917 resultados para Sert (serotonin Transporter)
Plant membrane compartments and trafficking pathways are highly complex, and are often distinct from those of animals and fungi. Progress has been made in defining trafficking in plants using transient expression systems. However, many processes require a precise understanding of plant membrane trafficking in a developmental context, and in diverse, specialized cell types. These include defense responses to pathogens, regulation of transporter accumulation in plant nutrition or polar auxin transport in development. In all of these cases a central role is played by the endosomal membrane system, which, however, is the most divergent and ill-defined aspect of plant cell compartmentation. We have designed a new vector series, and have generated a large number of stably transformed plants expressing membrane protein fusions to spectrally distinct, fluorescent tags. We selected lines with distinct subcellular localization patterns, and stable, non-toxic expression. We demonstrate the power of this multicolor 'Wave' marker set for rapid, combinatorial analysis of plant cell membrane compartments, both in live-imaging and immunoelectron microscopy. Among other findings, our systematic co-localization analysis revealed that a class of plant Rab1-homologs has a much more extended localization than was previously assumed, and also localizes to trans-Golgi/endosomal compartments. Constructs that can be transformed into any genetic background or species, as well as seeds from transgenic Arabidopsis plants, will be freely available, and will promote rapid progress in diverse areas of plant cell biology.
2. Plan du travail Pour atteindre nos objectifs, notre travail sera essentiellement divisé en trois grandes sections. La première partie nous sert principalement à esquisser notre démarche et les enjeux de notre entreprise, ainsi qu'à la situer au sein d'un cadre théorique - la linguistique interactionnelle - combinant l'analyse grammaticale et l'analyse conversationnelle. Nous procéderons d'abord à une brève description de l'analyse conversationnelle ethnométhodologique, ensuite à celle du courant Interaction and Grammar. Dans le cadre de ces descriptions, nous illustrerons par des exemples les liens entre la grammaire et l'interaction sociale tels qu'ils ont été élaborés dans de nombreuses recherches dans le domaine. Finalement, nous résumerons nos objectifs et nos procédures d'analyse. La deuxième partie consiste essentiellement en une discussion et une problématisation de l'état de la recherche dans la littérature. L'exposé montrera les principaux problèmes que la pseudo-clivée pose aux différents niveaux d'analyse. Nous y traiterons des problèmes de définition et de délimitation de la construction en question au niveau syntaxique et sémantique. Nous enchaînerons avec l'exposé de l'état de la recherche au niveau pragmatique et discursif Cette discussion nous permettra de problématiser à la fois la fonction principale dévolue à la pseudo-clivée et l'établissement de la relation entre forme et fonction. Finalement, nous aborderons certains aspects dont nous ne nous occuperons pas ou seulement partiellement dans notre travail. Le résumé de cette deuxième partie nous servira à récapituler les problèmes soulevés par la pseudo-clivée française. La troisième partie - empirique et analytique - constitue la partie centrale de ce travail. Elle exposera nos résultats à travers l'analyse d'exemples qui exhibent les propriétés typiques des occurrences retenues dans notre corpus. Cette partie est donc consacrée aux formes, aux fonctionnements syntaxico-séquentiels et aux fonctions effectivement rencontrées dans nos données pour aboutir à une description de ses propriétés interactives et à une typologie compatible avec les usages interactifs réels. Après l'exposé de ce qui nous semble le plus typique dans l'usage interactif effectif de la pseudo-clivée par les interlocuteurs, nous nous dirigerons plus particulièrement vers la délimitation et la localisation de notre objet d'analyse, d'une part, par rapport à d'autres constructions (clivées, pseudo-clivées inversées, dislocations à gauche), et d'autre part, par rapport à d'autres unions d'unités qui n'ont pas le statut de construction en usage. Finalement, nous tenterons d'intégrer nos observations dans une description cohérente du "phénomène pseudo-clivé" dans l'usage des locuteurs. De plus, nous présenterons - sur la base de nos résultats - des réponses ou des éléments de réponse aux problématiques soulevées par notre objet d'analyse telles que nous les avons élaborées et discutées dans la partie II de ce travail. Nous terminerons par une discussion sur les apports de notre démarche, ainsi qu'à une évaluation de notre conception spécifique des faits de grammaire, et plus particulièrement d'une construction syntaxique (partie IV). Nous indiquerons des pistes de recherche possibles à suivre en fonction de nos résultats. Parmi d'éventuelles investigations futures, un accent particulier sera mis sur les aspects prosodiques et la recherche comparative.
