959 resultados para Rainfall frequencies
Introduction: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors and to compare the findings with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Methods: A sample of 126 patients, aged 7 to 35 years, with agenesis of at least 1 maxillary lateral incisor was selected. Panoramic and periapical radiographs and dental casts were used to analyze other associated dental anomalies, including agenesis of other permanent teeth, ectopia of unerupted permanent teeth, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and supernumerary teeth. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with prevalence data previously reported for the general population. Statistical testing was performed with the chi-square test (P<0.05) and the odds ratio. Results: Patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis had a significantly increased prevalence rate of permanent tooth agenesis (18.2%), excluding the third molars. The occurrence of third-molar agenesis in a subgroup aged 14 years or older (n = 76) was 35.5%. The frequencies of maxillary second premolar agenesis (10.3%), mandibular second premolar agenesis (7.9%), microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (38.8%), and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars (3.9%) were significantly increased in our sample compared with the general population. In a subgroup of patients aged 10 years or older (n = 115), the prevalence of palatally displaced canines was elevated (5.2%). The prevalences of mesioangulation of mandibular second molars and supernumerary teeth were not higher in the sample. Conclusions: Permanent tooth agenesis, maxillary lateral incisor microdontia, palatally displaced canines, and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars are frequently associated with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis, providing additional evidence of a genetic interrelationship in the causes of these dental anomalies. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:732.e1-732.e6)
Numerical optimisation methods are being more commonly applied to agricultural systems models, to identify the most profitable management strategies. The available optimisation algorithms are reviewed and compared, with literature and our studies identifying evolutionary algorithms (including genetic algorithms) as superior in this regard to simulated annealing, tabu search, hill-climbing, and direct-search methods. Results of a complex beef property optimisation, using a real-value genetic algorithm, are presented. The relative contributions of the range of operational options and parameters of this method are discussed, and general recommendations listed to assist practitioners applying evolutionary algorithms to the solution of agricultural systems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We shall examine a model, first studied by Brockwell et al. [Adv Appl Probab 14 (1982) 709.], which can be used to describe the longterm behaviour of populations that are subject to catastrophic mortality or emigration events. Populations can suffer dramatic declines when disease, such as an introduced virus, affects the population, or when food shortages occur, due to overgrazing or fluctuations in rainfall. However, perhaps surprisingly, such populations can survive for long periods and, although they may eventually become extinct, they can exhibit an apparently stationary regime. It is useful to be able to model this behaviour. This is particularly true of the ecological examples that motivated the present study, since, in order to properly manage these populations, it is necessary to be able to predict persistence times and to estimate the conditional probability distribution of population size. We shall see that although our model predicts eventual extinction, the time till extinction can be long and the stationary exhibited by these populations over any reasonable time scale can be explained using a quasistationary distribution. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We assessed the feasibility of obtaining probe microphone measurements of hearing aids at a distance. Face-to-face and remote probe microphone measurements were carried out in 60 hearing aid users (mean age 67 yrs) with uni- or bilateral hearing losses (105 ears tested). The participant and a facilitator were located in a room equipped with a probe microphone system interfaced to a PC. Desktop videoconferencing and application sharing was used to allow an audiologist in another room to instruct the facilitator and control the equipment via the LAN. There were significant correlations between face-to-face and remote real ear unaided response (REUR), aided response (REAR) and insertion gain (REIG) at seven discrete frequencies from 250 to 6000 Hz. Differences between face-to-face and remote responses were within the reported variability for probe microphone measurements themselves. The results show that remote probe microphone measurements are feasible and might improve the quality of public hearing aid services and professional training in Brazil.
