993 resultados para Shear rates


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The study was conducted to determine other sex ratios of ablated wild-stock Penaeus monodon other than the most commonly practiced 1 male: 1 female. Four different sex ratios, 0:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4 male: female were tested in four 4m diameter circular tanks for a period of 55 days. During the first run the 1 male: 2 females ratio gave: (a) the highest percentage of first (42.20%), second (30.00%) and third (33.33%) spawning; and (b) the highest total and average fecundity (3.9 million eggs and 300,692 eggs, respectively). The 1 male: 2 females ratio is recommended on the basis of highest percentage for the first, second and third spawners, total and average fecundity.


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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We hypothesize that the impact of PCB desorption from resuspended sediments depends upon the intensity of the resuspension (which scales to bottom stress in the absence of organisms), the rate at which each congener desorbs (which depends on the size and hydrophobicity of the chemical, the relative amount of 'labile' and 'resistant' forms, and the size distribution of the suspended particles), and the residence time of the particles in the water column (which depends on the time-variable water column turbulence regime and the particle settling velocities). In order to accurately quantify the impact of PCB desorption from Hudson River sediments, we are conducting experiments that realistically mimic bottom shear stress and water column turbulence and rapidly measure PCB congener release. The objectives of this study are to measure the kinetics of PCB congener desorption from Hudson River sediments under realistic bottom shear and water column turbulence conditions and to quantify the impact of shear stress and contaminant aging on PCB desorption kinetics.


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The finite element method has been used to develop collapse mechanism maps for the shear response of sandwich panels with a stainless steel core comprising hollow struts. The core topology comprises either vertical tubes or inclined tubes in a pyramidal arrangement. The dependence of the elastic and plastic buckling modes upon core geometry is determined, and optimal geometric designs are obtained as a function of core density. For the hollow pyramidal core, strength depends primarily upon the relative density ρ̄ of the core with a weak dependence upon tube slenderness. At ρ̄ below about 3%, the tubes of the pyramidal core buckle plastically and the peak shear strength scales linearly with ρ̄. In contrast, at ρ̄ above 3%, the tubes do not buckle and a stable shear response is observed. The predictions of the current study are in excellent agreement with previous measurements on the shear strength of the hollow pyramidal core, and suggest that this core topology is attractive from the perspectives of both core strength and energy absorption. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The adhesion of bovine chondrocytes and human osteoblasts to three titania-based coatings, formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), was compared to that on uncoated Ti-6Al-4V substrates, and some comparisons were also made with plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings. This was done using a centrifuge, with accelerations of up to 160,000 g, so as to induce buoyancy forces that created normal or shear stresses at the interface. It is shown that, on all surfaces, it was easier to remove cells under normal loading than under shear loading. Cell adhesion to the PEO coatings was stronger than that on Ti-6Al-4V and similar to that on HA. Cell proliferation rates were relatively high on one of the PEO coatings, which was virtually free of aluminium, but low on the other two, which contained significant levels of aluminium. It is concluded that the Al-free PEO coating offers promise for application to prosthetic implants.


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BACKGROUND: When fresh morselized graft is compacted, as in impaction bone-grafting for revision hip surgery, fat and marrow fluid is either exuded or trapped in the voids between particles. We hypothesized that the presence of incompressible fluid damps and resists compressive forces during impaction and prevents the graft particles from moving into a closer formation, thus reducing the graft strength. In addition, viscous fluid such as fat may act as an interparticle lubricant, thus reducing the interlocking of the particles. METHODS: We performed mechanical shear testing in the laboratory with use of fresh-frozen human femoral-head allografts that had been passed through different orthopaedic bone mills to produce graft of differing particle-size distributions (grading). RESULTS: After compaction of fresh graft, fat and marrow fluid continued to escape on application of normal loads. Washed graft, however, had little lubricating fluid and better contact between the particles, increasing the shear resistance. On mechanical testing, washed graft was significantly (p < 0.001) more resistant to shearing forces than fresh graft was. This feature was consistent for different bone mills that produced graft of different particle-size distributions and shear strengths. CONCLUSIONS: Removal of fat and marrow fluid from milled human allograft by washing the graft allows the production of stronger compacted graft that is more resistant to shear, which is the usual mode of failure. Further research into the optimum grading of particle sizes from bone mills is required.


