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Background: An extensive research literature has documented the impact of caring for an individual with acquired brain injury (ABI) on caregivers and family members, including role adjustment, psychological distress, social isolation, family tension and coping with the cognitive and behavioural difficulties of the injured person. Given these findings it is important this population have access to services and supports. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an intervention that helps individuals to accept difficult experiences and commit to behaviour that is consistent with their values. Research into the effectiveness of ACT to support caregivers is at a preliminary stage. Aim: To investigate the feasibility of using ACT to reduce psychological distress and increase psychological flexibility in ABI caregivers. A secondary aim was to gain an understanding of the experience of caregivers in this context and how this can inform the development and delivery of interventions for this population. Method: Phase one was a randomised controlled feasibility trial of an ACT intervention for use with ABI caregivers. The parameters of this study were formulated around the PICO (population, intervention, control, and outcome) framework. Eighteen carers were recruited and randomised to ACT or an enhanced treatment as usual (ETAU) group. ACT was implemented over 3 sessions; and ETAU was implemented over 2 sessions. The General Health Questionnaire, Valuing Questionnaire, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Experiential Avoidance of Caregiving Questionnaire and the Flexibility of Responses to Self-Critical Thoughts Scale were administered to both groups at baseline and following the final session. Phase two used a retrospective qualitative design that involved conducting semi-structured interviews with four participants from phase one. Results: ACT and control participants were successfully recruited. Positive feedback was obtained from ACT participants suggesting that the intervention was acceptable. There were no significant differences between the ACT and ETAU groups on outcome measures. However, there were challenges retaining participants and the overall attrition rate was high (44.44%). Therefore a number of participants did not complete the full complement of sessions, which may have impacted on this result. Qualitative results illustrated the challenges this population face including significant adjustments in their life, the emotional impact of having a loved one with a brain injury and trying to adapt to the changes in the injured person. In addition, findings elucidated the types of support that this population would find helpful and the barriers to accessing same. Conclusions: Findings from this study highlight factors that will help the development of this intervention further for a caring population. Recommendations for future implementation include completing some preparatory work with carers before beginning the intervention, consideration of a larger sample and wider recruitment strategy from local services, barriers to attending interventions and the possibility of holding groups in local venues.


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This thesis identifies and defines the new African sovereignty. It establishes a modern sovereignty in Africa hatched from the changing nature of sovereignty in which countries come together at various levels or grades of partial surrender of national sovereignty in order to work closer together for their mutual advantage and benefit. To this end, the narrative zooms in on the central issues within the realms of money matters whereby a new model of monetary sovereignty and monetary solutions is designed in an attempt to ease the recurring tensions and challenges of modern national sovereignty in the continent of Africa. As such, this discussion will offer a historical journey through the constitution of sovereignty, to the birth of the nation state and international public law. It develops the theory of the changing nature of sovereignty within the modern state and opens new lines of inquiry for Africa. In this regard, it draws from juxtaposing and mixing elements of regional and global financial integration as well as retaining national financial sovereignty features to form this new design which I dub continental sovereignty. At its core, the thesis will deal with the legal aspects that stem from the co-mingling of legal systems of nation states and communities at the regional and global levels within the context of financial integration. The argument is that the rule of law remains sacrosanct in monetary management. Effective financial integration is the result of properly structured and managed legal frameworks with robust laws and institutions whether at a national, regional or global level. However, the thesis reveals that in order to avoid undermining the progress of Africa’s financial integration project, any solution for Africa must be immersed within a broader global solution where development issues are addressed and resolved and Africa can form a more central part in all relevant international discussion fora. The work will expound these issues by applying them within a regional and global context, with the state of affairs in Africa forming the nucleus. This application consequently presents the six key themes of the thesis which will be considered therein. They are: a.) regional advantage: which exploits the possibilities of deeper and further financial integration between smaller communal arrangements; b.) regional risk and exposure: the extent to which this deeper form of financial integration can spiral out of control if effected too quickly and too ambitiously; c.) global advantage: which considers the merits of global financial integration and the influence exerted by financial laws on the global financial architecture; d.) global risk and exposure: which considers the challenges of global financial integration especially within the background of the Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008; e.) African challenge: which considers the extent to which this analysis impacts the African economic and financial integration agenda; and f.) development challenge: which examines the extent to which global development issues impact the African solution (continental sovereignty) and the need for any solution for the continent to be roped into a broader global solution within which Africa can form an important part. Even though the thesis requests an optimistic undertone on the progress made so far, it unearths the African problem of multiple national sovereignty and multiple overlapping regional sovereignty constituted as the ‘spaghetti bowl’ dilemma. As such, the unique contribution to knowledge on financial integration in Africa can be echoed in these words: Africa‘s financial integration agenda has had little success in authenticating a systematic and dependable legal framework for monetary management. Efforts made have been incomplete, substandard, and not carefully followed through particularly reflected in the impuissant nature of the judicial enforcement mechanisms. Thus, the thesis argues that, any meaningful answer to the problems dogging the continent is inter alia deeply entrenched within a new form of cooperative monetary sovereignty. In other words, the thesis does not prescribe the creation of new laws; rather it advocates the effective enforcement of existing laws.


