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Under certain circumstances, it is possible to identify clonal variants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infecting a single patient, probably as a result of subtle genetic rearrangements in part of the bacillary population. We systematically searched for these microevolution events in a different context, namely, recent transmission chains. We studied the clustered cases identified using a population-based universal molecular epidemiology strategy over a 5-year period. Clonal variants of the reference strain defining the cluster were found in 9 (12%) of the 74 clusters identified after the genotyping of 612 M. tuberculosis isolates by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units-variable-number tandem repeat typing. Clusters with microevolution events were epidemiologically supported and involved 4 to 9 cases diagnosed over a 1- to 5-year period. The IS6110 insertion sites from 16 representative isolates of reference and microevolved variants were mapped by ligation-mediated PCR in order to characterize the genetic background involved in microevolution. Both intragenic and intergenic IS6110 locations resulted from these microevolution events. Among those cases of IS6110 locations in intergenic regions which could have an effect on the regulation of adjacent genes, we identified the overexpression of cytochrome P450 in one microevolved variant using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR. Our results help to define the frequency with which microevolution can be expected in M. tuberculosis transmission chains. They provide a snapshot of the genetic background of these subtle rearrangements and identify an event in which IS6110-mediated microevolution in an isogenic background has functional consequences.


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BACKGROUND. The Beijing lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is causing concern due to its global distribution and its involvement in severe outbreaks. Studies focused on this lineage are mainly restricted to geographical settings where its prevalence is high, whereas those in other areas are scarce. In this study, we analyze Beijing isolates in the Mediterranean area, where this lineage is not prevalent and is mainly associated with immigrant cases. RESULTS. Only 1% (N = 26) of the isolates from two population-based studies in Spain corresponded to Beijing strains, most of which were pan-susceptible and from Peruvian and Ecuadorian patients. Restriction fragment length polymorphism typing with the insertion sequence IS6110 identified three small clusters (2-3 cases). Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat typing (MIRU-15) offered low discriminatory power, requiring the introduction of five additional loci. A selection of the Beijing isolates identified in the Spanish sample, together with a sample of Beijing strains from Italy, to broaden the analysis context in the Mediterranean area, were assayed in an infection model with THP-1 cells. A wide range of intracellular growth rates was observed with only two isolates showing an increased intracellular replication, in both cases associated with contained production of TNF-alpha. No correlation was observed between virulence and the Beijing phylogenetic group, clustered/orphan status, or resistance. The Beijing strain responsible for extensive spread on Gran Canaria Island was also identified in Madrid, but did not lead to secondary cases and did not show high infectivity in the infection model. CONCLUSIONS. The Beijing lineage in our area is a non-homogeneous family, with only certain highly virulent representatives. The specific characterization of Beijing isolates in different settings could help us to accurately identify the virulent representatives before making general assumptions about this lineage.


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In this study, a genotypification of Leishmaniawas performed using polimerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorfism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing techniques to identify species of Leishmaniaparasites in phlebotomine sand flies and dogs naturally infected. Between January-February of 2009, CDC light traps were used to collect insect samples from 13 capture sites in the municipality of Posadas, which is located in the province of Misiones of Argentina. Sand flies identified as Lutzomyia longipalpiswere grouped into 28 separate pools for molecular biological analysis. Canine samples were taken from lymph node aspirates of two symptomatic stray animals that had been positively diagnosed with canine visceral leishmaniasis. One vector pool of 10 sand flies (1 out of the 28 pools tested) and both of the canine samples tested positively for Leishmania infantumby PCR and RFLP analysis. PCR products were confirmed by sequencing and showed a maximum identity with L. infantum. Given that infection was detected in one out of the 28 pools and that at least one infected insect was infected, it was possible to infer an infection rate at least of 0.47% for Lu. longipalpisamong the analyzed samples. These results contribute to incriminate Lu. longipalpis as the vector of L. infantumin the municipality of Posadas, where cases of the disease in humans and dogs have been reported since 2005.