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Background: When fresh morselized graft is compacted, as in impaction bone-grafting for revision hip surgery, fat and marrow fluid is either exuded or trapped in the voids between particles. We hypothesized that the presence of incompressible fluid damps and resists compressive forces during impaction and prevents the graft particles from moving into a closer formation, thus reducing the graft strength. In addition, viscous fluid such as fat may act as an interparticle lubricant, thus reducing the interlocking of the particles. Methods: We performed mechanical shear testing in the laboratory with use of fresh-frozen human femoral-head allografts that had been passed through different orthopaedic bone mills to produce graft of differing particle-size distributions (grading). Results: After compaction of fresh graft, fat and marrow fluid continued to escape on application of normal loads. Washed graft, however, had little lubricating fluid and better contact between the particles, increasing the shear resistance. On mechanical testing, washed graft was significantly (p < 0.001) more resistant to shearing forces than fresh graft was. This feature was consistent for different bone mills that produced graft of different particle-size distributions and shear strengths. Conclusions: Removal of fat and marrow fluid from milled human allograft by washing the graft allows the production of stronger compacted graft that is more resistant to shear, which is the usual mode of failure. Further research into the optimum grading of particle sizes from bone mills is required. Clinical Relevance: Understanding the mechanical properties of milled human allograft is important when impaction grafting is used for mechanical support. A simple means of improving the mechanical strength of graft produced by currently available bone mills, including an intraoperative washing technique, is described.


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Aquaculture in Tanzania is still on a subsistence level and most of the ponds are maintained as part time job. The ponds are too small, shallow and over crowded with stunted Tilapia spp. In the present paper the results of experiments conducted in ponds at Nyegezi with T. esculenta and T. zillii are presented. This was part of an overall project of developing techniques of fish cultures with Tilapia under the limited existing conditions at Nyegezi. In a mono - species culture experiement with Tilapia zillii in nine month's time an average size of 172.8 mm/115.0 g was attained. In another experiment with T. zillii and T. esculenta in thirteen month's time, T. zillii attained an average size of 180.2mm/106.6 g and T. esculenta 193.6 mm/118.8 g. In another experiment with intensive feeding schedule an average size of 179.3 mm/126.6 g was attained by T. zillii and 191.0 mm/125.0 g by T. esculenta in four month's time. A locally prepared supplimentary feed with local Brewery Waste and Fish Meal (10:1) was readily accepted by both species of Tilapia. T. zillii voraciously fed on Cabbage leaves, Cauliflower leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, Cassava leaves and on the common weed Comalina sp. Though all the items mentioned above were readily accepted by T. zillii feeding with Comaltna sp. was the easiest and most convenient because of its availability. In an intensive feeding experiment with vegetable leaves/Comalina sp. and the locally prepared supplimentary feed the fishes attained table size in four months time. Cement cistens of 5 X 3 X 1½ m size could be conveniently used for breeding both species of Tilapia. T. zillii had semi adhesive eggs and they were deposited on the sides of the cement wall. The number of young ones in a brood ranged from 160 to 314 in T. esculenta and 687 to 4,356 in T. zillii.


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The growth rates of Nile perch, Lates niloticus L. of 20 cm to 40 cm total length were estimated in lakes Victoria and Kyoga in 1991 and 1992 and Nabugabo in 1992 and 1993 by tagging. Fish grew faster in Lake Kyoga (mean growth rate 28.7 ± 1.3 cm S.E. per year, N = 49) than in Lake Victoria (18.9 ± 1.4 cm per year, N = 20) and Lake Nabugabo (19.0 ± 0.7 cm per year, N = 43). There were significant differences in growth rates between the lakes (F2 109 = 24.037, P < 0.001). Growth rates in Lake Kyoga were significantly higher than those of lak'es Victoria and Nabugabo (p < 0.001) but those of lakes Victoria and Nabugabo were not significantly different from each other (p = > 0.05). The faster growth rates in Lake Kyoga were attributed to improvement in food supply due to increases in stocks of haplochromine prey. Growth rates in Lake Kyoga were significantly higher, but those of lakes Victoria and Nabugabo were within the ranges of those reported in several native habitats of Nile perch.