940 resultados para RAFT POLYMERIZATION


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A ocorrência de fenótipos multirresistentes de Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum e sua associação a infecções graves, com elevada mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos, aliados ao escasso conhecimento da virulência e patogenia destas infecções, motivou esta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo investigar mecanismos de virulência e resistência microbiana deste agente entre pacientes de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Um total de 113 amostras de C. pseudodiphtheriticum identificadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e sistema API-Coryne isoladas de pacientes de diferentes grupos etários. Os micro-organismos eram, em sua maioria, relacionados a infecções no trato respiratório (27,45%), urinário (29,20%) e sitios intravenosos (18,60%) e cerca de 32,70% das amostras foram provenientes de pacientes com pelo menos uma das condições predisponentes: insuficiência renal; transplante renal, tuberculose em paciente HIV+, câncer, cirrose hepática, hemodiálise e uso de cateter. As amostras testadas revelaram-se multirresistentes sendo a maioria resistente à oxacilina, eritromicina e clindamicina. A adesão das cepas ao poliestireno e ao poliuretano indicou o envolvimento de hidrofobicidade da superfície celular na fase inicial da formação de biofilmes. O crescimento subsequente conduziu à formação de microcolônias, agregados bacterianos densos incorporados na matriz exopolimérica rodeada por espaços vazios, típica de biofilmes maduros. Adicionalmente, a interação do micro-organismo com fibrinogênio e fibronectina humana indica o envolvimento destes componentes séricos na formação de biofilme, sugerindo a participação de diferentes adesinas neste processo e a capacidade deste agente formar biofilme in vivo. A afinidade por esses componentes e a formação de biofilme podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e disseminação da infecção no hospedeiro. Adicionalmente, as cepas de C. pseudodiphtheriticum isoladas de pacientes com infecções localizadas (ATCC10700/Pharyngitis) e sistêmicas (HHC1507/Bacteremia) exibiram um padrão de aderência agregativa-like a células HEp-2, caracterizado por aglomerados de bactérias com aparência de um "empilhado de tijolos". Através do teste FAS e ensaios de interação na presença de inibidores de citoesqueleto, demonstramos o envolvimento da polimerização de actina na internalização das cepas testadas. A internalização bacteriana e rearranjo do citoesqueleto pareceu ser parcialmente desencadeado pela ativação da tirosina-quinase. Finalmente, C. pseudodiphtheriticum foi capaz de sobreviver no ambiente intracelular e embora não tenha demonstrado capacidade de replicar intracelularmente, células HEp-2 foram incapazes de eliminar o patógeno completamente no ambiente extracelular no período de 24 horas. Todas as cepas estudadas foram capazes de induzir apoptose em células epiteliais 24 horas pós-infecção evidenciada pelo aumento significativo no número de células mortas e pela ocorrência de alterações nucleares reveladas através dos métodos de coloração pelo azul Trypan, pelo DAPI e microscopia electrônica de transmissão. Alterações morfológicas incluindo a vacuolização, a fragmentação nuclear e a formação de corpos apoptóticos foram observadas neste período. A citometria de fluxo demonstrou ainda uma diminuição significativa no tamanho das células infectadas e a utilização de dupla marcação (iodeto de propídio / anexina V) permitiu a detecção da ocorrência de necrose e apoptose tardia. Em conclusão, o conhecimento de tais características contribuiu para a compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos no aumento da frequência de infecções graves com elevada mortalidade em pacientes no ambiente hospitalar, por C. pseudodiphtheriticum, um patógeno rotineiramente subestimado em países em desenvolvimento.


