933 resultados para Serum amyloid A protein


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Measurement of protein-polymer second virial coefficients (B-AP) by sedimentation equilibrium studies of carbonic anhydrase and cytochrome c in the presence of dextrans (T10-T80) has revealed an inverse dependence of B-AP upon dextran molecular mass that conforms well with the behaviour predicted for the excluded-volume interaction between a spherical protein solute A and a random-flight representation of the polymeric cosolute P. That model of the protein-polymer interaction is also shown to provide a reasonable description of published gel chromatographic and equilibrium dialysis data on the effect of polymer molecular mass on BAP for human serum albumin in the presence of polyethylene glycols, a contrary finding from analysis of albumin solubility measurements being rejected on theoretical grounds. Inverse dependence upon polymer chainlength is also the predicted excluded-volume effect on the strength of several types of macromolecular equilibria-protein isomerization, protein dimerization, and 1 : 1 complex formation between dissimilar protein reactants. It is therefore concluded that published experimental observations of the reverse dependence, preferential reaction enhancement within DNA replication complexes by larger polyethylene glycols, must reflect the consequences of cosolute chemical interactions that outweigh those of thermodynamic nonideality arising from excluded-volume effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of ammonium sulphate concentration on the osmotic second virial coefficient (B-AA/M-A) for equine serum albumin (pH 5.6, 20 degrees C) have been examined by sedimentation equilibrium. After an initial steep decrease with increasing ammonium sulphate concentration, B-AA/M-A assumes an essentially concentration-independent magnitude of 8-9 ml/g. Such behaviour conforms with the statistical-mechanical prediction that a sufficient increase in ionic strength should effectively eliminate the contributions of charge interactions to B-AA/M-A but have no effect on the covolume contribution (8.4 ml/g for serum albumin). A similar situation is shown to apply to published sedimentation equilibrium data for lysozyme (pH 4.5). Although termed osmotic second virial coefficients and designated as such (B-22), the negative values obtained in published light scattering studies of both systems have been described incorrectly because of the concomitant inclusion of the protein-salt contribution to thermodynamic nonideality of the protein. Those negative values are still valid predictors of conditions conducive to crystal growth inasmuch as they do reflect situations in which there is net attraction between protein molecules. However, the source of attraction responsible for the negative virial coefficient stems from the protein-salt rather than the protein-protein contribution, which is necessarily positive. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Treatment of schizophrenia with olanzapine and other atypical antipsychotic agents is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. The mechanism for this is not understood. Adiponectin is an insulin-sensitizing cytokine secreted by adipocytes. It is present in serum in multimers of varying size. Trimers and hexamers are referred to as low molecular weight (LMW) adiponectin. Larger multimers (12-, 18-, and 24-mers) have been designated high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin and seem responsible for the insulin-sensitizing action of this adipokine. The aim of this study was to examine total adiponectin and LMW and HMW multimers in serum from patients with schizophrenia treated with either olanzapine (n = 9) or other typical antipsychotics (n = 9) and compare results with 16 healthy sex-, body mass index-, and age-matched controls. The effects of olanzapine on adiponectin protein expression and secretion in in vitro-differentiated primary human adipocytes were also examined. Patients receiving olanzapine had significantly lower total serum adiponectin as compared with those on conventional treatment and controls (5.23 +/- 1.53 ng/mL vs. 8.20 +/- 3.77 ng/mL and 8.78 +/- 3.8 ng/mL; P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). The HMW adiponectin was also reduced in patients on olanzapine as compared with the disease and healthy control groups (1.67 +/- 0.96 ng/mL vs. 3.87 +/- 2.69 ng/mL and 4.07 +/- 3.2 ng/mL; P < 0.05 for both). The LMW adiponectin was not different between patient groups (P = 0.15) but lower in patients on olanzapine as compared with controls (3.56 +/- 10.85 ng/mL vs. 4.70 +/- 1.4 ng/mL; P < 0.05). In vitro, short duration (up to 7 days) olanzapine exposure had no effect on total adiponectin expression or multimer composition of secreted protein. In summary, this study demonstrates a correlation between olanzapine treatment and reduced serum adiponectin, particularly HMW multimers. This may not be a direct effect of olanzapine on adipocyte expression or secretion of adiponectin. These observations provide insights into possible mechanisms for the association between olanzapine treatment and insulin resistance.


