950 resultados para Sorghum Bicolor


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为了选育出适合发酵甜高粱汁来生产酒精的酵母菌株,本论文以酒精酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae YY为材料,利用兰州近代物理研究所重离子研究装置(HIRFL)产生的100MeV/u碳离子束对酒精酵母进行了辐照诱变。采用红四氮唑(TTC)作为筛选指示剂,初筛得到了5株产酒能力有所提高的突变酵母菌。通过甜高粱汁发酵,测定发酵液中酒精含量和残糖,复筛出产酒精能力比出发菌株有明显提高的诱变菌株T4。并对其发酵条件进行了优化,以期获得的结果能够为甜高粱汁工业化生产酒精提供参考数据。通过本论文的研究,得到以下初步结果: 1. 在甜高粱汁培养基中,酒精酵母YY的对数生长期在8-20h之间,此时菌体的生长繁殖比较旺盛,活力最佳,为辐照诱变的最佳时期。辐照后,菌体的存活率随辐照剂量的增加呈现出逐渐衰减的趋势。 2. 红四氮唑TTC是一种无色显色指示剂,活菌中所含的脱氢酶可将它还原成红色,因此可以根据菌落呈色的深浅判断酵母菌产酒精能力的高低,从而挑选出产酒能力较高的菌株。本试验用TTC双层培养基法初步筛选出了利用甜高粱汁发酵生产酒精能力较强的T4酵母菌株。 3. 对影响T4菌发酵甜高粱汁生产酒精的几个主要因素(甜高粱汁糖度、接种量、温度、pH、无机盐)进行了初步探讨研究,得出了T4菌发酵甜高粱汁生产酒精的最适条件为:甜高粱汁糖度22%,接种量10%,温度30oC,pH 4.5 ,无机盐加入量为:(NH4)2SO4 1g/L,KH2PO4 5g/L,MgSO4 3g/L。 4. 对发酵条件进行优化后的中试结果显示:出发菌株YY发酵甜高粱汁的时间为36h,酒精产量为8.6% (V/V) ,而T4突变菌甜高粱汁发酵液中的最终酒精含量可以达到9.8%,发酵时间仅为24h。因此,T4菌在工业应用中很有前景


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Assessment of the potential CO2 emission reduction by development of non-grain-based ethanol in China is valuable for both setting up countermeasures against climate change and formulating bioethanol policies. Based on the land occupation property, feedstock classification and selection are conducted, identifying sweet sorghum, cassava, and sweet potato as plantation feedstocks cultivated from low-quality arable marginal land resources and molasses and agricultural straws as nonplantation feedstocks derived from agricultural by-products. The feedstock utilization degree, CO2 reduction coefficient of bioethanol, and assessment model of CO2 emission reduction potential of bioethanol are proposed and established to assess the potential CO2 emission reduction by development of non-grain-based bioethanol. The results show that China can obtain emission reduction potentials of 10.947 and 49.027 Mt CO2 with non-grain-based bioethanol in 2015 and 2030, which are much higher than the present capacity, calculated as 1.95 Mt. It is found that nonplantation feedstock can produce more bioethanol so as to obtain a higher potential than plantation feedstock in both 2015 and 2030. Another finding is that developing non-grain-based bioethanol can make only a limited contribution to China's greenhouse gas emission reduction. Moreover, this study reveals that the regions with low and very low potentials for emission reduction will dominate the spatial distribution in 2015, and regions with high and very high potentials will be the majority in 2030.


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Cultivares; Praticas culturais; Controle de pragas e doencas; Colheita.


