941 resultados para SYMMETRIC ELEMENTS
Un dels processos tradicionals de conformació de xapa més utilitzats a nivell industrial, degut a la seva rapidesa d’operació i la seva maduresa del procés, és l’embotició. Per a dur a terme aquest procés és necessària la construcció d’uns utillatges (matriu i punxó) per a cada tipus de producte. Aquests utillatges estan fabricats amb materials altament resistents ja que han de poder suportar càrregues molt importants durant la deformació. A més, s’han de garantir unes precisions dimensionals molt bones per tal d’evitar el xoc entre les dues parts de l’utillatge i per a assegurar que la peça obtinguda tingui les dimensions desitjades. Aquest fet implica que el procés d’obtenció de les matrius i punxons tingui un cost molt elevat i per a amortitzar-lo és necessari que la producció sigui en massa.L’objecte d’aquest projecte és adaptar el centre de mecanitzat Kondia HS1000 per tal de poder dur a terme recerca bàsica de la tecnologia de conformat incremental de xapa (ISF) en el Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP)
Es presenta un nou algorisme per a la diagonalització de matrius amb diagonal dominant. Es mostra la seva eficàcia en el tractament de matrius no simètriques, amb elements definits sobre el cos complex i, fins i tot, de grans dimensions. Es posa de manifest la senzillesa del mètode així com la facilitat d'implementació en forma de codi de programació. Es comenten els seus avantatges i característiques limitants, així com algunes de les millores que es poden implementar. Finalment, es mostren alguns exemples numèrics
Human activities have been interfering with the natural biogeochemical cycles of trace elements since the ancient civilizations. Although they are inaccessible and remote, high mountain lake catchments are irrefutably trace-element contaminated by anthropogenic emissions, which can travel by long-range atmospheric transport before they are deposited. This has been revealed by several natural archives. High mountain lake catchments are thus excellent sentinels of long-range contamination. Continuous accumulation can lead to a build up of potentially toxic trace elements in these remote, or relatively remote, ecosystems. The thesis focuses on the biogeochemistry of a suite of trace elements of environmental concern (Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd and Pb) in Pyrenean lake catchments, with special emphasis on discerning the “natural” components from the “anthropogenic” contributions. Five other metallic elements (Al, Fe, Ti, Mn and Zr) have also been studied to trace natural fluxes and biogeochemical processes within the lake catchment systems.
The and RT0 finite element schemes are among the most promising low order elements for use in unstructured mesh marine and lake models. They are both free of spurious elevation modes, have good dispersive properties and have a relatively low computational cost. In this paper, we derive both finite element schemes in the same unified framework and discuss their respective qualities in terms of conservation, consistency, propagation factor and convergence rate. We also highlight the impact that the local variables placement can have on the model solution. The main conclusion that we can draw is that the choice between elements is highly application dependent. We suggest that the element is better suited to purely hydrodynamical applications while the RT0 element might perform better for hydrological applications that require scalar transport calculations.
The impact of deformation strain on the formation of banded clouds in idealized modeling experiments
Experiments are performed using an idealized version of an operational forecast model to determine the impact on banded frontal clouds of the strength of deformational forcing, low-level baroclinicity, and model representation of convection. Line convection is initiated along the front, and slantwise bands extend from the top of the line-convection elements into the cold air. This banding is attributed primarily to M adjustment. The cross-frontal spreading of the cold pool generated by the line convection leads to further triggering of upright convection in the cold air that feeds into these slantwise bands. Secondary low-level bands form later in the simulations; these are attributed to the release of conditional symmetric instability. Enhanced deformation strain leads to earlier onset of convection and more coherent line convection. A stronger cold pool is generated, but its speed is reduced relative to that seen in experiments with weaker deformational strain, because of inhibition by the strain field. Enhanced low-level baroclinicity leads to the generation of more inertial instability by line convection (for a given capping height of convection), and consequently greater strength of the slantwise circulations formed by M adjustment. These conclusions are based on experiments without a convective-parametrization scheme. Experiments using the standard or a modified scheme for this model demonstrate known problems with the use of this scheme at the awkward 4 km grid length used in these simulations. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society
Trace elements may present an environmental hazard in the vicinity of mining and smelting activities. However, the factors controlling their distribution and transfer within the soil and vegetation systems are not always well defined. Total concentrations of up to 15,195 mg center dot kg (-1) As, 6,690 mg center dot kg(-1) Cu, 24,820 mg center dot kg(-1) Pb and 9,810 mg center dot kg(-1) Zn in soils, and 62 mg center dot kg(-1) As, 1,765 mg center dot kg(-1) Cu, 280 mg center dot kg(-1) Pb and 3,460 mg center dot kg (-1) Zn in vegetation were measured. However, unusually for smelters and mines of a similar size, the elevated trace element concentrations in soils were found to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the mines and smelters (maximum 2-3 km). Parent material, prevailing wind direction, and soil physical and chemical characteristics were found to correlate poorly with the restricted trace element distributions in soils. Hypotheses are given for this unusual distribution: (1) the contaminated soils were removed by erosion or (2) mines and smelters released large heavy particles that could not have been transported long distances. Analyses of the accumulation of trace elements in vegetation (median ratios: As 0.06, Cu 0.19, Pb 0.54 and Zn 1.07) and the percentage of total trace elements being DTPA extractable in soils (median percentages: As 0.06%, Cu 15%, Pb 7% and Zn 4%) indicated higher relative trace element mobility in soils with low total concentrations than in soils with elevated concentrations.
Soil and Vitis vinifera L (coarse and fine roots, leaves, berries) concentration and geochemical partitioning of Cu, Pb and Zn were determined in a contaminated calcareous Champagne plot to assess their mobility and transfer. Accumulation ratios in roots remained low (0.1-0.4 for Cu and Zn, <0.05 for Pb). Differences between elements resulted from vegetation uptake strategy and soil partitioning. Copper, significantly associated with the oxidisable fraction (27.8%), and Zn with the acid soluble fraction (33.3%), could be mobilised by rhizosphere acidification and oxidisation, unlike Pb, essentially contained in the reducible fraction (72.4%). Roots should not be considered as a whole since the more reactive fine roots showed higher accumulation ratios than coarse ones. More sensitive response of fine roots, lack of correlation between chemical extraction results and vegetation concentrations, and very limited translocation to aerial parts showed that fine root concentrations should be used when assessing bioavailability. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A scale-invariant moving finite element method is proposed for the adaptive solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. The mesh movement is based on a finite element discretisation of a scale-invariant conservation principle incorporating a monitor function, while the time discretisation of the resulting system of ordinary differential equations is carried out using a scale-invariant time-stepping which yields uniform local accuracy in time. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm are successfully tested against exact self-similar solutions where available, and otherwise against a state-of-the-art h-refinement scheme for solutions of a two-dimensional porous medium equation problem with a moving boundary. The monitor functions used are the dependent variable and a monitor related to the surface area of the solution manifold. (c) 2005 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.