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质膜上存在一种富含甾醇物质的液相有序膜脂微区,被称作脂筏 (lipid rafts或lipid microdomains)。这种小的膜微区可以通过在质膜上的侧向移动,聚集形成较大的片状结构,而与微区相关联的蛋白可以通过脂筏的这种聚合作用而凝聚分布于特定的亚细胞结构上。脂筏区域在真菌和动物质膜上具极性分布,并参与细胞的极性形态建成和运动。最近,通过生物化学研究证实,脂筏也存在于植物细胞,然而迄今为止,脂筏与植物细胞极性生长相关联的直接功能证据尚未见报道。 NADPH氧化酶 (NOX,在植物中又称为 Rboh) 产生的活性氧 (Reactive oxygen species, ROS) 可能是调控植物细胞(包括花粉管、根毛和墨角藻合子等)极性生长的通用信号机制。花粉管作为研究细胞极性控制的一种理想模式系统,已被许多信号转导调控研究所采用。在本研究中,我们使用一种能螯合甾醇类物质的多烯类抗生素filipin破坏脂筏结构,以探讨脂筏极化对ROS介导的白杄花粉管极性生长的作用。 我们首次在白杄 (Picea meyeri) 花粉管上应用一种全新的苯乙烯基染料di-4-ANEPPDHQ,成功地在活体细胞上观察到脂筏在花粉管生长顶端的极性分布模式。通过脂筏和甾醇在质膜上的相似定位清楚表明:在花粉管极性生长过程中,存在富含甾醇类物质的质膜微区在花粉管生长顶端的极化现象。 氮蓝四唑(NBT)的还原和二氯二氢荧光素(H2DCF)的氧化均显示,在活跃生长的花粉管顶端区域存在一个以顶端为基底的陡峭ROS梯度,从而进一步验证了ROS在细胞极性生长过程中的信号作用。此外,我们还发现在生长花粉管的亚顶端位置有另一类性质的活性氧组分存在,该ROS组分与线粒体的能量代谢相关。研究结果首次揭示,在快速生长的花粉管中同时存在两类性质不同的ROS组分。 ROS是一种寿命很短而且容易扩散的分子,NADPH氧化酶产生的ROS信号在细胞伸长位点的准确定位是调控极性生长的必要条件。免疫共定位实验显示,NOX成簇极化分布于花粉管的生长顶端。使用filipin进行甾醇的螯合会破坏膜的异质性,干扰NOX簇在生长顶端的定位,减少了顶端的ROS形成,消弱了胞质Ca2+ 浓度梯度,进而抑制了花粉管的顶端生长。 在纯化质膜的基础上,我们使用Triton去垢剂处理结合Optiprep密度梯度离心,分离纯化了抗去垢剂抽提的质膜微区 (Detergent-resistant microdomains, DRMs)。通过免疫印迹分析证实,NADPH氧化酶部分地存在于DRMs中。非变性胶活性实验证明,该酶需要脂筏定位来保持酶活性。因此我们认为,在正常的细胞极性生长中,脂筏招募并运载NADPH氧化酶到花粉管的生长顶端,并为NOX及其活性亚基的有效互作提供了适宜的微环境,由此保证了NOX蛋白产生ROS的较高酶活性,进而维持花粉管的极性顶端生长。 总之,甾醇螯合对白杄花粉管生长影响的研究,为脂筏极化在花粉管极性生长中的作用提供了证据。基于以上生物化学和细胞生物学的结果,我们针对花粉管中富含甾醇的脂筏微区和NOX功能之间的联系,提出了一种假说模式:(1) 植物细胞质膜上的脂筏为信号分子ROS在特定位点的聚集提供了物理载体;(2) 脂筏的完整性和甾醇依赖性对NOX的定位和活性是必要的,并为花粉管细胞极性产生和维持所必需。上述研究结果表明,脂筏在花粉管顶端的极化,以及作为关键生长因子的NOX在质膜脂筏中的定位,对花粉管的高度极性生长具有重要作用。


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This paper proposes a simple method to include superstructure stiffness in foundation analyses. The method involves extracting a small "condensed structural matrix" from finite element models of the superstructure, which can then be incorporated into pile group or piled raft analyses using common approaches such as elastic continuum or load transfer methods. The matrix condensation method directly couples structural and geotechnical analyses, and eliminates the need for iterative analyses between structural and geotechnical engineers. Effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through analyses of several buildings designed with a typical floor plan but with varying heights. The parametric study illustrates that superstructure stiffness can have a significant influence on foundation settlement estimates, and the stiffening effects are dominated by the lower stories of the superstructure. The proposed method aims to bridge the gap between structural and geotechnical analyses. Also, being a computationally simple and accurate approach, it is applicable to parametric or optimization studies that would otherwise involve large amounts of analyses. © 2010 ASCE.


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Results of the experimental formulation of an antifouling paint incorporating TBTO as toxic pigment are presented in this paper. Of the various resins tested, namely, phenolic, cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), epoxy linseed oil with rosin and limed rosin, the paint composition with limed rosin gave the critical leaching rate of TBTO. Acid alkali test showed dissolution of matrix and visible migration of toxin to the surface. Accelerated corrosion tests had not recorded any signs of corrosion in panels painted with or without barrier coat. Raft exposure studies indicated that the new formulation could resist fouling accumulation on painted panels for 9 months.


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A method is described for culturing mussels (Mytilus smaragdinus) using ferrocement buoys, which may be used in the construction of a raft house or a flotation system for nets and cages.