The molecular cloning of facilitated sugar transporters has led to the identification of a family of transport molecules having similar functions, but possessing specific kinetic and regulatory properties. These transporter isoforms are characterized by different primary structures, specific tissue localization, and polarized expression within the same epithelial cells. The use of Xenopus oocytes for the functional expression of different members of this transporter family has been of considerable value in defining the kinetic properties and sugar specificities of the different isoforms. The expression of chimeric or variously mutated transporters should, in the near future, permit the determination of the structural basis for their kinetic properties and sugar specificities. cDNA probes and antipeptide antibodies specific for each isoform are now being used to determine their specific regulation during development and in different states of altered glucose homeostasis. The variety of molecular forms implicated in the apparently simple task of sugar uptake or transepithelial transport has been surprising. With the available molecular tools now in hand, it will be possible to study these mechanisms in much greater detail.
Astrocytes play a central role in the brain by regulating glutamate and extracellular potassium concentrations ([K+]0), both released by neurons into the extracellular space during neuronal activity. Glutamate uptake is driven by the inwardly directed sodium gradient across the astrocyte membrane and involves the influx of three sodium ions and one proton and the efflux of one K+ ion per glutamate molecule. The glutamate transport induced rise in intracellular sodium stimulates the Na+/K+-ATPase which leads to significant energetic costs in astrocytes. To evaluate how these two fundamental functions of astrocytes, namely glutamate transport and K+ buffering, which are directly associated with neuronal activity, coexist and if they influence each other, in this thesis work we examined different cellular parameters of astrocytes. We therefore investigated the impact of altered [K+]0 on glutamate transporter activity. To assess this question we measured intracellular sodium fluctuations in mouse primary cultured astrocytes using dynamic fluorescence imaging. We found that glutamate uptake was tightly modulated both in amplitude and kinetics by [K+]0. Elevated [K+]0 strongly decreased glutamate transporter activity, with significant consequences on the cells energy metabolism. To ultimately evaluate potential effects of [K+]0 and glutamate on the astrocyte mitochondrial energy production we extended these studies by investigating their impact on the cytosolic and mitochondrial pH. We found that both [K+],, and glutamate strongly influenced cytosolic and mitochondrial pH, but in opposite directions. The effect of a simultaneous application of K+ and glutamate, however, did not fit with the arithmetical sum of each individual effects, suggesting that an additional non¬linear process is involved. We also investigated the impact of [K+]0 and glutamate transport, respectively, on intracellular potassium concentrations ([K+]0 in cultured astrocytes by characterizing and applying a newly developed Insensitive fluorescent dye. We observed that [K+]i followed [K+]0 changes in a nearly proportional way and that glutamate superfusion caused a reversible, glutamate-concentration dependent drop of [K+],, Our study shows the powerful influence of [K+]u on glutamate capture. These findings have strong implications for our understanding of the tightly regulated interplay between astrocytes and neurons in situations where [K+]0 undergoes large activity-dependent fluctuations. However, depending on the extent of K+ versus glutamate extracellular rise, energy metabolism in astrocytes will be differently regulated. Moreover, the novel insights obtained during this thesis work help understanding some of the underlying processes that prevail in certain pathologies of central nervous system, such as epilepsy and stroke. These results will possibly provide a basis for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. -- Les astrocytes jouent un rôle central dans le cerveau en régulant les concentrations de potassium (K+) et de glutamate, qui sont relâchés par les neurones dans l'espace extracellulaire lorsque ceux- ci sont actifs. La capture par les astrocytes du glutamate est un processus secondairement actif qui implique