969 resultados para Real-world


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We combine Bayesian online change point detection with Gaussian processes to create a nonparametric time series model which can handle change points. The model can be used to locate change points in an online manner; and, unlike other Bayesian online change point detection algorithms, is applicable when temporal correlations in a regime are expected. We show three variations on how to apply Gaussian processes in the change point context, each with their own advantages. We present methods to reduce the computational burden of these models and demonstrate it on several real world data sets. Copyright 2010 by the author(s)/owner(s).


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The application of automated design optimization to real-world, complex geometry problems is a significant challenge - especially if the topology is not known a priori like in turbine internal cooling. The long term goal of our work is to focus on an end-to-end integration of the whole CFD Process, from solid model through meshing, solving and post-processing to enable this type of design optimization to become viable & practical. In recent papers we have reported the integration of a Level Set based geometry kernel with an octree-based cut- Cartesian mesh generator, RANS flow solver, post-processing & geometry editing all within a single piece of software - and all implemented in parallel with commodity PC clusters as the target. The cut-cells which characterize the approach are eliminated by exporting a body-conformal mesh guided by the underpinning Level Set. This paper extends this work still further with a simple scoping study showing how the basic functionality can be scripted & automated and then used as the basis for automated optimization of a generic gas turbine cooling geometry. Copyright © 2008 by W.N.Dawes.


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Cambridge Flow Solutions Ltd, Compass House, Vision Park, Cambridge, CB4 9AD, UK Real-world simulation challenges are getting bigger: virtual aero-engines with multistage blade rows coupled with their secondary air systems & with fully featured geometry; environmental flows at meta-scales over resolved cities; synthetic battlefields. It is clear that the future of simulation is scalable, end-to-end parallelism. To address these challenges we have reported in a sequence of papers a series of inherently parallel building blocks based on the integration of a Level Set based geometry kernel with an octree-based cut-Cartesian mesh generator, RANS flow solver, post-processing and geometry management & editing. The cut-cells which characterize the approach are eliminated by exporting a body-conformal mesh driven by the underpinning Level Set and managed by mesh quality optimization algorithms; this permits third party flow solvers to be deployed. This paper continues this sequence by reporting & demonstrating two main novelties: variable depth volume mesh refinement enabling variable surface mesh refinement and a radical rework of the mesh generation into a bottom-up system based on Space Filling Curves. Also reported are the associated extensions to body-conformal mesh export. Everything is implemented in a scalable, parallel manner. As a practical demonstration, meshes of guaranteed quality are generated for a fully resolved, generic aircraft carrier geometry, a cooled disc brake assembly and a B747 in landing configuration. Copyright © 2009 by W.N.Dawes.


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The background to this review paper is research we have performed over recent years aimed at developing a simulation system capable of handling large scale, real world applications implemented in an end-to-end parallel, scalable manner. The particular focus of this paper is the use of a Level Set solid modeling geometry kernel within this parallel framework to enable automated design optimization without topological restrictions and on geometries of arbitrary complexity. Also described is another interesting application of Level Sets: their use in guiding the export of a body-conformal mesh from our basic cut-Cartesian background octree - mesh - this permits third party flow solvers to be deployed. As a practical demonstrations meshes of guaranteed quality are generated and flow-solved for a B747 in full landing configuration and an automated optimization is performed on a cooled turbine tip geometry. Copyright © 2009 by W.N.Dawes.


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Over recent years we have developed and published research aimed at producing a meshing, geometry editing and simulation system capable of handling large scale, real world applications and implemented in an end-to-end parallel, scalable manner. The particular focus of this paper is the extension of this meshing system to include conjugate meshes for multi-physics simulations. Two contrasting applications are presented: export of a body-conformal mesh to drive a commercial, third-party simulation system; and direct use of the cut-Cartesian octree mesh with a single, integrated, close-coupled multi-physics simulation system. Copyright © 2010 by W.N.Dawes.