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The paper describes the selection of materials for the reliable operation of oceanographic instruments. For selecting the material, raft immersion tests were carried out for one year. Results of the tests are presented. Comparisons between metals were discussed.


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An innovative approach for fabricating pillar arrays for ultrasonic transducer applications is disclosed. It involves the preparation of concentrated piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT) suspensions in aqueous solutions of epoxy resin and its polymerization upon adding a polyamine based hardener. Zeta potential and rheological measurements revealed that 1wt.% dispersant, 20wt.% of epoxy resin and a hardener/epoxy resin ratio of 0.275mLg -1, were the optimized contents to obtain strong PZT samples with high green strength (35.21±0.39MPa). Excellent ellipsoidal and semi-circle shaped pillar arrays presenting lateral dimensions lower than 10μm and 100μm height were successfully achieved. The organics burning off was conducted at 500°C for 2h at a heating rate of 1°Cmin -1. Sintering was then carried out in the same heating cycle at 1200°C for 1h. The microstructures of the green and sintered ceramics were homogeneous and no large defects could be detected. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise.


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Matrix anisotropy is important for long term in vivo functionality. However, it is not fully understood how to guide matrix anisotropy in vitro. Experiments suggest actin-mediated cell traction contributes. Although F-actin in 2D displays a stretch-avoidance response, 3D data are lacking. We questioned how cyclic stretch influences F-actin and collagen orientation in 3D. Small-scale cell-populated fibrous tissues were statically constrained and/or cyclically stretched with or without biochemical agents. A rectangular array of silicone posts attached to flexible membranes constrained a mixture of cells, collagen I and matrigel. F-actin orientation was quantified using fiber-tracking software, fitted using a bi-model distribution function. F-actin was biaxially distributed with static constraint. Surprisingly, uniaxial cyclic stretch, only induced a strong stretch-avoidance response (alignment perpendicular to stretching) at tissue surfaces and not in the core. Surface alignment was absent when a ROCK-inhibitor was added, but also when tissues were only statically constrained. Stretch-avoidance was also observed in the tissue core upon MMP1-induced matrix perturbation. Further, a strong stretch-avoidance response was obtained for F-actin and collagen, for immediate cyclic stretching, i.e. stretching before polymerization of the collagen. Results suggest that F-actin stress-fibers avoid cyclic stretch in 3D, unless collagen contact guidance dictates otherwise. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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A modified gel-casting technique was used to fabricate a 1-3 piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite substrate formed by irregular-shaped pillar arrays of small dimensions and kerfs. This technique involves the polymerization of aqueous piezoelectric (PZT) suspensions with added water-soluble epoxy resin and polyamine-based hardener that lead to high strength, high density and resilient ceramic bodies. Soft micromoulding was used to shape the ceramic segments, and micropillars with lateral features down to 4 m and height-to-width aspect ratios of ∼10 were achieved. The composite exhibited a clear thickness resonance mode at approximately 70 MHz and a k eff ∼ 0.51, demonstrating that the ceramic micropillars possess good electrical properties. Furthermore, gel-casting allows the fabrication of ceramic structures with non-conventional shapes; hence, device design is not limited by the standard fabrication methods. This is of particular benefit for high-frequency transducers where the critical design dimensions are reduced. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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A new amino silica monolithic column was developed for DNA extraction in a miniaturized format. The monolithic column was prepared in situ by polymerization of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and N-(beta-aminoethyl)-gamma-aminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane (AEAPMDMS). DNA was loaded in 50 mM tris(hydroxylmethyl)aminomethane-EDTA buffer at pH 7.0 and eluted with 300 mM potassium phosphate solution at pH 10.0. Under optimal condition, a 6.0-cm monolithic column provided a capacity of 56 ng DNA with an extraction efficiency of 71 +/- 5.2% (X +/- RSD). When the amino silica monolithic column was applied to extract genomic DNA from the whole blood of crucian carp, an extraction efficiency of 52 +/- 5.6% (X +/- SD) was obtained by three extractions. Since the chaotropic-based sample loading and organic solvent wash steps were avoided in this procedure, the purified DNA was suitable for downstream processes such as PCR. This amino silica monolithic column was demonstrated to allow rapid and efficient DNA purification in microscale.


