911 resultados para STREAMS


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O consumo energético verificado nas refinarias petrolíferas é muito elevado, sendo as fornalhas os equipamentos que mais contribuem para esse consumo. Neste estudo foi efetuada uma avaliação e otimização energética às fornalhas da Fábrica de Aromáticos da Refinaria de Matosinhos. Numa primeira fase foi efetuado um levantamento exaustivo de dados de todas as correntes de entrada e saída dos equipamentos para posteriormente efetuar os balanços de massa e energia a cada uma das fornalhas. Os dados relativos ao levantamento compreenderam dois períodos de funcionamento distintos da unidade fabril, o período de funcionamento normal e o período relativo ao arranque. O período de funcionamento normal foi relativo ao ano de 2012 entre os meses de janeiro a setembro, por sua vez o período de arranque foi de dezembro de 2012 a março de 2013. Na segunda fase foram realizados os balanços de massa e energia quantificando todas as correntes de entrada e saída das fornalhas em termos mássicos e energéticos permitindo o cálculo do rendimento térmico das fornalhas para avaliar a sua performance. A avaliação energética permitiu concluir que existe um consumo maior de energia proveniente da combustão do Fuel Gás do que do Fuel Óleo, tanto no período de funcionamento normal como no arranque. As fornalhas H0101, H0301 e a H0471 possuem os consumos mais elevados, sendo responsáveis por mais de 70% do consumo da Fábrica de Aromáticos. Na terceira fase foram enunciadas duas medidas para a otimização energética das três fornalhas mais consumidoras de energia, a limpeza mensal e o uso exclusivo de Fuel Gás como combustível. As poupanças energéticas obtidas para uma limpeza mensal foram de 0,3% na fornalha H0101, 0,7% na fornalha H0301 e uma poupança de 0,9 % na fornalha H0471. Para o uso exclusivo de Fuel Gás obteve-se uma poupança de 0,9% na fornalha H0101 e uma poupança de 1,3% nas fornalhas H0301 e H0471. A análise económica efetuada à sugestão de alteração do combustível mostra que os custos de operação sofrerão um aumento anual de 621 679 €. Apesar do aumento dos custos, a redução na emissão de 24% de dióxido de carbono, poderá justificar este aumento na despesa.


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Evolução, ato ou efeito de evoluir, sequência de transformações, desenvolvimento progressivo. Se tudo à nossa volta se transforma, a indústria tem de acompanhar esse sistema evolutivo, tornando assim imprescindível alterar ou melhorar processos de produção quando estes não se enquadram com a realidade, ou porque o mercado se altera, ou porque as necessidades mudam, ou por simplesmente ser mais rentável. Sendo a Galp Energia uma empresa que se encontra sempre na vanguarda da evolução tecnológica, encontra no Departamento de Engenharia Química do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto um aliado na procura do melhor modo de valorizar os seus produtos. A Refinaria de Matosinhos tem atualmente duas correntes de gasolina leve e uma de refinado que apresentam grande potencialidade de valorização. Parte destas correntes incorporam atualmente a pool de nafta química da refinaria que é vendida à Repsol Polímeros. O desafio que é proposto baseia-se em valorizar essas correntes através da sua isomerização aumentando o seu RON podendo então ter como fim a pool de gasolinas. Tirando partido da tecnologia disponível para este efeito são apresentados quatro cenários de possíveis soluções. Sendo os dois primeiros excluídos por violarem restrições impostas, o terceiro e quarto cenários foram analisados de um ponto de vista económico. O terceiro cenário conduz a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Aromáticos para a pool de gasolinas sem qualquer tratamento e a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Combustíveis continua a integrar a pool de nafta química. O refinado da Fábrica de Aromáticos será enviado para um splitter, sendo a corrente de topo destinada à pool de nafta química e a corrente de fundo enviada a um reator de isomerização, Isomalk-4SM, passando previamente por uma torre de argila de forma a assegurar que a restrição em teor de olefinas no reator não é violada. O efluente, com RON maior, integrará igualmente a pool de gasolinas. No quarto cenário a corrente de refinado da Fábrica de Aromáticos não sofre qualquer tratamento, continuando a alimentar a unidade de solventes, a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Aromáticos irá diretamente para a pool de gasolinas e a gasolina leve da Fábrica de Combustíveis passará pelo Isomalk-2SM para aumentar o índice de octanos garantido assim ter condições de integrar a pool de gasolinas. Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Química Isomerização de Gasolina Leve O terceiro cenário apresenta um aumento de 4 576 773 € anuais nas receitas e o quarto alcança 11 333 982 € anuais. O investimento inicial total do terceiro cenário é de 28 821 608 € quando o quarto cenário carece de um investimento inicial de apenas 18 028 349 €. Quanto aos custos associados à implementação da unidade estes demonstram-se elevados, o terceiro cenário apresenta um custo de 23 133 429 € enquanto o do quarto cenário é de 13 998 797 €. O quarto cenário apresenta-se assim como a solução mais rentável para o objetivo desta dissertação.


