983 resultados para Séquia de Mislata-1778-Reglaments
Instruccion firmada por Don Luis Curiel
Fecha de la aprobación: 1778
Contiene : "Tons de chasse et fanfares" (p. 433-446) con partituras musicales
Xenophontis opuscula politica equestria et venatica cum arriani libello de venatione [Texto impreso]
Segundo impresor tomado del colofón
The presence of Harpa doris Röding, 1798 in marine deposits of the last interglacial period, ~130-120 ka (marine isotope stage or MIS 5.5) in the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) enabled us to compare this occurrence with its present habitat in the Gulf of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands, well to the south. This comparison leads to the conclusion that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the waters around the Canary Islands during the last interglacial period were at least 3.3 °C higher than today. H. doris is found in association with the large gastropod Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) as well as the coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766). The presence of these extralimital southern,warm-water species in the Canary Islands during the last interglacial period also implies a northward expansion of plankton-feeding larvae in seawater with a high chlorophyll-a content. Such conditionswould require a shortening of the southern arm of the cool Canary Current that dominates the waters around the Canary Islands at present. Marine deposits dating to ~400 ka (MIS 11) are also found on the Canary Islands. In these deposits, the presence of Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) allows a comparison with its present habitat in the Gulf of Guinea. In this analysis, we conclude that SSTs in waters around the Canary Islands during this major interglacial period were at least 4.2 °C higher than today. Middle Pleistocene fossils of S. cucullata have also been found in the western Mediterranean Sea and Morocco, as well as the Cape Verde Islands. If these deposits also date to MIS 11, SST warming could have been a regional phenomenon, including much of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.
Resumen: Descripción: la Virgen de Portacoeli de pie con el niño Jesús en brazos y una pequeña bola del mundo. Arrodillados a sus pies, dos religiosos, uno con vestiduras de Obispo y el otro, un santo cartujo con el hábito de la congregación
Resumen: Descripción: figura de 3/4 y ligeramente de perfil, sostiene al Niño entre sus brazos. Le rodean los símbolos de su martirio, detrás una cruz y en primer término, sobre una mesa, un tallo de azucena, una pequeña cruz con clavos... Viste hábito de las Agustinas y corona de espinas. Representación en el interior de un óvalo.
Resumen: Descripción: retrato de 3/4 de figura de San Vicente Mártir en el interior de un óvalo de frente y con la mirada perdida hacia el cielo. Viste hábito de religioso
Marca tip. en port.
Resumen: Descripción: vista general de la ciudad de San Felipe, Xátiva desde las afueras
Resumen: Descripción: vista de Portaceli desde el monte muy frondoso. La Cartuja se deduce en segundo término
Resumen: Descripción: vista de Montesa desde las afueras observándose: el pueblo y las ruinas del Castillo
Sign. :[ ]2, A-H4, A-Cc4