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The application of sourdough can improve texture, structure, nutritional value, staling rate and shelf life of wheat and gluten-free breads. These quality improvements are associated with the formation of organic acids, exopolysaccharides (EPS), aroma or antifungal compounds. Initially, the suitability of two lactic acid bacteria strains to serve as sourdough starters for buckwheat, oat, quinoa, sorghum and flours was investigated. Wheat flour was chosen as a reference. The obligate heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium (LAB) Weissella cibaria MG1 (Wc) formed the EPS dextran (a α-1,6-glucan) from sucrose in situ with a molecular size of 106 to 107 kDa. EPS formation in all breads was analysed using size exclusion chromatography and highest amounts were formed in buckwheat (4 g/ kg) and quinoa sourdough (3 g/ kg). The facultative heterofermentative Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (Lp) was identified as strong acidifier and was chosen due to its ubiquitous presence in gluten-free as well as wheat sourdoughs (Vogelmann et al. 2009). Both Wc and Lp, showed highest total titratable acids in buckwheat (16.8 ml; 26.0 ml), teff (16.2 ml; 24.5 ml) and quinoa sourdoughs (26.4 ml; 35.3 ml) correlating with higher amounts of fermentable sugars and higher buffering capacities. Sourdough incorporation reduced the crumb hardness after five days of storage in buckwheat (Wc -111%), teff (Wc -39%) and wheat (Wc -206%; Lp -118%) sourdough breads. The rate of staling (N/ day) was reduced in buckwheat (Ctrl 8 N; Wc 3 N; Lp 6 N), teff (Ctrl 13 N; Wc 9 N; Lp 10 N) and wheat (Ctrl 5 N; Wc 1 N; Lp 2 N) sourdough breads. Bread dough softening upon Wc and Lp sourdough incorporation accounted for increased crumb porosity in buckwheat (+10.4%; +4.7), teff (+8.1%; +8.3%) and wheat sourdough breads (+8.7%; +6.4%). Weissella cibaria MG1 sourdough improved the aroma quality of wheat bread but had no impact on aroma of gluten-free breads. Microbial shelf life however, was not prolonged in any of the breads regardless of the starter culture used. Due to the high prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus particular amongst coeliac patients, glycaemic control is of great (Berti et al. 2004). The in vitro starch digestibility of gluten-free breads with and without sourdough addition was analysed to predict the GI (pGI). Sourdough can decrease starch hydrolysis in vitro, due to formation of resistant starch and organic acids. Predicted GI of gluten-free control breads were significantly lower than for the reference white wheat bread (GI=100). Starch granule size was investigated with scanning electron microscopy and was significantly smaller in quinoa flour (<2 μm). This resulted in higher enzymatic susceptibility and hence higher pGI for quinoa bread (95). Lowest hydrolysis indexes for sorghum and teff control breads (72 and 74, respectively) correlate with higher gelatinisation peak temperatures (69°C and 71°C, respectively). Levels of resistant starch were not increased by addition of Weissella cibaria MG1 (weak acidifier) or Lactobacillus plantarum FST1.7 (strong acidifier). The pGI was significantly decreased for both wheat sourdough breads (Wc 85; Lp 76). Lactic acid can promote starch interactions with gluten hence decreasing starch susceptibility (Östman et al. 2002). For most gluten-free breads, the pGI was increased upon sourdough addition. Only sorghum and teff Lp sourdough breads (69 and 68, respectively) had significantly decreased pGI. Results suggest that the increase of starch hydrolysis in gluten-free breads was related to mechanism other than presence of organic acids and formation of resistant starch.


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La salinización de los suelos es uno de los problemas más graves de degradación en el mundo. En la Argentina hay aproximadamente 85.000.000 ha afectadas por exceso de sales y sodio. La generación de productos orgánicos como residuo de procesos industriales es vista con interés para la recuperación de suelos salino-sódicos. Por otra parte, en producciones extensivas se generan productos orgánicos con potencial de bioremediación como los biosólidos de Feedlot (BF) y los Efluentes de Tambo (BT). El objetivo de esta tesis fue investigar posibles estrategias de rehabilitación de suelos salino-sódicos, a través de la evaluación de la aplicación de enmiendas biológicas (Biosólidos de feedlot y Efluentes de tambo) y químicas (Yeso) con el fin de modificar las propiedades químicas de suelos Natracuoles y mejorar la productividad primaria de gramíneas forrajeras perennes. Para esto, se llevaron a cabo dos ensayos, uno bajo condiciones de invernáculo y otro a campo. En los dos ensayos los tratamientos fueron: testigo (T), aplicación de 8 t de materia seca (MS) ha-1 de BT, aplicación de 8 t MS ha-1 de BF y aplicación de 12 t ha-1 de Y. En invernáculo se evaluó la respuesta en biomasa aérea y radical de Thinopyrum ponticum (agropiro alargado). En el ensayo de campo se evaluó el comportamiento de las enmiendas sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo, utilizándose cobertura vegetal de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) y sorgo para silaje (Sorghum sudanense). En invernáculo se comprobó que los BT, los BF y el Y incrementaron la MS aérea y radical de T. ponticum. En el ensayo a campo, se comprobó que los BT, los BF y el Y, no tuvieron efecto alguno sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo. La variabilidad observada en la materia seca (MS) de S. sudanense se explicó en un 49 por ciento por el Porcentaje de Sodio Intercambiable (PSI) del suelo y la profundidad del horizonte A. Se concluye que los BT, los BF y el Y incrementaron la MS aérea y radical de agropiro bajo condiciones de invernáculo, pero a campo, no fueron efectivos en la remediación de la salinidad y la sodicidad del suelo debido a la elevada variabilidad edáfica y a la sequía ocurrida durante el período experimental, condiciones que impidieron la lixiviación de sodio intercambiado por calcio y el exceso de sales solubles, y la consecuente remediación. La falta de respuesta observada a campo fue atribuida, además a la decobertura superficial del suelo por la labranza, particularmente en suelos con delgado horizonte A


