965 resultados para Rotating Solids
This paper compares the catalytic activities of some transition metal ions (Fe3+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+) in the H2O2 decomposition in homogenous and heterogeneous processes, including solid mixed systems (Fe-Cu-Co/Al2O3, Fe-Cu/Al2O3, Fe-Co/Al2O3 and Co-Cu/Al2O3). The solids were characterised by X-ray diffraction to explore evolution of phases or possible changes. Different trends of the catalytic activity were observed: in homogeneous medium the most active species was Fe3+, whereas in heterogeneous one the higher activities were shown for Co/Al2O3 and Co-Cu/Al2O3. A strong cooperative effect for the Co-Cu/Al2O3 system was observed, which can be considered as a new catalyst of interest for this type of reactions.
In recent years, the introduction of the Green Chemistry concepts in undergraduate chemistry classes has been intensively pursued. In this regard, the two-step preparation of Epoxone (an organocatalyst developed by Shi & col.) from commercial D-fructose, through ketalization of vicinal diols followed by oxidation of a sterically congested secondary alcohol, involves important topics in Organic Chemistry and employs inexpensive and nontoxic reagents. The reactions are easy to perform and the products from both steps are readily obtained as crystalline solids after simple procedures, thus facilitating their chemical characterization.
The introduction of Mannich and Biginelli multicomponent reactions in a practical Organic Chemistry course is presented in this article. Procedures described in the literature were adapted for use under the simple conditions available in undergraduate laboratories and were selected on the basis of Green Chemistry principles and practicality of synthesis. The reactions are easy to carry out and all products are readily isolated as crystalline solids with yields ranging from moderate to high.
The nature of the solid residue formed in beef tallow biodiesel from two commercial producers in Brazil was determined by comparative analytical techniques, namely, gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and thermogravimetry (TG). Pure monopalmitin and monostearin were used as reference standards for both methodologies. Analyses were carried out before and after filtration of the solids formed, which allowed the observation that the formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoglycerides in the beef tallow biodiesel. The chromatographic and thermogravimetric results confirmed the nature of the residue as saturated monoglycerides, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin.
The enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated sugarcane bagasse, either delignified or non-delignified, was studied as a function of enzyme loading. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out using five enzyme loadings (2.5 to 20 FPU/g cellulose) and the concentration of solids was 2% for both materials. Alkaline delignification improved cellulose hydrolysis by increasing surface area. For both materials, glucose concentrations increased with enzyme loading. On the other hand, enzyme loadings higher than 15 FPU/g did not result in any increase in the initial rate, since the excess of enzyme adsorbed onto the substrate restricted the diffusion process through the structure.
An alternative system was tested for the determination of CO2 in air using recyclable materials. The results indicate that the proposed system allows for reliable, accurate, robust and efficient collection, comparable to the standard gravimetric method. Laboratory wastes are easily treated using a filtrate that can be discharged into the sewer and solids that can be reused. The proposed system is a simple and low-cost tool that encompasses important aspects of environmental education, which should be part of the education in chemistry of undergraduate students and technicians.
Materials based on tungstophosphoric acid (TPA) immobilized on NH4ZSM5 zeolite were prepared by wet impregnation of the zeolite matrix with TPA aqueous solutions. Their concentration was varied in order to obtain TPA contents of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% w/w in the solid. The materials were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, XRD, FT-IR, 31P MAS-NMR, TGA-DSC, DRS-UV-Vis, and the acidic behavior was studied by potentiometric titration with n-butylamine. The BET surface area (SBET) decreased when the TPA content was raised as a result of zeolite pore blocking. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the solids modified with TPA only presented the characteristic peaks of NH4ZSM5 zeolites, and an additional set of peaks assigned to the presence of (NH4)3PW12O40. According to the Fourier transform infrared and 31P magic angle spinning-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, the main species present in the samples was the [PW12O40]3- anion, which was partially transformed into the [P2W21O71]6- anion during the synthesis and drying steps. The thermal stability of the NH4ZSM5TPA materials was similar to that of their parent zeolites. Moreover, the samples with the highest TPA content exhibited band gap energy values similar to those reported for TiO2. The immobilization of TPA on NH4ZSM5 zeolite allowed the obtention of catalysts with high photocatalytic activity in the degradation of methyl orange dye (MO) in water, at 25 ºC. These can be reused at least three times without any significant decrease in degree of degradation.