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A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Química no ramo de Otimização Energética na Indústria Química, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estudo energético foi desenvolvido na empresa Petrogal, S.A, na Refinaria de Matosinhos, avaliando a possível racionalização energética do processo existente na Fábrica de Aromáticos. Os objetivos propostos basearam-se na realização de uma integração energética à unidade de pré-destilação, denominada por U-0100, que se encontra instalada na Fábrica de Aromáticos. Pretende-se, de uma forma geral, o reaproveitamento máximo da energia do processo, diminuindo o recurso a utilidades externas. Para tal recorreu-se à metodologia da análise do ponto de estrangulamento, designada por tecnologia Pinch. Numa primeira fase da otimização foi necessário conhecer todo o processo em causa e os conceitos associados à tecnologia aplicada. Após contactar com o processo procedeu-se ao levantamento energético do mesmo, referente ao ano 2013. Nesta etapa foram recolhidos todos os dados considerados relevantes para a quantificação energética das correntes e das utilidades empregues. Depois da recolha efetuou-se a integração energética estabelecendo um ∆Tmin ótimo para o processo de 5°C, após uma prévia análise da influência deste parâmetro sobre os consumos. Constatou-se que atualmente o processo de separação opera com uma taxa de recuperação energética de 16,8% da energia total, sendo a restante energia introduzida por utilidades externas. Com a análise do ponto de estrangulamento concluiu-se que a unidade de pré - destilação U-0100 se encontra integrada energeticamente, não sendo essencial proceder a qualquer modificação à mesma. No entanto sugere-se como trabalho futuro um estudo técnico e económico da implementação de um pré-aquecedor de ar, necessário ao processo de combustão que se dá na fornalha H-0101. Isto tendo em vista o reaproveitamento máximo da corrente, gases de combustão, que é desperdiçada para o meio ambiente.


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Hydrogen sulphide is one of the most toxic and corrosive compound present in swine-derived biogas streams.In this study, afield scale biotrickling filter for the removal of hydrogen sulfide was investigated.A Biofilter packed with supporting biofilm materials was fed continuously with a proprietary nutrient solution and operatedfor over 73days. The system has been operating with a H2S inlet concentrations ranging from 1,000to 3,000 ppm.Significant removal efficiencies >95% was demonstrated. pH of the stock feeding solution decreased from 6.2 to as low as 3.5within couple days.The resulting drop in pH provided circumstantial evidence to support biological H2 Soxidation to sulphuric acid by sulfide-oxidizers. Sulfur precipitation was also observed to occur. The results suggested that H2S removal from biogas stream can be efficiently achieved using portable, low cost and maintenance free biotrickling filters.