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La salinización de los suelos es uno de los problemas más graves de degradación en el mundo. En la Argentina hay aproximadamente 85.000.000 ha afectadas por exceso de sales y sodio. La generación de productos orgánicos como residuo de procesos industriales es vista con interés para la recuperación de suelos salino-sódicos. Por otra parte, en producciones extensivas se generan productos orgánicos con potencial de bioremediación como los biosólidos de Feedlot (BF)y los Efluentes de Tambo (BT). El objetivo de esta tesis fue investigar posibles estrategias de rehabilitación de suelos salino-sódicos, a través de la evaluación de la aplicación de enmiendas biológicas (Biosólidos de feedlot y Efluentes de tambo)y químicas (Yeso)con el fin de modificar las propiedades químicas de suelos Natracuoles y mejorar la productividad primaria de gramíneas forrajeras perennes. Para esto, se llevaron a cabo dos ensayos, uno bajo condiciones de invernáculo y otro a campo. En los dos ensayos los tratamientos fueron: testigo (T), aplicación de 8 t de materia seca (MS)ha-1 de BT, aplicación de 8 t MS ha-1 de BF y aplicación de 12 t ha-1 de Y. En invernáculo se evaluó la respuesta en biomasa aérea y radical de Thinopyrum ponticum (agropiro alargado). En el ensayo de campo se evaluó el comportamiento de las enmiendas sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo, utilizándose cobertura vegetal de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.)y sorgo para silaje (Sorghum sudanense). En invernáculo se comprobó que los BT, los BF y el Y incrementaron la MS aérea y radical de T. ponticum. En el ensayo a campo, se comprobó que los BT, los BF y el Y, no tuvieron efecto alguno sobre las propiedades químicas del suelo. La variabilidad observada en la materia seca (MS)de S. sudanense se explicó en un 49 por ciento por el Porcentaje de Sodio Intercambiable (PSI)del suelo y la profundidad del horizonte A. Se concluye que los BT, los BF y el Y incrementaron la MS aérea y radical de agropiro bajo condiciones de invernáculo, pero a campo, no fueron efectivos en la remediación de la salinidad y la sodicidad del suelo debido a la elevada variabilidad edáfica y a la sequía ocurrida durante el período experimental, condiciones que impidieron la lixiviación de sodio intercambiado por calcio y el exceso de sales solubles, y la consecuente remediación. La falta de respuesta observada a campo fue atribuida, además a la decobertura superficial del suelo por la labranza, particularmente en suelos con delgado horizonte A


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Amphibian skin is a morphologically, biochemically and physiologically complex organ that performs the wide range of functions necessary for amphibian survival. Here we describe the primary structures of representatives of two novel classes of amphibian skin antimicrobials, dermatoxin and phylloxin, from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa sauvagei, deduced from their respective precursor encoding cDNAs cloned from a lyophilized skin secretion library. A degenerate primer, designed to a highly conserved domain in the 5'-untranslated region of analogous peptide precursor cDNAs from Phyllomedusa bicolor, was employed in a 3'-RACE reaction. Peptides with molecular masses coincident with precursor-deduced mature toxin peptides were identified in LC/MS fractions of skin secretion and primary structures were confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation. This integrated experimental approach can thus rapidly expedite the primary structural characterization of amphibian skin peptides in a manner that circumvents specimen sacrifice whilst preserving robustness of scientific data.


