938 resultados para Second order moment functions
We construct static and time-dependent exact soliton solutions with nontrivial Hopf topological charge for a field theory in 3 + 1 dimensions with the target space being the two dimensional sphere S(2). The model considered is a reduction of the so-called extended Skyrme-Faddeev theory by the removal of the quadratic term in derivatives of the fields. The solutions are constructed using an ansatz based on the conformal and target space symmetries. The solutions are said self-dual because they solve first order differential equations which together with some conditions on the coupling constants, imply the second order equations of motion. The solutions belong to a sub-sector of the theory with an infinite number of local conserved currents. The equation for the profile function of the ansatz corresponds to the Bogomolny equation for the sine-Gordon model.
We consider the scattering of a photon by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field, up to second order of the perturbation expansion. The resulting cross section is energy dependent which indicates a violation of Galileo's equivalence principle (universality of free fall) and, consequently, of the classical equivalence principle. The deflection angle theta for a photon passing by the sun is evaluated afterward and the likelihood of detecting Delta theta/theta(E) theta-theta(E)/theta(E) (where theta(E) is the value predicted by Einstein's geometrical theory for the light bending) in the foreseeable future, is discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
After pointing out the difference between normal and anomalous diffusion, we consider a hadron resonance cascade (HRC) model simulation for particle emission at RHIC and point out that rescattering in an expanding hadron resonance gas leads to a heavy tail in the source distribution. The results are compared to recent PHENIX measurements of the tail of the particle emitting source in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. In this context, we show how can one distinguish experimentally the anomalous diffusion of hadrons from a second order QCD phase transition.
The A (2)Sigma(+) and X(2)Pi electronic states of the SiP species have been investigated theoretically at a very high level of correlation treatment (CASSCF/MRSDCI). Very accurate potential energy curves are presented for both states, as well as the associated spectroscopic constants as derived from the vib-rotational energy levels determined by means of the numerical solution of the radial Schrodinger equation. Electronic transition moment function, oscillator strengths, Einstein coefficients for spontaneous emission, and Franck-Condon factors for the A(2)Sigma(+)-X(2)Pi system have been calculated. Dipole moment functions and radiative lifetimes for both states have also been determined. Spin-orbit coupling constants are also reported. The radiative lifetimes for the A(2)Sigma(+) state, taking into account the spin-orbit diagonal correction to the X(2)Pi state, decrease from a value of 138 ms at v' = 0 to 0.48 ms at v' = 8, and, for the X(2)Pi state, from 2.32 s at v = 1 to 0.59 s at v = 5. Vibrational and rotational transitions are expected to be relatively strong.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work evaluates the potential of a Sargassum biomass for the biosorption of Sm(III) and Pr(III) using synthetic solutions. Under selected experimental conditions (excess of sorbent), the biosorption kinetics were fast: 30-40 min were sufficient for the complete recovery of the metals. The kinetic profiles were modeled using the pseudo-second order rate equation. The second objective of this study was to evaluate the possibility to separate these metals. Biosorption isotherms and uptake kinetics for the two metals (in binary component solutions) were almost overlapped. The biomass did not show significant selectivity for any of these two metals, in batch reactor. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A pressão arterial diastólica foi analisada enquanto indicador genérico de envelhecimento, e sua associação com o tempo de serviço foi estudada após o controle da idade como possível fator de confundimento. O estudo foi realizado entre operários de um curtume brasileiro em julho de 1993. Foi testada a associação entre pressão diastólica e tempo de serviço, ajustando um modelo de regressão linear de segunda ordem, em que a pressão diastólica era função da idade e do tempo de serviço do operário. Ao ajustar o modelo, pode-se prever que, no início do trabalho no curtume, em média, cada período de um ano está associado com um aumento de cerca de 1,5 mmHg na pressão diastólica. O ajuste obtido realça um componente diretamente associado ao trabalho como parte do coeficiente de aumento da pressão no grupo estudado. Esse componente é o dobro daquele diretamente associado com a idade.
Assuming q-deformed commutation relations for the fermions, an extension of the standard Lipkin Hamiltonian is presented. The usual quasi-spin representation of the standard Lipkin model is also obtained in this q-deformed framework. A variationally obtained energy functional is used to analyse the phase transition associated with the spherical symmetry breaking. The only phase transitions in this q-deformed model are of second order. As an outcome of this analysis a critical parameter is obtained which is dependent on the deformation of the algebra and on the number of particles.
We develop a systematic scheme to treat binary collisions between ultracold atoms in the presence of a strong laser field, tuned to the red of the trapping transition. We assume that the Rabi frequency is much less than the spacing between adjacent bound-state resonances, In this approach we neglect fine and hyperfine structures, but consider fully the three-dimensional aspects of the scattering process, up to the partial d wave. We apply the scheme to calculate the S matrix elements up to the second order in the ratio between the Rabi frequency and the laser detuning, We also obtain, fur this simplified multichannel model, the asymmetric line shapes of photoassociation spectroscopy, and the modification of the scattering length due to the light field at low, but finite, entrance kinetic energy. We emphasize that the present calculations can be generalized to treat more realistic models, and suggest how to carry out a thorough numerical comparison to this semianalytic theory. [S1050-2947(98)04902-6].
A series of powdered cobalt ferrites, CoxFe3-xO4 with 0.66 <= x< 1.00 containing different amounts of Fe-II, were synthesized by a mild procedure, and their Fe and Co site occupancies and structural characteristics were explored using X-ray anomalous scattering and the Rietveld refinement method. The dissolution kinetics, measured in 0.1 M oxalic acid aqueous solution at 70 degrees C, indicate in all cases the operation of a contracting volume rate law. The specific rates increased with the Fell content following approximately a second-order polynomial expression. This result suggests that the transfer of Fe-III controls the dissolution rate, and that the leaching of a first layer of ions Co-II and Fe-II leaves exposed a surface enriched in slower dissolving octahedral Fe-III ions. Within this model, inner vicinal lattice Fe-II accelerates the rate of Fe-III transfer via internal electron hopping. A chain mechanism, involving successive electron transfers, fits the data very well. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.