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Phosphorus (P) is becoming a scarce element due to the decreasing availability of primary sources. Therefore, recover P from secondary sources, e.g. waste streams, have become extremely important. Sewage sludge ash (SSA) is a reliable secondary source of P. The use of SSAs as a direct fertilizer has very restricted legislation due to the presence of inorganic contaminants. Furthermore, the P present in SSAs is not in a plant-available form. The electrodialytic (ED) process is one of the methods under development to recover P and simultaneously remove heavy metals. The present work aimed to optimize the P recovery through a 2 compartment electrodialytic cell. The research was divided in three independent phases. In the first phase, ED experiments were carried out for two SSAs from different seasons, varying the duration of the ED process (2, 4, 6 and 9 days). During the ED treatment the SSA was suspended in distilled water in the anolyte, which was separated from the catholyte by a cation exchange membrane. From both ashes 90% of P was successfully extracted after 6 days of treatment. Regarding the heavy metals removal, one of the SSAs had a better removal than the other. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that SSAs from different seasons can be submitted to ED process under the same parameters. In the second phase, the two SSAs were exposed to humidity and air prior to ED, in order to carbonate them. Although this procedure was not successful, ED experiments were carried out varying the duration of the treatment (2 and 6 days) and the period of air exposure that SSAs were submitted to (7, 14 and 30 days). After 6 days of treatment and 30 days of air exposure, 90% of phosphorus was successfully extracted from both ashes. No differences were identified between carbonated and non-carbonated SSAs. Thus, SSAs that were exposed to the air and humidity, e.g. SSAs stored for 30 days in an open deposit, can be treated under the same parameters as the SSAs directly collected from the incineration process. In the third phase, ED experiments were carried out during 6 days varying the stirring time (0, 1, 2 and 4 h/day) in order to investigate if energy can be saved on the stirring process. After 6 days of treatment and 4 h/day stirring, 80% and 90% of P was successfully extracted from SSA-A and SSA-B, respectively. This value is very similar to the one obtained for 6 days of treatment stirring 24 h/day.


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The case describes the development of MyFARM’s internationalization plan, a service of Deimos Engenharia, under the GloCal Radar. This space engineering company hired Lisbon Consulting Company to undertake the project to overcome its lack of market orientation. The consultants’ analysis revealed Stevens County, Kansas, as the market with the highest potential for MyFARM. A suitable entry strategy and adaptation of the service for the local market was proposed. The case culminates with the Board of Directors discussing the viability of implementing the consultants’ recommendations to start diversifying their sources of revenue streams.


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Creating an innovative tool that takes advantage of digital interconnectivity between shipping agencies and husbandry services suppliers was the starting point. But the main purpose of this paper is to figure out if that represents a business opportunity. It describes the preliminary stages undertaken, as the connections with the main potential providers of the husbandry services. This was carried out as a qualitative research, based on interviews given by shipping agencies that contributed as a source of data about their activities but also to survey their acceptance of the concept that could change the way of doing business in this area.At the same time, inquiries have been made to build financial scenarios that show the costs and revenue streams allocated to this project. Considering the data collected from the main players in husbandry services and the different outcomes, the feasibility of this project is assessed. Even though the paradigm was well received by all the firms contacted, the development costs turn out to be the main threat to the project so further steps are advised.


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Primary sensory cortex discriminates incoming sensory information and generates multiple processing streams toward other cortical areas. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, by making whole-cell recordings in primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1) of behaving mice, we show that S1 neurons projecting to primary motor cortex (M1) and those projecting to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) have distinct intrinsic membrane properties and exhibit markedly different membrane potential dynamics during behavior. Passive tactile stimulation evoked faster and larger postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in M1-projecting neurons, rapidly driving phasic action potential firing, well-suited for stimulus detection. Repetitive active touch evoked strongly depressing PSPs and only transient firing in M1-projecting neurons. In contrast, PSP summation allowed S2-projecting neurons to robustly signal sensory information accumulated during repetitive touch, useful for encoding object features. Thus, target-specific transformation of sensory-evoked synaptic potentials by S1 projection neurons generates functionally distinct output signals for sensorimotor coordination and sensory perception.


