862 resultados para Road to Santiago in the Alentejo


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Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are autoantibodies against enzymes present in primary granules of neutrophils and lysosomes of monocytes detected in systemic vasculitis and in other diseases, including infections, ANCA are markers of active Wegener granulomatosis, which presents some anatomo-pathologic and immune response features similar to those of leprosy. Thus, we raised the hypothesis that ANCA may be present in leprosy as markers specifically linked to the presence of vasculitis. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of ANCA in leprosy and its correlation with the clinical forms of the disease. Sera from 60 normal individuals and from 59 patients with different clinical forms of leprosy were studied. The patients were also allocated into reactional and nonreactional groups. By indirect immunofluorescence, ANCA were positive, an atypical pattern A-ANCA, in 28.8% of the patient sera. A-ANCA predominated, although not significantly (p >0,05), in the reactional groups (37.9% vs 20.0%), and in those at the lepromatous pole (41.6% vs 20.0%). There was no correlation between ANCA positivity and either disease duration, disease activity, or therapeutic regimen (p >0.05), An interesting finding was the correlation between ANCA and gender: 94.1% of ANCA-positive patients were males (p <0.01), a feature that so far has not been reported in ANCA-related diseases and for which there is no explanation at the moment. By ELISA, the sera of the lepromatous leprosy patients did not show activity against either PR3, MPO, HLE, the most common ANCA antigens. Because A-ANCA are nonspecific, this finding requires further investigation for the determination of the responsible antigen(s), in conclusion, A-ANCA are present in 28.8% of leprosy patients but are not related to vasculitis in the erythema nodosum leprosum reaction and are not a marker of a specific clinical form.


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As an important step in the nuclear transfer (NT) procedure, we evaluated the effect of three different treatments for oocyte activation on the in vitro and in vivo developmental capacity of bovine reconstructed embryos: (1) strontium, which has been successfully used in mice but not yet tested in cattle; (2) ionomycin and 6-dimethylammopurine (6-DMAP), a standard treatment used in cattle; (3) ionomycin and strontium, in place of 6-DMAP. As regards NT blastocyst development, no difference was observed when strontium (20.1%) or ionomycin/6-DMAP (14.4%) were used. However, when 6-DMAP was substituted by strontium (3), the blastocyst rate (34.8%) was superior to that in the other activation groups (p < 0.05). Results of in vivo development showed the possibility of pregnancies when NT embryos activated in strontium were transferred to recipient cows (16.6%). A live female calf was obtained when ionomycin/strontium were used, but it died 30 days after birth. Our findings show that strontium can be used as an activation agent in bovine cloning procedures and that activation with a combination of strontium and ionomycin increased the in vitro developmental capacity of reconstructed embryos. This is the first report of a calf produced by adult somatic cell NT in Latin America.


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Background and Objectives: Epithelial rests of Malassez are clusters of cells derived from Hertwig's root sheath that remain in the periodontal ligament throughout life. Although it is known that the cells of Malassez proliferate, there are no studies showing that they undergo programmed cell death, i.e. apoptosis. In most tissues, proliferation is balanced by apoptosis. Thus we examined regions of the periodontium of young and adult rat molars in the hope of detecting apoptosis.Methods: Wistar rats aged 29, 45 and 120 days were killed with chloral hydrate (600 mg/kg). Fragments containing maxillary molars were removed and fixed in formaldehyde, decalcified, and embedded in paraffin and glycol methacrylate. Sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) method for detection of apoptosis. Specimens were also fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde, decalcified and processed for transmission electron microscopy.Results: Epithelial rests of Malassez containing round/ovoid basophilic dense bodies and TUNEL-positive structures were found in all specimens examined. Ultrastructural examination revealed that some cells of Malassez contained masses of condensed peripheral chromatin and a shrunken cytoplasm exhibiting intact organelles - images typical of apoptosis. Moreover, round/ovoid electron-opaque structures appeared to be in the process of being engulfed by neighboring epithelial cells of Malassez.Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that epithelial cells of Malassez's rests undergo apoptosis in the developing and adult periodontium. Apoptosis may, together with proliferation, be part of the mechanism of turnover/remodelling of the cells of Malassez.