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Patients with cardiac disease can develop two types of malnutrition: cardiac cachexia, which appears in chronic congestive heart failure, and malnutrition due to the complications of cardiac surgery or any other type of surgery in patients with heart disease. Early enteral nutrition should be attempted if the oral route cannot be used. When cardiac function is severely compromised, enteral nutrition is feasible, but supplementation with parenteral nutrition is sometimes required. Sustained hyperglycemia in the first 24 hours in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome, whether diabetic or not, is a poor prognostic factor for 30-day mortality. In critically-ill cardiac patients with stable hemodynamic failure, nutritional support of 20-25 kcal/kg/day is effective in maintaining adequate nutritional status. Protein intake should be 1.2-1.5 g/kg/day. Routine polymeric or high protein formulae should be used, according to the patient's prior nutritional status, with sodium and volume restriction according to the patient's clinical situation. The major energy source for myocytes is glutamine, through conversion to glutamate, which also protects the myocardial cell from ischemia in critical situations. Administration of 1 g/day of omega-3 (EPA+DHA) in the form of fish oil can prevent sudden death in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome and can also help to reduce hospital admission for cardiovascular events in patients with chronic heart failure.


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La première guerre mondiale a créé des déséquilibres fondamentaux au sein de l'économie mondiale. D'une part, elle a endetté les Etats à un point tel que ces derniers ont été poussés à pratiquer des politiques inflationnistes aux effets sociaux parfois désastreux. D'autre part, elle a détruit le système monétaire international et avec lui le système de régulation des échanges commerciaux. Enfin, elle a provoqué un gonflement de l'appareil productif, ce qui se traduira par des tendances à la surproduction une fois la paix revenue. Bien que la Suisse soit restée neutre durant le conflit, la situation de guerre ne la pas épargnée et les déséquilibres fondamentaux évoqués l'ont aussi touchée de plein fouet à partir de 1919. Fortement intégrée dans l'économie mondiale, que ce soit au niveau des échanges d'hommes, de marchandises et de capitaux, la Suisse a surtout souffert des dérèglements intervenus sur le plan des échanges internationaux. Menant une politique du franc fort, les autorités ont dû faire face aux conséquences négatives de cette stratégie monétaire sur les différentes branches productives de l'économie. Surdimensionnées à l'issue de quatre années de pénurie, marquées par la difficulté d'importer, les branches de l'industrie et de l'agriculture travaillant pour le marché intérieur doivent faire face à une importation massive de produits étrangers. Celle-ci est encore stimulée par la politique de dumping monétaire de certains partenaires commerciaux. Quant à l'industrie d'exportation, elle ne parvient plus à écouler ses produits sur les marchés à monnaie dépréciée. Le chômage grimpe rapidement au cours de l'année 1921, ravivant les tensions sociales exacerbées par les grèves générales de 1918 et 1919. C'est dans ce contexte social explosif que la question de l'assainissement des finances fédérales doit être résolue. Durant le conflit, l'accroissement des dépenses de l'Etat a été couvert, dans une large mesure, par un accroissement de la dette et un recours à la planche à billet. Il s'agit donc de déterminer quels impôts vont fournir les sommes nécessaires au service et à l'amortissement de la dette. Les nouvelles tâches embrassées par la Confédération au cours du conflit provoquent par ailleurs un déficit budgétaire structurel que les autorités veulent combler au plus vite pour ne pas mettre en danger le franc suisse et éviter de tirer les taux de l'argent à la hausse. Pour faire face aux défis commerciaux et financiers générés par la guerre, la Confédération dispose de plusieurs outils lui permettant de mener une politique volontariste. Parmi ceux-ci, la politique douanière occupe une place très importante, puisqu'elle est à la fois la principale source de revenus de la Confédération et un bras de levier efficace pour influencer les flux