Objective To evaluate the relationship between breastfeeding duration and the prevalence of non-nutritive Sucking habits in children with deciduous dentition. Method A cross-sectional survey was conducted on the mothers of 551 children aged 3 to 6 years, randomly selected from public pre-schools in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mothers were asked to complete a questionnaire that included items regarding their children`s age, gender, race, method and duration of infant feeding, as well as pacifier use and/or digit-sucking habits. According to the answers pertinent to the method and duration of infant feeding, children were assigned to five groups: 1 - never breastfed, 2 - breastfed for a period shorter than 3 months of life, 3 - breastfed for 3 to 6 months, 4 - breastfed for 6 to 9 months, and 5 - breastfed for 9 months or longer. Data were submitted to the Fisher`s exact test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons to analyse possible associations between breastfeeding duration period categories and non-nutritive sucking behaviours. Results Pacifier use frequency was high in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 (85%, 87.6%, 78% and 70%, respectively), in comparison with that in group 5 (38.6%). The prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits was significantly reduced in children who were breastfed for nine months or longer (p=0.000). There were no statistically significant differences in the frequencies of pacifier use and/or digit-sucking habits between genders, regardless of the breastfeeding duration period. Conclusion Children aged 3-6 years who were breastfed for nine months or longer had a lower prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits.
Mass spectrometric uranium-series dating and C-O isotopic analysis of a stalagmite from Lynds Cave, northern Tasmania, Australia provide a high-resolution record of regional climate change between 5100 and 9200 yr before present (BP). Combined delta(18)O, delta(13)C, growth rate, initial U-234/U-238 and physical property (color, transparency and porosity) records allow recognition of seven climatic stages: Stage I ( > 9080 yr BP) - a relatively dry period at the beginning of stalagmite growth evidenced by elevated U-234/U-238; Stage II (9080-8600 yr BP) - a period of unstable climate characterized by high-frequency variability in temperature and bio-productivity; Stage 111 (8600-8000 yr BP) - a period of stable and moderate precipitation and stable and high bio-productivity, with a continuously rising temperature; Stage IV (8000-7400 yr BP) - the warmest period with high evaporation and low effective precipitation (rainfall less evaporation); Stage V (7400-7000 yr BP) - the wettest period with highest stalagmite growth and enhanced but unstable bio-productivity; Stage VI (7000-6600 yr BP) - a period with a significantly reduced precipitation and bio-productivity without noticeable change in temperature; Stage VII (6600-5100 yr BP) - a period of lowest temperature and precipitation marking a significant climatic deterioration. Overall, the records suggest that the warmest climate occurred between 8000 and 7400 yr BP, followed by a wettest period between 7400 and 7000 yr BP. These are broadly correlated with the so-called 'Mid Holocene optimum' previously proposed using pollen and lake level records. However, the timing and resolution of the speleothem. record from Lynds Cave are significantly higher than in both the pollen and lake level records. This allows us to correlate the abrupt change in physical property, delta(18)O, delta(13)C, growth rate, and initial U-234/U-238 of the stalagmite at similar to8000 yr BP with a global climatic event at Early-Mid Holocene transition. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Between 34 and 15 million years (Myr) ago, when planetary temperatures were 3-4 degreesC warmer than at present and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were twice as high as today(1), the Antarctic ice sheets may have been unstable(2-7). Oxygen isotope records from deep-sea sediment cores suggest that during this time fluctuations in global temperatures and high-latitude continental ice volumes were influenced by orbital cycles(8-10). But it has hitherto not been possible to calibrate the inferred changes in ice volume with direct evidence for oscillations of the Antarctic ice sheets(11). Here we present sediment data from shallow marine cores in the western Ross Sea that exhibit well dated cyclic variations, and which link the extent of the East Antarctic ice sheet directly to orbital cycles during the Oligocene/Miocene transition (24.1-23.7 Myr ago). Three rapidly deposited glaci-marine sequences are constrained to a period of less than 450 kyr by our age model, suggesting that orbital influences at the frequencies of obliquity (40 kyr) and eccentricity (125 kyr) controlled the oscillations of the ice margin at that time. An erosional hiatus covering 250 kyr provides direct evidence for a major episode of global cooling and ice-sheet expansion about 23.7 Myr ago, which had previously been inferred from oxygen isotope data (Mil event(5)).