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Adult spider communities were sampled by pitfall trapping over a 24-month period in plots subjected to a range of grazing regimes on five vegetation types on a hill farm in County Antrim, north-east Ireland. Spider community composition was influenced by vegetation type and grazing regime. Variation in the number of individuals and species diversity was also apparent between vegetation types and grazing regime. Plots grazed by all herbivores were characterised by the predominance of species characteristic of disturbed land. Inbye land and areas where grazing had ceased had characteristic coloniser species. The spiders Erigone dentipalpis, Allomengea scopigera and Centromerita bicolor were trapped with greater success in vegetation types where grass species dominated.


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A total of 549 samples of rice, maize, wheat, sorghum and millet were obtained from markets in Ghana, the EU, US and Asia. Analysis of the samples, originating from 21 countries in 5 continents, helped to establish global mean trace element concentrations in grains: thus placing the Ghanaian data within a global context. Ghanaian rice was generally low in potentially toxic elements, but high in essential nutrient elements. Arsenic concentrations in rice from US (0.22 mg/kg) and Thailand (0.15 mg/kg) were higher than in Ghanaian rice (0.11 mg/kg). Percentage inorganic arsenic content of the latter (83%) was, however, higher than for US (42%) and Thai rice (67%). Total arsenic concentration in Ghanaian maize, sorghum and millet samples (0.01 mg/kg) was an order of magnitude lower than in Ghanaian rice, indicating that a shift from rice-centric to multigrain diets could help reduce health risks posed by dietary exposure to inorganic As. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soil aggregation is a principal ecosystem process mediated by soil biota. Collembola and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are important groups in the soil, and can interact in various ways. Few studies have examined collembola effects on soil aggregation, while many have quantified AM effects. Here, we asked if collembola have any effect on soil aggregation, and if they alter AM fungi-mediated effects on soil aggregation.

We carried out a factorial greenhouse study, manipulating the presence of both collembola and AM fungi, using two different plant species, Sorghum vulgare and Daucus carota. We measured root length and biomass, AMF (and non-AMF) soil hyphal length, root colonization, and collembolan populations, and quantified water stable soil aggregates (WSA) in four size classes.

Soil exposed to growth of AMF hyphae and collembola individually had higher WSA than control treatments. Moreover, the interaction effects between AMF and collembola were significant, with nonadditive increases in the combined application compared to the single treatments.

Our findings show that collembola can play a crucial role in maintaining ecological sustainability through promoting soil aggregation, and point to the importance of considering organism interactions in understanding formation of soil structure. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo sugerir uma forma de processamento de sorgo adaptável à escala industrial que, sendo culturalmente aceite e sensível aos hábitos alimentares, aos factores sociais e às limitações económicas e tecnológicas das populações Africanas de consumo, pudesse dar origem a um produto alimentar seguro e enriquecido em termos nutricionais. Numa primeira fase, efectuou-se um estudo comparativo entre os efeitos promovidos por diferentes formas de processamento: cozimento em água, aquecimento em banho-maria, pipocagem, germinação, fermentação e altapressão. Foram ainda determinadas as condições óptimas de aplicação do processo germinativo e da tecnologia de alta-pressão. Verificou-se que a fermentação, a germinação e a alta-pressão permitem uma melhoria significativa da digestibilidade proteica da farinha de sorgo. A pipocagem conduziu a uma redução da extractibilidade das proteínas não promovendo, contudo, alterações na sua digestibilidade. Comparativamente ao cozimento em água, que promove uma diminuição acentuada na digestibilidade proteica, o cozimento em banho-maria promove uma diminuição ténue e significativamente inferior. Deste estudo comparativo, foi possível concluir que a extractibilidade das proteínas não está correlacionada com a sua digestibilidade e que a água exerce um papel fundamental na diminuição da digestibilidade proteica com o aquecimento. Numa segunda fase, pretendeu-se desenvolver um processo fermentativo que conduzisse a um produto de sorgo com características nutricionais incrementadas. Para tal, foram testadas daiferentes espécies de bactérias lácticas isoladas e conjugadas entre si. Foi ainda testada a adição de malte de sorgo previamente à fermentação e a adição de leveduras ao inóculo. Com este estudo, foi possível concluir que a fermentação do sorgo com um inóculo constituído por culturas puras de Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus fermentum e Streptococcus thermophilus permite a obtenção de uma preparação alimentar com características nutricionais melhoradas no que respeita ao balanço em aminoácidos essenciais, à digestibilidade da proteína e do amido e à viscosidade do produto final.