commerciaux. Certes, de par son importance dans la répartition de la richesse nationale, la politique douanière a toujours été l'objet de conflits politiques homériques. Entre 1880 et 1914, un débat continu a opposé les différents groupes socio-économiques cherchant à défendre des intérêts fiscaux et commerciaux bien compris. Cependant, à l'issue de la Première guerre mondiale, les enjeux du débat prennent un ampleur qualitativement différente, puisqu'il s'agit de répondre à la question que tout le monde se pose: qui va payer la guerre ? Ce mémoire de licence analyse pourquoi et comment la réponse à cette question a engendré des conflits politiques extrêmement violents qui ont contribué à maintenir un climat social tendu au cours de la première moitié des années 1920. Pour diriger la politique douanière suisse en conformité avec leurs intérêts, les grandes associations faîtières de l'économie n'ont pas hésité à prolonger le régime des pleins pouvoirs en vigueur durant la guerre. Le 18 février 1921, des pleins pouvoirs douaniers sont attribués par le Parlement au Conseil fédéral. En vertu de ceux-ci, le gouvernement mène une politique entièrement dévouée aux intérêts des partenaires du bloc bourgeois-paysan alors au pouvoir. Afin de réguler les flux commerciaux, des mesures de restriction de l'importation sont instaurées. En matière de fiscalité, il s'agit avant tout de ne pas recourir trop à l'imposition directe frappant le revenu et le capital, mais d'utiliser l'imposition indirecte, et en particulier la taxation douanière. Pour satisfaire la paysannerie, dont l'appui politique est nécessaire, les positions agricoles du nouveau tarif sont fortement augmentées, ce qui pousse le prix des denrées alimentaires à la hausse. Cette partie du programme douanier, qui est défavorable aux milieux de l'industrie d'exportation, engendre quelques tensions au sein même du bloc bourgeois. Grands perdants de la politique fiscale menée par le Conseil fédéral, les salariés tentent de s'y opposer par tous les moyens à disposition. La politique autoritaire instaurée dans le domaine douanier les empêche toutefois de recourir au référendum. Une large coalition d'associations et de partis de gauche décident alors de s'opposer à la politique du gouvernement par le biais d'une initiative. La politique douanière devient le lieu de rassemblement d'une clientèle politique très diverse susceptible de déboucher sur la constitution d'un cartel politique de centre-gauche. Parallèlement, le PSS lance une autre initiative demandant à ce que la dette de guerre soit payée par un prélèvement unique sur la fortune. Au cours des années 1921 à 1923, la politique fiscale devient un champ d'affrontement politique de première importance. Certes, la gauche socialiste ne se gêne pas d'instrumentaliser ce champ pour attiser la lutte des classes, mais c'est surtout la droite nationaliste qui jette de l'huile sur le feu. Le discours antisocialiste qui caractérise la campagne de votation est de la plus grande violence. Au-delà des enjeux financiers et économiques qui sous-tendent le débat douanier, l'initiative remet en question les fondements mêmes de l'organisation politique suisse. Scellée en 1902, l'alliance douanière est en effet la clef de voûte du bloc bourgeois-paysan des associations faîtières. Une victoire de l'initiative serait la porte ouverte à un cartel de centre-gauche ou, plus grave encore, à une alliance rouge-verte. En stigmatisant les partisans bourgeois de l'initiative, qui sont accusés de faire un pacte avec le diable, l'USCI et l'USP parviennent à isoler le mouvement ouvrier. La défaite de 1923 est ainsi sans appel. Elle marque un jalon important de la «ghettoïsation» que le mouvement ouvrier aura à subir tout au long de l'Entre-deux-guerres. En plébiscitant les pleins pouvoirs douaniers, la votation donne aussi décharge aux autorités politiques pour leur gestion autoritaire de l'économie. Impensable avant la guerre, la soustraction d'arrêtés au référendum se systématisera dans l'Entre-deux-guerres, participant à une remise en question plus large des principes démocratiques. Au centre de la gestion des conséquences économiques et financières de la Première guerre mondiale, la politique douanière permet donc d'expliciter les conséquences sociales et politiques que le conflit a provoquées sur le plus long terme par le biais de l'explosion de la dette de l'Etat.