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Salmonid populations of many rivers are rapidly declining. One possible explanation is that habitat fragmentation increases genetic drift and reduces the populations' potential to adapt to changing environmental conditions. We measured the genetic and eco-morphological diversity of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a Swiss stream system, using multivariate statistics and Bayesian clustering. We found large genetic and phenotypic variation within only 40 km of stream length. Eighty-eight percent of all pairwise F(ST) comparisons and 50% of the population comparisons in body shape were significant. High success rates of population assignment tests confirmed the distinctiveness of populations in both genotype and phenotype. Spatial analysis revealed that divergence increased with waterway distance, the number of weirs, and stretches of poor habitat between sampling locations, but effects of isolation-by-distance and habitat fragmentation could not be fully disentangled. Stocking intensity varied between streams but did not appear to erode genetic diversity within populations. A lack of association between phenotypic and genetic divergence points to a role of local adaptation or phenotypically plastic responses to habitat heterogeneity. Indeed, body shape could be largely explained by topographic stream slope, and variation in overall phenotype matched the flow regimes of the respective habitats.


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Mountain regions worldwide are particularly sensitive to on-going climate change. Specifically in the Alps in Switzerland, the temperature has increased twice as fast than in the rest of the Northern hemisphere. Water temperature closely follows the annual air temperature cycle, severely impacting streams and freshwater ecosystems. In the last 20 years, brown trout (Salmo trutta L) catch has declined by approximately 40-50% in many rivers in Switzerland. Increasing water temperature has been suggested as one of the most likely cause of this decline. Temperature has a direct effect on trout population dynamics through developmental and disease control but can also indirectly impact dynamics via food-web interactions such as resource availability. We developed a spatially explicit modelling framework that allows spatial and temporal projections of trout biomass using the Aare river catchment as a model system, in order to assess the spatial and seasonal patterns of trout biomass variation. Given that biomass has a seasonal variation depending on trout life history stage, we developed seasonal biomass variation models for three periods of the year (Autumn-Winter, Spring and Summer). Because stream water temperature is a critical parameter for brown trout development, we first calibrated a model to predict water temperature as a function of air temperature to be able to further apply climate change scenarios. We then built a model of trout biomass variation by linking water temperature to trout biomass measurements collected by electro-fishing in 21 stations from 2009 to 2011. The different modelling components of our framework had overall a good predictive ability and we could show a seasonal effect of water temperature affecting trout biomass variation. Our statistical framework uses a minimum set of input variables that make it easily transferable to other study areas or fish species but could be improved by including effects of the biotic environment and the evolution of demographical parameters over time. However, our framework still remains informative to spatially highlight where potential changes of water temperature could affect trout biomass. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.-


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This research thesis analyses the motivation behind the cross-border mergers and acquisitions deals. How mergers and acquisitions of new knowledge and assets, enhance business with expansion into new streams and international markets. Also, how mega deals help them to gain a power in the international markets. The research focuses on understanding the interrelation between motivations which are contributing to M&A activities and how issues like cultural differences and different management styles are overcome by these firms in cross-border settings. Chapter 1, gives a background knowledge on cross-border M&A as popular internationalization strategy choice, continuing with describing the process in Finnish and Japanese cultural context, and how these deals are proceeding in particular cases. Chapter 2, reviews the important findings and touches the common gaps or aspects those are not studied extensively, does play a key role in the success and failure of M&A deals. A methodology is presented in chapter 3, presenting the hurdles faced by many in this research field. Chapter 4, present the case study is presented to show how M&A can play an important role in structuring the entire economy of Japan. At last chapter 5, presents the evidence, if cultural, HRM and geographical aspects really contribute to the success of M&A, based on which managerial implications are suggested and propositions are built for future research references.