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O presente trabalho, no âmbito de projeto final de curso de metrado em Engenharia da Construção, teve como objetivo o estudo do comportamento de estruturas de suporte de terras flexíveis multi-apoiadas (com diferentes tipos de apoio) para dois tipos solos homogéneos. Recorreu-se às teorias clássicas, como a de Rankine, desenvolvidas para estruturas de suporte de terras rígidas. Às teorias semi-empíricas de Terzaghi & Peck que culminaram nos diagramas de Terzaghi & Peck. Apesar de os digramas de Terzaghi & Peck serem diagramas de pressões de terras a usar em estruturas de suporte de terras flexíveis, apresentam algumas limitações importantes, como a sua aplicação apenas em solos heterogéneos, com presença ou não de níveis freáticos, e sem fornecer distribuição das pressões de terras na zona passiva (zona enterrada). Como na atualidade os modelos de elementos finitos permitem simular de modo muito mais rigoroso os problemas da engenharia. O presente trabalho esteve focado em analisar um caso prático em diferentes solos e com diferentes tipos de apoios. Será estudado mediante os métodos analíticos usando as teorias clássicas e posteriormente métodos numéricos (com diferentes programas de cálculo). Finalmente serão comparados os resultados obtidos mediante os diferentes métodos usados. As estruturas foram inicialmente pré-dimensionadas usando os métodos clássicos. Assim foram usados os diagramas de pressões de terras de Terzaghi & Peck para a zona ativa (zona em escavação) e a teoria de Rankine para conhecer as pressões de terras na zona enterrada da cortina (parede moldada) e recorrendo ao software Ftool para a obtenção dos parâmetros de dimensionamento de estruturas de suporte de terras objeto de estudo. Posteriormente utilizaram-se os programas de cálculo automático CYPE 2015 k, e o programa de cálculo de elementos finitos PLAXIS Introductory 2010. Estes programas permitem simular o faseamento construtivo do muro. Para estudar a influência de algúns parâmetros no comportamento da Resumo IV cortina o estudo foi realizado com dois solos distintos, um solo argiloso mole e um solo arenoso denso. Assim como para dois tipos de apoios distintos, ancoragens ativas e escoras passivas. Foram analisados diferentes parâmetros na estrutura de suporte; pressões horizontais das terras, deslocamentos horizontais, esforço axial, transverso e momento fletor.


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Architectural characterization and interpretation of the remains of a Roman dam, identified near a villa, in Vilares de AIfundão (Ferreiro do Alentejo, Beja). A comparative study of the dam' s construction - small water-retaining infrastructures for agriculture purposes.