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We describe the development of a capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of the dengue virus nonstructural protein NS1. The assay employs rabbit polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies as the capture and detection antibodies, respectively. Immunoaffinity-purified NS1 derived from dengue 2 virus-infected cells was used as a standard to establish a detection sensitivity of approximately 4 ng/ml for an assay employing monoclonal antibodies recognizing a dengue 2 serotype-specific epitope. A number of serotype cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies were also shown to be suitable probes for the detection of NS1 expressed by the remaining three dengue virus serotypes. Examination of clinical samples demonstrated that the assay was able to detect NS1 with minimal interference from serum components at the test dilutions routinely used, suggesting that it could form the basis of a useful additional diagnostic test for dengue virus infection. Furthermore, quantitation of NS1 levels in patient sera may prove to be a valuable surrogate marker for viremia. Surprisingly high levels of NS1, as much as 15 mu g/ml, were found in acute-phase sera taken hom some of the patients experiencing serologically confirmed dengue 2 virus secondary infections but was not detected in the convalescent sera of these patients. In contrast, NS1 could not be detected in either acute-phase or convalescent serum samples taken from patients with serologically confirmed primary infection. The presence of high levels of secreted NS1 in the sera of patients experiencing secondary dengue virus infections, and in the context of an anamnestic antibody response, suggests that NS1 may contribute significantly to the formation of the circulating immune complexes that are suspected to play an important role in the pathogenesis of severe dengue disease.


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Cellular thiols are critical moieties in signal transduction, regulation of gene expression, and ultimately are determinants of specific protein activity. Whilst protein bound thiols are the critical effector molecules, low molecular weight thiols, such as glutathione, play a central role in cytoprotection through (1) direct consumption of oxidants, (2) regeneration of protein thiols and (3) export of glutathione containing mixed disulphides. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress, as it consumes 20% of oxygen load, contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids and iron in certain regions, and expresses low concentrations of enzymic antioxidants. There is substantial evidence for a role for oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disease, where excitotoxic, redox cycling and mitochondrial dysfunction have been postulated to contribute to the enhanced oxidative load. Others have suggested that loss of important trophic factors may underlie neurodegeneration. However, the two are not mutually exclusive; using cell based model systems, low molecular weight antioxidants have been shown to play an important neuroprotective role in vitro, where neurotrophic factors have been suggested to modulate glutathione levels. Glutathione levels are regulated by substrate availability, synthetic enzyme and metabolic enzyme activity, and by the presence of other antioxidants, which according to the redox potential, consume or regenerate GSH from its oxidised partner. Therefore we have investigated the hypothesis that amyloid beta neurotoxicity is mediated by reactive oxygen species, where trophic factor cytoprotection against oxidative stress is achieved through regulation of glutathione levels. Using PC12 cells as a model system, amyloid beta 25-35 caused a shift in DCF fluorescence after four hours in culture. This fluorescence shift was attenuated by both desferioxamine and NGF. After four hours, cellular glutathione levels were depleted by as much as 75%, however, 24 hours following oxidant exposure, glutathione concentration was restored to twice the concentration seen in controls. NGF prevented both the loss of viability seen after 24 hours amyloid beta treatment and also protected glutathione levels. NGF decreased the total cellular glutathione concentration but did not affect expression of GCS. In conclusion, loss of glutathione precedes cell death in PC12 cells. However, at sublethal doses the surviving fraction respond to oxidative stress by increasing glutathione levels, where this is achieved, at least in part, at the gene level through upregulation of GCS. Whilst NGF does protect against oxidative toxicity, this is not achieved through upregulation of GCS or glutathione.


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C-reactive protein (CRP) is the prototypic acute phase serum protein in humans. The effects of CRP on primary human monocyte adhesion molecule expression and interaction with the endothelium have not been studied. Herein, we describe an investigation into the phenotypic and functional consequences of CRP binding to peripheral blood monocytes ex vivo. Peripheral whole blood was collected from healthy, non-smoking males. Mononuclear cells (MNC) and monocytes were isolated by differential centrifugation using lymphoprep and Dynal negative isolation kit, respectively. Cells were exposed to CRP from 0 to 250 μg/ml for 0-60 min at 37°C and analysed for (a) CD11b, PECAM-1 (CD31) and CD32 expression by flow cytometry and (b) adhesion to LPS (1 μg/ml; 0-24 h) treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). CD14+ monocyte expression of CD11b increased significantly up to twofold when exposed to CRP, compared to controls. There was no significant difference in CD32 expression, whereas CD31 expression decreased after exposure to CRP. CRP treatment of monocytes inhibited their adhesion to early LPS-activated HUVEC (0-5 h). However, the adhesion of CRP-treated monocytes to HUVEC was significantly greater to late activation antigens on HUVEC (24 h, LPS) compared to controls. We have shown that CRP can affect monocyte activation ex vivo and induce phenotypic changes that result in an altered recruitment to endothelial cells. This study provides the first evidence for a further role for C-reactive protein in both monocyte activation and adhesion, which may be of importance during an inflammatory event.