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Over the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of leishmaniasis cases in Brazil. Belo Horizonte (BH) is one of the most highly populated Brazilian cities that is affected by visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The health services in BH are coordinated by a central nucleus that is subdivided into nine sanitary districts. Historically, the highest level of human VL cases was found in the northeast sanitary district (NSD). The objective of our study was to detect Leishmania infection in the phlebotomine sand flies collected in the NSD by dissection and molecular approaches. Following the occurrence of human VL cases in 2005, entomological captures were performed from July 2006-June 2007. Out of the 245 sand flies dissected, only three Lutzomyia longipalpis spp contained flagellates. The female sand flies were grouped into 120 pools according to date, collection site and species, with approximately 10 individual sand flies in each pool. Subsquently, the DNA was extracted and Leishmania spp and other parasites were detected and identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorfism. Leishmania infantum was present in at least 19% of the Lu. longipalpis collected, in 3.8% of the Nyssomiya whitmani collected, in 33.3% of the Evandromiya termitophila collected and in 14.3% of the Nyssomiya intermedia collected. When the females of the cortelezzii complex were compared with each other, 3.2% of the females were infected with Leishmania braziliensis, whereas 3.2% of the females were infected with trypanosomatids.


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BACKGROUND Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is a well-established independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the influence of several genetic variants in genes related with triglyceride (TG) metabolism has been described, including LPL, APOA5 and APOE. The combined analysis of these polymorphisms could produce clinically meaningful complementary information. METHODS A subgroup of the ICARIA study comprising 1825 Spanish subjects (80% men, mean age 36 years) was genotyped for the LPL-HindIII (rs320), S447X (rs328), D9N (rs1801177) and N291S (rs268) polymorphisms, the APOA5-S19W (rs3135506) and -1131T/C (rs662799) variants, and the APOE polymorphism (rs429358; rs7412) using PCR and restriction analysis and TaqMan assays. We used regression analyses to examine their combined effects on TG levels (with the log-transformed variable) and the association of variant combinations with TG levels and hypertriglyceridemia (TG > or = 1.69 mmol/L), including the covariates: gender, age, waist circumference, blood glucose, blood pressure, smoking and alcohol consumption. RESULTS We found a significant lowering effect of the LPL-HindIII and S447X polymorphisms (p < 0.0001). In addition, the D9N, N291S, S19W and -1131T/C variants and the APOE-epsilon4 allele were significantly associated with an independent additive TG-raising effect (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001, p < 0.0001 and p < 0.001, respectively). Grouping individuals according to the presence of TG-lowering or TG-raising polymorphisms showed significant differences in TG levels (p < 0.0001), with the lowest levels exhibited by carriers of two lowering variants (10.2% reduction in TG geometric mean with respect to individuals who were homozygous for the frequent alleles of all the variants), and the highest levels in carriers of raising combinations (25.1% mean TG increase). Thus, carrying two lowering variants was protective against HTG (OR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.39-0.98; p = 0.042) and having one single raising polymorphism (OR = 1.20; 95% CI, 1.39-2.87; p < 0.001) or more (2 or 3 raising variants; OR = 2.90; 95% CI, 1.56-5.41; p < 0.001) were associated with HTG. CONCLUSION Our results showed a significant independent additive effect on TG levels of the LPL polymorphisms HindIII, S447X, D9N and N291S; the S19W and -1131T/C variants of APOA5, and the epsilon4 allele of APOE in our study population. Moreover, some of the variant combinations studied were significantly associated with the absence or the presence of hypertriglyceridemia.


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BACKGROUND. The phenomenon of misdiagnosing tuberculosis (TB) by laboratory cross-contamination when culturing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has been widely reported and it has an obvious clinical, therapeutic and social impact. The final confirmation of a cross-contamination event requires the molecular identification of the same MTB strain cultured from both the potential source of the contamination and from the false-positive candidate. The molecular tool usually applied in this context is IS6110-RFLP which takes a long time to provide an answer, usually longer than is acceptable for microbiologists and clinicians to make decisions. Our purpose in this study is to evaluate a novel PCR-based method, MIRU-VNTR as an alternative to assure a rapid and optimized analysis of cross-contamination alerts. RESULTS. MIRU-VNTR was prospectively compared with IS6110-RFLP for clarifying 19 alerts of false positivity from other laboratories. MIRU-VNTR highly correlated with IS6110-RFLP, reduced the response time by 27 days and clarified six alerts unresolved by RFLP. Additionally, MIRU-VNTR revealed complex situations such as contamination events involving polyclonal isolates and a false-positive case due to the simultaneous cross-contamination from two independent sources. CONCLUSION. Unlike standard RFLP-based genotyping, MIRU-VNTR i) could help reduce the impact of a false positive diagnosis of TB, ii) increased the number of events that could be solved and iii) revealed the complexity of some cross-contamination events that could not be dissected by IS6110-RFLP.