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Good schools are essential for building thriving urban areas. They are important for preparing the future human resource and directly contribute to social and economic development of a place. They not only act as magnets for prospective residents, but also are necessary for retaining current population. As public infrastructure, schools mirror their neighborhood. “Their location, design and physical condition are important determinants of neighborhood quality, regional growth and change, and quality of life.”2 They impact housing development and utility requirements among many things. Hence, planning for schools along with other infrastructure in an area is essential. Schools are very challenging to plan, especially in urbanizing areas with changing demographic dynamics, where the development market and housing development can shift drastically a number of times. In such places projecting the future school enrollments is very difficult and in case of large population influx, school development can be unable to catch up with population growth which results in overcrowding. Typical is the case of Arlington County VA. In the past two decades the County has changed dramatically from a collection of bedroom communities in Washington DC Metro Region to a thriving urban area. Its metro accessible urban corridors are among most desired locations for development in the region. However, converting single family neighborhoods into high density areas has put a lot of pressure on its school facilities and has resulted in overcrowded schools. Its public school enrollment has grown by 19% from 2009 to 2014.3 While the percentage of population under 5 years age has increased in last 10 years, those in the 5-19 age group have decreased4. Hence, there is more pressure on the elementary school facilities than others in the County. Design-wise, elementary schools, due to their size, can be imagined as a community component. There are a number of strategies that can be used to develop elementary school in urbanizing areas as a part of the neighborhood. Experimenting with space planning and building on partnership and mixed-use opportunities can help produce better designs for new schools in future. This thesis is an attempt to develop elementary school models for urbanizing areas of Arlington County. The school models will be designed keeping in mind the shifting nature of population and resulting student enrollments in these areas. They will also aim to be efficient and sustainable, and lead to the next generation design for elementary school education. The overall purpose of the project is to address barriers to elementary school development in urbanizing areas through creative design and planning strategies. To test above mentioned ideas, the Joint-Use School typology of housing +school design has been identified for elementary school development in urbanizing areas in this thesis project. The development is based on the Arlington Public School’s Program guidelines (catering to 600 students). The site selected for this project is Clarendon West (part of Red Top Cab Properties) in Clarendon, Arlington County VA.


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O primeiro registro para o Atlântico Sul ocidental de uma espécie do gênero Malacoraja Stehmann, 1970 é feita com base na descrição de Malacoraja obscura, espécie nova, proveniente do talude continental do Sudeste brasileiro dos estados do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro em profundidades de 808-1105 m. A espécie nova é conhecida através de cinco exemplares e é distinta de seus congêneres pela sua coloração dorsal composta por numerosas manchas esbranquiçadas e pequenas na região do disco e nadadeiras pélvicas, por apresentar uma fileira irregular de espinhos ao longo da superfície dorsal mediana da cauda a qual persiste em espécimes maiores (desde a base da cauda até dois-terços do seu comprimento numa fêmea de 680 mm de comprimento total, CT) e uma região pequena desprovida de dentículos na base ventral da cauda (estendendo somente até a margem distal da nadadeira pélvica). Outros caracteres diagnósticos em combinação incluem a ausência de espinhos escapulares em indivíduos maiores, número elevado de fileiras dentárias (64/62 fileiras num macho subadulto de 505 mm de CT e 76/74 numa fêmea de 680 mm de CT) e de vértebras (27-28 Vtr, 68-75 Vprd), coloração ventral do disco uniformemente castanha escura, duas fenestras pós-ventrais na cintura escapular, fenestra pós-ventral posterior grande, forame magno circular e dois forames para a carótida interna na placa basal ventral do neurocrânio. Machos adultos não são conhecidos, porém uma descrição anatômica de M. obscura, sp. nov., é fornecida. Comparações são realizadas com todo o material conhecido de M. kreffti, com a literatura sobre M. senta e com material abundante de M. spinacidermis da África do Sul; M. obscura, sp. nov., assemelha-se mais a M. spinacidermis do Atlântico Sul oriental em esqueleto dérmico, coloração e tamanho. Malacoraja é monofilético devido à sua espinulação e apêndices rostrais conspícuos e é aparentemente composta por dois grupos de espécies, um para M. obscura e M. spinacidermis e outro para M. kreffti e M. senta, porém a elucidação das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies necessita de mais informações anatômicas, principalmente das duas últimas espécies.