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This article presents a novel algorithm for learning parameters in statistical dialogue systems which are modeled as Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). The three main components of a POMDP dialogue manager are a dialogue model representing dialogue state information; a policy that selects the system's responses based on the inferred state; and a reward function that specifies the desired behavior of the system. Ideally both the model parameters and the policy would be designed to maximize the cumulative reward. However, while there are many techniques available for learning the optimal policy, no good ways of learning the optimal model parameters that scale to real-world dialogue systems have been found yet. The presented algorithm, called the Natural Actor and Belief Critic (NABC), is a policy gradient method that offers a solution to this problem. Based on observed rewards, the algorithm estimates the natural gradient of the expected cumulative reward. The resulting gradient is then used to adapt both the prior distribution of the dialogue model parameters and the policy parameters. In addition, the article presents a variant of the NABC algorithm, called the Natural Belief Critic (NBC), which assumes that the policy is fixed and only the model parameters need to be estimated. The algorithms are evaluated on a spoken dialogue system in the tourist information domain. The experiments show that model parameters estimated to maximize the expected cumulative reward result in significantly improved performance compared to the baseline hand-crafted model parameters. The algorithms are also compared to optimization techniques using plain gradients and state-of-the-art random search algorithms. In all cases, the algorithms based on the natural gradient work significantly better. © 2011 ACM.


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The Internet of Things (IOT) concept and enabling technologies such as RFID offer the prospect of linking the real world of physical objects with the virtual world of information technology to improve visibility and traceability information within supply chains and across the entire lifecycles of products, as well as enabling more intuitive interactions and greater automation possibilities. There is a huge potential for savings through process optimization and profit generation within the IOT, but the sharing of financial benefits across companies remains an unsolved issue. Existing approaches towards sharing of costs and benefits have failed to scale so far. The integration of payment solutions into the IOT architecture could solve this problem. We have reviewed different possible levels of integration. Multiple payment solutions have been researched. Finally we have developed a model that meets the requirements of the IOT in relation to openness and scalability. It supports both hardware-centric and software-centric approaches to integration of payment solutions with the IOT. Different requirements concerning payment solutions within the IOT have been defined and considered in the proposed model. Possible solution providers include telcos, e-payment service providers and new players such as banks and standardization bodies. The proposed model of integrating the Internet of Things with payment solutions will lower the barrier to invoicing for the more granular visibility information generated using the IOT. Thus, it has the potential to enable recovery of the necessary investments in IOT infrastructure and accelerate adoption of the IOT, especially for projects that are only viable when multiple benefits throughout the supply chain need to be accumulated in order to achieve a Return on Investment (ROI). In a long-term perspective, it may enable IT-departments to become profit centres instead of cost centres. © 2010 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.


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The modern CFD process consists of mesh generation, flow solving and post-processing integrated into an automated workflow. During the last several years we have developed and published research aimed at producing a meshing and geometry editing system, implemented in an end-to-end parallel, scalable manner and capable of automatic handling of large scale, real world applications. The particular focus of this paper is the associated unstructured mesh RANS flow solver and the porting of it to GPU architectures. After briefly describing the solver itself, the special issues associated with porting codes using unstructured data structures are discussed - followed by some application examples. Copyright © 2011 by W.N. Dawes.


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This paper provides an overview of the rationale behind the significant interest in polymer-based on-board optical links together with a brief review of recently reported work addressing certain challenges in this field. Polymer-based optical links have garnered considerable research attention due to their important functional attributes and compelling cost-benefit advantages in on-board optoelectronic systems as they can be cost-effectively integrated on conventional printed circuit boards. To date, significant work on the polymer materials, their fabrication process and their integration on standard board substrates have enabled the demonstration of numerous high-speed on-board optical links. However, to be deployed in real-world systems, these optoelectronic printed circuit boards (OE PCBs) must also be cost-effective. Here, recent advances in the integration process focusing on simple direct end-fire coupling schemes and the use of low-cost FR4 PCB substrates are presented. Performance of two proof-of-principle 10 Gb/s systems based on this integration method are summarised while work in realising more complex yet compact planar optical components is outlined. © 2011 IEEE.


