995 resultados para Singular integral


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The generalized temperature integral I(m, x) appears in non-isothermal kinetic analysis when the frequency factor depends on the temperature. A procedure based on Gaussian quadrature to obtain analytical approximations for the integral I(m, x) was proposed. The results showed good agreement between the obtained approximation values and those obtained by numerical integration. Unless other approximations found in literature, the methodology presented in this paper can be easily generalized in order to obtain approximations with the maximum of accurate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este artigo analisa uma política pública que foi implementada em São Paulo, Brasil, entre os anos de 1986 e 1993. Este programa público, chamado Profic - Programa de Formação Integral da Criança -, procurou estender o tempo de permanência das crianças pobres na escola e expandir as condições para seu melhor desempenho na aprendizagem. Os autores escolheram uma abordagem incrementalista e usaram conceitos clássicos da análise de políticas, tais como atores, policy community, policy network, partizan mutual adjustment, entre outros. Ao mesmo tempo tentaram considerar as condições políticas que envolveram, então, esse processo de policy making.


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Cento e dez amostras de 11 diferentes marcas de leite ultra alta temperatura (UAT), comercializadas em São José do Rio Preto - SP, foram submetidas à contagem de microrganismos heterotróficos mesófilos viáveis e à pesquisa de bactérias do grupo do Bacillus cereus. A população de microrganismos mesófilos variou de <1,0´10² UFC/ml a >1,0´10(6) UFC/ml. Bactérias do grupo do Bacillus cereus foram verificadas em 13 (11,8%) amostras. Os resultados evidenciaram elevada população de microrganismos indicadores mesófilos.


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Esse trabalho visou investigar o efeito da idade de aves sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da soja integral extrusada (SIE), soja integral tostada à vapor (SITV) e farelo de soja com óleo (FSO) na produção de enzimas digestivas do pâncreas. Cinco ensaios de digestibilidade foram conduzidos com frangos de corte de uma, duas, três, quatro e seis semanas de idade. Foi utilizada a metodologia de coleta total de excretas. A atividade das enzimas amilase e tripsina pancreática aumentou linearmente com a idade das aves, assim como o crescimento alométrico do pâncreas. A maior taxa de crescimento ocorreu na segunda semana, coincidindo com a fase de maior aumento da atividade das enzimas digestivas. Entretanto, para a atividade da lipase, o efeito da idade foi diferente para cada alimento. Para aves alimentadas com SITV, a atividade dessa enzima cresceu linearmente com a idade, enquanto nas alimentadas com SIE, FSO e ração, o efeito foi quadrático. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca e extrato etéreo e os valores de energia metabolizável dos tipos de sojas variaram em proporções diferentes em função da idade. Também, observou-se correlação positiva entre a digestibilidade do extrato etéreo e a atividade de lipase. Os valores de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn) e verdadeira corrigida (EMVn) determinados para a SIE apresentaram comportamento quadrático em função da idade, ocorrendo aumento da energia metabolizável (EM) até a 3ª semana de idade e diminuindo a partir da 4ª semana. Entretanto, a em da SITV, FSO e da ração não foi afetada pela idade da ave. O aproveitamento da energia dos alimentos varia com a idade das aves, em função de sua dependência da atividade enzimática.


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It is a well known result that the Feynman's path integral (FPI) approach to quantum mechanics is equivalent to Schrodinger's equation when we use as integration measure the Wiener-Lebesgue measure. This results in little practical applicability due to the great algebraic complexibity involved, and the fact is that almost all applications of (FPI) - ''practical calculations'' - are done using a Riemann measure. In this paper we present an expansion to all orders in time of FPI in a quest for a representation of the latter solely in terms of differentiable trajetories and Riemann measure. We show that this expansion agrees with a similar expansion obtained from Schrodinger's equation only up to first order in a Riemann integral context, although by chance both expansions referred to above agree for the free. particle and harmonic oscillator cases. Our results permit, from the mathematical point of view, to estimate the many errors done in ''practical'' calculations of the FPI appearing in the literature and, from the physical point of view, our results supports the stochastic approach to the problem.


