998 resultados para RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS


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Magnesium (Mg) based alloys have been extensively considered for their use as biodegradable implant materials. However, controlling their corrosion rate in the physiological environment of the human body is still a significant challenge. One of the most effective approaches to address this challenge is to carefully select alloying compositions with enhanced corrosion resistance and mechanical properties when designing the Mg alloys. This paper comprehensively reviews research progress on the development of Mg alloys as biodegradable implant materials, highlighting the effects of alloying elements including aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), lithium (Li), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr), strontium (Sr) and rare earth elements (REEs) on the corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of Mg alloys, from the viewpoint of the design and utilization of Mg biomaterials. The REEs covered in this review include cerium (Ce), erbium (Er), lanthanum (La), gadolinium (Gd), neodymium (Nd) and yttrium (Y). The effects of alloying elements on the microstructure, corrosion behavior and biocompatibility of Mg alloys have been critically summarized based on specific aspects of the physiological environment, namely the electrochemical effect and the biological behavior. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.


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A growing awareness of the modern society about the direct relationship between a growing global community with increasing total industrial activities on one hand and various environmental problems and a natural limitation of natural resources on the other hand set the base for sustainable or “green” approaches within the supply chain. This paper therefore will look at the issue of “Green Logistics” which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of logistics activities by taking into account functions such as recycling, waste and carbon emission reduction and the use of alternative sources of energy. In order to analyze how these approaches and ideas are being perceived by the system as a whole two models from the area of prospective and scenario planning are being used and described to identify the main drivers and tendencies within the system in order to create feasible hypothesis. Using the URCA/CHIVAS model allows us to identify the driver variables out of a high number of variables that best describe the system “Green Logistics”. Followed by the analysis of the actor’s strategies in the system with the Mactor model it is possible to reduce the complexity of a completely holistic system to a few key drivers that can be analyzed further on. Here the implications of URCA/CHIVAS and Mactor are being used to formulate hypotheses about the perception of Green Logistics and its successful implementation among logistics decision makers by an online survey. This research seeks to demonstrate the usefulness of scenario planning to a highly complex system observing it from all angles and extracting information about the relevant factors of it. The results of this demonstration indicate that there are drivers much beyond the factory walls that need to be considered when implementing successfully a system such as Green Logistics.


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O presente trabalho explora as causas pelas quais o campo da moda plus size carece de legitimidade com as consumidoras plus size. Eu explorei o assunto em três artigos. No primeiro, eu estudo o processo de legitimação de um novo mercado emergente, o mercado da moda plus size brasileira e os desafios para sua a institucionalização. Eu conduzi dezessete entrevistas com consumidoras plus size, uma netnografia em quatro blogs de moda plus size brasileiros e analisei de maneira semiótica um site que vende roupas de moda plus size. Meus resultados indicam que, apesar de ter atores legítimos que promovem essas marcas de moda plus size, o campo da moda plus size ainda é percebido como uma versão vergonhosa do campo da moda. Defendo aqui que o fato de uma das lógicas de campo da moda plus size ser estigma, acaba afetando os projetos identitários das consumidoras de maneira depreciativa, de forma elas não se envolvem em práticas de capital cultural que ocorrem dentro do campo da moda plus size. No segundo artigo, eu conduzi uma introspecção genealógica em que eu pesquisei questões de identidade. Como uma mulher (que se assume ) plus size, eu imaginei que seria relevante para olhar para dentro de mim mesma, a fim de explorar a forma como a minha identidade liga-se com a rede semiótica-material que me rodeia em termos de moda, alimentos e outros elementos. Meus dados vieram tanto de técnicas de introspecção simultâneas, quanto retrospectivas. Em termos teóricos, eu usei a ideia de ―assemblages‖ e eu foquei minha análise tanto nos aspectos materiais da minha rede de consumo, quanto na estabilidade da rede. As consequências da minha assemblage estão ligadas a uma gestão de qualidade total da minha identidade, tanto online como off-line, refletidas em práticas de consumo que se conectam à ideia de uma lógica de consumo bulímica em que o consumo de alimentos e gestão corpo estão interligadas. Por fim, no meu terceiro artigo, eu explorei o conceito de identidade a partir do consumo da moda feminina plus size. Foram feitas catorze entrevistas fenomenológicas, cujos dados foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva hermenêutica. Três categorias temáticas emergiram da análise de dados: a construção da identidade por meio da moda, elementos de identidade plus size e estratégias criativas para lidar com a falta de produtos para mulheres plus size no varejo. Entre os principais resultados, destacam-se a forma como o termo plus size atua como estigma, influenciando projetos de identidade das consumidoras, o papel do varejo no processo de estigmatização e a saga épica de compras, que envolve um "mercado negro", com a participação de vendedores. Eu concluo discutindo o papel da identidade na instabilidade do campo da moda plus size.