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BACKGROUND: An exciting direction in nanomedicine would be to analyze how living cells respond to conducting polymers. Their application for tissue regeneration may advance the performance of drug eluting stents by addressing the delayed stent re-endothelialization and late stent thrombosis. METHODS: The suitability of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) thin films for stents to promote cell adhesion and proliferation is tested in correlation with doping and physicochemical properties. PEDOT doped either with poly (styrenesulfonate) (PSS) or tosylate anion (TOS) was used for films' fabrication by spin coating and vapor phase polymerization respectively. PEGylation of PEDOT: TOS for reduced immunogenicity and biofunctionalization of PEDOT: PSS with RGD peptides for induced cell proliferation was further applied. Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry were implemented for nanotopographical, structural, optical and conductivity measurements in parallel with wettability and protein adsorption studies. Direct and extract testing of cell viability and proliferation of L929 fibroblasts on PEDOT samples by MTT assay in line with SEM studies follow. RESULTS: All PEDOT thin films are cytocompatible and promote human serum albumin adsorption. PEDOT:TOS films were found superior regarding cell adhesion as compared to controls. Their nanotopography and hydrophilicity are significant factors that influence cytocompatibility. PEGylation of PEDOT:TOS increases their conductivity and hydrophilicity with similar results on cell viability with bare PEDOT:TOS. The biofunctionalized PEDOT:PSS thin films show enhanced cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The application of PEDOT polymers has evolved as a new perspective to advance stents. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: In this work, nanomedicine involving nanotools and novel nanomaterials merges with bioelectronics to stimulate tissue regeneration for cardiovascular implants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Organic Bioelectronics - Novel Applications in Biomedicine.


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Mechanics has an important role during morphogenesis, both in the generation of forces driving cell shape changes and in determining the effective material properties of cells and tissues. Drosophila dorsal closure has emerged as a reference model system for investigating the interplay between tissue mechanics and cellular activity. During dorsal closure, the amnioserosa generates one of the major forces that drive closure through the apical contraction of its constituent cells. We combined quantitation of live data, genetic and mechanical perturbation and cell biology, to investigate how mechanical properties and contraction rate emerge from cytoskeletal activity. We found that a decrease in Myosin phosphorylation induces a fluidization of amnioserosa cells which become more compliant. Conversely, an increase in Myosin phosphorylation and an increase in actin linear polymerization induce a solidification of cells. Contrary to expectation, these two perturbations have an opposite effect on the strain rate of cells during DC. While an increase in actin polymerization increases the contraction rate of amnioserosa cells, an increase in Myosin phosphorylation gives rise to cells that contract very slowly. The quantification of how the perturbation induced by laser ablation decays throughout the tissue revealed that the tissue in these two mutant backgrounds reacts very differently. We suggest that the differences in the strain rate of cells in situations where Myosin activity or actin polymerization is increased arise from changes in how the contractile forces are transmitted and coordinated across the tissue through ECadherin-mediated adhesion. Altogether, our results show that there is an optimal level of Myosin activity to generate efficient contraction and suggest that the architecture of the actin cytoskeleton and the dynamics of adhesion complexes are important parameters for the emergence of coordinated activity throughout the tissue.


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A new method is presented for the extraction of single-chain form factors and interchain interference functions from a range of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on bimodal homopolymer blends. The method requires a minimum of three blends, made up of hydrogenated and deuterated components with matched degree of polymerization at two different chain lengths, but with carefully varying deuteration levels. The method is validated through an experimental study on polystyrene homopolymer bimodal blends with M A≈1/2MB. By fitting Debye functions to the structure factors, it is shown that there is good agreement between the molar mass of the components obtained from SANS and from chromatography. The extraction method also enables, for the first time, interchain scattering functions to be produced for scattering between chains of different lengths. © 2014 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The aim of this study was to determine the lowest concentration of nocodazole and colchicine to arrest blastomere division during the cleavage stage of loach embryos and to assess the reversibility and toxicity of the treatments in the treated embryos. Eight-cell loach embryos were incubated for 4, 8, 12, or 16 h in 1/10x Holtfreter supplemented with either nocodazole, an inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, or colchicine, an inhibitor of tubulin assembly. Complete arrest of cell cycle was observed, at a colchicine concentration of 0.996 mM and at a nocodazole concentration of 0.275 muM, respectively (the lowest effective concentration). No major morphological alteration in chromatin was observed. Reversibility and toxicity of both agents were dose and exposure period dependent. For both agents, prolonging cleavage arrest for more than 4 h (at the effective concentrations) is detrimental to development of embryos. Nocodazole treatment was less cytotoxic, whereas the concentrations of colchicine which induce cleavage arrest were detrimental to development beyond the blastula stage. Toxic effects beyond the blastula stage could be minimized for both agents by reducing the period of treatment and concentration.