991 resultados para Sao Paulo Continental Shelf


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de São Paulo, inaugurado no ano de 1894, foi um dos mais importantes espaços de formulação ideológica das elites intelectuais paulistas, na virada do século XIX. Ao longo da primeira república, esses associados produziram um vasto e eclético conjunto de artigos, unindo, de forma bastante singular, beletrismo e erudição com os paradigmas científicos próprios de sua época. Além disso, os sócios do IHGSP, localizados em um período anterior à consolidação dos espaços acadêmicos, também discutiram aspectos da preservação do patrimônio local e regional, inserindo-os em uma lógica própria de valorização da história e da civilização bandeirante, como um modelo de ação e atuação a ser admirado e seguido por todo o país.


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O objetivo deste artigo é estimar a cobertura populacional do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (SISVAN) nos diferentes estágios de vida e avaliar seu funcionamento no estado de São Paulo. O estudo incluiu 65 municípios divididos em 14 regiões do estado. A cobertura do SISVAN foi estimada a partir de dados de monitoramento do estado nutricional disponíveis nos relatórios públicos, e do número de usuários que frequentam os serviços públicos de saúde. O total de usuários foi obtido pela diferença entre o total de habitantes e o número de beneficiários de planos de saúde privados. A maioria das regiões apresentou uma cobertura reduzida (<10%). Cerca de 57% revelaram cobertura entre 5 e 10%. Constatou-se uma preponderância de registros do estado nutricional de crianças para todas as regiões do Estado. Chama a atenção a reduzida cobertura entre os idosos, que é inexistente ou próxima de zero na maioria das regiões. Apesar dos esforços empreendidos pelo governo visando à ampliação e à qualificação do SISVAN, o monitoramento nutricional no estado de São Paulo ainda é insuficiente. Esta condição compromete sua utilização na elaboração de políticas efetivas na área de alimentação e nutrição.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several plants show morphological changes when exposed to environmental stress. We aimed to analyze comparative anatomy and EDX (energy dispersive x-ray detector) of Costus spiralis (Jacq.) Roscoe leaves from Jureia-Itatins Ecological Station (Peruibe, Sao Paulo), a preserved area, and Mogi River Valley (Cubatao, Sao Paulo) an affected area by pollution from the industrial complex of Cubatao. There were some significant differences in the leaves from the affected area, where they had a smaller abaxial hypoderm, larger size of adaxial hypoderm and larger central vascular core. There were damages in epicuticular wax deposition. The EDX analyses presented only differences in calcium and potassium concentration and presence of manganese in Cubatdo samples. Those leaves presented crystal deposition in the vascular core, probably because of the phosphogypsum residues from fertilizer industries.


