944 resultados para Semi-conductor


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BACKGROUND We observed a case of conductor externalization in a Biotronik Linox lead. OBJECTIVE To investigate lead performance of the Linox and identical Sorin Vigila lead and prevalence of conductor externalization. METHODS We compared lead performance of all Linox and Vigila leads implanted at our center (BL group; n=93) with all Boston Scientific Endotak Reliance leads (ER group; n=190) and Medtronic Sprint Quattro leads (SQ group; n=202) implanted during the same period. We screened all BL group patients for conductor externalization. RESULTS We identified 8 cases of lead failures in the BL group (index case of conductor externalization; 6 cases of non-physiological high rate sensing; one case of high voltage conductor fracture). Prospective, fluoroscopic screening of 98% of all active BL group cases revealed one additional case of conductor externalization. Median follow-up was 41, 27 and 29 months for the BL group, ER group and SQ group, respectively, lead survival 94.9%, 99.2% and 100% at 3 years, and 88%, 97.5% and 100% at 5 years (p=0.038 for BL group vs. ER group, and p=0.007 for BL group vs. SQ group by the log-rank test). Younger age at implant was an independent predictor for lead failure in the BL group (adjusted HR 0.85 [95% confidence interval 0.77-0.94]; p=0.001). CONCLUSION At our center, survival of the Linox lead is 88% at five years and significantly worse than its comparators. Conductor externalization is present in a minority of failed Linox leads. Younger age at implant is an independent predictor of Linox lead failure.


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Questions Do extreme dry spells in late summer or in spring affect abundance and species composition of the reproductive shoots and the seed rain in the next annual crop? Are drought effects on reproductive shoots related to the rooting depths of species? Location Species-rich semi-natural grassland at Negrentino, Switzerland. Methods In plots under automated rain-out shelters, rainwater was added to simulate normal conditions and compare them with two experimentally effected long dry spells, in late summer (2004) and in the following spring (2005). For 28 plots, numbers of reproductive shoots per species were counted in 1-m2 areas and seed rain was estimated using nine sticky traps of 102 cm2 after dry spells. Results The two extreme dry spells in late summer and spring were similar in length and their probability of recurrence. They independently reduced the subsequent reproductive output of the community, while their seasonal timing modified its species composition. Compared to drought in spring, drought in late summer reduced soil moisture more and reduced the number of reproductive shoots of more species. The negative effects of summer drought decreased with species’ rooting depth. The shallow-rooted graminoids showed a consistent susceptibility to summer drought, while legumes and other forbs showed more varied responses to both droughts. Spring drought strongly reduced density (–53%) and species richness (–43%) of the community seed rain, while summer drought had only a marginally significant impact on seed density of graminoids (–44%). Reductions in seed number per shoot vs reproductive shoot density distinguished the impacts of drought with respect to its seasonal timing. Conclusion The essentially negative impact of drought in different seasons on reproductive output suggests that more frequent dry spells could contribute to local plant diversity loss by aggravating seed deficiency in species-rich grassland.


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For a hundred years semi-natural species-rich meadow vegetation has been described from various areas of Switzerland. The first description dates from 1892 by Stebler and Schröter. In the present study, relevés of 65 semi-natural mesophilous meadow associations and communities reported by 26 authors, which were collected throughout the century, are summarized. An increasing number of descriptions dating from the 1980s and 1990s is included. A numerical classification of these 65 types resulted in four main groups of meadow-types. When compared with the existing literature of alliances a high correlation is found with the Polygono-Trisetion Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. ex Marshall 1947, the Arrhenatherion W. Koch 1926, the Agrostio-Festucion Puscaru et al. 1956, the Mesobromion Br.-Bl. et Moor 1938 em. Oberdorfer 1957, and with the Chrysopogonetum W. Koch 1943. The Agrostio-Festucion is characteristic for the montane belt in southern Switzerland and was until recently poorly known. This alliance is discussed in detail. Some classifications of meadow types by the original authors had to be rearranged for the present purpose. The present classification coincides well with the one Stebler and Schröter gave in 1892. Today, after a century of intensive changes in land use, their four main types are still valid.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F11969


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Paleontological and petrological studies of clay beds in the Basilika Formation (Tertiary age) are the subject of this paper. The petrology of the beds indicates that their main constituents were derived from volcanic activity and represent bentonites. Differing composition of the beds may suggest several spatially separated eruptions. The volcanic source area probably lay towards the north of the present Tertiary outcrops of Svalbard. Two foraminiferal assemblages are found in the bentonites: the lower is dominated by arenaceous forms while the upper consists of calcareous species.


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