882 resultados para Relative complexity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The frequency of adenine mononucleotides (A), dinucleotides (AA) and clusters, and the positions of clusters, were studied in 502 molecules of the 5S rRNA.All frequencies were reduced in the evolutive lines of vertebrates, plants and fungi, in parallel with increasing organismic complexity. No change was observed in invertebrates. All frequencies were increased in mitochondria, plastids and mycoplasmas. The presumed relatives to the ancestors of the organelles, Rhodobacteria alfa and Cyanobacteria, showed intermediate values, relative to the eubacterial averages. Firmibacterid showed very high number of cluster sites.Clusters were more frequent in single-stranded regions in all organisms. The routes of organelles and mycoplasmas accummulated clusters at faster rates in double-stranded regions. Rates of change were higher for AA and clusters than for A in plants, vertebrates and organeltes, higher for cluster sites and A in mycoplasmas, and higher for AA and A in fungi. These data indicated that selection pressures acted more strongly on adenine clustering than on adenine frequency.It is proposed that AA and clusters, as sites of lower informational content. have the property of tolerating positional variation in the sites of other molecules (or other regions of the same molecule) that interact with the adenines. This reasoning was consistent with the degrees of genic polymorphism. low in plants and vertebrates and high in invertebrates. In the eubacteria endosymbiontic or parasitic to eukaryotes, the more tolerant RNA would be better adapted to interactions with the homologous nucleus-derived ribosomal proteins: the intermediate values observed in their precursors were interpreted as preadaptive.Among other groups, only the Deinococcus-Thermus eubacteria showed excessive AA and cluster contents, possibly related to their peculiar tolerance to mutagens, and the Ciliates showed excessive AA contents, indicative of retention of primitive characters.


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In the present work we consider a dynamical system of mum size particles around the Earth subject to the effects of radiation pressure. Our main goal is to study the evolution of its relative velocity with respect to the co-planar circular orbits that it crosses. The particles were initially in a circular geostationary orbit, and the particles size were in the range between 1 and 100 mum. The radiation pressure produces variations in its eccentricity, resulting in a change in its orbital velocity. The results indicated the maximum linear momentum and kinetic energy increases as the particle size increases. For a particle of 1 mum the kinetic energy is approximately 1.56 x 10(-7) J and the momentum is 6.27 x 10(-11) kg m/s and for 100 mum the energy is approximately 1.82 x 10(-4) J and the momentum is 2.14 x 10(-6) kg m/s. (C) 2004 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Maltose and glucose fermentations by industrial brewing and wine yeasts strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source. In this study, four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, two brewing and two wine yeasts, were grown in a medium containing maltose or glucose supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low sugar concentration for brewing and wine strains, independent of nitrogen supplementation, and the type of sugar. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of sugar fermentation were observed, and biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for brewing and wine strains. In maltose, high biomass production was observed under peptone and casamino acids for the brewing and wine strains, however efficient maltose utilization and high ethanol production was only observed in the presence of casamino acids for one brewing and one wine strain studied. Conversely, peptone and casamino acids induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the two other brewing and wine strains studied. With glucose, in general, peptone induced higher fermentation performance for all strains, and one brewing and wine strain produced the same amount of ethanol with peptone and casamino acids supplementation. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results described in this paper suggest that the complex nitrogen composition of the cultivation medium may create conditions resembling those responsible for inducing sluggish/stuck fermentation, and indicate that the kind and concentration of sugar, the complexity of nitrogen source and the yeast genetic background influence optimal industrial yeast fermentation performance.


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We report on the use of dynamic scale theory and fractal analyses in a study of the growth stages of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of polyaniline and a neutral biphosphinic ruthenium complex, namely mer-[ RuCl3 (dppb)(py)] (dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphine) buthane, py = pyridine), Rupy. The LB films were deposited onto indium-tin-oxide substrates and characterized with atomic force microscopy. From the granular morphology exhibited by the films one could infer growth processes inside and outside the grains. Growth outside was found to follow the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model, with fractal dimensions of about 2.7. As one would expect, inside the grains the morphology is close to a Euclidian surface with fractal dimension of about 2.


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We define a cohomological invariant E(G, S, M) where G is a group, S is a non empty family of (not necessarily distinct) subgroups of infinite index in G and M is a F2G-module (F2 is the field of two elements). In this paper we are interested in the special case where the family of subgroups consists of just one subgroup, and M is the F2G-module F2(G/S). The invariant E(G, {S}, F2(G/S)) will be denoted by E(G, S). We study the relations of this invariant with other ends e(G) , e(G, S) and e(G, S), and some results are obtained in the case where G and S have certain properties of duality.