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Aedes aegypti from the Brazilian cities of Sao Jose do Rio Preto (SJ) and Goiania (GO) were analyzed as to their esterase patterns and the results were compared with data obtained about 5 years before for SJ population. Esterase bands not detected in the previous study were now observed in mosquitoes from both SJ and GO populations, being the last considered a population resistant to insecticides. Other similarities between SJ and GO populations in this study, and some differences in comparison with the previous data on SJ were observed, involving, in addition to changes in band type, changes in frequency of mosquitoes expressing them and differential gene activation during development. As it is generally true for genetic features, changes in the esterase patterns are expected to be the result of factors such as selection by environmental conditions and genetic drift. In the present case, continuous use of insecticides aiming mosquito population size control in SJ by sanitary authorities could be involved in the observed changes. Changed esterases were classified as carboxylesterases and cholinesterases, which are enzymes already shown to take part in the development of resistance in several organisms. In addition, data obtained in the elapsed time by authorities responsible for the mosquito control has shown increasing insecticide resistance of SJ population mosquitoes parallel to increase in the total amount of esterases, reinforcing the mentioned possibility.


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Several changes in the soil humus characteristics were observed after clearing the Central Brazil virgin forest. When compared with the original ''Cerrado'' forest, the soils from the agricultural systems showed increased values for cation exchange capacity, total organic matter and non-extractable humin. The humic acid fraction underwent some changes suggesting increased oxidation and decreased aliphatic content. The soil organic N tends to accumulate in the insoluble humus fractions.The above changes were much less intense when the virgin forest was transformed into pastures. Under these conditions, the most significant changes were the reduction of readily biodegradable soil organic matter fractions.In view of the intensity of the lixiviation processes in the area studied, the above changes may be connected with the reduction in aggregate stability observed in the cleared sites.In general, the characteristics of the humus formations in the ''Cerrado'' region suggested high resistance to external factors, which is in part attributed to the active insolubilization of humic colloids by the Al and Fe oxides. In the absence of erosive processes in the cleared sites, additional humus stability may conform both to selective biodegradation and/or lixiviation of the humic colloids, or to the effects of the fire used in soil management.


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The current understanding of hormonal regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-26 (MMP-26) in the primate endometrium is incomplete. The goal of this work was to clarify estrogen and progesterone regulation of MMP-26 in the endometrium of ovariectomized, hormone-treated rhesus macaques.Ovariectomized rhesus macaques (n 66) were treated with estradiol (E-2), E-2 plus progesterone, E-2 followed by progesterone alone or no hormone. Endometrium was collected from the hormone-treated animals during the early, mid- and late proliferative and secretory phases of the artificial menstrual cycle. MMP-26 expression was quantified by real-time PCR, and MMP-26 transcript and protein were localized by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry and correlated with estrogen receptor 1 and progesterone receptor (PGR).MMP-26 was localized to glandular epithelium and was undetectable in the endometrial stroma and vasculature. MMP-26 transcript levels were minimal in the hormone-deprived macaques and treatment with E-2 alone did not affect MMP-26 levels. Treatment with progesterone both in the presence and absence of E-2 stimulated MMP-26 expression in the early and mid-secretory phases (P 0.001). MMP-26 expression preceded decidualization of endometrial stroma. MMP-26 levels then declined to baseline in the late secretory phase (P 0.01) despite continued E-2 plus progesterone treatment. Loss of detectable MMP-26 expression in the late secretory phase was correlated with late secretory phase loss of glandular epithelial PGR.Endometrial MMP-26 expression is dependent on the presence of progesterone in the early secretory phase and then gradually becomes refractory to progesterone stimulation in the late secretory phase. In the macaque, MMP-26 is a marker of the pre-decidual, secretory endometrium. During the second half of the late secretory phase, and during decidualization, MMP-26 loses its response to progesterone concurrent with the loss of epithelial PGR. The decline in MMP-26 levels between the mid- and late secretory phases may play a role in the receptive window for embryo implantation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Previous studies showed that livers from carnivorous birds have a higher gluconeogenic capacity and higher levels of gluconeogenic enzymes than livers from granivorous birds. In this work we compare the effects of fasting and adrenalectomy on gluconeogenesis. Fasting in the chicken elicited increased rates of incorporation of 14C from alanine into blood glucose, increased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and increased activities of four gluconeogenic enzymes: glucose-6-phosphatase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase. These responses in the chicken resemble those observed in fasted rodents. In marked contrast, fasting in black vultures induced decreased rates of incorporation of alanine label into circulating glucose, decreased gluconeogenesis in liver slices, and no change in any of the four enzymes studied. This unusual response to fasting in the carnivorous bird is probably related to the high-protein-low-carbohydrate content of the diet. Fasted adrenalectomized birds (granivorous and carnivorous) had reduced rates of in vivo glucose synthesis, decreased liver gluconeogenesis, and lower activity of glucose-6-phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase, without change in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and alanine aminotransferase activities.


