986 resultados para Sao Paulo [Sao Paulo (STT)]


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A mosca-de-renda ou percevejo-de-renda (Leptopharsa heveae - Hemiptera: Tingidae) e o mais importante inseto-praga da seringueira no Brasil. Essa praga de origem amazonica invadiu os seringais do Estado de Mato Grosso por volta de 1985 e, de 1992 a 1998, chegou aos seringais do Estado Sao Paulo e de Goias. Acredita-se que breve chegara aos Estados da Bahia, Espirito Santo e Minas Gerais. O principal agente disseminador desse inseto-praga entre estados e seringais tem sido os veiculos transportadores de coagulos e latex semiprocessado (GEB). O controle quimico dessa praga, alem de muito caro, coloca em risco os aplicadores e o meio ambiente. Em 1986, no Amazonas, o fungo Sporothrix insectorum foi constatado parasitando individuos do percevejo-de-renda. Com base nessa constatacao foram feitos alguns estudos em campo e laboratorio onde se determinaram a eficiencia biologica (capacidade do inimigo natural para infectar e destruir a praga) e a eficiencia tecnica (capacidade do inimigo natural para reduzir os danos causados na planta pela acao da praga). Os resultados desses testes evidenciaram o elevado potencial do S. insectorum para o controle do percevejode-renda. Imediatamente apos os testes, esse fungo foi enviado para os Estados de Mato Grosso, Acre, Rondonia, e mais recentemente para Sao Paulo e Goias onde vem sendo utilizado com o fungo Hirsutella verticillioides por diversos produtores e empresas. O fungo H. verticillioides, outro inimigo natural do percevejo-de-renda, isolado em 1990, na Guiana Francesa, vem sendo bem mais agressivo nos seringais da regiao Centro-Oeste e de Sao Paulo que o S. insectorum. Os resultados obtidos de avaliacoes efetuadas em alguns seringais de Goias, Mato Grosso e Sao Paulo indicam eficiencia biologica (porcentagem de insetos colonizados e fixados na folha por ambos os fungos em fevereiro), variando de 53% a 100%. Por outro lado, a eficiencia tecnica, medida pelo nivel de descoloracao da folha ou % de danos causados pela praga em fevereiro, tendo como referencia folhas nao atacadas, variou de 16% a 63%.


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A Pinha, Fruta-do-conde ou Ata (Annona squamosa, L.) pertence a familia das anonaceas. No Brasil, e considerada uma fruta exotica cuja producao vem aumentando nos ultimos anos. Atualmente, os maiores produtores da pinha sao os Estados de Alagoas e de Sao Paulo. Essa anonacea apresenta frutos de sabor muito agradavel e ricos em minerais e vitaminas, sendo portanto, um bom complemento alimentar na dieta humana. Alem disso, tem sido isolados compostos quimicos presentes em diferentes partes da planta, como acetogeninas e alcaloides que apresentam atividades inseticidas e medicinais. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisao dos principais topicos para uma producao eficiente da pinha em diferentes estados brasileiros.


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Este trabalho constitui o texto explicativo do levantamento dos solos do Estado de Sergipe, que abrange uma area de 21.994km2 e situa-se na Regiao Nordeste do Brasil, localizado entre os paralelos de 9 31'54" e 11 34'12" de latitude Sul e os meridianos de 36 11'20" de longitude a Oeste de Greenwich. O levantamento foi executado em nivel intermediario entre exploratorio e de reconhecimento, utilizando-se como bases o mapa topografico do Estado na escala 1:400.000 e foto-mosaicos nao controlados nas escalas de 1:100.000 e 1:80.000. Na zona umida costeira foram utilizadas tambem fotografias aereas verticais na escala de 1:60.000. No Estado de Sergipe prevalecem na zona costeira clima quente e umido; vegetacao florestal e cerrado; relevo plano, suave ondulado nosvales; sedimentos do Grupo Barreiras-Terciario, do Holoceno e do Cretaceo. O solo mais importante desta area e o Podzolico Vermelho Amarelo e em menor proporcao sao encontradas as Areias Quartzosas Distroficas e Latosol Vermelho Amarelo Distrofico, os quais sao derivados principalmente de sedimentos do Terciario. Relacionados com o Holoceno, sao encontrados as Areias Quartzosas Marinhas, Solos Indiscriminados de Mangues, Podzol e outros Solos Hidromorficos. Na parte oeste do Estado predominam: clima semi-arido muito quente; vegetacao de caatinga; relevo plano e suave ondulado; rochas cristalinas (xistos, gnaisses, granitos) e meta-siltitos. Destacam-se: Solos Litolicos Eutroficos, Brunos nao Calcicos, Planosol Solodico Eutrofico, Regosol, Solonetz Solodizado..