Mutations in the exons of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene CDKN2A are melanoma-predisposition alleles which have high penetrance, although they have low population frequencies. In contrast, variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene, MC1R, confer much lower melanoma risk but are common in European populations. Fifteen Australian CDKN2A mutation-carrying melanoma pedigrees were assessed for MC1R genotype, to test for possible modifier effects on melanoma risk. A CDKN2A mutation in the presence of a homozygous consensus MC1R genotype had a raw penetrance of 50%, with a mean age at onset of 58.1 years. When an MC1R variant allele was also present, the raw penetrance of the CDKN2A mutation increased to 84%, with a mean age at onset of 37.8 years (P=0.1). The presence of a CDKN2A mutation gave a hazard ratio of 13.35, and the hazard ratio of 3.72 for MC1R variant alleles was also significant. The impact of MC1R variants on risk of melanoma was mediated largely through the action of three common alleles, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, and Asp294His, that have previously been associated with red hair, fair skin, and skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
To discover the developmental relationship between the auditory brainstem response (ABR) and the focal inferior colliculus (IC) response, 32 young tammar wallabies were used, by the application of simultaneous ABR and focal brainstem recordings, in response to acoustic clicks and tone bursts of seven frequencies. The ic or the tammar wallaby undergoes a rapid functional development from postnatal day (PND) 114 to 160. The earliest (PND 114) auditory evoked response was recorded from the rostral IC. With development, more caudal parts of the IC became functional until age about PND 127, when all parts of the IC were responsive to sound. Along a dorsoventral direction, the duration of the IC response decreased, the peak latency shortened, while the amplitude increased, reaching a maximum value at the central IC, then decreased. After PND 160, the best frequency (BF) of the ventral IC was the highest, with values between 12.5 and 16 kHz, the BF of the dorsal IC was the lowest, varying between 3.2 and 6.4 kHz, while the BF of the central IC was between 6.4 and 12.5 kHz. Between PND 114 and 125, the IC response did not have temporal correlation with the ABR. Between PND 140 and 160, only the early components of the responses from the ventral and central IC correlated with the P4 waves of the ABR. After PND 160, responses recorded from different depths of the IC had a temporal correlation with the ABR. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an important cause of renal artery stenosis, particularly in young females. Polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin (RA) system have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular disease, and may play a role in the development of FMD. Examination of polymorphisms by PCR for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) A1166C and angiotensinogen (AGT) M235T and T174M was undertaken in 43 patients with typical multifocal renal arterial FMD (MF-FMD) and in 89 controls. The age of NIF-FMD patients at the time of diagnosis of hypertension did not differ (38.6 + 11.1 years vs 35.5 +/- 10.3 years, P = 0.12) from controls and the proportion (95% vs 86%, P = 0.14) of females was similar. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between groups, except that MF-FMD patients had a significantly higher frequency of the ACE I allele than control subjects (0.62 vs 0.47, P = 0.026). Since the ACE I allele is associated with lower circulating ACE levels and possibly lower tissue levels of angiotensin II (Ang II), and since Ang II modulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth and synthetic activity, the I allele might predispose to defective remodelling of the arterial media, and thus to the development of MF-FMD. This contrasts with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, coronary stent restenosis and carotid intimal thickening, which are diseases affecting the arterial intima, and which are associated with increased frequency of the D allele.
Spontaneous and tone-evoked changes in light reflectance were recorded from primary auditory cortex (A1) of anesthetized cats (barbiturate induction, ketamine maintenance). Spontaneous 0.1-Hz oscillations of reflectance of 540- and 690-nm light were recorded in quiet. Stimulation with tone pips evoked localized reflectance decreases at 540 nm in 3/10 cats. The distribution of patches activated by tones of different frequencies reflected the known tonotopic organization of auditory cortex. Stimulus-evoked reflectance changes at 690 nm were observed in 9/10 cats but lacked stimulus-dependent topography. In two experiments, stimulus-evoked optical signals at 540 nm were compared with multiunit responses to the same stimuli recorded at multiple sites. A significant correlation (P < 0.05) between magnitude of reflectance decrease and multiunit response strength was evident in only one of five stimulus conditions in each experiment. There was no significant correlation when data were pooled across all stimulus conditions in either experiment. In one experiment, the spatial distribution of activated patches, evident in records of spontaneous activity at 540 nm, was similar to that of patches activated by tonal stimuli. These results suggest that local cerebral blood volume changes reflect the gross tonotopic organization of A1 but are not restricted to the sites of spiking neurons.