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The writings of John Dewey (1859-1952) and Simone Weil (1909-1943) were analyzed with a view to answering 3 main questions: What is wisdom? How is wisdom connected to experience? How does one educate for a love of wisdom? Using a dialectical method whereby Dewey (a pragmatist) was critiqued by Weil (a Christian Platonist) and vice versa, commonalities and differences were identified and clarified. For both, wisdom involved the application of thought to specific, concrete problems in order to secure a better way of life. For Weil, wisdom was centered on a love of truth that involved a certain way of applying one's attention to a concrete or theoretical problem. Weil believed that nature was subject to a divine wisdom and that a truly democratic society had supernatural roots. Dewey believed that any attempt to move beyond nature would stunt the growth of wisdom. For him, wisdom could be nourished only by natural streams-even if some ofthem were given a divine designation. For both, wisdom emerged through the discipline of work understood as intelligent activity, a coherent relationship between thinking and acting. Although Weil and Dewey differed on how they distinguished these 2 activities, they both advocated a type of education which involved practical experience and confronted concrete problems. Whereas Dewey viewed each problem optimistically with the hope of solving it, Weil saw wisdom in, contemplating insoluble contradictions. For both, educating for a love of wisdom meant cultivating a student's desire to keep thinking in line with acting-wanting to test ideas in action and striving to make sense of actions observed.


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On average approximately 13% of the water that is withdrawn by Canadian municipal water suppliers is lost before it reaches final users. This is an important topic for several reasons: water losses cost money, losses force water agencies to draw more water from lakes and streams thereby putting more stress on aquatic ecosystems, leaks reduce system reliability, leaks may contribute to future pipe failures, and leaks may allow contaminants to enter water systems thereby reducing water quality and threatening the health of water users. Some benefits of leak detection fall outside water agencies’ accounting purview (e.g. reduced health risks to households connected to public water supply systems) and, as a result, may not be considered adequately in water agency decision-making. Because of the regulatory environment in which Canadian water agencies operate, some of these benefits-especially those external to the agency or those that may accrue to the agency in future time periods- may not be fully counted when agencies decide on leak detection efforts. Our analysis suggests potential reforms to promote increased efforts for leak detection: adoption of a Canada-wide goal of universal water metering; development of full-cost accounting and, pricing for water supplies; and co-operation amongst the provinces to promulgate standards for leak detection efforts and provide incentives to promote improved efficiency and rational investment decision-making.


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Multiple-choice assessment is used within nearly all levels of education and is often heavily relied upon within both secondary and postsecondary institutions in determining a student’s present and future success. Understanding why it is effective or ineffective, how it is developed, and when it is or is not used by teachers can further inform teachers’ assessment practices, and subsequently, improve opportunities for student success. Twenty-eight teachers from 3 secondary schools in southern Ontario were interviewed about their perceptions and use of multiple-choice assessment and participated in a single-session introductory workshop on this topic. Perceptions and practices were revealed, discussed, and challenged through the use of a qualitative research method and examined alongside existing multiple-choice research. Discussion centered upon participants’ perspectives prior to and following their participation in the workshop. Implications related to future assessment practices and research in this field of assessment were presented. Findings indicated that many teachers utilized the multiple-choice form of assessment having had very little teacher education coursework or inservice professional development in the use of this format. The findings also revealed that teachers were receptive to training in this area but simply had not been exposed to or been given the opportunity to further develop their understanding. Participants generally agreed on its strengths (e.g., objectivity) and weaknesses (e.g., development difficulty). Participants were particularly interested in the potential for this assessment format to assess different levels of cognitive difficulty (i.e., levels beyond remembering of Bloom’s revised taxonomy), in addition to its potential to perhaps provide equitable means for assessing students of varying cultures, disabilities, and academic streams.


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The present work suggests that sentence processing requires both heuristic and algorithmic processing streams, where the heuristic processing strategy precedes the algorithmic phase. This conclusion is based on three self-paced reading experiments in which the processing of two-sentence discourses was investigated, where context sentences exhibited quantifier scope ambiguity. Experiment 1 demonstrates that such sentences are processed in a shallow manner. Experiment 2 uses the same stimuli as Experiment 1 but adds questions to ensure deeper processing. Results indicate that reading times are consistent with a lexical-pragmatic interpretation of number associated with context sentences, but responses to questions are consistent with the algorithmic computation of quantifier scope. Experiment 3 shows the same pattern of results as Experiment 2, despite using stimuli with different lexicalpragmatic biases. These effects suggest that language processing can be superficial, and that deeper processing, which is sensitive to structure, only occurs if required. Implications for recent studies of quantifier scope ambiguity are discussed.