969 resultados para Riser reactor


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The production of cashew apple wine has the purpose of minimizing the wastage in the Brazilian cashew production. Knowing that the cashew apple fermentation produces a good cashew wine, a study of alcoholic fermentation kinetics of the cashew apple and the physico-chemical characterization of the product were made. The cashew wine was produced in an stirred batch reactor. The results of the physico-chemical analysis of volatiles, residual sugars, total acidity and pH of cashew wine showed that their concentrations were within the standard limits established by the Brazilian legislation for fruit wines.


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Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are a combination of activated sludge bioreactors and membrane filtration, enabling high quality effluent with a small footprint. However, they can be beset by fouling, which causes an increase in transmembrane pressure (TMP). Modelling and simulation of changes in TMP could be useful to describe fouling through the identification of the most relevant operating conditions. Using experimental data from a MBR pilot plant operated for 462days, two different models were developed: a deterministic model using activated sludge model n°2d (ASM2d) for the biological component and a resistance in-series model for the filtration component as well as a data-driven model based on multivariable regressions. Once validated, these models were used to describe membrane fouling (as changes in TMP over time) under different operating conditions. The deterministic model performed better at higher temperatures (>20°C), constant operating conditions (DO set-point, membrane air-flow, pH and ORP), and high mixed liquor suspended solids (>6.9gL-1) and flux changes. At low pH (<7) or periods with higher pH changes, the data-driven model was more accurate. Changes in the DO set-point of the aerobic reactor that affected the TMP were also better described by the data-driven model. By combining the use of both models, a better description of fouling can be achieved under different operating conditions


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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a novel combustion technology with inherent separation of the greenhouse gas CO2. The technique typically employs a dual fluidized bed system where a metal oxide is used as a solid oxygen carrier that transfers the oxygen from combustion air to the fuel. The oxygen carrier is looping between the air reactor, where it is oxidized by the air, and the fuel reactor, where it is reduced by the fuel. Hence, air is not mixed with the fuel, and outgoing CO2 does not become diluted by the nitrogen, which gives a possibility to collect the CO2 from the flue gases after the water vapor is condensed. CLC is being proposed as a promising and energy efficient carbon capture technology, since it can achieve both an increase in power station efficiency simultaneously with low energy penalty from the carbon capture. The outcome of a comprehensive literature study concerning the current status of CLC development is presented in this thesis. Also, a steady state model of the CLC process, based on the conservation equations of mass and energy, was developed. The model was used to determine the process conditions and to calculate the reactor dimensions of a 100 MWth CLC system with bunsenite (NiO) as oxygen carrier and methane (CH4) as fuel. This study has been made in Oxygen Carriers and Their Industrial Applications research project (2008 – 2011), funded by the Tekes – Functional Material program. I would like to acknowledge Tekes and participating companies for funding and all project partners for good and comfortable cooperation.


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Wastewater and soil treatment processes based on Fenton's reagent have gained great attention in recent years due to its high oxidation power. This review describes the fundaments of the Fenton and photo-Fenton processes and discusses the main aspects related to the degradation of organic contaminants in water such as the complexation of iron, the use of solar light as the source of irradiation and the most important reactor types used. An overview of the main applications of the process to a variety of industrial wastewater and soil remediations is presented.


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In a previous work, a hybrid system consisting of an advanced oxidation process (AOP) named Photo-Fenton (Ph-F) and a fixed bed biological treatment operating as a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) was started-up and optimized to treat 200 mg·L-1 of 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) as a model compound. In this work, studies of reactor stability and control as well as microbial population determination by molecular biology techniques were carried out to further characterize and control the biological reactor. Results revealed that the integrated system was flexible and even able to overcome toxic shock loads. Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) in situ was shown to be a valid tool to control the SBBR operation, to detect toxic conditions to the biomass, and to assess the recovery of performance. A microbial characterization by 16S rDNA sequence analysis reveals that the biological population was varied, although about 30% of the bacteria belonged to the Wautersia genus.


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Kandidaatintyössä on esitelty passiivisten turvallisuusjärjestelmien hyödyntämistä seuraavan sukupolven kiehutusvesireaktorilaitoksissa.