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We describe a new rapid and efficient polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis method. This procedure is effective with any plasmid and it employs four oligonucleotide primers. One primer contains the desired mutation, the second is oriented in the opposite direction (one of these two primers should be phosphorylated), and the third and fourth should be coding in complementary fashion for a unique restriction site to be introduced in a nonessential region. The method consists of two simultaneous PCR reactions; the PCR products are digested with the enzyme that recognizes the newly introduced unique restriction site and then ligased and used to transform competent bacteria. Additionally, the use of Dpn I facilitates the elimination of template DNA. The newly introduced restriction site is essential for ligation in the correct orientation of the two-PCR products and is further used for mutant screening. Resulting plasmids carry both the new restriction site and the desired mutation. Using this method, more than 20 mutants have already been generated (using two different kinds of templates); all these mutants were sequenced for the desired mutation and transfected into AtT-20 cells and the expressed mutant proteins encoded by the vector were assayed.


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Polymorphisms in genes that encode chemokines or their receptors can modulate susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and disease progression. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency of polymorphisms CCR5-Δ32, CCR2-64I, CCR5-59029A and SDF1-3'A and their role in the course of HIV infection in a Southern Brazilian population. Clinical data were obtained from 249 patients for an average period of 6.4 years and genotypes were determined by standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Survival analyses were conducted for three outcomes: CD4+ T-cell counts below 200 cells/µL, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or death. The frequency of the polymorphisms CCR5-Δ32, CCR2-64I, CCR5-59029A and SDF1-3'A were 0.024, 0.113, 0.487 and 0.207, respectively. CCR5-Δ32 was associated with a reduction in the risk for CD4+ T-cell depletion and with an increased risk for death after AIDS diagnosis. CCR2-64I was associated with a reduction in the risk for developing AIDS. SDF1-3'A was also associated with decreased risk for AIDS, but its effect was only evident when CCR2-64I was present as well. These results highlight the possibility of using these markers as indicators for the prognosis of disease progression and provide evidence for the importance of analysing the effects of gene polymorphisms in a combined fashion.


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The aim of the present study was to compare polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods - spoligotyping and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRU) typing - with the gold-standard IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in 101 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to determine the genetic diversity of M. tuberculosis clinical isolates from Delhi, North India. Spoligotyping resulted in 49 patterns (14 clusters); the largest cluster was composed of Spoligotype International Types (SITs)26 [Central-Asian (CAS)1-Delhi lineage], followed by SIT11 [East-African-Indian (EAI) 3-Indian lineage]. A large number of isolates (75%) belonged to genotypic lineages, such as CAS, EAI and Manu, with a high specificity for the Indian subcontinent, emphasising the complex diversity of the phylogenetically coherent M. tuberculosis in North India. MIRU typing, using 11 discriminatory loci, was able to distinguish between all but two strains based on individual patterns. IS6110-RFLP analysis (n = 80 strains) resulted in 67 unique isolates and four clusters containing 13 strains. MIRUs discriminated all 13 strains, whereas spoligotyping discriminated 11 strains. Our results validate the use of PCR-based molecular typing of M. tuberculosis using repetitive elements in Indian isolates and demonstrate the usefulness of MIRUs for discriminating low-IS6110-copy isolates, which accounted for more than one-fifth of the strains in the present study.