l'influx d'ions sodium (Na+) et d'un proton, ainsi que l'efflux d'ions K+, ce processus entraîne un coût métabolique important. Nous avons évalué comment ces fonctions fondamentales des astrocytes, la régulation du glutamate et du K+ extracellulaire, qui sont directement associés à l'activité neuronale, coexistent et si elles interagissent, en examinant différents paramètres cellulaires. Dans ce projet de thèse nous avons évalué l'impact des modifications de la concentration de potassium extracellulaire ([K+],,) sur le transport du glutamate. Nous avons mesuré le transport du glutamate par le biais des fluctuations internes de Na+ grâce à un colorant fluorescent en utilisant de l'imagerie à fluorescence dynamique sur des cultures primaires d'astrocytes. Nous avons trouvé que la capture du glutamate était étroitement régulée par [K+]0 aussi bien dans son amplitude que dans sa cinétique. Par la suite, nous avons porté notre attention sur l'impact de [K+]0 et du glutamate sur le pH cytosolique et mitochondrial de l'astrocyte dans le but, in fine, d'évaluer les effets potentiels sur la production d'énergie par la mitochondrie. Nous avons trouvé qu'autant le K+ que le glutamate, de manière individuelle, influençaient fortement le pH, cependant dans des directions opposées. Leurs effets individuels, ne peuvent toutefois pas être additionnés ce qui suggère qu'un processus additionnel non-linéaire est impliqué. En appliquant une nouvelle approche pour suivre et quantifier la concentration intracellulaire de potassium ([K+]0 par imagerie à fluorescence, nous avons observé que [K+]i suivait les changements de [K+]0 de manière quasiment proportionnelle et que la superfusion de glutamate induisait un décroissement rapide et réversible de [K+]i, qui dépend de la concentration de glutamate. Notre étude démontre l'influence de [K+]0 sur la capture du glutamate. Ces résultats permettent d'améliorer notre compréhension de l'interaction entre astrocytes et neurones dans des situations où [K+]0 fluctue en fonction de l'activité neuronale. Cependant, en fonction de l'importance de l'augmentation extracellulaire du K+ versus le glutamate, le métabolisme énergétique des astrocytes va être régulé de manière différente. De plus, les informations nouvelles que nous avons obtenues durant ce travail de thèse nous aident à comprendre quelques- uns des processus sous-jacents qui prévalent dans certaines pathologies du système nerveux central, comme par exemple l'épilepsie ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. Ces informations pourront être importantes à intégrer dans la cadre du développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques.
One of the mediators of pleiotropic drug resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the ABC-transporter gene PDR5. This gene is regulated by at least two transcription factors with Zn(2)-Cys(6) finger DNA-binding motifs, Pdr1p and Pdr3p. In this work, we searched for functional homologues of these transcription factors in Candida albicans. A C. albicans gene library was screened in a S. cerevisiae mutant lacking PDR1 and PDR3 and clones resistant to azole antifungals were isolated. From these clones, three genes responsible for azole resistance were identified. These genes (CTA4, ASG1 and CTF1) encode proteins with Zn(2)-Cys(6)-type zinc finger motifs in their N-terminal domains. The C. albicans genes expressed in S. cerevisiae could activate the transcription of a PDR5-lacZ reporter system and this reporter activity was PDRE-dependent. They could also confer resistance to azoles in a S. cerevisiae strain lacking PDR1, PDR3 and PDR5, suggesting that CTA4-, ASG1- and CTF1-dependent azole resistance can be caused by genes other than PDR5 in S. cerevisiae. Deletion of CTA4, ASG1 and CTF1 in C. albicans had no effect on fluconazole susceptibility and did not alter the expression of the ABC-transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2 or the major facilitator gene MDR1, which encode multidrug transporters known as mediators of azole resistance in C. albicans. However, additional phenotypic screening tests on the C. albicans mutants revealed that the presence of ASG1 was necessary to sustain growth on non-fermentative carbon sources (sodium acetate, acetic acid, ethanol). In conclusion, C. albicans possesses functional homologues of the S. cerevisiae Pdr1p and Pdr3p transcription factors; however, their properties in C. albicans have been rewired to other functions.
