985 resultados para Salty taste


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During my Peace Corps service as a community health liaison in rural Uganda I noticed that many improved water wells in our area had been abandoned. The communities described the water in these wells as being reddish in color, having a foul taste and odor, discoloring clothes and food, and not able to produce lather for washing. Personal investigations and an initial literature search suggested that the primary contaminant was iron. The water in these wells had a low pH and a rusty metallic smell. The water produced early in the morning appeared very red but the water became more transparent as pumping continued. The iron components of many of these wells experienced accelerated corrosion resulting in frequent pump failure. This rapid corrosion coupled with the timing of the onset of iron contamination (months to years after these wells were completed) suggests that the most likely cause of the poor quality water was iron related bacteria and/or sulphate reducing bacteria. This report describes a remedy for iron contamination employed at 5 wells. The remedy involved disinfecting the wells with chlorine and replacing iron pump components with plastic and stainless steel. Iron concentrations in the wells were less than 1 mg/L when the wells were drilled but ranged from 2.5 to 40 mg/L prior to the remedy. After the remedy was applied, the total iron concentrations returned to levels below 1 mg/L. The presence of iron related bacteria was measured in all of these wells using Biological Activity Reaction Tests. Although IRB are still present in all the wells, the dissolved iron concentrations remain less than 1 mg/L. This remedy is practical for rural areas because the work can be performed with only hand tools and costs less than US $850. Because the source of iron contamination is removed in this approach, substantial follow-up maintenance is not necessary.


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Historical stained glass in Calumet and Laurium revealed the complex structures of these industrial communities. Creating an Industrial Archaeology-focused approach, I examined stained glass as material culture. Sacred glass revealed ethnic and religious values of a congregation through the style, iconography, and quality of the glasswork. Residential glass showed how owners represented themselves within cultural settings by meeting social expectations. Commercial glass indicated community status of owners through discreet and artistic shows of wealth and taste. Corporate glass displayed prosperity and belonging through the superior quality and cost of the glasswork. Viewing stained glass as material culture opened new methods of looking at both stained glass and industrial communities. Findings from my research can teach the public about the importance of preserving and conserving stained glass, and that can lead to greater public appreciation for the material culture found within these industrial communities.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with diagnosed erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (ERD) have an increased probability of halitosis and tongue coating compared to patients with nonerosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (NERD). MATERIALS AND METHODS Sixty-six patients (33 males and 33 females) were recruited for the study and received an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The presence of ERD (n = 31) and NERD (n = 35) was classified based on the Los Angeles classification for erosive changes in the esophagus. Additionally, the patients filled in a questionnaire regarding their subjective assessment of halitosis, and an organoleptic assessment of halitosis, a measurement of oral volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) with the Halimeter, and a tongue coating index were performed. ERD and NERD subjects were compared with regard to Halitosis-related clinical and anamnestic findings. RESULTS No statistically significant difference could be found between ERD and NERD patients regarding tongue coating index, organoleptic scores, and VSC values as well as self-perceived bad taste, tongue coating, and bad breath. CONCLUSIONS These data suggest that halitosis is not typically associated with erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease and the presence of esophageal mucosal damage (ERD patients). CLINICAL RELEVANCE The data of this investigation support the findings of interdisciplinary bad breath clinics that gastroesophageal reflux disease is not a leading cause for halitosis.


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This section presents abstracts of three studies on how consumer choices can be influenced by the name letter effect of brands without decision makers being aware of this influence. The first paper examined whether making brand names similar to consumers' names increases the likelihood that consumers will choose the brand. One prediction is that people will prefer and be more likely to choose products or services whose names prominently feature the letters in their own first or last names. The results showed that subjects' preference rankings and evaluations of name letter matching brands were higher than those of non-name letter matching brands. The second paper tested the possibility of using subliminal priming to activate a concept that a persuasive communicator could take advantage of. To examine the idea, two experiments were presented. In the first experiment, participants' level of thirst were manipulated and then subliminally presented them with either thirst-related words or control words. While the manipulations had no effect on participants' self-reported, conscious ratings of thirst, there was a significant interactive effect of the two factors on how much of the drink provided in the taste test was consumed. In a second, follow up experiment, thirsty participants were subliminally presented with either thirst-related words or control words after which they viewed advertisements for two new sports beverages. In conclusion, the research demonstrates that under certain conditions, subliminal printing techniques can enhance persuasion. The third paper hypothesized that the lack of correlations between implicit and explicit evaluations is due to measurement error.