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The aim of this work is to present the new applications of membrane technology in fat and oil processing, with emphasis on development and applications of the enzymatic membrane reactor and its association with extraction and purification technology by supercritical fluids (SCF). Combining the extraction by SCFs and the separation by membranes allows the integration of extractions reactions with selective separation by membranes through filtration of the supercritical mixture (SCF + extracted solutes). This association provides important energy savings regarding the SCF recompression costs.


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Destruction of Padron® (dye and picloram) was evaluated using a photoreactor and a solar reactor. Photolysis was observed using only a germicide lamp (GL). Black light (BL) and H2O2 (172 mmol L-1) promoted a conversion of 49% and 6% of dye and picloram, respectively. Photocatalytic processes were more efficient using TiO2/GL (96%-dye; 60%-picloram) than TiO2/BL (44%-dye; 40%-picloram). Photolysis using sunlight was not observed during PadronÒ recirculation in the reactor constructed with four borosilicate tubes. Meanwhile, adding H2O2 resulted in 12% conversion of dissolved organic compounds. Finally, the most efficient mineralization (60%) was obtained using the Fenton reaction ( H2O2-176 mmol L-1; FeSO4x6H2O-90 mmol L-1) and sunlight.


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New chemical systems have been recently designed for the study of complex phenomena such as oscillatory dynamics in the temporal domain and spatiotemporal pattern formation. Systems derived from oscillators based on the chemistry of bromate are the most extensively studied, with the celebrated Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction being the most popular example. Problems such as the formation of bubbles (CO2) and solid precipitate in the course of the reaction and the occurrence of simply short-lived oscillations under batch conditions are very common and, in some cases, compromise the use of some of these systems. It is investigated in this paper the dynamic behavior of the bromate/hypophosphite/acetone/dual catalyst system, which has been sugested as an interesting alternative to circumvent those inconvenients. In this work, manganese and ferroin are employed as catalysts and the complete system (BrO3-/H2PO2-/acetone/Mn(II)-ferroin) is studied under batch conditions. Temporal symmetry breaking was studied in a reactor under agitation by means of simultaneous records of the potential changes of platinum and Ag/AgBr electrodes, both measured versus a reversible hydrogen electrode. Additionally, spatio-temporal formation of target patterns and spiral waves were obtained when the oscillating mixture was placed in a quasi two-dimensional reactor.


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Actualment a Catalunya existeixen zones amb importants limitacions per l’aplicació de purins al sòl, pel que és imprescindible trobar alternatives de gestió i tractament que permetin l’aprofitament adequat dels recursos continguts a les dejeccions ramaderes sense afectar el medi. La digestió anaeròbia és una de les tècniques utilitzades en el tractament de les dejeccions ramaderes. L’efluent líquid que s’obté d’aquest tractament no modifica el contingut de nitrogen i fòsfor i per tant ha de ser gestionat correctament. L’objectiu general d’aquest projecte és avaluar la precipitació d’estruvita (sal de magnesi, amoni i fosfat) com una alternativa de gestió de l’efluent líquid d’una planta de digestió anaeròbia i compostatge que tracta dejeccions ramaderes conjuntament amb altres residus orgànics. S’han avaluat els efectes dels diferents paràmetres operacionals en la formació d’estruvita (pH, temperatura, velocitat d’agitació, alcalinitat), mitjançant assaigs en discontinu amb solució sintètica. A continuació s’ha procedit a obtenir estruvita a partir de la fracció líquida digerida de purí (FLD), en assaigs en discontinu per estudiar l’efecte del contingut de matèria orgànica i sòlids Totals (ST), així com el contingut en fosfats i el pH de reacció. Finalment, s’han optimitzat els paràmetres de procés en continu, mitjançant la posada en marxa d’un reactor a escala de laboratori i estudi de l’efecte de la velocitat d’agitació i de la introducció del stripping de CO2, tant amb solució sintètica com amb la fracció líquida digerida del purí. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot concloure que els factors que tenen una major influència en el procés d’obtenció d’estruvita són el pH (el pH òptim es situa al voltant de 9), i la presència de matèria orgànica i sòlids ens suspensió, que interfereix de forma quantitativa i qualitativa en la formació de l’estruvita. En el procés en continu s’ha aconseguit reduccions d’un 84% i 98% d’amoni i fòsfor respectivament, obtenintse estruvita que pot ser utilitzada com a fertilitzant d’alliberació lenta. Es pot concloure que la precipitació d’estruvita és una bona alternativa per millorar la gestió de les dejeccions ramaderes alhora que permet recuperar nutrients i tancar cicles. La combinació amb un tractament previ que elimini la matèria orgànica, com podria ser la digestió anaeròbia, i una separació de fases, per eliminar els sòlids en suspensió, es presenta com una configuració amb molts avantatges.


