998 resultados para Segurança Psicológica


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O objetivo deste texto é mostrar, por meio de uma análise dalegislação que regula a força pública em São Paulo, como se desenvolveram aspolíticas de segurança pública antes que o tema per se entrasse na pauta do debatepolítico. A partir dos exemplos extraídos dos documentos policiais, interessa-nosacompanhar a evolução legal que concerne às marchas e contramarchas da forçapública em São Paulo, de 1868, quando se cria o Corpo Policial Permanente, até1901, marco da última alteração legal que fixou a organização policial até 1924.Com isso, pretendemos colocar em discussão o processo de militarização porque passou o aparato policial paulista, bem como indicar como se deram, sobreo terreno, os impactos das múltiplas alterações legais nas práticas e rotinas dopoliciamento.


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O artigo apresenta como as operações de paz contemporâneas, conduzidas pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para gerenciar e/ou resolver conflitos armados, têm lidado com a questão da segurança pública. Como parte do esforço de estabelecer uma paz duradoura nesses territórios, as atividades realizadas pela Organização incluem a reforma do setor de segurança e a estruturação de uma força policial democrática como parte de um amplo processo de construção da paz. Baseado em bibliografia sobre o assunto, documentos das Nações Unidas e observações pessoais, o texto aborda conceitos sobre as operações de paz, as ideias que norteiam a construção de uma polícia democrática, suas finalidades no contexto da segurança pública pós-conflito armado, as atividades realizadas para consecução desse objetivo e os problemas enfrentados pela ONU.


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Este artigo pretende sustentar que, no atual quadro histórico mundial, o problema da segurança nacional e da soberania não pode ser analisado com os mesmos conceitos de antes: não é mais uma questão do Estado em sentido estrito, nem muito menos um problema militar, ainda que continue a ser uma questão de Estado. O problema deixou de pertencer exclusivamente ao campo das relações entre Estados e tornou-se um problema das comunidades como um todo, povos, governos, empresas, sociedades civis, cidadãos. Ultrapassou as fronteiras nacionais, por mais que continue a se enraizar em experiências nacionais concretas e a encontrar nelas boa parte de suas determinações. Justamente por isto, não pode ser resolvido nem “fora” do Estado ou “sem” o Estado, nem exclusivamente pelo Estado.


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Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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The current article aims to update the discussion on the South American context making use of the theory of Regional Security Regional Complexes (RSC). It begins with a theoretical discussion, based on Buzan and Wæver's work. It then presents the hypothesis that, differently from what is assumed in the literature, the South American RSC is not a standard one, but a centred one, in which the centre is not a global power. An empirical analysis follows, showing that Brazil possesses the necessary resources, and has presented some cogent political initiatives, such as the creation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and its Defense Council (SDC), but in other moments has been reluctant take a leadership role in South America. The analysis concludes that, regarding its configuration, the South American RSC corroborates the authors' hypothesis and that Brazil should consolidate its role at the centre of such a complex.


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This study presents different modalities of ethics - guardianship, interlocution, social action, care and finally the ethics of listening to the subject's unconscious desire - as analyzers of the care practices conducted by psychologists in the field of Social Assistance. In an institutional approach, cases found in the literature are presented, in a questioning way, which can be considered examples of the practices performed by psychologists and other workers who operate in a wide variety of healthcare establishments. It was concluded that psychologists may encounter, in the field of Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis, consistent theoretical-technical and ethical-political instrumentals to guide institutional performance in an effective and informed way so as to include the individual as a citizen and also as the subject of the unconscious.


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The Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos was created by the Lula administration (2003) as part of Fome Zero (Zero Hungry). This program aims to ensure access to food for people living in food and/or nutritional insecure situation and strengthen family agriculture, by food that is pushased by the government. Considering the importance of this program as a differentiated policy that we abode in the analysis far of its implementation on national scale, as its operationalization in a specific context, with the spatial cutout of the municipality Dracena, located on São Paulo state western portion. It was found that, either in national and municipal levels, the program presented a growth on the number of approved projects, participating producers, benefited institutions and resource values. However, even with such expansion, the scope of this program is still quite limited and at the same time, too concentrated in spatial terms.


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The purpose of this study envisaged the quantification of skin and respiratory exposures occasioned by work conditions during pesticide spraying of citrus fruits using hand gun sprayers; the evaluation of the efficiency of individual and group protection measures for the workers; the determination of workers' most exposed body regions; and the classification of work conditions, with and without the tested work-safety protection measures as recommended for the registered pesticides used to control the main pests and diseases that attack these types of trees and fruits. The AZR protection equipment proved to be the most efficient for the tractor driver, when spraying using pistol sprayers. The two sets of individual protection equipment that were checked also proved to be efficient. The most exposed regions of the tractor driver's body were the thighs, the front of the legs, the feet and hands. The most exposed regions of the individual sprayer working on foot were the hands and feet.


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The objectives of this study were: a) to quantify dermal and respiratory exposure resulting from work conditions in the application of pesticides on citrus crops using a air-assisted sprayer and by preparing the spray in a tank with a capacity of2.000 L; b) to evaluate the measures of individual protection for these workers; c) to determine the areas of the worker's body most exposed; and d) to classify the work conditions with and without the protective measures tested, with regard to the occupational safety of the recommendations for the pesticides used in controlling the main pests and diseases of this crop. It was shown that for the tractor driver and sprayer operator applyng pesticides on citrus trees, the most efficient protective measures were the AZR ensemble and the Real cabin. The AZR ensemble was effective in controlling exposure of the spray preparer, because it was sufficient to turn work conditions from unsafe to safe. The area of the body most exposed under the two work conditions studied was the hands of the workers.