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The physical activity of the Swiss population differs considerably depending on the linguistic region. German speakers are more often physically active than people living in the French or Italian-speaking part of Switzerland (Stamm & Lamprecht, 2011). This study analyses how socio-cultural factors correlate with sports participation for adolescents and young adults. In order to analyse this research question, Bourdieu’s concept of habitus (1984) has been adapted and used as a theoretical background. This sport-related concept of habitus considers culturally determined values, the attribution of meaning and patterns of action such as the understanding of sports, the importance of sports, body, health or leisure. On this basis, the sport-related habitus and the practical relevance of sports participation has been empirically reconstructed for adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 25 through a qualitative study including guideline-based interviews with German (n=6) and French (n=4) speaking adolescents and young adults, as well as a quantitative survey in a German (n=106) and a French (n=99) speaking commune of Switzerland. Initial findings reveal that young German speakers associate sports with self-discipline (χ²(1, N=205)= 8.223, p<.005, V=.200) and fitness (χ²(1, N=205)= 21.989, p<.005, V=.328) whereas young French speakers are more likely to relate health (χ²(1, N=205)= 9.455, p<.005, V=.215), effort and perspiration (χ²(1, N=205)= 18.835, p<.005, V=.303) to sports. Similarly, the understanding of body and health as well as the attitude towards leisure differs between the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland. This study illustrates that the concept of sports habitus is culturally shaped and therefore may be fruitful in further analyses. Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction. A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Stamm, H. & Lamprecht, M. (2008). Swiss sports participation in an international perspective. European Journal for Sport and Society, 8 (1+2), 15-29.


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A new examination of the textile fragments found in the Merovingian burials in the basilica of Saint Denis, near Paris, has recently underscored the diversity of fabrics used to make garments in which members of the royal court were buried. Among them, some woolens of fine quality had been dyed with indigotin. The most astonishing fibre found belongs to a mixed textile (not skin) with beaver fibers and wool. Silks contained shellfish purple and in one case kermes? Two dyestuffs associated with royalty and privilege. Along with this was large number of gold threads, probably produced locally and that were used in tablet-woven borders or for embroideries. In addition, several figured silks, of oriental origin, testify to the importance of this "foreign" material and the taste for textiles woven with complex techniques and probably what had originally had beautiful designs. Although none of these designs have been preserved and many colors have been greatly damaged, the technical characteristics of the remnants indicate proveniences as far as Byzantium, Sassanid Persia and the Chinese court. Such precious textiles show the high social status and political power of the Merovingian court, a testament to their ability to access such luxurious and costly textiles through diplomacy and/or trade with other powerful empires. The examination of these rare textiles along with other fine silks and luxury objects from the same period found in France expand our view of the fundamental role of textiles in the political sphere of this early period of European history.


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The flavour of foods is determined by the interaction of taste molecules with receptors in the mouth, and fragrances or aroma with receptors in the upper part of the nose. Here, we discuss the properties of taste and fragrance molecules, from the public databases Superscent, Flavornet, SuperSweet and BitterDB, taken collectively as flavours, in the perspective of the chemical space. We survey simple descriptor profiles in comparison with the public collections ChEMBL (bioactive small molecules), ZINC (commercial drug-like molecules) and GDB-13 (all possible organic molecules up to 13 atoms of C, N, O, S, Cl). A global analysis of the chemical space of flavours is also presented based on molecular quantum numbers (MQN) and SMILES fingerprints (SMIfp). While taste molecules span a very broad property range, fragrances occupy a narrow area of the chemical space consisting of generally very small and relatively nonpolar molecules distinct of standard drug molecules. Proximity searching in the chemical space is exemplified as a simple method to facilitate the search for new fragrances.


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Sodium is the most abundant extracellular cation and therefore pivotal in determining fluid balance. At the beginning of life, a positive sodium balance is needed to grow. Newborns and preterm infants tend to lose sodium via their kidneys and therefore need adequate sodium intake. Among older children and adults, however, excessive salt intake leads to volume expansion and arterial hypertension. Children who are overweight, born preterm, or small for gestational age and African American children are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure due to a high salt intake because they are more likely to be salt sensitive. In the developed world, salt intake is generally above the recommended intake also among children. Although a positive sodium balance is needed for growth during the first year of life, in older children, a sodium-poor diet seems to have the same cardiovascular protective effects as among adults. This is relevant, since: (1) a blood pressure tracking phenomenon was recognized; (2) the development of taste preferences is important during childhood; and (3) salt intake is often associated with the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (predisposing children to weight gain).