Diplomityössä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan teollisuusympäristöön soveltuva langaton vääntömomentin mittausjärjestelmä. Langaton tiedonsiirto toteutetaan soveltaen Zigbee-radiotekniikkaan perustuvia XBee-moduuleja. Käyttökohteina sovellukselle ovat pyörivät akselit, joihin langallisen mittausjärjestelmän asentaminen on hankalaa tai mahdotonta. Työssä kuvataan järjestelmän toiminnallisuus, esitellään oleellisimmat järjestelmän rakenteeseen ja toimintaan liittyvät asiat, arvioidaan järjestelmän mittausepävarmuus sekä esitellään järjestelmällä saatuja mittaustuloksia. Lisäksi osaa mittaustuloksista verrataan referenssilaitteistolla saataviin tuloksiin.
Various strength properties of paper are measured to tell how well it resists breaks in a paper machine or in printing presses. The most often measured properties are dry tensile strength and dry tear strength. However, in many situations where paper breaks, it is not dry. For example, in web breaks after the wet pressing the dry matter content can be around 45%. Thus, wet-web strength is often a more critical paper property than dry strength. Both wet and dry strength properties of the samples were measured with a L&W tensile tester. Originally this device was not designed for the measurement of the wet web tensile strength, thus a new procedure to handle the wet samples was developed. The method was tested with Pine Kraft (never dried). The effect of different strength additives on the wet-web and dry paper tensile strength was studied. The polymers used in this experiment were aqueous solution of a cationic polyamidoamine-epichlorohydrin resin (PAE), cationic hydrophilised polyisocyanate and cationic polyvinylamine (PVAm). From all three used chemicals only Cationic PAE considerably increased the wet web strength. However it was noticed that at constant solids content all chemicals decreased the wet web tensile strength. So, since all chemicals enhanced solid content it can be concluded that they work as drainage aids, not as wet web strength additives. From all chemicals only PVAm increased the dry strength and two other chemicals even decreased the strength. As chemicals were used in strong diluted forms and were injected into the pulp slurry, not on the surface of the papersheets, changes in samples densities did not happen. Also it has to be noted that all these chemicals are mainly used to improve the wet strength after the drying of the web.
Lasikuituputkien kelaamiseen tarkoitettu automaatio voidaan toteuttaa suorakulmaisen kolmion trigonometrian perusteella. Kelaaminen tapahtuu pyörittämällä muottia ja liikuttamalla samalla muottia sivuttain. Näin tehdessä saadaan kelattavat lasikuitulangat leviämään koko muotin leveydelle. Jos langat halutaan saada kelattua tiiviisti toistensa viereen, on muotin liikuttava tietty matka yhtä muotin pyörähdystä kohden. Matkaa kutsutaan nousuksi. Nousu riippuu lankojen muodostaman kimpun leveydestä, kelauskulmasta ja muotin säteestä. Kelauskulmalla voidaan vaikuttaa kelattavan tuotteen aksiaaliseen ja pitkittäiseen lujuuteen. Kelauskoneen automaatiojärjestelmä koostuu sähkökäytöistä, ohjaavasta yksiköstä, valvomosta ja erilaisista antureista. Eri osat yhdistetään toisiinsa väylätekniikalla. Sähkökäytöt ovat yleensä servokäyttöjä, koska niiltä vaaditaan tarkkuutta ja nopeutta. Ohjaavana yksikkönä toimii yleensä teollisuus logiikka. Anturointia tarvitaan esimerkiksi hartsin lämpötilan säätöön ja lankojen ratakireyden säätöön. Anturoinnilla ja säädöillä pyritään parantamaan kelattavan tuotteen laatua. Koneen ohjelmallinen toteutus vaatii kelauskoneen mekaniikan ja kelausprosessin ymmärtämistä. Lisäksi on huomioitava koneen käyttäjät ja heidän turvallisuus.