Sequential stages in the life cycle of the ionotropic 5-HT(3) receptor (5-HT(3)R) were resolved temporally and spatially in live cells by multicolor fluorescence confocal microscopy. The insertion of the enhanced cyan fluorescent protein into the large intracellular loop delivered a fluorescent 5-HT(3)R fully functional in terms of ligand binding specificity and channel activity, which allowed for the first time a complete real-time visualization and documentation of intracellular biogenesis, membrane targeting, and ligand-mediated internalization of a receptor belonging to the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily. Fluorescence signals of newly expressed receptors were detectable in the endoplasmic reticulum about 3 h after transfection onset. At this stage receptor subunits assembled to form active ligand binding sites as demonstrated in situ by binding of a fluorescent 5-HT(3)R-specific antagonist. After novel protein synthesis was chemically blocked, the 5-HT(3) R populations in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi cisternae moved virtually quantitatively to the cell surface, indicating efficient receptor folding and assembly. Intracellular 5-HT(3) receptors were trafficking in vesicle-like structures along microtubules to the cell surface at a velocity generally below 1 mum/s and were inserted into the plasma membrane in a characteristic cluster distribution overlapping with actin-rich domains. Internalization of cell surface 5-HT(3) receptors was observed within minutes after exposure to an extracellular agonist. Our orchestrated use of spectrally distinguishable fluorescent labels for the receptor, its cognate ligand, and specific organelle markers can be regarded as a general approach allowing subcellular insights into dynamic processes of membrane receptor trafficking.
Elevated plasma urate levels are associated with metabolic, cardiovascular, and renal diseases. Urate may also form crystals, which can be deposited in joints causing gout and in kidney tubules inducing nephrolithiasis. In mice, plasma urate levels are controlled by hepatic breakdown, as well as, by incompletely understood renal processes of reabsorption and secretion. Here, we investigated the role of the recently identified urate transporter, Glut9, in the physiological control of urate homeostasis using mice with systemic or liver-specific inactivation of the Glut9 gene. We show that Glut9 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes and in both apical and basolateral membranes of the distal nephron. Mice with systemic knockout of Glut9 display moderate hyperuricemia, massive hyperuricosuria, and an early-onset nephropathy, characterized by obstructive lithiasis, tubulointerstitial inflammation, and progressive inflammatory fibrosis of the cortex, as well as, mild renal insufficiency. In contrast, liver-specific inactivation of the Glut9 gene in adult mice leads to severe hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria, in the absence of urate nephropathy or any structural abnormality of the kidney. Together, our data show that Glut9 plays a major role in urate homeostasis by its dual role in urate handling in the kidney and uptake in the liver.
A 5-year-old previously healthy boy was admitted for abdominal pain and vomiting. Physical examination showed tachypnoe (32/min), hepatomegaly and painful palpation of the upper right abdominal quadrant. Laboratory tests were normal except for elevated ammonium (202mcmol/l). Chest X-ray was performed, showing cardiomegaly and interstitial edema. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed dilated left cavities and LV hypertrophy together with a diffuse hypokinesia and LVEF of 30-40%. Diuretics and ACE-inhibitors were introduced. At that time, the differential diagnosis for the DCM included myocarditis, congenital or genetic, metabolic or autoimmune disease. The next day, the boy underwent cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) examination, showing a severe dilatation of the LV with an end-diastolic diameter of 50mm and a volume of 150ml. LVEF was 20% with diffuse LV hypokinesia (Fig. 1). No late enhancement was present after Gadolinium injection, ruling out myocarditis. Further laboratory metabolic analysis indicated severely decreased total and free carnitin levels and low renal carnitin reabsorption, corroborating the diagnosis of primary carnitin deficiency (PCD). Carnitin substitution was initiated. The clinical condition rapidly improved. No symptoms of heart failure were present anymore. A follow-up CMR performed 9 months later confirmed the recovery. LV end-diastolic volume decreased from 150ml to 66ml, LVEF increased from 20% to 55% (Fig. 2). Late enhancement was absent after Gadolinum injection (Fig. 3).Carnitin is required for the transport of fatty acids from the cytosol into mitochondria during lipid breakdown. 75% of carnitin is obtained from food, 25% is endogenously synthesized. PCD is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from impairment of a transporter activity, caused by mutation of the SLC22A5 gene. Incidence is about 1 in 40'000 newborns. Diagnosis is usually made at age 1 to 7. Three forms of PCD are described. In the form associated with cardiomyopathy, the disease is progressive and patient die from heart failure if not treated. Substitution of L-Carnitin leads to a dramatic improvement of disease course.This case underlines the crucial role of etiologic diagnostics in this reversible form of DCM. Early diagnostics and therapy are critical for the prognosis of the patient. This is furthermore an example of a role played by CMR in the diagnostic work-up of heart failure and its follow-up under therapy.