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A survey was conducted to generate holistic information on the production and utilization of local white lupin in two lupin growing districts, namely, Mecha and Sekela, representing mid and high altitude areas, respectively in North-western Ethiopia. During the survey, two types of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques, namely, individual farmer interview (61 farmers from Mecha and 51 from Sekela) and group discussion (with 20 farmers from each district) were employed. There are significant differences (P<0.05) between the two study districts for the variables like total land holding, frequency of ploughing during lupin planting, days to maturity, lupin productivity, and number of days of soaking lupin in running water. However, there are no significant differences (P>0.05) between the two study districts for the variables like land allocated for lupin cultivation, lupin seed rate, lupin soaking at home, lupin consumption per family per week and proportion of lupin used for household consumption. The use of the crop as livestock feed is negligible due to its high alkaloid content. It is concluded that the local white lupin in Ethiopia is a valuable multipurpose crop which is being cultivated in the midst of very serious shortage of cropland. Its ability to maintain soil fertility and serve as a source of food in seasons of food scarcity makes it an important crop. However, its bitter taste due to its high alkaloid content remains to be a big challenge and any lupin improvement strategy has to focus on minimizing the alkaloid content of the crop.


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Prospektives Gedächtnis bezeichnet die Fähigkeit eine Absicht zu formulieren, diese zu behalten und sich wie geplant bei einer angemessenen Gelegenheit daran zu erinnern. Prospektive Gedächtnisaufgaben unterscheiden sich darin, ob sie nur einmal ausgeführt werden (z.B. einen Brief bei der Post einzuwerfen; episodische Aufgabe) oder ob sie immer wieder ausgeführt werden (jeweils nach dem Frühstück ein Medikament einnehmen; habituelle Aufgabe). Während im Alltag episodische Aufgaben häufig vorkommen, werden in Laborstudien oft mehrere Abrufhinweise verwendet (z.B. immer wenn ein bestimmtes Wort vorkommt, eine bestimmte Taste drücken). In diesem Beitrag thematisiere ich Messmethoden zur Erfassung von episodischem und habituellem prospektiven Gedächtnis, präsentiere Ergebnisse aus der eigenen Forschung mit EDA („electrodermal activity“) und ERP („event-related potentials“) und diskutiere ihre Relevanz zum Verständnis der neurokognitiven Mechanismen und der Messung individueller Unterschiede.