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Abnormal protein aggregates, in the form of either extracellular plaques or intracellular inclusions, are an important pathological feature of the majority of neurodegenerative disorders. The major molecular constituents of these lesions, viz., beta-amyloid (Abeta), tau, and alpha-synuclein, have played a defining role in the diagnosis and classification of disease and in studies of pathogenesis. The molecular composition of a protein aggregate, however, is often complex and could be the direct or indirect consequence of a pathogenic gene mutation, be the result of cell degeneration, or reflect the acquisition of new substances by diffusion and molecular binding to existing proteins. This review examines the molecular composition of the major protein aggregates found in the neurodegenerative diseases including the Abeta and prion protein (PrP) plaques found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and prion disease, respectively, and the cellular inclusions found in the tauopathies and synucleinopathies. The data suggest that the molecular constituents of a protein aggregate do not directly cause cell death but are largely the consequence of cell degeneration or are acquired during the disease process. These findings are discussed in relation to diagnosis and to studies of to disease pathogenesis.


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TThe size frequency distributions of ß-amyloid (Aß) and prion protein (PrPsc) deposits were studied in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) respectively. All size distributions were unimodal and positively skewed. Aß deposits reached a greater maximum size and their distributions were significantly less skewed than the PrPsc deposits. All distributions were approximately log-normal in shape but only the diffuse PrPsc deposits did not deviate significantly from a log-normal model. There were fewer larger classic Aß deposits than predicted and the florid PrPsc deposits occupied a more restricted size range than predicted by a log-normal model. Hence, Aß deposits exhibit greater growth than the corresponding PrPsc deposits. Surface diffusion may be particularly important in determining the growth of the diffuse PrPsc deposits. In addition, there are factors limiting the maximum size of the Aß and florid PrPsc deposits.


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The frequency distribution of aggregate size of the diffuse and florid-type prion protein (PrP) plaques was studied in various brain regions in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The size distributions were unimodal and positively skewed and resembled those of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS). The frequency distributions of the PrP aggregates were log-normal in shape, but there were deviations from the expected number of plaques in specific size classes. More diffuse plaques were observed in the modal size class and fewer in the larger size classes than expected and more florid plaques were present in the larger size classes compared with the log-normal model. It was concluded that the growth of the PrP aggregates in vCJD does not strictly follow a log-normal model, diffuse plaques growing to within a more restricted size range and florid plaques to larger sizes than predicted. © Springer-Verlag 2005.


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The spatial pattern of the prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum in 10 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). In all patients the PrP deposits were aggregated into clusters and, in 90% of cortical areas and in 50% of cerebellar sections, the clusters exhibited a regular periodicity parallel to the tissue boundary; a spatial pattern also exhibited by ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the cerebral cortex, the incidence of regular clustering of the PrP deposits was similar in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The sizes of the PrP clusters in the upper and lower cortex were uncorrelated. No significant differences in mean cluster size of the PrP deposits were observed between brain regions. The size, location and distribution of the PrP deposit clusters suggest that PrP deposition occurs in relation to specific anatomical pathways and supports the hypothesis that prion pathology spreads through the brain via such pathways. In addition, the data suggest that there are similarities in the pathogenesis of extracellular protein deposits in prion disease and in AD.


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A major goal in vaccine development is elimination of the 'cold chain', the transport and storage system for maintenance and distribution of the vaccine product. This is particularly pertinent to liquid formulation of vaccines. We have previously described the rod-insert vaginal ring (RiR) device, comprising an elastomeric body into which are inserted lyophilised, rod-shaped, solid drug dosage forms, and having potential for sustained mucosal delivery of biomacromolecules, such as HIV envelope protein-based vaccine candidates. Given the solid, lyophilised nature of these insert dosage forms, we hypothesised that antigen stability may be significantly increased compared with more conventional solubilised vaginal gel format. In this study, we prepared and tested vaginal ring devices fitted with lyophilised rod inserts containing the model antigen bovine serum albumin (BSA). Both the RiRs and the gels that were freeze-dried to prepare the inserts were evaluated for BSA stability using PAGE, turbidimetry, microbial load, MALDI-TOF and qualitative precipitate solubility measurements. When stored at 4°C, but not when stored at 40°C/75% RH, the RiR formulation offered protection against structural and conformational changes to BSA. The insert also retained matrix integrity and release characteristics. The results demonstrate that lypophilised gels can provide relative protection against degradation at lower temperatures compared to semi-solid gels. The major mechanism of degradation at 40°C/75% RH was shown to be protein aggregation. Finally, in a preliminary study, we found that addition of trehalose to the formulation significantly reduces the rate of BSA degradation compared to the original formulation when stored at 40°C/75% RH. Establishing the mechanism of degradation, and finding that degradation is decelerated in the presence of trehalose, will help inform further development of RiRs specifically and polymer based freeze-dried systems in general.