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Modelling dialogue as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) enables a dialogue policy robust to speech understanding errors to be learnt. However, a major challenge in POMDP policy learning is to maintain tractability, so the use of approximation is inevitable. We propose applying Gaussian Processes in Reinforcement learning of optimal POMDP dialogue policies, in order (1) to make the learning process faster and (2) to obtain an estimate of the uncertainty of the approximation. We first demonstrate the idea on a simple voice mail dialogue task and then apply this method to a real-world tourist information dialogue task. © 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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Statistical dialogue models have required a large number of dialogues to optimise the dialogue policy, relying on the use of a simulated user. This results in a mismatch between training and live conditions, and significant development costs for the simulator thereby mitigating many of the claimed benefits of such models. Recent work on Gaussian process reinforcement learning, has shown that learning can be substantially accelerated. This paper reports on an experiment to learn a policy for a real-world task directly from human interaction using rewards provided by users. It shows that a usable policy can be learnt in just a few hundred dialogues without needing a user simulator and, using a learning strategy that reduces the risk of taking bad actions. The paper also investigates adaptation behaviour when the system continues learning for several thousand dialogues and highlights the need for robustness to noisy rewards. © 2011 IEEE.


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Board-level optical links are an attractive alternative to their electrical counterparts as they provide higher bandwidth and lower power consumption at high data rates. However, on-board optical technology has to be cost-effective to be commercially deployed. This study presents a chip-to-chip optical interconnect formed on an optoelectronic printed circuit board that uses a simple optical coupling scheme, cost-effective materials and is compatible with well-established manufacturing processes common to the electronics industry. Details of the link architecture, modelling studies of the link's frequency response, characterisation of optical coupling efficiencies and dynamic performance studies of this proof-of-concept chip-to-chip optical interconnect are reported. The fully assembled link exhibits a -3 dBe bandwidth of 9 GHz and -3 dBo tolerances to transverse component misalignments of ±25 and ±37 μm at the input and output waveguide interfaces, respectively. The link has a total insertion loss of 6 dBo and achieves error-free transmission at a 10 Gb/s data rate with a power margin of 11.6 dBo for a bit-error-rate of 10 -12. The proposed architecture demonstrates an integration approach for high-speed board-level chip-to-chip optical links that emphasises component simplicity and manufacturability crucial to the migration of such technology into real-world commercial systems. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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We present a multispectral photometric stereo method for capturing geometry of deforming surfaces. A novel photometric calibration technique allows calibration of scenes containing multiple piecewise constant chromaticities. This method estimates per-pixel photometric properties, then uses a RANSAC-based approach to estimate the dominant chromaticities in the scene. A likelihood term is developed linking surface normal, image intensity and photometric properties, which allows estimating the number of chromaticities present in a scene to be framed as a model estimation problem. The Bayesian Information Criterion is applied to automatically estimate the number of chromaticities present during calibration. A two-camera stereo system provides low resolution geometry, allowing the likelihood term to be used in segmenting new images into regions of constant chromaticity. This segmentation is carried out in a Markov Random Field framework and allows the correct photometric properties to be used at each pixel to estimate a dense normal map. Results are shown on several challenging real-world sequences, demonstrating state-of-the-art results using only two cameras and three light sources. Quantitative evaluation is provided against synthetic ground truth data. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents an automatic speaker recognition system for intelligence applications. The system has to provide functionalities for a speaker skimming application in which databases of recorded conversations belonging to an ongoing investigation can be annotated and quickly browsed by an operator. The paper discusses the criticalities introduced by the characteristics of the audio signals under consideration - in particular background noise and channel/coding distortions - as well as the requirements and functionalities of the system under development. It is shown that the performance of state-of-the-art approaches degrades significantly in presence of moderately high background noise. Finally, a novel speaker recognizer based on phonetic features and an ensemble classifier is presented. Results show that the proposed approach improves performance on clean audio, and suggest that it can be employed towards improved real-world robustness. © EURASIP, 2009.


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In recent years we have been developing a meshing system which is aimed at eliminating the bottleneck represented by building meshes for real-world, complex turbomachinery configurations. This system is based on a rapid octree meshing technology which is then made conformal to the bodies present. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that this class of mesh is not only very fast to produce but also fit-for-purpose in the sense that simulations generated with third-party commercial flow solvers like Fluent have the same accuracy as those performed on more conventional meshes. A range of standard examples and test cases will be presented. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.