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Human emotions are essential for survival. They are vital for the satisfaction of basic needs, the regulation of personal life and successful integration into social structures. Depending on which aspect of an emotion is used in its definition, many different theories offer possible answers to the questions of what emotions are and how they can be distinguished. The systematic investigation of emotions in cognitive neuroscience is relatively new, and neuroimaging studies specifically focussing on the neural correlates of different categories of emotions are still lacking. Therefore, the current thesis aimed at investigating the behavioural and neurophysiological correlates of different human emotional levels and their interaction in healthy subjects. We differentiated between emotions according to their cerebral entry site and neural processing pathways: homeostatic emotions, which are elicited by metabolic changes and processed by the interoceptive system (such as thirst, hunger, and need for air), and sensory-evoked emotions, which are evoked by external inputs via the eyes, ears or nose, or their corresponding mental representations and processed in the brain as sensory perception (e.g. fear, disgust, or pride). Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioural parameters, we examined both the specific neural underpinnings of a homeostatic emotion (thirst) and a sensory-evoked emotion (disgust), and their interaction in a situation of emotional rivalry when both emotions were perceived simultaneously. This thesis comprises three research articles reporting the results of this research. The first paper presents disgust-related brain imaging data in a thirsty and a satiated condition. We found that disgust mainly activated the anterior insular cortex. In the thirsty condition, however, we observed an interaction effect between disgust and thirst: when thirsty, the subjects rated the disgusting stimulus as less repulsive. On the neurobiological level, this reduction of subjective disgust was accompanied by significantly reduced neural activity in the insular cortex. These results provide new neurophysiological evidence for a hierarchical organization among homeostatic and sensory-evoked emotions, revealing that in a situation of emotional conflict, homeostatic emotions are prioritized over sensory-evoked emotions. In the second paper, findings on brain perfusion over four different thirst stages are reported, with a special focus on the parametric progression of thirst. Cerebral perfusion differences over all thirst stages were found in the posterior insular cortex. Taking this result together with the findings of the first paper, the insular cortex seems to be a key player in human emotional processing, since it comprises specific representations of homeostatic and sensory-evoked emotions and also represents the site of cortical interaction between the two levels of emotions. Finally, although this thesis focussed on the homeostatic modulation of disgust, we were also interested in whether dehydration modulates taste perception. The results of this behavioural experiment are described in the third paper, where we show that dehydration alters the perception of neutral taste stimuli.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Management of oral lichen planus (OLP) is challenging and therapeutic options are limited. The use of topical tacrolimus has shown promising results. We reviewed our daily life experience with topical tacrolimus in OLP patients. METHODS This retrospective unicentre study included all 21 patients with OLP, which were evaluated over a 53-month period and treated with topical tacrolimus. Patients were initially given a topical preparation of 0.1% tacrolimus twice daily. The response to treatment was assessed using a 4-point scale at month 2 and 6: complete response of affected area (CR), major remission (>50%, MR), partial remission (25-50%, PR) and either no response (<25%) or worsening. The pain score was also assessed using a 3-point scale. RESULTS Four of 21 patients (19%) showed a CR at month 2, whereas at month 6, 7 (33%) had a CR. For patients who reported MR (n = 2) and PR (n = 8) at month 2, the therapy was continued. Of those, at 6 months, three patients showed a CR, while four maintained a PR. The pain score improved during treatment. After 2 months of therapy, eight of 10 patients with an initial high pain score achieved a significant improvement. In patients starting with moderate pain an improvement was observed in one of seven patients. Overall, for three patients there was a complete loss of pain, while in nine there was a reduction. Except for transitory burning sensation and altered taste sensation, no relevant side-effects were reported. CONCLUSION This retrospective analysis confirms that topical tacrolimus is a valuable therapeutic option in severe or treatment-resistant OLP. Our findings in daily practice suggested nevertheless that the efficacy of topical tacrolimus is overestimated with regard to both complete response and pain reduction.


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The so-called Dutch Pranketing Room of Alethea Talbot, Countess of Arundel, at Tart Hall was a site of domestic experiments, courtly splendour and global ambition. Lady Arundel, the probable author of a famous recipe book, would have used Tart Hall for cooking and experiments as well as for impressive dinner parties, and she would have used large amounts of sugar to create intricate imitations of meat and vegetables to astonish, entertain and delight her guests. Linking household practice with global trade as well as artistic creation, Lady Arundel’s banquets are situated not only between a national tradition of cooking, as it appears in Markham’s manuals, and the new possibilities the arising global trade provided, but also played with a mismatch between taste and sight. This mediating role could be compared to that played by the artists the Countess employed. Within this context it is worth noting that a series of paintings displayed in the building’s gallery showed still lifes, markets, and a cook. The inventory of Tart Hall gives an insight into the world of the widely travelled collector and patron of Van Dyck and Rubens, but raises also a number of questions. In my talk I would like to explore the Countess’ Pranketing Room as a site of mediation between alimentary and painterly experiments, considering the use of recipes, experience, invention and transformation


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Making plants resistant to salty environments would be a boon for developing countries where poor land management has rendered large areas of arable land unfit for crop production. In a Perspective, Frommer and colleagues discuss how genetic engineering can be used to confer salt tolerance on plants ( see Apse et al.) and explore the implications of this feat for improving crop production in developing countries.


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Drinking water-related exposures within populations living in the United States-Mexico border region, particularly among Hispanics, is an area that is largely unknown. Specifically, perceptions that may affect water source selection is an issue that has not been fully addressed. This study evaluates drinking water quality perceptions in a mostly Hispanic community living along the United States-Mexico border, a community also facing water scarcity issues. Using a survey that was administered during two seasons (winter and summer), data were collected from a total of 608 participants, of which 303 were living in the United States and 305 in Mexico. A (random) convenience sampling technique was used to select households and those interviewed were over 18 years of age. Statistically significant differences were observed involving country of residence (p=0.002). Specifically, those living in Mexico reported a higher use of bottled water than those living in the United States. Perception factors, especially taste, were cited as main reasons for not selecting unfiltered tap water as a primary drinking water source. Understanding what influences drinking water source preference can aid in the development of risk communication strategies regarding water quality. ^