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Throughout Brazil, Cryptococcus neoformans is the cause of cryptococcosis, whereas Cryptococcus gattii is endemic to the northern and northeastern states. In this study, the molecular types of 63 cryptococcal isolates recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid of meningitis patients diagnosed between 2008-2010 in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, were analysed. Out of the 63 patients, 37 (58.7%) were human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and 26 (41.3%) were HIV-negative. URA5-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis identified 37/63 (58.7%) isolates as the C. neoformans VNI genotype, predominantly in HIV-positive patients (32/37, 86.5%), and 24/63 (38.1%) as the C. gattii VGII genotype, mostly in HIV-negative patients (21/26, 80.8%). The occurrence of C. gattii VGII in six apparently healthy children and in seven adolescents/young adults in this region reaffirms the endemic occurrence of C. gattii VGII-induced primary cryptococcosis and early cryptococcal infection. Lethality occurred in 18/37 (48.6%) of the HIV-positive subjects and in 13/26 (50%) of the HIV-negative patients. Our results provide new information on the molecular epidemiology of C. neoformans and C. gattii in Brazilian endemic areas.


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Molecular techniques can aid in the classification of Biomphalaria species because morphological differentiation between these species is difficult. Previous studies using phylogeny, morphological and molecular taxonomy showed that some populations studied were Biomphalaria cousini instead of Biomphalaria amazonica. Three different molecular profiles were observed that enabled the separation of B. amazonica from B. cousini. The third profile showed an association between the two and suggested the possibility of hybrids between them. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate the hybridism between B. cousini and B. amazonica and to verify if the hybrids are susceptible to Schistosoma mansoni. Crosses using the albinism factor as a genetic marker were performed, with pigmented B. cousini and albino B. amazonica snails identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. This procedure was conducted using B. cousini and B. amazonica of the type locality accordingly to Paraense, 1966. In addition, susceptibility studies were performed using snails obtained from the crosses (hybrids) and three S. mansoni strains (LE, SJ, AL). The crosses between B. amazonica and B. cousini confirmed the occurrence of hybrids. Moreover, hybrids can be considered potential hosts of S. mansoni because they are susceptible to LE, SJ and AL strains (4.4%, 5.6% and 2.2%, respectively). These results indicate that there is a risk of introducing schistosomiasis mansoni into new areas.


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We examined strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from patients with acute Chagas disease that had been acquired by oral transmission in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (2005) and two isolates that had been obtained from a marsupial (Didelphis aurita) and a vector (Triatoma tibiamaculata). These strains were characterised through their biological behaviour and isoenzymic profiles and genotyped according to the new Taxonomy Consensus (2009) based on the discrete typing unities, that is, T. cruzi genotypes I-VI. All strains exhibited the biological behaviour of biodeme type II. In six isolates, late peaks of parasitaemia, beyond the 20th day, suggested a double infection with biodemes II + III. Isoenzymes revealed Z2 or mixed Z1 and Z2 profiles. Genotyping was performed using three polymorphic genes (cytochrome oxidase II, spliced leader intergenic region and 24Sα rRNA) and the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the kDNA minicircles. Based on these markers, all but four isolates were characterised as T. cruzi II genotypes. Four mixed populations were identified: SC90, SC93 and SC97 (T. cruzi I + T. cruzi II) and SC95 (T. cruzi I + T. cruzi VI). Comparison of the results obtained by different methods was essential for the correct identification of the mixed populations and major lineages involved indicating that characterisation by different methods can provide new insights into the relationship between phenotypic and genotypic aspects of parasite behaviour.


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Reliable molecular markers are essential for a better understanding of the molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax, which is a neglected human malaria parasite. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of P. vivax isolates from the Brazilian Amazon using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the highly polymorphic merozoite surface protein-3alpha (PvMSP-3α) gene. To accomplish this, 60 isolates of P. vivax from different endemic areas in the Brazilian Amazon were collected. The PvMSP-3α gene was amplified by nested-PCR. Three major types of the PvMSP-3α locus were detected at different frequencies: type A (68%), B (15%) and C (17%). A single sample showed two PCR fragments, which corresponded to infection with types A and C. PCR-RFLP analysis using the HhaI restriction enzyme for 52 isolates clearly identified 11 haplotypes, eight of which were from type A, two from type B and only one from type C. Seven other isolates did not show a clear pattern using PCR-RFLP. This result might be due to multiple clone infections. This study showed a high diversity of the PvMSP-3α gene among P. vivax isolates from the Brazilian Amazon, but also indicated that the detection performance of PCR-RFLP of the PvMSP-3α gene may not be sufficient to detect multiple clone infections.