917 resultados para Slip


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This survey of well-documented repeated fault rupture confirms that some faults have exhibited a "characteristic" behavior during repeated large earthquakes--that is, the magnitude, distribution, and style of slip on the fault has repeated during two or more consecutive events. In two cases faults exhibit slip functions that vary little from earthquake to earthquake. In one other well-documented case, however, fault lengths contrast markedly for two consecutive ruptures, but the amount of offset at individual sites was similar. Adjacent individual patches, 10 km or more in length, failed singly during one event and in tandem during the other. More complex cases of repetition may also represent the failure of several distinct patches. The faults of the 1992 Landers earthquake provide an instructive example of such complexity. Together, these examples suggest that large earthquakes commonly result from the failure of one or more patches, each characterized by a slip function that is roughly invariant through consecutive earthquake cycles. The persistence of these slip-patches through two or more large earthquakes indicates that some quasi-invariant physical property controls the pattern and magnitude of slip. These data seem incompatible with theoretical models that produce slip distributions that are highly variable in consecutive large events.


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The rate- and state-dependent constitutive formulation for fault slip characterizes an exceptional variety of materials over a wide range of sliding conditions. This formulation provides a unified representation of diverse sliding phenomena including slip weakening over a characteristic sliding distance Dc, apparent fracture energy at a rupture front, time-dependent healing after rapid slip, and various other transient and slip rate effects. Laboratory observations and theoretical models both indicate that earthquake nucleation is accompanied by long intervals of accelerating slip. Strains from the nucleation process on buried faults generally could not be detected if laboratory values of Dc apply to faults in nature. However, scaling of Dc is presently an open question and the possibility exists that measurable premonitory creep may precede some earthquakes. Earthquake activity is modeled as a sequence of earthquake nucleation events. In this model, earthquake clustering arises from sensitivity of nucleation times to the stress changes induced by prior earthquakes. The model gives the characteristic Omori aftershock decay law and assigns physical interpretation to aftershock parameters. The seismicity formulation predicts large changes of earthquake probabilities result from stress changes. Two mechanisms for foreshocks are proposed that describe observed frequency of occurrence of foreshock-mainshock pairs by time and magnitude. With the first mechanism, foreshocks represent a manifestation of earthquake clustering in which the stress change at the time of the foreshock increases the probability of earthquakes at all magnitudes including the eventual mainshock. With the second model, accelerating fault slip on the mainshock nucleation zone triggers foreshocks.


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The friction of rocks in the laboratory is a function of time, velocity of sliding, and displacement. Although the processes responsible for these dependencies are unknown, constitutive equations have been developed that do a reasonable job of describing the laboratory behavior. These constitutive laws have been used to create a model of earthquakes at Parkfield, CA, by using boundary conditions appropriate for the section of the fault that slips in magnitude 6 earthquakes every 20-30 years. The behavior of this model prior to the earthquakes is investigated to determine whether or not the model earthquakes could be predicted in the real world by using realistic instruments and instrument locations. Premonitory slip does occur in the model, but it is relatively restricted in time and space and detecting it from the surface may be difficult. The magnitude of the strain rate at the earth's surface due to this accelerating slip seems lower than the detectability limit of instruments in the presence of earth noise. Although not specifically modeled, microseismicity related to the accelerating creep and to creep events in the model should be detectable. In fact the logarithm of the moment rate on the hypocentral cell of the fault due to slip increases linearly with minus the logarithm of the time to the earthquake. This could conceivably be used to determine when the earthquake was going to occur. An unresolved question is whether this pattern of accelerating slip could be recognized from the microseismicity, given the discrete nature of seismic events. Nevertheless, the model results suggest that the most likely solution to earthquake prediction is to look for a pattern of acceleration in microseismicity and thereby identify the microearthquakes as foreshocks.


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We study a simple antiplane fault of finite length embedded in a homogeneous isotropic elastic solid to understand the origin of seismic source heterogeneity in the presence of nonlinear rate- and state-dependent friction. All the mechanical properties of the medium and friction are assumed homogeneous. Friction includes a characteristic length that is longer than the grid size so that our models have a well-defined continuum limit. Starting from a heterogeneous initial stress distribution, we apply a slowly increasing uniform stress load far from the fault and we simulate the seismicity for a few 1000 events. The style of seismicity produced by this model is determined by a control parameter associated with the degree of rate dependence of friction. For classical friction models with rate-independent friction, no complexity appears and seismicity is perfectly periodic. For weakly rate-dependent friction, large ruptures are still periodic, but small seismicity becomes increasingly nonstationary. When friction is highly rate-dependent, seismicity becomes nonperiodic and ruptures of all sizes occur inside the fault. Highly rate-dependent friction destabilizes the healing process producing premature healing of slip and partial stress drop. Partial stress drop produces large variations in the state of stress that in turn produce earthquakes of different sizes. Similar results have been found by other authors using the Burridge and Knopoff model. We conjecture that all models in which static stress drop is only a fraction of the dynamic stress drop produce stress heterogeneity.