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O presente relatório de estágio descreve de forma detalhada as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do Fórum Sócio-Ocupacional de Lisboa (FsoLis) na instituição ARIA (Associação de Reabilitação Integração e Ajuda), que foram desenvolvidas no âmbito do Mestrado de Reabilitação Psicomotora, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa. Em primeiro lugar haverá um enquadramento teórico que suporta a Psicomotricidade em Saúde Mental de adultos, mais especificamente ao nível da esquizofrenia e da perturbação bipolar. Em segundo lugar serão apresentados os dois estudos de caso que dizem respeito à intervenção neste contexto. O primeiro estudo-caso diz respeito a um jovem adulto com perturbação bipolar em que as dificuldades centravam-se ao nível do corpo, da sua autodeterminação e autonomia desta forma as intervenções tiveram por base sessões individuais. O segundo estudo-caso foi com um grupo fechado de três elementos que apresentavam dificuldades de compreensão e retenção de informação e assim houve a necessidade de se trabalhar em grupo a fim de criar estratégias e facilitadores para o seu contexto. Para cada caso encontra-se descrito o processo de observação, avaliação, plano terapêutico e programa de intervenção, bem como uma análise global. No final é realizada uma análise e reflexão de todo este processo em que se conclui que o trabalho psicomotor é muitas vezes fundamental para se trabalhar ao nível da saúde mental.


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Mangrove swamps are found in estuaries along the coastal plains of tropical regions and have be subjected to heavy occupation and use pressure due to their privileged locations and abundance of biological resources. The present work evaluated the ecological characteristics and solid wastes accumulated in eight areas along the Santos - Sao Vicente Estuary Complex. The superficially deposited residues at each sampling site were collected and subsequently washed, drained, counted, weighed and separated into classes according to their composition and predominant use. The predominant litter type in terms of density was plastic (62.81%) and, by weight, wood (55.53%). The greatest deposition of residues was associated with areas that were less inclined and that had low plant density levels, indicating that the presence of obstacles was not critical for retaining floating residues in mangrove areas. The presence of the most frequently encountered types of solid waste residues could be explained by local activities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) three decades of research.— During the last 30 years, studies on Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) have addressed various aspects related to food sources, photosynthetic efficiency of kleptoplasts, population genetics, chemical ecology and reproductive biology, both in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. E. timida shows a strong specific interaction with Acetabularia acetabulum, retaining functional chloroplasts for at least 45 days and obtaining extra energy in periods when food resources are scarce. It shows control of parapodia, avoiding pigment photodestruction under oversaturated light conditions. The chemical ecological relationships established between E. timida and its potential predator fish, Thalassoma pavo, have also been evaluated, and it has been found that that the extracts of the mollusc contain repellent and unpalatable polypropionate compounds. Population genetics has demonstrated the genetic divergence between populations showing high and significant values of FST and genetic distances, and at least six privative alleles that are not shared with Mediterranean populations have been detected in lagoon populations. This sacoglossan is a poecilogonic species, and its lagoon populations show a greater reproductive output than Mediterranean populations; they produce a greater number of egg masses and embyros per individual, and the capsules have a wider diameter.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Young adult migration is a key factor in community development. The goal of this paper is to study what kinds of places attract young adults and what kinds are losing them. Linear regression is conducted to analyze what place-specific factors explain migration patterns among young adults. These factors include economic, social, and environmental variables. This study finds that social and environmental factors are just as important as economic ones. Specifically, employment in the arts increases young adult net migration. Environmental variables, for example, natural amenities and protected federal lands are particularly important in rural settings in attracting young adults. These findings suggest that policy makers interested in attracting and retaining young adults should pay closer attention to social and environmental factors and consider creating more opportunities for arts employment in general. For rural areas, improving the attractiveness of natural amenities and better protection of federal lands is also recommended.


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To know how marketing variables affect customer value is essential for a company in order to be market and customer oriented, and to improve investment efficiency in both attracting and retaining customers. Thus, the assessment of the influence of marketing variables in customer value is of prime importance. This is recognized in many empirical studies of these variables, which address the impact of a single variable (or sets of a few variables) on customer value. A comprehensive, integrated assessment of all marketing variables and their interdependencies is an arduous and complex task for researchers and marketing managers. This research proposes a theoretical model of customer value that takes into account all significant marketing variables that have been partially addressed in empirical investigations of other researchers. These marketing variables include brand and reputation, point of sale, employees, price, termination fee commitment, discounts, complementarity of products, experiences, emotions, perceived value, quality, satisfaction, switching costs, and loyalty. The model incorporates the relationship between each variable with retention and with customer value as well as the relationships between them. A special focus is placed on the empirical analysis of the termination fee commitment and its relationship with customer value. This variable is widely used in the telecommunication’s industry for its influence on customer retention from the moment of purchase. However, there is strikingly little research in this topic. A large customer database of a telecommunications company containing five years information about 63.165 customers is used for this purpose. Multivariate linear regression and ANOVA method are applied...