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Objective: To evaluate the serum levels and diagnostic value of cytokines and acute phase proteins in patients with infective endocarditis (IE). Patients and methods: Serum samples from 63 patients diagnosed with IE and 71 control patients were analysed for the following markers: interleukin-6 (IL6), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin 1-β (IL1β), procalcitonin (PCT), lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) and C-reactive protein (CRP). Results: Serum levels of IL6, IL1β and CRP were significantly elevated in patients with IE as compared to controls. PCT, TNF-α and LBP were not elevated. Conclusion: Serum CRP and IL6 are elevated in IE. IL 6 may aid in establishing the diagnosis. There was no correlation between IL 6 levels and CRP, causative microorganism, echocardiographic features or outcome. © 2007 The British Infection Society.


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The numerical density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) as revealed by the Glees silver method was compared with SP and NFT revealed by the Gallyas method and with amyloid (A4) deposits in immunostained sections in 6 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease. The density of NFT was generally greater and A4 lower in tissue from hippocampus compared with the neocortex suggesting that A4 deposition was less important than the degree of paired helical filament (PHF) related damage in the hippocampus. The density of Glees SP was positively correlated Gallyas SP weakly correlated with A4 deposit number. A stepwise multiple regression analysis which included A4 deposit and Gallyas SP density and accounted for 54% of the variation in Glees SP density. Hence, different populations of SP were revealed by the different staining methods. The results suggested that the Glees method may stain a population of SP in a region of cortex where both amyloid deposition and neurofibrillary changes have occurred.


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A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was carried out on the density of lesions revealed by different stains in a total of 47 brain regions from six elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim was to determine the relationships between the density of senile plaques (SP) revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains and A4 deposits and between the plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the same brain region. The analysis indicated that the populations of plaques revealed by the Glees and Gallyas stains were closely related to the A4 protein deposits but none of the lesions were related to NFT. The data suggest: 1) that neocortical regions differ from the hippocampus in the relative development of A4 and NFT; the former having more A4 deposits and the latter more NFT and 2) that the processes that lead to the formation of SP and NFT occur independently of each other in the same brain region.


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Sepsis continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality as it can readily lead tosevere sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. The onset can be rapid and difficult to define clinically. Despite the numerous candidate markers proposed in the literature, to date a serum marker for sepsis has not been found. The aim of this study was to assay the serum of clinically diagnosed patients with eithera Gram-negative or Gram- positive bacterial sepsis for elevated levels of nine potentialmarkers of sepsis, using commercially produced enzyme linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA). The purpose was to find a test marker for sepsis that would be helpful toclinicians in cases of uncertain sepsis and consequently expose false positive BC'scaused by skin or environmental contaminants. Nine test markers were assayed including IL-6, IL-I 0, ILI2, TNF-α, lipopolysaccharide binding protein, procalcitonin, sE-selectin, sICAM -1 and a potential differential marker for Gram-positive sepsis- anti-lipid S antibody. A total of 445 patients were enrolled into this study from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Selly Oak Hospital (Birmingham). The results showed that all the markers were elevated in patients with sepsis and that patients with a Gram-negative sepsis consistently produced higher median/range serum levels than those with a Gram-positive sepsis. No single marker was able to identify all the septic patients. Combining two markers caused the sensitivities and specificities for a diagnosis of sepsis to increase to within a 90% to 100% range. By a process of elimination the markers that survived into the last phase were IL-6 with sICAM -1, and anti-lipid S IgG assays Defining cut-off levels for a diagnosis of sepsis became problematic and a semi-blind trial was devised to test the markers in the absence of both clinical details and positive blood cultures. Patients with pyrexia of unknown origin and negative BC were included in this phase (4). The results showed that IL-6 with sICAM-l are authentic markers of sepsis. There was 82% agreement between the test marker diagnosis and the clinical diagnosis for sepsis in patients with a Gram-positive BC and 78% agreement in cases of Gram-negative Be. In the PUO group the test markers identified 12 cases of sepsis and the clinical diagnosis 15. The markers were shown to differentiate between early sepsis and sepsis, inflammatory responses and infection. Anti-lipid S with IL-6 proved be a sensitive marker for Gram-positive infections/sepsis.