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Dairy cows often have to choose which of two sides to enter in the milking parlour. Some cows are very consistent in this choicė, and it is common to assume that when these cows are more disturbed are being milked in their non-preferred side. Such disturbance might involve significantly poor welfare. In order to assess this assumption, we decided to study the behaviour and milk yield of dairy cows and their relationships with side preference in the milking parlour. The study was carried out at Cambridge University Farm, in a two-sided tandem milking parlour. The data collection followed the daily management routine. We recorded the side chosen by each cow (left or right) during 40 milking sessions. Data from 70 cows, which were present in at least 25 milking sessions (mode = 36), were included in the statistical analysis. Cows' reactivity (CR) during premilking udder preparation, time spent fitting the milking cluster (FT), milk yield (MY) and duration of milking (DM) were measured. There was evident individual variation in the consistency of side choice. Individual differences (ANOVA, P < 0.001) were also found in CR, FT, MY and DM; although these variables were not significantly affected by the side or the interaction animal × side (ANOVA, P < 0.05). The comparison between left and right side means (paired t-test) of these variables did not show significant differences (P < 0.05). We concluded that there is no evidence that the cows were discomforted or stressed when milked in the non-preferred side of the milking parlour. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Recent structural investigations and geochronological studies of rocks from the Médio Coreaú domain in the NW part of northeast Brazil's Borborema Province provide important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the region both preceeding and during the assembly of West Gondwana. Field observations of structural features and fabrics have revealed the presence of four distinct deformational phases in the MCD: D1, D2, D3 and D4. Only the early Paleoproterozoic gneisses record the D1 tectonic event and its preservation is cryptic owing to strong overprinting by the subsequent tectonic phases. The D2, D3 and D4 events affected younger supracrustal rocks and Neoproterzoic magmatic units, and U-Pb geochronological constraints show that all of these tectonic phases represent deformational events that occurred during Brasiliano collision between the West African craton and the NW part of the Borborema Province. The D2 phase, lasting between ca. 622 and 591 Ma, represents a frontal collision stage, which generated NW verging thrust-nappe systems, low-angle foliation, high-grade metamorphism and crustal anatexis. Transition to a strike-slip regime (D3) occurred at around 591 Ma when the region entered a phase of escape tectonics. During this time, the motion of crustal blocks towards NE and E was accommodated along numerous anastomosing shear zones. Syntectonic emplacement of granitoid plutons took place in transtensional domains of the shear zone system. The intrusion of late tectonic granitoids and rapid uplift and cooling of the orogen around 560 Ma as a result of D4 transpressional movements marked the end of the D3 transcurrent regime. These findings show that only the early Paleoproterozoic gneisses in the Médio Coreaú domain are polycyclic in nature. Rather than representing distinct orogenic events, the D2, D3 and D4 tectonic phases are a manifestation of progressive deformational events that developed in response to changes in the regional stress field during convergence and collision between the Borborema Province and its surrounding cratons.


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The conventional, grinding methods in some cases are not very efficient because the arising of thermal damages in the pieces is very common. Optimization methods of cutting fluid application in the grinding zone are essential to prevent thermal problems from interaction of the wheel grains with the workpiece. surface. The optimization can happen through the correct selection of the cut parameters and development of devices that eliminate air layer effects generated around the grinding wheel. This article will collaborate with the development of an experimentation methodology which allows evaluating, comparatively, the performance of the deflectors in the cutting region to minimize the air layer effect of the high speed of the grinding wheel. The air layers make the cutting fluid jet to dissipate in the machine. An optimized nozzle was used in order to compare the results with the conventional method (without baffles or deflectors) of cutting fluid application. The results showed the high eficciency of the deflectors or baffles in the finish results. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.


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Malaria is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One striking aspect regarding malaria is the fact that individuals living in endemic areas do not develop immunity against the parasite, falling ill whenever they are exposed tothe parasite. The understanding of why immunity is not developed in the usual way against Plasmodium is crucial to the improvement of treatment and prevention. In this work, we study some aspects of the dynamics of the blood cycle of malaria using both modelling and data analysis of observed case-histories described by parasitemia time series. By comparing our simulations with experimental results we have shown that the different behaviour observed among patients may be associated to differences in the efficiency of the immune system to control the infection. © EDP Sciences/Societa Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 2007.


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This paper reports the effect of mating delay on the queen Apis mellifera ovaries based on a light microscopy analysis. Soon after a queen emerges from the brood cell, oocytes start to differentiate in the ovaries, but if mating does not occur at the correct age (about 6 days after emergence) cell degeneration begins. Ovaries of 15-day-old virgin queens show extensive disorganization with cell death affecting all types of ovariole cells. Types of cell death and the possible causes are discussed.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography