana, negatively modulates vagal response, indicating a probable ability to inhibit cholinergic responses. In the present study, the pharmacological profile of trimethylsulfonium was characterized on muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. In rat jejunum the contractile response induced by trimethylsulfonium (pD2 = 2.46 ± 0.12 and maximal response = 2.14 ± 0.32 g) was not antagonized competitively by atropine. The maximal response (Emax) to trimethylsulfonium was diminished in the presence of increasing doses of atropine (P<0.05), suggesting that trimethylsulfonium-induced contraction was not related to muscarinic stimulation, but might be caused by acetylcholine release due to presynaptic stimulation. Trimethylsulfonium displaced [³H]-quinuclidinyl benzilate from rat cortex membranes with a low affinity (Ki = 0.5 mM). Furthermore, it caused contraction of frog rectus abdominis muscles (pD2 = 2.70 ± 0.06 and Emax = 4.16 ± 0.9 g), which was competitively antagonized by d-tubocurarine (1, 3 or 10 µM) with a pA2 of 5.79, suggesting a positive interaction with nicotinic receptors. In fact, trimethylsulfonium displaced [³H]-nicotine from rat diaphragm muscle membranes with a Ki of 27.1 µM. These results suggest that trimethylsulfonium acts as an agonist on nicotinic receptors, and thus contracts frog skeletal rectus abdominis muscle and rat jejunum smooth muscle via stimulation of postjunctional and neuronal prejunctional nicotinic cholinoreceptors, respectively.


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Auxemma oncocalyx Taub. belongs to the Boraginaceae family and is native to the Brazilian northeast where it is known as "pau-branco". We investigated the ability of the water soluble fraction isolated from the heartwood of A. oncocalyx to inhibit sea urchin egg development. This fraction contains about 80% oncocalyxone A (quinone fraction), a compound known to possess strong cytotoxic and antitumor activities. In fact, the quinone fraction inhibited cleavage in a dose-dependent manner [IC50 of 18.4 (12.4-27.2) µg/ml, N = 6], and destroyed the embryos in the blastula stage [IC50 of 16.2 (13.7-19.2) µg/ml, N = 6]. We suggest that this activity is due to the presence of oncocalyxone A. In fact, these quinones present in A. oncocalyx extract have strong toxicity related to their antimitotic activity.


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli optimoida puukentän nosturin teräsrakenteiden kustannuksia ja selvittää halvemman valmistusmaan vaikutus nosturin kokonaiskustannukseen. Tavoitteena oli saada 15 % kokonaiskustannussäästö. Työn alussa perehdytään optimoitavan nosturin rakenteeseen ja mahdollisiin rakenteen optimoitaviin osiin. Teräsrakenteen optimointi alkoi kustannusrakenteen tarkalla selvittämisellä. Näin saatiin kuva nosturin kokonaiskustannuksesta ja mahdollisista säästökohteista. Uusien ideoiden kehittämisessä käytettiin hyväksi osatoimintojen pisteytystä ja ideamatriisia. Ideamatriisin lopputuloksena uudet rakenteet tarkastettiin nosturin kuormituksien suhteen ja valittiin kustannusten kannalta paras ratkaisu. Teräsrakenteeseen tehtiin muutoksia myös merirahdin konttien asettamien rajaehtojen mukaan. Kiinassa valmistettavalle teräsrakenteelle tehtiin rahtisuunnitelma, jossa selvitettiin optimaalinen rahtimuoto ja tarvittavien konttien lukumäärä. Tarjouskilpailun avulla saatiin halvin kuljetushinta valmistavalta tehtaalta työmaalle. Lopuksi nosturin optimoidun teräsrakenteen kustannuksia verrattiin työn alussa selvitettyyn kustannusrakenteeseen. Työn lopputuloksena päästiin 12 % potentiaaliseen kustannussäästöön, joka jäi kolme prosenttiyksikköä kustannussäästötavoitteesta.