Glucose production by liver is a major physiological function, which is required to prevent development of hypoglycemia in the postprandial and fasted states. The mechanism of glucose release from hepatocytes has not been studied in detail but was assumed instead to depend on facilitated diffusion through the glucose transporter GLUT2. Here, we demonstrate that in the absence of GLUT2 no other transporter isoforms were overexpressed in liver and only marginally significant facilitated diffusion across the hepatocyte plasma membrane was detectable. However, the rate of hepatic glucose output was normal. This was evidenced by (i) the hyperglycemic response to i.p. glucagon injection; (ii) the in vivo measurement of glucose turnover rate; and (iii) the rate of release of neosynthesized glucose from isolated hepatocytes. These observations therefore indicated the existence of an alternative pathway for hepatic glucose output. Using a [14C]-pyruvate pulse-labeling protocol to quantitate neosynthesis and release of [14C]glucose, we demonstrated that this pathway was sensitive to low temperature (12 degreesC). It was not inhibited by cytochalasin B nor by the intracellular traffic inhibitors brefeldin A and monensin but was blocked by progesterone, an inhibitor of cholesterol and caveolae traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Our observations thus demonstrate that hepatic glucose release does not require the presence of GLUT2 nor of any plasma membrane glucose facilitative diffusion mechanism. This implies the existence of an as yet unsuspected pathway for glucose release that may be based on a membrane traffic mechanism.
OBJECTIVES: Increasing evidence suggests that left ventricular remodeling is associated with a shift from fatty acid to glucose metabolism for energy production. The aim of this study was to determine whether left ventricular remodeling with and without late-onset heart failure after myocardial infarction is associated with regional changes in the expression of regulatory proteins of glucose or fatty acid metabolism. METHODS: Myocardial infarction was induced in rats by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In infarcted and sham-operated hearts the peri-infarction region (5-mm zone surrounding the region at risk), the interventricular septum and the right ventricular free wall were separated for analysis. RESULTS: At 8 and 20 weeks after LAD ligation, the peri-infarction region and the septum exhibited marked re-expression of atrial natriuretic factor [+252+/-37 and +1093+/-279%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)] and of alpha-smooth muscle actin [+34+/-10 and +43+/-14%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)]. At 8 weeks, when left ventricular hypertrophy was present without signs of heart failure, myocardial mRNA expression of glucose transporters (GLUT-1 and GLUT-4) was not altered, whereas mRNA expression of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) was significantly reduced in the peri-infarction region (-25+/-7%; P<0.05). In hearts exhibiting heart failure 20 weeks after infarct-induction there was a change in all three ventricular regions of both mRNA and protein content of GLUT-1 [+72+/-28 and +121+/-15%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)] and MCAD [-29+/-9 and -56+/-4%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)]. CONCLUSION: In rats with large myocardial infarction, progression from compensated remodeling to overt heart failure is associated with upregulation of GLUT-1 and downregulation of MCAD in both the peri-infarction region and the septum.
Cet article vise à illustrer la collaboration et l'enrichissement mutuel qu'apportent aux chercheurs et aux cliniciens l'utilisation de la «consultation systémique». Cette dernière, demandée soit spontanément par les parents, soit par le(s) thérapeute(s) qui suive(nt) la famille, a pour but l'évaluation des interactions familiales. Lors d'une première rencontre, les questions qui motivent les parents et/ou thérapeute(s) à consulter sont formulées et la famille est invitée à faire des jeux familiaux semi-standardisés qui sont filmés. Lors d'une deuxième rencontre réunissant les mêmes personnes, un visionnement d'extraits des films sert de base à une discussion ainsi qu'à l'élaboration de réponses aux questions posées, en partant des observations des chercheurs. Après une description de la consultation systémique standard (principes, objectifs, procédure et situations d'observation), une vignette clinique atypique, concernant des violences intrafamiliales, illustrera la variété et la richesse de ces consultations. Les observations micro et macro-analytiques des interactions données par les chercheurs, auxquelles s'ajoute la compréhension clinique des thérapeutes, montrent qu'une collaboration entre eux est fructueuse pour toutes les parties concernées.