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Introduction: Brazil is experiencing a nutritional transition characterized by a reduction in the prevalence of nutritional deficits and an increase in overweight and obesity, not only in adults but also in children and adolescents.Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the factors associated with overweight and obesity in Brazilian 5-year-old preschoolers.Methods: A cross-sectional study of a cohort of 232 preschoolers born in Diamantina/Minas Gerais, Brazil, was undertaken. the data, including socioeconomic status, anthropometry, diet, previous history of the preschoolers and family history, were collected between July of 2009 and July of 2010. To identify the factors associated with overweight and obesity, a logistic regression and a hierarchical model were undertaken.Results: Overweight and obesity occurred in 17.2% of the preschoolers. After adjusting for mother's obesity, per capita income, protective food intake, weight gain at age 0-4 months and time spent playing, the factors associated with overweight and obesity that reached statistical significance were mother's obesity [OR = 3.12 (95% CI 1.41-6.91), P = 0.01], weight gain of more than 0.85 kg/month in the first four months of life [OR = 2.16 (95% CI 1.01-4.64), P = 0.041 and lower per capita income [OR = 0.32 (95 %CI 0.13-0.79), P = 0.01].Conclusion: the results show that more weight gain during the first four months of life and being born of mothers with obesity increased the odds of overweight/obesity in the preschoolers, while lower per capita income was a protective factor.


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Objective. To compare the voice performance of children involved in street labor with regular children using perceptual-auditory and acoustic analyses.Methods. A controlled cross-sectional study was carried out on 7- to 10-year-old children of both genders. Children from both groups lived with their families and attended school regularly; however, child labor was evident in one group and not the other. A total of 200 potentially eligible street children, assisted by the Child Labor Elimination Programme (PETI), and 400 regular children were interviewed. Those with any vocal discomfort (106, 53% and 90, 22.5%) had their voices assessed for resonance, pitch, loudness, speech rate, maximum phonation time, and other acoustic measurements.Results. A total of 106 street children (study group [SG]) and 90 regular children (control group [CG]) were evaluated. the SG group demonstrated higher oral and nasal resonance, reduced loudness, a lower pitch, and a slower speech rate than the CG. the maximum phonation time, fundamental frequency, and upper harmonics were higher in the SG than the CG. Jitter and shimmer were higher in the CG than the SG.Conclusion. Using perceptual-auditory and acoustic analyses, we determined that there were differences in voice performance between the two groups, with street children having better quality perceptual and acoustic vocal parameters than regular children. We believe that this is due to the procedures and activities performed by the Child Labor Elimination Program (PETI), which helps children to cope with their living conditions.


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Background: Conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (C-CABG) and off-pump CABG (OPCAB) surgery may produce different patients' outcomes, including the extent of cardiac autonomic (CA) imbalance. the beneficial effects of an exercise-based inpatient programme on heart rate variability (HRV) for C-CABG patients have already been demonstrated by our group. However, there are no studies about the impact of a cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on HRV behaviour after OPCAB. the aim of this study is to compare the influence of both operative techniques on HRV pattern following CR in the postoperative (PO) period.Methods: Cardiac autonomic function was evaluated by HRV indices pre- and post-CR in patients undergoing C-CABG (n = 15) and OPCAB (n = 13). All patients participated in a short-term(approximately 5 days) supervised CR programme of early mobilization, consisting of progressive exercises, from active-assistive movements at PO day 1 to climbing flights of stairs at PO day 5.Results: Both groups demonstrated a reduction in HRV following surgery. the CR programme promoted improvements in HRV indices at discharge for both groups. the OPCAB group presented with higher HRV values at discharge, compared to the C-CABG group, indicating a better recovery of CA function.Conclusion: Our data suggest that patients submitted to OPCAB and an inpatient CR programme present with greater improvement in CA function compared to C-CABG.


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El siguiente documento presenta una secuencia de actividades para trabajar la noción del concepto de limite involucrado en el pensamiento variacional en grado once, donde se toma como punto de partida el trabajo con sucesiones, permitiendo desarrollar a tras del uso de diferentes tipos de sucesiones y la noción de convergencia; dicho concepto, tomado desde la definición de (Steward, Redlin, & Watson, 2001). Basado en la metodoloa propuesta por el grupo (DECA, 1992), la cual, no solo muestra el ensar matemáticas, como entregar algoritmos al estudiante, sino que por el contrario, un aprendizaje desde la construcción del objeto matemático, resaltando la participación activa y critica del estudiante.