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Merikonttien käyttöön rahtiliikenteessä liittyy niiden fyysisen kunnon säännöllinen tarkastaminen. Konttien tarkastaminen nykyisillä tavoilla on koettu vievän liikaa aikaa ja rahaa. Ratkaisuna tähän konttien tarkastaminen pyritään mekanisoimaan kehittämällä testilaitteisto, jolla kontin voi tarkastaa nopeasti ja edullisesti. Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään kyseiseltä laitteistolta vaadittaviin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin ja laitteiston suunnitteluun. Työn alussa selvitetään laitteistolta vaadittavat mekaaniset ominaisuudet. Tämän jälkeen siirrytään ideoimaan mahdollisia ratkaisuja vaadittavien ominaisuuksien toteuttamiseksi. Valittujen ideoiden pohjalta suunnitellaan testilaitteisto ja tehdään siitä valmistuspiirustukset. Työssä suoritetaan myös koemittaukset jo olemassa oleville testilaitteistojen prototyypeille ja arvioidaan näiden suorituskykyä.


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The Baltic Sea is unique by its biological, geochemical and physical features. The number of species of larger organisms is small and the species composition is distinctive. On the contrary microbial communities are diverse. Because of the low salinity levels, bacterial communities differ from the ones in the oceans. Knowing the structure of these communities better and how they response to different environmental conditions helps us to estimate how different factors affect the balance and function of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. Bacteria are the key players when it comes to natural biogeochemical processes and human-induced phenomena like eutrophication, oil spills or disposal of other harmful substances to the sea ecosystem. In this thesis, bacterial community structure in the sea surface microlayer and subsurface water of the Archipelago Sea were compared. In addition, the effect of diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes on bacterial community structure was studied by a mesocosm experiment. Diesel, crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation capacity of the Baltic Sea bacteria was studied in smaller scale microcosm experiments. In diesel oil experiments bacteria from water phase of the Archipelago Sea was studied. Sediment and iron manganese concretions collected from the Gulf of Finland were used in the crude oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon experiments. The amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation genes was measured in all of the oil degradation experiments. The results show how differences in bacterial community structure can be seen in the sea surface when compared to the subsurface waters. The mesocosm experiment demonstrated how diatom-bacteria interactions depend on other factors than diatom derived polyunsaturated aldehydes, which do not seem to have an effect on the bacterial community structure as has been suggested in earlier studies. The dominant bacterial groups in the diesel microcosms differed in samples taken from a pristine site when compared to a site with previous oil exposure in the Archipelago Sea area. Results of the study with sediment and iron-manganese concretions indicate that there are diverse bacterial communities, typical to each bottom type, inhabiting the bottoms of the Gulf of Finland capable to degrade oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.  


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In the ascidian Styela plicata, the oocytes are surrounded by two types of accessory cells named follicle cells and test cells. A heparin-like substance with an anticoagulant activity equivalent to 10% of mammalian heparin and about 5% as potent as the mammalian counterpart for the inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin was isolated from the oocyte test cells. In the present study, we compared the antithrombotic and hemorrhagic effects of sea squirt oocyte test cell heparin with those of porcine heparin in rat models of venous thrombosis and blood loss. Intravenous administration of the oocyte test cell heparin to Wistar rats (both sexes, weighing ~300 g, N = 4 in each group) at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg body weight, which produced a 1.8-fold increase in plasma activated partial thromboplastin time, inhibited thrombosis by 45 ± 13.5% (mean ± SD) without any bleeding effect. The same dose of porcine heparin inhibited thrombosis by 100 ± 1.4%, but produced a blood loss three times greater than that of the saline-treated control. However, 10-fold reduction of the dose of porcine heparin to 0.5 mg/kg body weight, which produced a 5-fold increase in plasma-activated partial thromboplastin time, inhibited thrombosis by 70 ± 13% without any bleeding effect. The antithrombotic properties of a new heparin isolated from test cells of the sea squirt S. plicata, reported here for the first time, indicate that, although sea squirt oocyte test cell heparin was a poor anticoagulant compared to porcine heparin, it had a significant antithrombotic effect without causing bleeding.