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Understanding factors that affect the distribution and abundance of species is critical to developing effective management plans for conservation. Our goal was to quantify the distribution and abundance of Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), a threatened old-forest associate in Alberta, Canada. The Canada Warbler has declined across its range, including in Alberta where habitat loss and alteration from urban expansion, forestry, and energy development are changing the forest landscape. We used 110,427 point count survey visits from 32,287 unique survey stations to model local-level (150-m radius circular buffers) and stand-level (564-m radius circular buffers) habitat associations of the Canada Warbler. We found that habitat supporting higher densities of Canada Warblers was locally concentrated yet broadly distributed across Alberta’s boreal forest region. Canada Warblers were most commonly associated with older deciduous forest at the local scale, particularly near small, incised streams, and greater amounts of deciduous forest at the stand scale. Predicted density was lower in other forest types and younger age classes measured at the local scale. There was little evidence that local-scale fragmentation (i.e., edges created by linear features) influenced Canada Warbler abundance. However, current forestry practices in the province likely will reduce the availability of Canada Warbler habitat over time by cutting old deciduous forest stands. Our results suggest that conservation efforts aimed at Canada Warbler focus on retaining large stands of old deciduous forest, specifically stands adjacent to streams, by increasing the width of deciduous retention buffers along streams during harvest and increasing the size and number of old forest residual patches in harvested stands.


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This pamphlet is a reprint (with extensive rev1s10n and added material) of a pamphlet prepared under the auspices of this department by interested workers in the area of physical education, and printed and distributed by the Iowa State Teachers Association.Mr. Louis E. Hutto, then Supervisor of Physical Education in the Des Moines school system, served as chairman of the original committee of three. Miss Monica R. Wild, Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women in Iowa State Teachers College, and Miss Doris E. White, of her staff, were the other members. These latter two, recently appointed as a Committee on Revision, have rewritten and enlarged the pamphlet, while retaining the plan of the earlier edition. Teachers of physical education in Iowa, this department, and all interested in the subject feel a debt of gratitude for the painstaking and efficient service rendered by these devoted workers. This debt I am most happy to acknowledge.


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This thesis examines cultural policy for film in Scotland, from 1997 to 2010. It explores the extent to which the industry is shaped by film policy strategies and through the agency of public funding bodies. It reflects on how Scottish Screen, Scotland’s former screen agency, articulated its role as a national institution concerned with both commercial and cultural remits, with the conflicting interests of different industry groups. The study examines how the agency developed funding schemes to fulfil policy directives during a tumultuous period in Scottish cultural policy history, following the establishment of the Scottish Parliament with the Scotland Act 1998 and preceding the Independence Referendum Act 2013. In order to investigate how policy has shaped the development of a national film industry, a further two case studies are explored. These are Tartan Shorts, Scotland’s former flagship short film scheme, and the Audience Development Fund, Scotland’s first project based film exhibition scheme. The first study explores the planning, implementation and evaluation of the scheme as part of the agency’s talent development strategy. The outcomes of this study show the potential impact of funding methods aimed at developing and retaining Scottish filmmaking talent. Thereafter, the Scottish exhibition sector is discussed; a formerly unexplored field within film policy discussions and academic debate. It outlines Scottish Screen’s legacy to current film exhibition funding practices and the practical mechanisms the agency utilised to foster Scottish audiences. By mapping the historical and political terrain, the research analyses the specificity of Scotland within the UK context and explores areas in which short-term, context-driven policies become problematic. The work concludes by presenting the advantages and issues caused by film funding practices, advocating what is needed for the film industry in Scotland today with suggestions for long-term and cohesive policy development.