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In this work we show how to define the action of a scalar field such that the Robin boundary condition is implemented dynamically, i.e. as a consequence of the stationary action principle. We discuss the quantization of that system via functional integration. Using this formalism, we derive an expression for the Casimir energy of a massless scalar field under Robin boundary conditions on a pair of parallel plates, characterized by constants c(1) and c(2). Some special cases are discussed; in particular, we show that for some values of cl and c(2) the Casimir energy as a function of the distance between the plates presents a minimum. We also discuss the renormalization at one-loop order of the two-point Green function in the philambda(4) theory subject to the Robin boundary condition on a plate.


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In this paper we deal with discontinuous vector fields on R-2 and we prove that the analysis of their local behavior around a typical singularity can be treated via singular perturbation. The regularization process developed by Sotomayor and Teixeira is crucial for the development of this work. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Singular perturbations problems in dimension three which are approximations of discontinuous vector fields are studied in this paper. The main result states that the regularization process developed by Sotomayor and Teixeira produces a singular problem for which the discontinuous set is a center manifold. Moreover, the definition of' sliding vector field coincides with the reduced problem of the corresponding singular problem for a class of vector fields.


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We study the role of the thachyonic excitation which emerges from the quantum electrodynamics in two dimensions with Podolsky term. The quantization is performed by using path integral framework and the operator approach.


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Recently, the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for first-order constrained systems has been developed. In such formalism the equations of motion are written as total differential equations in many variables. We generalize the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for singular systems with second-order Lagrangians and apply this new formulation to Podolsky electrodynamics, comparing with the results obtained through Dirac's method.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar os efeitos de diferentes tempos de processamento (duas, quatro e seis horas) e temperaturas (50°C, 65°C e 80°C) em dois substratos: farinha do grão integral de soja e farelo de soja. Para obtenção do resíduo, utilizou-se uma máquina de aço inoxidável com termostato para controle de temperatura e agitador constante. O delineamento estatístico utilizado na análise dos dados foi inteiramente casualizado, segundo o esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 2 com duas repetições. Concluiu-se que os tratamentos não apresentaram diferenças marcantes na composição química e mineral do resíduo. O teor de proteína no resíduo do farelo foi 3,5% superior ao teor do farelo que lhe deu origem, o contrário ocorreu com o resíduo da farinha que foi 9,8% inferior. O teor de extrato etéreo no resíduo da farinha, aproximou-se bastante do teor da farinha do grão integral (21,41%) e no resíduo do farelo foi ligeiramente inferior.


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In this paper singularly perturbed reversible vector fields defined in R-n without normal hyperbolicity conditions are discussed. The main results give conditions for the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits and heteroclinic cycles converging to singular orbits with respect to the Hausdorff distance.


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An analytical approach for the spin stabilized satellite attitude propagation is presented using the non-singular canonical variables to describe the rotational motion. Two sets of variables were introduced for Fukushima in 1994 by a canonical transformation and they are useful when the angle between z-satellite axis of a coordinate system fixed in artificial satellite and the rotational angular momentum vector is zero or when the angle between Z-equatorial axis and rotation angular momentum vector is zero. Analytical solutions for rotational motion equations and torque-free motion are discussed in terms of the elliptic functions and by the application of some simplification to get an approximated solution. These solutions are compared with a numerical solution and the results show a good agreement for many rotation periods. When the mean Hamiltonian associated with the gravity gradient torque is included, an analytical solution is obtained by the application of the successive approximations' method for the satellite in an elliptical orbit. These solutions show that the magnitude of the rotation angular moment is not affected by the gravity gradient torque but this torque causes linear and periodic variations in the angular variables, long and short periodic variations in Z-equatorial component of the rotation angular moment and short periodic variations in x-satellite component of the rotation angular moment. The goal of this analysis is to emphasize the geometrical and physical meaning of the non-singular variables and to validate the approximated analytical solution for the rotational motion without elliptic functions for a non-symmetrical satellite. The analysis can be applied for spin stabilized satellite and in this case the general solution and the approximated solution are coincidence. Then the results can be used in analysis of the space mission of the Brazilian Satellites. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.