990 resultados para Ritual of St. Florian.
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"Revision and expansion of The ritual of living [published in 1930]"
Includes indexes.
Translation of The secret history of the court and cabinet of St. Cloud.
Following a brief description of the atmosphere and ionosphere in Chapter I we describe how the equations of continuity and momentum for 0+, H+, He+, 0++ are derived from the formulations of St-Maurice and Schunk(1977) and Quegan et al.(1981) in Chapter II. In Chapter III we investigate the nature of the downward flow of protons in a collapsing post-sunset ionosphere. We derive an analytical form for the limiting temperature, we also note the importance of the polarization field term and concluded that the flow will remain subsonic for realistic conditions. The time-dependent behaviour of He+ under sunspot minimum conditions is investigated in Chapter IV. This is achieved by numerical solution of the 0+, H+ and,He+ continuity and momentum equations, treating He+ as a minor ion with 0+ , H+ as major ions. We found that He+ flows upwards during the day-time and downwards during the nighttime. He+ flux tube content reached a maximum on the 8th day of the integration period and started to decreasing. This is due to the large amount of H+ present at the late stages of the integration period which makes He+ unable to diffuse through the H+ layer away from the loss region. In Chapter V we investigate the behaviour of 0++ using sunspot maximum parameters. Although our results support the findings of Geis and Young (1981) that the large amounts of 0++ at the equator are caused mainly by thermal diffusion, the model used by Geis and Young overemphesizes the effect of thermal diffusion. The importance of 0++ - 0+ collision frequency is also noted. In Chapter VI we extend the work of Chapter IV, presenting a comparative study of H and He at sunspot minimum and sunspot maximum.In this last Chapter all three ions, O+ ,H+ and He+ , are treated theoretically as major ions and we concentrate mainly on light ion contents and fluxes. The results of this Chapter indicate that by assuming He+ as a minor ion we under-estimate He+ and over-estimate. H+. Some interesting features concerning the day to day behaviour of the light ion fluxes arise. In particular the day-time H+ fluxes decrease from day to day in contrast to the work of Murphy et al.(1976). In appendix.A we derive some analytical forms for the optical depth so that the models can include a realistic description of photoionization.
The authors use data from several sources, including plant-level data from the manufacturing sector in Germany, to expand the literature on outsourcing. They find that, in Germany, the extent of outsourcing among manufacturing industries is higher than among service industries and that the outsourcing intensity of these industries did not change much between 1995 and 2005. They also find a statistically significantly positive impact of industry-level outsourcing intensity on German plant-level labor productivity for both 2000 and 2005. The estimated economic impact of outsourcing on plant-level productivity is also fairly significant.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C42, 53C15.
Drastic improvements in styrene yield and selectivity were achieved in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene by staged feeding of O2. Six isothermal packed bed reactors were used in series with intermediate feeding of O2, while all EB was fed to the first reactor, diluted with helium or CO2 (1:5 molar ratio), resulting in total O2:EB molar feed ratios of 0.2-0.6. The two catalyst samples, γ-Al 2O3 and 5P/SiO2, that were applied both benefitted from this operation mode. The ethylbenzene conversion per stage and the selectivity to styrene were significantly improved. The production of COX was effectively reduced, while the selectivity to other side products remained unchanged. Compared with co-feeding at a total O 2:EB molar feed ratio of 0.6, by staged feeding the EB conversion (+15% points for both catalysts), ST selectivity (+4% points for both samples) and O2 (ST) selectivity (+9% points for γ-Al2O 3 and +17% points for 5P/SiO2) all improved. The ethylbenzene conversion over 5P/SiO2 can be increased from 18% to 70% by increasing the number of reactors from 1 to 6 with each reactor a total amount of O2 of 0.1 without the loss of ST selectivity (93%). For 5P/SiO2 a higher temperature (500 C vs. 450 C for Al 2O3) is required. Essentially more catalyst (5P/SiO 2) was required to achieve full O2 conversion in each reactor. Staged feeding of O2 does not eliminate the existing issues of the catalyst stability both in time-on stream and as a function of the number of catalyst regenerations (5P/SiO2), or the relatively moderate performance (relatively low styrene selectivity for γ-Al2O 3). © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Magyarország 2006-ban csatlakozott a Szt. Gallen-i Egyetem (Svájc) által koordinált (GUESSS Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) kutatáshoz, amely a hallgatók vállalkozásindítással kapcsolatos elképzeléseit és vállalkozási tevékenységét kérdőíves adatfelvétel segítségével vizsgálja. Az online megkérdezésnek köszönhetően Magyarország esetében 2011-ben 5 677 hallgató válaszai alapján értékelhették a szerzők a hallgatók vállalkozásindítási szándékát és azok legfontosabb alakító tényezőit. A kutatás nemzetközi jellegének köszönhetően eredményeik összevethetők a nemzetközi tapasztalatokkal is. A tanulmány bemutatja a nemzetközi kutatás célját, elméleti hátterét, a kérdőívet és a kérdezés folyamatát. A magyar adatbázis legfontosabb jellemzői mellett a szerzők ismertetik a vállalkozásindítási szándék, a főiskolai-egyetemi környezet nemzetközi összehasonlító adatait. _______ Hungary joined the GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) research project organized and led by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland in 2006. GUESSS evaluated students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activities with the help of a questionnaire. In 2011 an online survey was conducted in Hungary, addressing 5.677 students. The students’ responses regarding their business start-up activities and intentions as well as the most important factors shaping them were evaluated. The international nature of the research allowed the authors’ to compare Hungarian results to international practices. This paper describes the purpose of the international research, its theoretical background, the questionnaire and the interview process. Apart from presenting the most important features of the Hungarian data set, they describe the start-up intentions, the university and college environment and compare them to the international data.
Continental margin sediments off Nova Scotia accumulate at high rates (up to 360 cm/kyr) and contain a history of millennial-scale environmental changes which are dominated by the proximity of the Laurentide ice sheet during the latest Quaternary. Using stable isotope ratios of oxygen, accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon dating, micropaleontology, and sedimentology, we document these changes in six piston cores ranging in water depth from ab. 450 to ab. 4300 m. We find that maximum d18O in N. pachyderma occurred about 15 ka and preceded the maximum abundance of this species in these cores by ab. 1000 years. Between 13 and 14 ka we find a second peak in abundance of N. pachyderma, minimum d18O, and two pulses of ice rafting. The sediment lithology supports terrestrial studies which indicate that there was a general withdrawal of ice beyond the upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic red beds by 14 ka in southeastern Canada, so the ice rafting events between 13 and 14 ka probably reflect ice stream activity in the St. Lawrence valley. The Younger Dryas event is recognized as a peak in abundance of N. pachyderma and ice rafting (dated as ab. 11.3 ka), but meltwater discharge to the Gulf of St. Lawrence was either too small or occurred over too long a time to leave a distinct d18O minimum off Nova Scotia. At 7.1 ka, in the middle of Holocene warming, we find a third peak in abundance of N. pachyderma and another d18O minimum but no ice rafting. We interpret these data as evidence of a late-occurring meltwater event which, if correct, could have originated in the Great Lakes, in the Labrador-Ungava region, or in both. The final millennial-scale phenomenon off Nova Scotia is the onset of "Neoglaciation," marked by increased ice rafting and increased % N. pachyderma beginning about 5 kyr ago.
A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and associated references. Includes previously published datasets from sources below as well as 365 new data points.