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Although models of homogeneous faults develop seismicity that has a Gutenberg-Richter distribution, this is only a transient state that is followed by events that are strongly influenced by the nature of the boundaries. Models with geometrical inhomogeneities of fracture thresholds can limit the sizes of earthquakes but now favor the characteristic earthquake model for large earthquakes. The character of the seismicity is extremely sensitive to distributions of inhomogeneities, suggesting that statistical rules for large earthquakes in one region may not be applicable to large earthquakes in another region. Model simulations on simple networks of faults with inhomogeneities of threshold develop episodes of lacunarity on all members of the network. There is no validity to the popular assumption that the average rate of slip on individual faults is a constant. Intermediate term precursory activity such as local quiescence and increases in intermediate-magnitude activity at long range are simulated well by the assumption that strong weakening of faults by injection of fluids and weakening of asperities on inhomogeneous models of fault networks is the dominant process; the heat flow paradox, the orientation of the stress field, and the low average stress drop in some earthquakes are understood in terms of the asperity model of inhomogeneous faulting.


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Interdependence between geometry of a fault system, its kinematics, and seismicity is investigated. Quantitative measure is introduced for inconsistency between a fixed configuration of faults and the slip rates on each fault. This measure, named geometric incompatibility (G), depicts summarily the instability near the fault junctions: their divergence or convergence ("unlocking" or "locking up") and accumulation of stress and deformations. Accordingly, the changes in G are connected with dynamics of seismicity. Apart from geometric incompatibility, we consider deviation K from well-known Saint Venant condition of kinematic compatibility. This deviation depicts summarily unaccounted stress and strain accumulation in the region and/or internal inconsistencies in a reconstruction of block- and fault system (its geometry and movements). The estimates of G and K provide a useful tool for bringing together the data on different types of movement in a fault system. An analog of Stokes formula is found that allows determination of the total values of G and K in a region from the data on its boundary. The phenomenon of geometric incompatibility implies that nucleation of strong earthquakes is to large extent controlled by processes near fault junctions. The junctions that have been locked up may act as transient asperities, and unlocked junctions may act as transient weakest links. Tentative estimates of K and G are made for each end of the Big Bend of the San Andreas fault system in Southern California. Recent strong earthquakes Landers (1992, M = 7.3) and Northridge (1994, M = 6.7) both reduced K but had opposite impact on G: Landers unlocked the area, whereas Northridge locked it up again.


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The problem of creating solenoidal vortex elements to satisfy no-slip boundary conditions in Lagrangian numerical vortex methods is solved through the use of impulse elements at walls and their subsequent conversion to vortex loops. The algorithm is not uniquely defined, due to the gauge freedom in the definition of impulse; the numerically optimal choice of gauge remains to be determined. Two different choices are discussed, and an application to flow past a sphere is sketched.


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Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma inercial autônoma com três graus de liberdade para aplicação em estabilização de sensores - por exemplo, gravimétricos estacionários e embarcados - podendo ser utilizada também para estabilização de câmeras. O sistema é formado pela Unidade de Medida Inercial, IMU, desenvolvida utilizando um sensor micro eletromecânico, MEMS - que possui acelerômetro, giroscópio e magnetômetros nos três eixos de orientação - e um microcontrolador para aquisição, processamento e envio dos dados ao sistema de controle e aquisição de dados. Para controle dos ângulos de inclinação e orientação da plataforma, foi implementado um controlador PID digital utilizando microcontrolador. Este recebe os dados da IMU e fornece os sinais de controle utilizando as saídas PWM que acionam os motores, os quais controlam a posição da plataforma. Para monitoramento da plataforma foi desenvolvido um programa para aquisição de dados em tempo real em ambiente Matlab, por meio do qual se pode visualizar e gravar os sinais da IMU, os ângulos de inclinação e a velocidade angular. Testou-se um sistema de transmissão de dados por rádio frequência entre a IMU e o sistema de aquisição de dados e controle para avaliar a possibilidade da não utilização de slip rings ou fios entre o eixo de rotação e os quadros da plataforma. Entretanto, verificou-se a inviabilidade da transmissão em razão da baixa velocidade de transmissão e dos ruídos captados pelo receptor de rádio frequência durante osmovimentos da plataforma. Sendo assim, dois pares de fios trançados foram utilizados fios para conectar o sensor inercial ao sistema de aquisição e processamento.


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Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the center of Iberia fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. This heterogeneity has been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.