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Drosophila serido is considered to be a superspecies consisting of two species: D. serido, from Brazil and D. koepferae from Argentina and Bolivia. However this probably does not express the entire evolutionary complexity of its populations. Isofemale lines A95F3 (from Brazil) and B20D2 (from Argentina), at present representing, respectively, the first and second species, were analyzed for fertility and fecundity in pair-mating intracrosses and intercrosses, as well as for development time, banding patterns and asynapsis of polytene chromosomes in the isofemale lines and their hybrids.Although variations in experimental conditions resulted in some variability in the results, in general A95F3 fertility and fecundity were lower than in B20D2. Intercrosses of A95F3 females and B20D2 males showed lower fertility and fecundity than the reciprocal crosses, following more closely characteristics of the mother strains. This is in contrast to the results obtained by Fontdevilla et al. (An. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 81: 380-385, 1988) and may be due to the different geographic origin of D. serido strains they used in crosses to B20D2. This difference and others cited in the literature relative to aedeagus morphology, karyotype characteristics, inversion polymorphisms and reproductive isolation strongly indicate that A95F3 and D. serido from the State of Bahia, Brazil are not a single evolutionary entity, reinforcing the idea of greater complexity of the superspecies D. serido than is known today.The reproductive isolation mechanisms found operating between A95F3 and B20D2 were prezygotic and postzygotic, the latter included mortality at the larvae stage in both directions of crosses and sterility of male hybrids in intercrosses involving B20D2 females and A95F3 males. The two isofemale lines differed in egg-adult development time, which was also differently affected by culture medium composition.A95F3 and B20D2 also showed differences in the banding patterns of proximal regions of polytene chromosomes 2, 3 and X, a fixed inversion in chromosome 3 (here named 3t), apparently not described previously, and a high degree of asynapsis in hybrids.These observations, especially those related to reproductive isolation and chromosomal differentiation (including the karyotype, previously described, and the differentiation of banding patterns, described in this paper), as well as the extensive asynapsis observed in hybrids reinforces the distinct species status of A95F3 and B20D2 isofemale lines.


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We performed hyperglycemic clamps in 283 nondiabetic Caucasians and, with multiple linear regression, determined the contribution of beta-cell function and tissue insulin sensitivity to variations in glycemia and insulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs). Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) subjects had reduced insulin sensitivity(P < .02) and beta-cell function (P < .0001). Normal glucose tolerance (NGT) subjects with first-degree type 2 diabetic relatives had reduced first and second phase insulin secretion (both, P < .05), but normal insulin sensitivity(P = .37). beta-Cell function and insulin sensitivity accounted for one fourth of the variability in glucose tolerance. Fasting plasma glucose in subjects with NGT (n = 185) was a function of both phases of insulin secretion and of insulin sensitivity tall, P < .05), whereas, in IGT subjects (n = 98), it was a function of first phase insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity(P < .01). Two-hour glycemia was a function of second phase secretion and insulin sensitivity (P < .01). Fasting and 2-hour plasma insulin levels were determined by insulin sensitivity land glycemia) in NGT subjects (P < .001), but by second phase secretion in IGT (P < .001). We conclude that beta-cell function is reduced in subjects with IGT; glycemia and insulinemia are not regulated by the same mechanisms in IGT and NGT; insulin sensitivity does not contribute to insulinemia in IGT; family history of diabetes influences beta-cell function, but not insulin sensitivity in Caucasians. Copyright (C) 2000 by W.B. Saunders Company.


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The structural complexity of the nitrogen sources strongly affects biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi. Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus nidulans were grown in media containing glucose or starch, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids), peptides (peptone) and protein (gelatin). In glucose, when the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, for both microorganisms, higher biomass production occurred upon supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone and gelatin). With a close to neutrality pH, biomass accumulation was lower only in the presence of the ammonium salt. When grown in starch, biomass accumulation and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes (amylolytic and proteolytic) by Fusarium also depended on the nature of the nitrogen supplement and the pH. When the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, higher growth and higher amylolytic activities were detected in the media supplemented with peptone, gelatin and casamino acids. However, at pH 7.0, higher biomass accumulation and higher amylolytic activities were observed upon supplementation with peptone or gelatin. Ammonium sulfate and casamino acids induced a lower production of biomass, and a different level of amylolytic enzyme secretion: high in ammonium sulfate and low in casamino acids. Secretion of proteolytic activity was always higher in the media supplemented with peptone and gelatin. Aspergillus, when grown in starch, was not as dependent as Fusarium on the nature of nitrogen source or the pH. The results described in this work indicate that the metabolism of fungi is regulated not only by pH, but also by the level of structural complexity of the nitrogen source in correlation to the carbon source.


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The electrochemical oxidation of caffeic, chlorogenic, sinapic, ferulic and p-coumaric acids was investigated by cyclic voltammetry on acetate buffer pH 5.6 on glassy carbon electrode and modified glassy carbon electrode. According to their voltammetric behavior, the antioxidant activity of these phenolic acids was evaluated and the results pointed to the following sequence: caffeic acid (E-a = +0.31 V) > chlorogenic acid (+ 0.38 V) > sinapic acid (+ 0.45 V) > ferulic acid (+ 0.53 V) >p-coumaric acid (+ 0.73 V). The results were confirmed by DPPH test, which evidenced the strongest antiradical activity for compounds possessing the cathecol moiety (caffeic and chlorogenic acids). Linear calibration graphs were obtained for their determination at concentrations from 1 x 10(-4) to 1 x 10(-3) mol L-1. The method was applied to orange juice. Selectivity was illustrated by the analysis of caffeic and chlorogenic acids electrodeposited on a glassy carbon electrode previously modified by electrochemical activation in the presence of ascorbic acid. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biomass and ethanol production by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source during fermentation in media containing galactose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low galactose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of galactose utilisation were observed. Biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for baking and brewing ale and lager strains. Baking yeast showed improved galactose fermentation performance in the medium supplemented with casamino acids. High biomass production was observed with peptone and casamino acids for the ale brewing strain, however high ethanol production was observed only in the presence of casamino acids. Conversely, peptone was the nitrogen supplement that induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the lager brewing strain. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results with galactose differed from those obtained with glucose and maltose which indicated that supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, suggesting that sugar catabolite repression has a central role in yeast performance in a medium containing nitrogen sources with differing levels of structural complexity.