981 resultados para São Paulo, Região metropolitana de (SP) - Limpeza urbana
The variation of soil textural characteristics is a function of the relief and parent materials. The objective of this work was to study soil texture spatial variability from different parent material in Pereira Barreto, SP. An area of 530.67 hectares was mapped through the use of Global Positioning System receivers and obtaining of Digital Elevation Models. A set of 201 soil samples was collected from every seven hectares, at three depths: 0 - 0.25 m; 0.25 - 0.50 m; and 0.80 - 1.00 m. The amounts of sand, silt and clay were obtained by the pipette method and analyzed by both descriptive statistics and geostatistics. Soil textures varied as a function of parent materials and topography.
The aim of this study is the labour market at Natal Metropolitan Region with emphasis in occupations and incomes that took place at the nineties. The definition of its chronological boundaries passed by verification of existence of evident socio-spatial impacts for output, occupation and income in national economy, with rebounds in all national territory, conditioned by institutional and socio-economical transformations which marked Brazilian insertion to capital flows and commodities globalization movement that took place at the cited decade. It has been shown that such impacts did not distributed themselves equally between diverse spatial levels (great regions, federate unities, municipalities) because of historical specificities in each place in terms of output structures and organization of distinct social agents. Having as its basis the Marxist perspective, it tackled theoretically occupations and incomes, transformations in labour universe occurred at world level, mainly in most urbanized areas, and following that to focus changes occurred in Brazilian society related to the search for competitive insertion in global economy during the period regarded. Special attention was gave to Natal Metropolitan Region, because it was historically a concentration area for investments, productive structure, people, occupations and incomes generated/appropriated in Rio Grande do Norte State. The basic data sources for research were the demographic Census (micro data) made by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) intending to present the structure and the labour market dynamics, having as basis: 1) traditional indicators about labour market; 2) sectors of economic activities and 3) social positions and classes segments. One of the purposes is the demonstration that occupations and incomes keep relation with the restructuring which occurred in each specific sector during the period. Other purpose is to make explicit the factors which bear the participation of distinct segments in production or service execution that make possible the different participation in income distribution. Results are revealing the increasin precariousness in labour market, enlargement of occupations in tertiary sector and greater concentration of average incomes in the social segments which were owners of the greatest capital allowances between residents in Natal Metropolitan Region during the nineties
O cancro cítrico, causado pela bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Valterin et alii 1995, é uma doença conhecida mundialmente e sempre constituiu séria ameaça para a citricultura brasileira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as condições climáticas do Estado de São Paulo e desenvolver mapas de zonas de maior risco de epidemias de cancro cítrico. Foram utilizados dados meteorológicos referentes aos anos de 2002 a 2005, os quais foram baseados no modelo de previsão desenvolvido por Campbell & Madden (4) e Hau & Kranz (10). A freqüência dos dados foi horária e quando alguma estação apresentava falha, esses eram extrapolados da estação mais próxima. Foram contabilizados os índices de favorabilidade e posteriormente calculadas as porcentagens de dias favoráveis à ocorrência da doença no período de um ano. A partir destas informações, foram gerados os mapas temáticos do Estado de São Paulo, com a distribuição espacial da porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico. A região Noroeste do Estado foi a que apresentou a maior porcentagem de dias favoráveis à ocorrência de cancro cítrico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work was developed in the research line: "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in the basic education of metropolitan area Natal" which is being developed with the support of CAPES by the Centre for Education. Acts, especially the problem of academic performance of students in basic education of the public in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN). Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a typology of students in the 9th year of basic education, attending the public schools (state or municipal) of MRN, 2009, and assess, according to these profiles, what personal characteristics student and their families: economic, social and cultural capital as well as teaching practices create environments capable of favoring a good educational development as measured by the performance obtained in the assessments in mathematics and English language. The data used were provided through the microdata Brazil Exam 2009 held by INEP. We used the methods Grade of Membership (GoM) for construction of profiles relevance of students according to the characteristics already mentioned. With these profiles was verified, which were effectively generating good performance in school curriculum components evaluated. The findings indicate that students belonging to the profile considered good environment, able to achieve better school performance both in Portuguese as in Mathematics, compared to the extreme profiles and adverse deficit