Lukuisissa teollisuussovelluksissa materiaalien, kuten paperin ja teräslevyjen, muokkaamiseen käytettävät pyörivät nippitelat kärsivät aina erilaisten herätteiden synnyttämistä mekaanisista värähtelyistä, jotka voivat aiheuttaa virheitä valmistettaviin tuotteisiin. Tässä työssä tutkittiin viskoelastisia polymeerejä ja polymeeripinnoitteen nipilliseen telasysteemiin synnyttämiä haitallisia itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä. Työn polymeerejä käsittelevässä kirjallisuusosassa luotiin katsaus amorfisten polymeerien fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeellisessa osuudessa tutkittiin tarkemmin kahden amorfisen telapinnoitepolymeerin termoreologisia ja mekaanisia ominaisuuksia suoritettujen DMTA-mittausten perusteella. Sovittamalla toisen polymeerin master-käyrään yleistetty lineaarisen standardiaineen malli saatiin selville polymeerin mekaaniset parametrit ja approksimaatio sen relaksaatiospektrille. Telapinnoitteen nipilliseen systeemiin synnyttämiä itseherätteisiä värähtelyjä ja niiden seurauksia tarkasteltiin kahdelle telalle ja polymeeripinnoitteelle kehitetyn analyyttisen mallin ja numeeristen laskujen avulla. Pinnoite mallinnettiin lineaarisen standardiaineen mukaisesti. Telasysteemin parametrit määritettiin DMTA-mittaustuloksista ja systeemiä vastaavasta koelaitteesta kokeellisella moodianalyysillä ja elementtimenetelmällä. Numeerisesta stabiilisuusanalyysistä ja liikeyhtälöiden integroinneista saadut tulokset kertovat telapinnoitteen aaltomaisista deformaatiomuodoista ja niiden synnyttämistä taajuusalueittain esiintyvistä epästabiileista värähtelyistä. Telasysteemi on epästabiili pinnoitedeformaatiokuvion systeemiin aiheuttaman herätevoiman taajuuden ollessa lähellä systeemin korkeampaa ominaistaajuutta. Numeerisista tuloksista voitiin ennustaa nopean ja hitaan barringin olemassaolo.
In the present work the aim was to prepare an automatic installation for studies of galvanomagnetic effects in solids and to test it by calibration measurements. As a result required automatic installation was created in this work and test measurements were performed. Created setup automatically provides measurements of the magnetoresistance of the Hall effect with an accuracy of ± 2 µV in the temperature range 2 – 300 K and steady magnetic fields up to 6 T. The test measurements of the glassy carbon samples showed that the setup is reliable, has high sensitivity and is easy to use. The results obtained in the research process are pioneer and will be separately analyzed.
This work is directed to the study and evaluation of gas diffusion electrodes as detectors in hydrogen sensors. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with rotating disk electrodes with a thin porous coating of the catalyst as a previous step to select useful parameters for the sensor. An experimental arrangement made in the laboratory that simulates the sensor was found appropriate to detect volumetric hydrogen percentages above 0.25% in mixtures H2:N2. The system shows a linear response for volumetric percentages of hydrogen between 0.25 and 2 %.
The complexes of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid anion with ions of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) have been synthesized as polycrystalline solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies, and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have following colours: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II), and blue for Cu(II) compounds. The carboxylate group binds as monodentate, and bidentate bridging and chelating ligands. On heating in air to 1173 K the complexes decompose in four, three or two steps. At first, they dehydrate in one or two steps to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to oxides of the respective metals. The solubility of the investigated dimethoxybenzoates in water at 293 K is of the order of 10-2 mol/dm3. Their magnetic moments were determined in the temperature range of 76-303 K. The results reveal the compounds of Co(II) and Ni(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.
Pyörivien sähkökoneiden suunnittelussa terminen suunnittelu on yhtä tärkeää kuin sähköinen ja mekaaninen suunnittelukin. Tässä diplomityössä tarkoituksena on kehittää ilmajäähdytteisten kestomagneettigeneraattorien laskentaan soveltuva lämmönsiirtymismalli, jolla staattorin lämpötilajakauma voitaisiin selvittää. Kehitetty lämmönsiirtymismalli perustuu kolmiulotteiseen äärellisen erotuksen (finite difference) menetelmään. Malli ottaa huomioon lämmönjohtumisen staattorin aktiiviosissa ja konvektion jäähdytysilmavirtaan. Mallissa on myös yksinkertainen painehäviölaskenta jäähdytysjärjestelmän komponenttien mitoittamista varten. Laskentamallilla lasketaan esimerkkitapauksena 4,3 MW:n kestomagneettigeneraattorin jäähdytystä eri toimintapisteissä. Tuloksia verrataan CFD-mallinnuksen antamiin tuloksiin sekä kokeellisten mittausten antamiin tuloksiin.