Glut-2 is a low-affinity transporter present in the plasma membrane of pancreatic beta-cells, hepatocytes and intestine and kidney absorptive epithelial cells of mice. In beta-cells, Glut-2 has been proposed to be active in the control of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS; ref. 2), and its expression is strongly reduced in glucose-unresponsive islets from different animal models of diabetes. However, recent investigations have yielded conflicting data on the possible role of Glut-2 in GSIS. Whereas some reports have supported a specific role for Glut-2 (refs 5,6), others have suggested that GSIS could proceed normally even in the presence of low or almost undetectable levels of this transporter. Here we show that homozygous, but not heterozygous, mice deficient in Glut-2 are hyperglycaemic and relatively hypo-insulinaemic and have elevated plasma levels of glucagon, free fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate. In vivo, their glucose tolerance is abnormal. In vitro, beta-cells display loss of control of insulin gene expression by glucose and impaired GSIS with a loss of first phase but preserved second phase of secretion, while the secretory response to non-glucidic nutrients or to D-glyceraldehyde is normal. This is accompanied by alterations in the postnatal development of pancreatic islets, evidenced by an inversion of the alpha- to beta-cell ratio. Glut-2 is thus required to maintain normal glucose homeostasis and normal function and development of the endocrine pancreas. Its absence leads to symptoms characteristic of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
The Bacillus subtilis strain 168 chromosomal region extending from 109 degrees to 112 degrees has been sequenced. Among the 35 ORFs identified, cotT and rapA were the only genes that had been previously mapped and sequenced. Out of ten ORFs belonging to a single putative transcription unit, seven are probably involved in hexuronate catabolism. Their sequences are homologous to Escherichia coli genes exuT, uidB, uxaA, uxaB, uxaC, uxuA and uxuB, which are all required for the uptake of free D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate and beta-glucuronide, and their transformation into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate. The remaining three ORFs encode two dehydrogenases and a transcriptional regulator. The operon is preceded by a putative catabolite-responsive element (CRE), located between a hypothetical promoter and the RBS of the first gene. This element, the longest and the only so far described that is fully symmetrical, consists of a 26 bp palindrome matching the theoretical B. subtilis CRE sequence. The remaining predicted amino acid sequences that share homologies with other proteins comprise: a cytochrome P-450, a glycosyltransferase, an ATP-binding cassette transporter, a protein similar to the formate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (FdhA), protein similar to NADH dehydrogenases, and three homologues of polypeptides that have undefined functions.
Addictive properties of drugs of misuse are generally considered to be mediated by an increased release of dopamine (DA) in the ventral striatum. However, recent experiments indicated an implication of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in behavioural responses to psychostimulants and opiates. We show now that DA release induced in the ventral striatum by morphine (20 mg/kg) is completely blocked by prazosin (1 mg/kg), an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist. However, morphine-induced increases in DA release in the ventral striatum were found to be similar in mice deleted for the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (alpha1b-AR KO) and in wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism. This acute morphine-evoked DA release was completely blocked in alpha1b-AR KO mice by SR46349B (1 mg/kg), a 5-HT2A antagonist. SR46349B also completely blocked, in alpha1b-AR KO mice, the locomotor response and the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine (20 mg/kg) and D-amphetamine (2 mg/kg). Accordingly, the concomitant blockade of 5-HT2A and alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in WT mice entirely blocked acute locomotor responses but also the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine, D-amphetamine or cocaine (10 mg/kg). We observed, nevertheless, that inhibitory effects of each antagonist on locomotor responses to morphine or D-amphetamine were more than additive (160%) in naïve WT mice but not in those sensitized to either drug. Because of these latter data and the possible compensation by 5-HT2A receptors for the genetic deletion of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors, we postulate the existence of a functional link between these receptors, which vanishes during the development of behavioural sensitization.