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It is necessary to use highly specialized robots in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) both in the manufacturing and maintenance of the reactor due to a demanding environment. The sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel (VV) require more stringent tolerances than normally expected for the size of the structure involved. VV consists of nine sectors that are to be welded together. The vacuum vessel has a toroidal chamber structure. The task of the designed robot is to carry the welding apparatus along a path with a stringent tolerance during the assembly operation. In addition to the initial vacuum vessel assembly, after a limited running period, sectors need to be replaced for repair. Mechanisms with closed-loop kinematic chains are used in the design of robots in this work. One version is a purely parallel manipulator and another is a hybrid manipulator where the parallel and serial structures are combined. Traditional industrial robots that generally have the links actuated in series are inherently not very rigid and have poor dynamic performance in high speed and high dynamic loading conditions. Compared with open chain manipulators, parallel manipulators have high stiffness, high accuracy and a high force/torque capacity in a reduced workspace. Parallel manipulators have a mechanical architecture where all of the links are connected to the base and to the end-effector of the robot. The purpose of this thesis is to develop special parallel robots for the assembly, machining and repairing of the VV of the ITER. The process of the assembly and machining of the vacuum vessel needs a special robot. By studying the structure of the vacuum vessel, two novel parallel robots were designed and built; they have six and ten degrees of freedom driven by hydraulic cylinders and electrical servo motors. Kinematic models for the proposed robots were defined and two prototypes built. Experiments for machine cutting and laser welding with the 6-DOF robot were carried out. It was demonstrated that the parallel robots are capable of holding all necessary machining tools and welding end-effectors in all positions accurately and stably inside the vacuum vessel sector. The kinematic models appeared to be complex especially in the case of the 10-DOF robot because of its redundant structure. Multibody dynamics simulations were carried out, ensuring sufficient stiffness during the robot motion. The entire design and testing processes of the robots appeared to be complex tasks due to the high specialization of the manufacturing technology needed in the ITER reactor, while the results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solutions quite well. The results offer not only devices but also a methodology for the assembly and repair of ITER by means of parallel robots.


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This study presents Pd determinations in bovine tissue samples containing palladium prepared in the laboratory, and CCQM-P63 automotive catalyst materials of the Proficiency Test, using instrumental thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence techniques. Solvent extraction and solid phase extraction procedures were also applied to separate Pd from interfering elements before the irradiation in the nuclear reactor. The results obtained by different techniques were compared against each other to examine sensitivity, precision and accuracy.


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Three technologies were tested (TiO2/UV, H2O2/UV, and TiO2/H2O2/UV) for the degradation and color removal of a 25 mg L-1 mixture of three acid dyes: Blue 9, Red 18, and Yellow 23. A low speed rotating disc reactor (20 rpm) and a H2O2 concentration of 2.5 mmol L-1 were used. The dyes did not significantly undergo photolysis, although they were all degraded by the studied advanced oxidation processes. With the TiO2/H2O2/UV process, a strong synergism was observed (color removal reached 100%). Pseudo first order kinetic constants were estimated for all processes, as well as the respective apparent photonic efficiencies.


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Recently lipases have been increasing in prominence due to its wide industrial application. The lipase production can be influenced by different variables such as the producing microorganism, carbon sources, aeration and agitation conditions, inductor type and the geometry of the reactor. Biosurfactants are composites of surface active produced by microbial cells which reduce superficial and interfacial tensions. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of different process variables in the lipase production during a fermentative process. The results showed that the concomitant production of lipases and biosurfactant was possible in different cultivation conditions.


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The assembly of a photochemical reactor with six fluorescent lamps, used for photopolymerizations is described. This chamber presents a mobile support, allowing the placement of samples at different heights and a safety lock that interrupts the radiation, if it is opened during operation. The mirrored internal walls avoid the dispersion and non-uniform distribution of light. There is no high heating because the own character of the used lamps. All parts could be purchased in commerce with less than U$ 150,00. This reactor was successfully used for monolithic stationary phase photopolymerization.