This study aims, to characterize the diversity of cephalopods by analyzing the stomach contents of fishes caught in the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul (ASPSP) and Fernando de Noronha (AFN). Also, verify the participation of cephalopods in the diet of their main predators. A total of 723 stomachs were collected, from 8 species of fish, caught by the fishery, 471 stomachs were from ASPSP and 252 were from the AFN. It was recorded the occurrence of food items (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) and the cephalopods were identified to the lowest taxa possible, according to specialized literature. The Ommastrephidae family represented 84.46% of occurrence in the ASPSP and 63.48% in the AFN, confirming the importance of this family in the area studied and also in the diet of their predators. Among the species with greatest occurrence Ornitoteuthis antillarum was the most representative in both regions. This species had an average mantle length of 54.25 mm, thus demonstrating that the majority of this population is in the juvenile stage of development. The smallest species found was Argonauta nodosa with a mantle length of 4.06 mm and the largest was Ommastrephes bartrami, with 223.33 mm. In the AFN, the species richness (d) was 2.318, the diversity index (H ') was 1.454 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.585. In the ASPSP, the species richness (d) was 2.66, the Shannon diversity index (H ') was 1.013 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.373. AFN has a greater cephalopod diversity than ASPSP, confirming the pattern suggested by the Theory of Island Biogeography. Among the occurrence of prey items for all predators, the cephalopods are secondary preys. The most important cephalopod species in the diet of Thunnus albacares and Acantocybium solandri was Ornithoteuthis antillarum. These predators have different niche width the diet of Thunnus albacares is more specialized, but they have an overlap of 84.684% in the trophic niche, suggesting that in the ASPSP these two species may use similar niches
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfométricas das microbacias (2ª, 3ª, 4ª e 5ª ordens de magnitude) da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Rico, sub-bacia do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, localizada na região administrativa de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto, foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e a configuração topográfica natural do sistema de drenagem. Os procedimentos para a obtenção dos dados foram fundamentados em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. A partir da vetorização das cartas topográficas correspondentes à área de estudo, realizou-se a análise morfométrica quanto às características dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo no sistema de informação geográfica ArcView. A microbacia é considerada de sexta ordem de magnitude, com área estimada de 542 km², com 85 microbacias de segunda ordem, 22 de terceira, sete de quarta ordem e duas de quinta. Utilizando o critério geométrico, na disposição fluvial das sub-bacias de cabeceiras observou-se a predominância dos modelos dendríticos e subdendríticos, enquanto a jusante predominava o modelo subparalelo, respectivamente, nas áreas de ocorrências dos arenitos Bauru e rochas efusivas básicas.
O Cariri cearense: da ocupação do território à institucionalização da região metropolitana do Cariri
Urbanization in their mearing simpler, the agglomeration of people, occurred from the time that the productive activities have to be based on trade. The first cities arose when the evolution of agriculture allowed the production and storage of surpluses. However, with industrialization was that urbanization becomes intense, according to Singer (1987), the industrial revolution was to stage, from the beginning, the urban area. It requires, in its proximity, the presence of a large number of workers. With respect to the Cariri cearense, the occupation of its territory is associated with the movement of agricultural surpluses produced and reproduced under the hegemony of merchant capital and due to the development of extensive cattle that promoted the territorial occupation of Ceará. From the 1960s, the region has undergone changes in its productive structure due to industrial planning policies of the government of Ceará. However it was in the 1990s that the region itself as economic and urban polo because policies to attract investments from the state government of Ceará. This policy led to boosting trade and services marking the predominance of tertiary activities in the region, especially the retail, wholesale , medical services and education. Investments also consolidated the industrial park area making it diverse, especially the footwear industries, mining, non-metallic minerals, transport equipment, pharmaceutical chemical, food and beverages, rubber and leather and construction. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the region of Cariri cearense occupation of its territory institutionalizing its metropolitan region, to understand what factors influenced the Cariri cearense become an important area in urban and economic terms in the interior of Ceará. In order to develop this research in that refers to the methodological perspective, research is guided by bibliographic studies and also makes use of secondary data analysis (population, GDP, urbanization rate, employment) of the main databases the country, as IBGE, IPEADATA and RAIS - MTE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this study a population survey of Carabidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) adults was carried out with the aim to analyze their populations through faunistic indexes and to determine the influence of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. The study was conducted in two areas cultivated with soybean/corn under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems and adjacent to a forest fragment and a Pinus stand, respectively. Beetles were sampled by pitfall traps distributed in two 100-m transects. The fauna was characterized by diversity (H), evenness (J), abundance, dominance, frequency and constancy indexes. The influence of air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall was verified using stepwise regression. The carabids Abaris basistriatus Chaudoir, Odontochila nodicornis (Dejean) and Scarites sp. were classified as predominant species in both areas, while Selenophorus alternans Dejean only classified as predominant in the area under conventional tillage system, likewise for Megacephala sp. and Selenophorus seriatoporus Putz. in the no-tillage area. The predominant species showed just one population peak each year, usually observed from December to January. The pluvial precipitation influenced the occurrence of the carabids positively and significantly, with O. nodicornis and Megacephala sp. being the most demanding species in relation to the effect of humidity on their dispersal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)