Estimation of total body water by measuring bioelectrical impedance at a fixed frequency of 50 kHz is useful in assessing body composition in healthy populations. However, in cirrhosis, the distribution of total body water between the extracellular and intracellular compartments is of greater clinical importance. We report an evaluation of a new multiple-frequency bioelectrical-impedance analysis technique (MFBIA) that may quantify the distribution of total body water in cirrhosis. In 21 cirrhotic patients and 21 healthy control subjects, impedance to the Row of current was measured at frequencies ranging from 4 to 1012 kHz. These measurements were used to estimate body water compartments and then compared with total body water and extracellular water determined by isotope methodology. In cirrhotic patients, extracellular water and total body water (as determined by isotope methods) were well predicted by MFBIA (r = 0.73 and 0.89, respectively).;However, the 95% confidence intervals of the limits of agreement between MFBIA and the isotope methods were +/- 14% and +/-9% for cirrhotics (extracellular water and total body water, respectively) and +/-9% and +/-9% for cirrhotics without ascites. The 95% confidence intervals estimated from the control group were +/-10% and +/-5% for extracellular water and total body water, respectively. Thus, despite strong correlations between MFBIA and isotope measurements, the relatively large limits of agreement with accepted techniques suggest that the MFBIA technique requires further refinement before it can be routinely used to determine the nutritional assessment of individual cirrhotic patients. Nutrition 2001,17.31-34. (C)Elsevier Science Inc. 2001.
This study determined the frequencies of a G-to-A transition (S/N167) polymorphism in exon 4 of the parkin gene in Australian Parkinson's disease patients and control subjects. The genotype of each subject was determined using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism analysis. Overall, the A allele was significantly less common in the Parkinson's disease group (1.7%) compared with the control group (3.8%, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.19-1.00, P < 0.05), although the frequency in the young onset Parkinson's disease group (6.6%) was not significantly different to controls. The A allele is less common in Australian Caucasian subjects compared to Japanese Parkinson's disease patients and appears to be under-represented in older-onset Parkinson's disease. <(c)> 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electromechanical transfer characteristics of adhesively bonded piezoelectric sensors are investigated. By the use of dynamic piezoelectricity theory, Mindlin plate theory for flexural wave propagation, and a multiple integral transform method, the frequency-response functions of piezoelectric sensors with and without backing materials are developed and the pressure-voltage transduction functions of the sensors calculated. The corresponding simulation results show that the sensitivity of the sensors is not only dependent on the sensors' inherent features, such as piezoelectric properties and geometry, but also on local characteristics of the tested structures and the admittance and impedance of the attached electrical circuit. It is also demonstrated that the simplified rigid mass sensor model can be used to analyze successfully the sensitivity of the sensor at low frequencies, but that the dynamic piezoelectric continuum model has to be used for higher frequencies, especially around the resonance frequency of the coupled sensor-structure vibration system.
The upper 1200 m of pre-Pliocene sediment recovered by Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drilling off the Victoria Land coast of Antarctica between 1997-1999 has been subdivided into 54 unconformity-bound stratigraphic sequences, spanning the period c. 32 to 17 Ma. The sequences are recognised on the basis of the cyclical vertical stacking of their constituent lithofacies, which are enclosed by erosion surfaces produced during the grounding of the advancing ice margin onto the sea floor. Each sequence represents deposition in a range of offshore shelf to coastal glacimarine sedimentary environments during oscillations in the ice margin across the Western Ross Sea shelf, and coeval fluctuations in water depth. This paper applies spectral analysis techniques to depth- and time-series of sediment grain size (500 samples) for intervals of the core with adequate chronological data. Time series analysis of 0.5-1.0m-spaced grainsize data spanning sequences 9-11 (CRP-2/2A) and sequences 1-7 (CRP-3) suggests that the length of individual sequences correspond to Milankovitch frequencies, probably 41 k.y., but possibly as low as 100 k.y. Higher frequency periodic components at 23 k.y. (orbital precession) and 15-10 k.y. (sub-orbital) are recognised at the intrasequence-scale, and may represent climatic cycles akin to the ice rafting episodes described in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Quaternary. The cyclicity recorded by glacimarine sequences in CRP core provides direct evidence from the periphery of Antarctica for orbital oscillations in the size of the Oligocene-Early Miocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet.