944 resultados para Social psychology


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Research in social psychology has shown that public attitudes towards feminism are mostly based on stereotypical views linking feminism with leftist politics and lesbian orientation. It is claimed that such attitudes are due to the negative and sexualised media construction of feminism. Studies concerned with the media representation of feminism seem to confirm this tendency. While most of this research provides significant insights into the representation of feminism, the findings are often based on a small sample of texts. Also, most of the research was conducted in an Anglo-American setting. This study attempts to address some of the shortcomings of previous work by examining the discourse of feminism in a large corpus of German and British newspaper data. It does so by employing the tools of Corpus Linguistics. By investigating the collocation profiles of the search term feminism, we provide evidence of salient discourse patterns surrounding feminism in two different cultural contexts. © The Author(s) 2012.


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In three experiments we investigated the impact that exposure to counter-stereotypes has on emotional reactions to outgroups. In Experiment 1, thinking about gender counter-stereotypes attenuated stereotyped emotions toward females and males. In Experiment 2, an immigrant counterstereotype attenuated stereotyped emotions toward this outgroup and reduced dehumanization tendencies. Experiment 3 replicated these results using an alternative measure of humanization. In both Experiments 2 and 3 sequential meditational analysis revealed that counter-stereotypes produced feelings of surprise which, in turn, elicited a cognitive process of expectancy violation which resulted in attenuated stereotyped emotions and an enhanced use of uniquely human characteristics to describe the outgroup. The findings extend research supporting the usefulness of counter-stereotype exposure for reducing prejudice and highlight its positive impact on intergroup emotions.


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We conducted two studies involving two different age groups (elementary school children and adults) aimed at integrating imagined contact and common ingroup identity models. In the first study, Italian elementary school children were asked to imagine interacting with an unknown immigrant peer as members of a common group. Results revealed that common ingroup imagined contact, relative to a control condition, improved outgroup helping intentions assessed 1 week and 2 weeks after the intervention. In the second study, common ingroup imagined contact led Italian university students to display higher intentions to have contact with immigrants compared to control conditions. In conclusion, results from both studies demonstrate that imagining an intergroup interaction as members of the same group strengthens the effects of imagined contact. These findings point to the importance of combining the common ingroup identity model and the imagined contact theory in order to increase the potentiality of prejudice reduction interventions.


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The major contribution of the study is the identification of a positive link between perceived effective managerial coaching (PEMC) and team task performance and also, the examination of PEMC adopting a multilevel research design and incorporating dual-source data. Specifically, drawing on social psychology, the thesis aims at developing and testing a comprehensive conceptual framework of the antecedents and consequences of PEMC for knowledge workers. The model takes into consideration intrapersonal, interpersonal and team-level characteristics, which relate to PEMC and, subsequently associate with important work outcomes. In this regard, the thesis identifies PEMC as a practice of dual nature in that it may be experienced not only as a one-on-one workplace developmental interaction, but also as a managerial practice that is experienced by each member of a team for co-ordination purposes. Adopting a cross-sectional survey research design, the hypotheses are tested in three organisations in Greece and the UK. In particular, hierarchical linear modelling of 191 employees nested in 60 teams yields that employees’ learning goal orientation (LGO) and high-quality exchanges between an employee and a manager (LMX) are positively related to effective MC, while a manager’s LGO moderates the relationship between employees’ LGO and PEMC. In turn, PEMC, as a one-on-one practice, is related to cognitive outcomes, such as information sharing, while as a shared team practice is related also to behavioural outcomes, including individual and team performance. Overall, the study contributes to a growing body of coaching and management literature that acknowledges PEMC as a core managerial practice.


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Processing information and forming opinions pose special challenges when attempting to effectively manage the new or complex tasks that typically arise in projects. Based on research in organizational and social psychology, we introduce mechanisms and strategies for collective information processing which are important for forming opinions and handling information in projects.


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In three studies, we examined the impact of multiple categorization on intergroup dehumanization. Study 1 showed that perceiving members of a rival university along multiple versus simple categorical dimensions enhanced the tendency to attribute human traits to this group. Study 2 showed that multiple versus simple categorization of immigrants increased the attribution of uniquely human emotions to them. This effect was explained by the sequential mediation of increased individuation of the outgroup and reduced outgroup threat. Study 3 replicated this sequential mediation model and introduced a novel way of measuring humanization in which participants generated attributes corresponding to the outgroup in a free response format. Participants generated more uniquely human traits in the multiple versus simple categorization conditions. We discuss the theoretical implications of these findings and consider their role in informing and improving efforts to ameliorate contemporary forms of intergroup discrimination.


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Drawing from both trust-building theory and interpersonal trust literature, we investigate how trust between a leader and follower may be leveraged to influence organizational trust. We also explore the mediating mechanisms of this link and test a potential moderator. A cross-sectional, multi-foci design was adopted and participants were 201 employees within a public sector organization. Leader trustworthy behavior was found to predict organizational trust, mediated by trustworthiness perceptions and trust in the leader. Support for the boundary condition was found; namely, when leaders were more senior, the relationship between trustworthy behavior and organizational trust was stronger. The findings suggest that leaders can meaningfully influence organizational trust perceptions through the enactment of trustworthy behavior, although the strength of this effect varied as a function of their position.


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The relationship between individual thoughts and the social environment has been widely studied in sociology (Weber, 1968), psychology (Lewin, 1951) and social psychology. The influence of reference groups on individual behaviour is often manifested in the decisions made by consumers while members of these reference groups are often the individual’s friends and acquaintances. Their decisions, their values and norms serve as an example for the individual. In this study the influences of reference groups are examined within the context of the family form in Hungary. The paper focuses on the nature of peer influence in single parent households and full families, to analyse the normative and informational dimensions of peer pressure and communication patterns within the family.


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A tanulmány az identitás-gazdaságtan megközelítését és az általa felvetett elméleti kérdéseket kívánja bemutatni. E tan kiinduló tétele George A. Akerlof és Rachel E. Kranton szerint az, hogy a közgazdaságtanban használt hasznosságfüggvénybe be kell emelni az emberek énképének és az ezzel kapcsolatos egyéni mérlegelésnek a szempontjait. Ezt az indokolja, hogy az emberek társadalmi csoportokhoz/kategóriákhoz tartoznak, amelyekhez normarendszer társul, azaz ha viselkedésükkel megsértik a normákat, akkor önképük sérül, és ezáltal csökken a hasznosságuk is. A tanulmányban bemutatjuk, hogy ez a szemlélet az embereket "túlszocializált" társadalmi szereplőkként mutatja be, akik kevéssé reflektálnak a helyzetükre. További kérdéseket vetnek fel az elmúlt években végzett szociálpszichológiai és viselkedés- gazdaságtani kísérletek, amelyek rámutatnak, hogy az identitás- gazdaságtani elmélet egyik alapját jelentő normák erősen függnek szituációs tényezőktől. _____ The paper introduces the approach of identity economics and the theoretical questions raised by its arguments. According to Akerlof and Kranton, individual identity and personal calculations in relation to this identity should be incorporated into the utility function applied in economics, so that people are placed in social categories that involve normative systems. In line with this, if their actions breach the social norms, this affects negatively their self-image, so in turn decreasing their utility. The paper argues that this approach presents humans as "overly socialized" social actors who do not reflect on their situation. Further questions could be raised by experiments in social psychology and behavioral economics conducted in recent years. The results highlight the fact that the norms which serve as the basis for the theory of identity economics depend strongly on the context and given situation.


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A tanulmány arra a feltevésre épül, hogy minél erősebb a bizalomra méltóság szintje egy adott üzleti kapcsolatban, annál inkább igaz, hogy nagy kockázatú tevékenységek mennek végbe benne. Ilyen esetekben a bizalomra méltóság a kapcsolatban zajló események, cselekvések irányítási eszközévé válik, és az üzleti kapcsolatban megjelenik a cselekvési hajlandóságként értelmezett bizalom. A tanulmány felhívja a figyelmet a bizalom és a bizalomra méltóság fogalmai közötti különbségre, szisztematikus különválasztásuk fontosságára. Bemutatja az úgynevezett diadikus adatelemzés gazdálkodástudományi alkalmazását. Empirikus eredményei is igazolják, hogy ezzel a módszerrel az üzleti kapcsolatok társas jellemzőinek (köztük a bizalomnak) és a közöttük lévő kapcsolatoknak mélyebb elemzésére nyílik lehetőség. ____ The paper rests on the behavioral interpretation of trust, making a clear distinction between trustworthiness (honesty) and trust interpreted as willingness to engage in risky situations with specific partners. The hypothesis tested is that in a business relation marked by high levels of trustworthiness as perceived by the opposite parties, willingness to be involved in risky situations is higher than it is in relations where actors do not believe their partners to be highly trustworthy. Testing this hypothesis clearly calls for dyadic operationalization, measurement, and analysis. The authors present the first economic application of a newly developed statistical technique called dyadic data analysis, which has already been applied in social psychology. It clearly overcomes the problem of single-ended research in business relations analysis and allows a deeper understanding of any dyadic phenomenon, including trust/trustworthiness as a governance mechanism.


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In attempting to impeach eyewitnesses, attorneys often highlight inconsistencies in the eyewitness's recall. This study examined the differential impact of types of inconsistent testimony on mock-juror decisions. Each of 100 community members and 200 undergraduates viewed one of four versions of a videotaped trial in which the primary evidence against the defendant was the testimony of the eyewitness. I manipulated the types of inconsistent statements given by the eyewitness in the four versions: (1) consistent testimony, (2) information given on-the-stand but not given during the pre-trial investigation, (3) contradictions between on-the-stand and pre-trial statements, and (4) contradictions made on the witness stand. Subjects exposed to any form of inconsistent testimony were less likely to convict and found the defendant less culpable and the eyewitness less effective. These effects were larger for contradictions than for information given on the stand but not during pre-trial investigations. ^


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Previous research has examined the validity of behavioral assumptions underlying the presumed effectiveness of safeguards against erroneous conviction resulting from mistaken eyewitness identification. In keeping with this agenda, this study examined juror sensitivity to lineup suggestiveness in the form of foil, instruction, and presentation biases and whether expert psychological testimony further sensitizes jurors to the factors that influence the likelihood of false identifications. One hundred and sixty jury eligible citizens watched versions of a videotaped trial that included information about the identification of the defendant by an eyewitness and that varied the suggestiveness of the eyewitness identification procedure. In addition, half of the mock-jurors heard the testimony of an expert psychologist regarding the factors that influence lineup suggestiveness. Mock-jurors rendered individual verdicts, rated the defendant's culpability and the suggestiveness and fairness of the identification procedure. Results indicated that jurors are somewhat sensitive to foil bias but are insensitive to instruction and presentation biases. No evidence was found to suggest that expert testimony leads to juror skepticism or juror sensitization. These results question the effectiveness of cross-examination and expert testimony as safeguards against erroneous convictions resulting from mistaken identification. ^


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The present research evidences a field setting studying attitudinal and behavioral results of five Black group contacts. The research was designed, in part, to determine the demographic, cultural, social, and psychological factors associated with intrablack perceptions of conflict and work attitudes in an African American organization. Two organizational groups, African Americans and Caribbean/West Indians totaling 112 participants were studied. The objective of the research was to gain information about attitudinal levels perceived by each of the two groups. Each group rated the other group on items dealing with conflict and work attitudes. One-way analysis of variances (ANOVAs) were employed to test the overall differences on scale means among the groups. The findings in this study buttress some of the major themes in the impressionistic literature on cultural/multicultural diversity in organizations and Caribbean/West Indian literature. The data are reported and examined, and theoretical implications are discussed. ^


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The aim of this study was to further knowledge development concerning the formation of a sense of identity and intimacy. This study drew on the growing recognition by many researchers in the psychosocial development field of the need to target interventions at the interface of the development of identity and intimacy. The specific aim of the study was to address the question of whether it would be possible to develop intervention procedures for fostering identity and intimacy exploration and development. Using both qualitative and quantitative measurements, the results appeared to clearly support an affirmative answer to this question. A total of sixty-three middle adolescent students from an urban, public high school participated in this study. Twenty-nine participants in the treatment group and 34 participants in the comparison group were pre- and post tested on measures of identity and intimacy. Participants in this study consisted of multiethnic, urban youth that presented themselves for relationship counseling. Repeated measures analysis of variance's (RMANOVA's), used to evaluate the impact of the intervention on the quantitative measures of identity and intimacy exploration, clearly supported the efficacy of the intervention. In addition, the findings also provided tentative support for the view that the increase in exploration that results from entering a period of active exploration is associated with a “loosening” of commitment. Finally, the findings of this study also contributed to the empirical knowledge-base about procedures for intervening with respect to the process of intimacy development. More specifically, both the qualitative and quantitative findings of this study began to shed some light on the potential impact of exploration for interpersonal insight as that as a process for fostering intimacy development. ^


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The increasing awareness of the prevalence, impairment, and long-term consequences of childhood anxiety disorders have led investigators to explore psychosocial factors in the etiology of these disorders. Recent investigations have begun to focus on family-level processes in the etiology and/or maintenance of childhood anxiety disorders, specifically patterns of parent-child interaction. The present study compared parent-child interactions across three problem-solving tasks of clinically anxious children and their mothers versus non-referred children and their mothers in terms of (1) direct observation measures, (2) children's, mothers', and independent observer's subjective ratings, (3) and children's evaluations using videotape-aided thought reconstruction. ^ Results suggested that the mothers of clinically anxious children engaged in fewer positive and more negative parenting strategies as compared to the mothers of non-referred children across three tasks. Although not significant, trends were evident among the subjective ratings reported by the clinically anxious children, mothers, and observer for the global perception indices. When videotape-aided thought reconstruction was used as a cue to elicit children's perceptions of the parent-child interactions, clinically anxious children reported less mother-referent positive statements and more mother-referent negative statements than non-referred children. ^