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There is little research on the practices of sanitary inspection in the chain of production of vegetables to the consumer, especially those eaten raw, they are liable to serve microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, contributing to possible health hazards. The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively contamination by parasites and / or commensals of medical interest in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) fresh market in the municipality of Quata Sao Paulo. A total of 15 random samples were analyzed every other day of the three different places that sell vegetables a grocery store, a supermarket and a vegetable garden during the month of May 2011. The parasites and / or commensals found in lettuce were Entamoeba coli (67%), Entamoeba histolytica (20%), Giardia sp (13%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7%). The analysis showed the presence of parasites and / or commensals in all samples, except in the cultivated garden which showed poor sanitary conditions, probably due to contamination in the shipping and handling by third parties in supermarket and grocery store. The parasite monitoring sanitary conditions of vegetables sold in urban environments becomes relevant for preventive measures to avoid the continued parasitic cycle and possible future health complications.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study evaluated the prevalence and counting parasitism of different species of helminths of sheep from the micro-region of Jaboticabal of Sao Paulo state. For this, 66 animals naturally infected, four to 36 months of age, raised in pasture, were selected. The results of necropsy revealed the presence of seven genera and 12 species with the following prevalence and mean count: Haemonchus contortus: 100.0% (2947.2); Trichostrongylus colubriformis: 90.9% (3048.8); Cooperia curticei: 56.0% (256.5); Oesophagostomum columbianum: 48.4% (36.0); Cooperia punctata: 30.3% (94.5); Trichostrongylus axei: 22.7% (26.5); Strongyloides papillosus: 19.6% (83.0), Haemonchus contortus (L4): 7.5% (17.2), Cooperia pectinata: 10.6% (12.9), Trichuris ovis: 10.6 % (0.6); Cooperia spatulata 4.5% (0.3); Capillaria bovis: 4.5% (0.1). The mean parasitism of helminthswas 6524.7 per animal. Haemonchus contortus (adults and L4) and Trichostrongylus colubriformis corresponded to 45.4% and 46.7% of the average worm burden totally, respectively. Based in the results obtained in this study, can be concluded that the two most abundant species of helminths and important, the micro-region of Jaboticabal are Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus, and these two species amounted to 92.1% of the distribution percentage of helminths collected from all animals. These results demonstrate the importance of conducting a counts of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) in the herds of this region when FAMACHA is used on a particular property, since this method control does not allow to diagnostic the damage/clinical signs in animals infected by T. colubriformis, because this specie does not have hematophagism habit on animals.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The work aims to analyse the concept of economics as the science of scarcity is distorced in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. Neoclassical economists characterize the economy as the science that is concerned with the welfare of the people, satisfying their needs. However, the economy in the newspapers of the mainstream media appears in contexts where only the profit of companies and businesses are addressed, leaving aside the problem of economic inequality, unemployment, working conditions and other issues that are also part of economy, but they are hardly concerns of journalists. In this work, the object of study was the notebook Market and content analysis followed the criteria of Bardin (1977). Ten words were chosen in the category science of scarcity and ten words were chosen in the category science of abundance. From these categories, a careful reading was done, counting how many times each word appeared in the newspaper. Also paid attention to the words that appeared and contexts in which they fell journalistic genre. In a second step, interviews were conducted with journalists from economics to know what they mean by the economy and what the guidelines are more common. Data collection and interviews contributed to the interpretation and confirmation on whether or not the distortion of the concept of economy and how it happens


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This study sought to raise the water issue is addressed in the teaching of chemistry in public schools through the notebooks Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo. First we tried to do a survey of knowledge related to construction of the concept of historical perspective, the physical and chemical properties, their importance to man and the particulars of the national curriculum for this subject. The methodology used was qualitative, descriptive and documentary. We analyzed the books for the first, second and third marking periods and the three series (the 4th book had not yet been distributed). As expected the first scenario, the proposed curriculum addresses the topic in greater depth in only one of the notebooks of the second year of high school. The approaches are no longer linked to health issues and the environment, cross-cutting issues considered by the NCP and important for students to make associations between the chemical content and their daily lives. We conclude that the contract should be evaluated by teachers and that their use should be involved in drawing up a plan that takes into account the aspects that seem incomplete. We also emphasize that although the proposal is interesting from the standpoint of teaching, teachers need training to its full use in the classroom


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The programs Water Producer and Water Mine are the starting point for the research, whose the main objective is to develop a study on the necessity and possibility to forming water producers in the Veado Creek Watershed Deer, located in Presidente Venceslau - Sao Paulo, in order to improve the quality and quantity of water from the spring. To this end, the implementation of programs in the spring, especially the Water Mine, developed by the State of Sao Paulo, could help change the situation in which degradation is the area of the watershed. The main methodological procedures were performed: survey and literature review, interviews with employees SEAAMA, CATI, interview with the president of the Association of Owners of Rural Watershed of Deer Creek; interview with landowners of the Fountain Creek Watershed Deer; work in the search field at the landfill to the DAE and the Association of Collectors of Recycled. We are dealing with issues such as the importance of the Code of forests with regard to the protection of water resources, decentralized management and participatory of water resources, Payment by Environmental Services, production of water, characterization and diagnosis of the environmental Microbacia of Wealth Córrego do Veado, sanitation of the municipality of Presidente Venceslau. Analyzed the current situation of the watershed of the spring, highlighting the main actions that have been performed by the municipality through the watershed program of the State of São Paulo City Hall and through the resources FEHIDRO. The obtained results allowed to demonstrate the need and the possibility of setting up the Project Mine Of Water in the watershed of the fountain and the interest of owners interviewed by adherence to the Project and the protection of the source