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Young people are less explored in museum audience research; this is a paradoxical situation when considering its strategic location in the cultural reproduction and if considering the high performing cultural consumption compared with other sectors. The phenomenon of museums consumption by young Chileans who are self recognized as public and non-public museums is explored from a qualitative approach. It was conducted with focus groups in the three largest cities in Chile (Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción). They identify the museum as a cultural institution in full force. However, in questioning museums activity youth reveal the specificity of their cultural matrix. This is referred to a social temporality based on the fragment, the discourse of familiarity, proximity and instead of breaking and critical. They claim a museum aesthetic / historical experience based on pleasure and enjoyment. An overview is proposed to further clarify the youth cultural consumption to characterize more precisely the place of the museum in the set, to design more effective policies museums.


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La gráfica se encuentra en un proceso de simbiosis con la cultura visual en el que la tecnoloa de la imagen, la descentralización de la matriz y la adaptación del formato expositivo se funden con el resto de las actividades artísticas. El alisis de las comunidades formadas alrededor de esta práctica configura un puzzle, aparentemente bien encajado, que se divide entre el formalismo y el conceptualismo y entre la idea y el proceso. Las bienales y trienales, a la vanguardia del discurso, cuestionan cualquier concepto que se haya podido asentar con solidez: ante la decadencia del proceso artesanal el mensaje se profundiza nutriéndose de la invectiva provocada por las contradicciones sociales, territoriales y medioambientales para convertirse en un reflejo de la sociedad contemporánea. Comprender la gráfica actual pasa por un ejercicio de aperturismo y un proceso de adaptación al cambio técnico e iconográfico de los sectores implicados. El grabado es ahora un territorio en el que la integración de todas las artes permite cruzar sus fronteras con fluidez.


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<p>Cognitive deficits are a key feature of recent-onset psychosis, but there is no consensus on whether such deficits are generalized or confined to specific domains. Besides, it is unclear whether cognitive deficits: a) are found in psychotic patients in samples from outside high-income countries; and b) whether they progress uniformly over time in schizophrenia and affective psychoses. We applied 12 tests organized into eight cognitive domains, comparing psychosis patients (n = 56, time from initial contact = 677.95+/-183.27 days) versus healthy controls (n = 70) recruited from the same area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Longitudinal comparisons (digit span and verbal fluency) were conducted between a previous assessment of the subjects carried out at their psychosis onset, and the current follow-up evaluation. Psychosis patients differed significantly from controls on five domains, most prominently on verbal memory. Cognitive deficits remained detectable in separate comparisons of the schizophrenia subgroup and, to a lesser extent, the affective psychosis subjects against controls. Longitudinal comparisons indicated significant improvement in schizophrenia, affective psychoses, and control subjects, with no significant group-by-time interactions. Our results reinforce the view that there are generalized cognitive deficits in association with recent-onset psychoses, particularly of non-affective nature, which persist over time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.p>


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<p>The evaluation of exposure to aflatoxins (AF) by measurement of the level of contamination in food is hampered due to the heterogeneous distribution of AF in food. Therefore, an alternative is to estimate the exposure using specific biological markers (biomarkers) based on an understanding of the metabolism of the compound. For AF, these include aflatoxin-N-7-guanine in the urine, or AFB(1)-albumin (AF-alb) in the blood. This study assessed the level of exposure to AF in Brazilian individuals using a biomarker approach, i.e. the AF-alb adducts. Blood samples were collected from urban residents (n=50; aged 18-52) in June 1999, at the Blood Center of Antonio Carlos de Camargo Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. AF-alb adduct levels were determined, by ELISA following serum albumin extraction and digestion. AF-alb adducts were detected in 31/50 (62%) samples [range 0-57.3 pg AFB(1)-lys adducts/mg of blood albumin (pg/mg)]. The mean level of positives was 14.9 pg/mg and males had the two highest levels measured (57.1 and 57.3 pg/mg). There was no correlation with age or profession. This is the first study of Brazilian, or indeed South American, individuals that has determined exposure to AF at the individual level using a biomarker approach. These levels are similar to those observed in the Philippines. These data warrant further investigation of both the sources and consequences of exposure to this potent toxin in Brazil.p>