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As formulações baseadas na mecânica do contínuo, embora precisas até certo ponto, por vezes não podem ser utilizadas, ou não são conceitualmente corretas para o entendimento de fenômenos em escalas reduzidas. Estas limitações podem aparecer no estudo dos fenômenos tribológicos em escala nanométrica, que passam a necessitar de novos métodos experimentais, teóricos e computacionais que permitam explorar estes fenômenos com a resolução necessária. Simulações atomísticas são capazes de descrever fenômenos em pequena escala, porém, o número necessário de átomos modelados e, portanto, o custo computacional - geralmente torna-se bastante elevado. Por outro lado, os métodos de simulação associados à mecânica do contínuo são mais interessantes em relação ao custo computacional, mas não são precisos na escala atômica. A combinação entre essas duas abordagens pode, então, permitir uma compreensão mais realista dos fenômenos da tribologia. Neste trabalho, discutem-se os conceitos básicos e modelos de atrito em escala atômica e apresentam-se estudos, por meio de simulação numérica, para a análise e compreensão dos mecanismos de atrito e desgaste no contato entre materiais. O problema é abordado em diferentes escalas, e propõe-se uma abordagem conjunta entre a Mecânica do Contínuo e a Dinâmica Molecular. Para tanto, foram executadas simulações numéricas, com complexidade crescente, do contato entre superfícies, partindo-se de um primeiro modelo que simula o efeito de defeitos cristalinos no fenômeno de escorregamento puro, considerando a Dinâmica Molecular. Posteriormente, inseriu-se, nos modelos da mecânica do contínuo, considerações sobre o fenômeno de adesão. A validação dos resultados é feita pela comparação entre as duas abordagens e com a literatura.


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Four different catalysts (Pt/Al2O3, Ce0.8Zr0.2O2, PrO2−x and SrTiCuO3) have been investigated on a laboratory scale to evaluate their potential as diesel soot combustion catalysts under different experimental conditions, which simulate the situation found in a continuous regeneration technology trap (dual-bed configuration of catalyst and soot) or a catalyst-coated filter system (single-bed configuration, both catalyst and soot particles mixed under loose-contact mode). Under dual-bed configuration, the behavior of the catalysts towards soot combustion are very similar, despite the differences observed in the NO2 production profiles. However, under single-bed configuration, there are important differences in the soot combustion activities and in the NO2 slip profiles. The configurations chosen have an enormous impact on CO/(CO + CO2) ratios of combustion products as well. The most active catalyst under NOx + O2 is PrO2−x combining a high contribution of active oxygen-assisted soot combustion as well as high NO2 production activity along the catalytic bed.


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This work presents a 3D geometric model of growth strata cropping out in a fault-propagation fold associated with the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector) from the Bajo Segura Basin (eastern Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). The analysis of this 3D model enables us to unravel the along-strike and along-section variations of the growth strata, providing constraints to assess the fold development, and hence, the fault kinematic evolution in space and time. We postulate that the observed along-strike dip variations are related to lateral variation in fault displacement. Along-section variations of the progressive unconformity opening angles indicate greater fault slip in the upper Tortonian–Messinian time span; from the Messinian on, quantitative analysis of the unconformity indicate a constant or lower tectonic activity of the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector); the minor abundance of striated pebbles in the Pliocene-Quaternary units could be interpreted as a decrease in the stress magnitude and consequently in the tectonic activity of the fault. At a regional scale, comparison of the growth successions cropping out in the northern and southern limits of the Bajo Segura Basin points to a southward migration of deformation in the basin. This means that the Bajo Segura Fault became active after the Crevillente Fault (Abanilla-Alicante sector), for which activity on the latter was probably decreasing according to our data. Consequently, we propose that the seismic hazard at the northern limit of the Bajo Segura Basin should be lower than at the southern limit.


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Los mármoles comerciales "Marrón Imperial" y "Marrón Emperador" son dolomías brechoides que de acuerdo con la clasificación del MIA pertenece al Grupo C de mármoles comerciales. Se determinan sus parámetros petrofísicos según la norma UNE. Sus rasgos petrológicos se estudian mediante microscopio petrográfico de luz transmitida y microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) (en modo de electrones secundarios y electrones retrodispersados). Estas rocas son básicamente dolomías mesocristalinas con abundantes vénulas calcíticas politexturales relacionadas con procesos de brechificación y de dolomitización. Rasgos kársticos aumentan la complejidad petrológica de estas rocas ornamentales cuyo litosoma son las dolomías masivas del Cretácico Superior (¿Turoniense?) del dominio Prebético Externo. El material explotado pertenece a una alineación morfoestructural que va desde Jumilla hasta el NE de Caudete y está relacionado con la falla Jumilla-Yecla-Caudete-Font de la Figuera. La relación entre esta falla y las dolomías turonienses son el principal criterio de exploración de estas rocas ornamentales.


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This slip of paper contains a request from Harvard College President John Leverett to the College Treasurer John White to pay John Rogers for his work as library keeper, pursuant to a Harvard Corporation vote on September 27, 1714.


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This slip of paper contains a request from President John Leverett to the College Treasurer John White to pay William Cook for his work as library keeper, pursuant to a Harvard Corporation vote on June 28, 1720.