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Titanium alloys are excellent implant materials for orthopedic applications due to their desirable properties, such as good corrosion resistance, low elasticity modulus, and excellent biocompatibility. The presence of interstitial elements (such as oxygen and nitrogen) causes strong changes in the material's mechanical properties, mainly in its elastic properties. Study of the interaction among interstitial elements present in metals began with Snoek's postulate, that a stress-induced ordering of interstitials gives rise to a peak in the mechanical relaxation (internal friction) spectra. In the mechanical relaxation spectra, each species of interstitial solute atom gives rise to a distinct Snoek's peak, whose temperature and position depend on the measurement frequency. This effect is very interesting because its peculiar parameters are directly related to the diffusion coefficient (D) for the interstitial solute. This paper presents a study of diffusion of heavy interstitial elements in Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta alloys using mechanical spectroscopy. Pre-exponential factors and activation energies are calculated for oxygen and nitrogen in theses alloys.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Prolapse-free basis sets suitable for four-component relativistic quantum chemical calculations are presented for the superheavy elements UP to (118)Uuo ((104)Rf, (105)Db, (106)Sg, (107)Bh, (108)Hs, (109)Mt, (110)Ds, (111)Rg, (112)Uub, (113)Uut, (114)Uuq, (115)Uup, (116)Uuh, (117)Uus, (118)Uuo) and Lr-103. These basis sets were optimized by minimizing the absolute values of the energy difference between the Dirac-Fock-Roothaan total energy and the corresponding numerical value at a milli-Hartree order of magnitude, resulting in a good balance between cost and accuracy. Parameters for generating exponents and new numerical data for some superheavy elements are also presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The paper presents a methodology to model three-dimensional reinforced concrete members by means of embedded discontinuity elements based on the Continuum Strong Discontinuous Approach (CSDA). Mixture theory concepts are used to model reinforced concrete as a 31) composite material constituted of concrete with long fibers (rebars) bundles oriented in different directions embedded in it. The effects of the rebars are modeled by phenomenological constitutive models devised to reproduce the axial non-linear behavior, as well as the bond-slip and dowel action. The paper presents the constitutive models assumed for the components and the compatibility conditions chosen to constitute the composite. Numerical analyses of existing experimental reinforced concrete members are presented, illustrating the applicability of the proposed methodology.


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This paper shows the insertion of corona effect in a transmission line model based on lumped elements. The development is performed considering a frequency-dependent line representation by cascade of pi sections and state equations. Hence, the detailed profile of currents and voltages along the line, described from a non-homogeneous system of differential equations, can be obtained directly in time domain applying numerical or analytic solution integration methods. The corona discharge model is also based on lumped elements and is implemented from the well-know Skilling-Umoto Model.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper we present the methodological procedures involved in the digital imaging in mesoscale of a block of travertines rock of quaternary age, originating from the city of Acquasanta, located in the Apennines, Italy. This rocky block, called T-Block, was stored in the courtyard of the Laboratório Experimental Petróleo "Kelsen Valente" (LabPetro), of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), so that from it were performed Scientific studies, mainly for research groups universities and research centers working in brazilian areas of reservoir characterization and 3D digital imaging. The purpose of this work is the development of a Model Solid Digital, from the use of non-invasive techniques of digital 3D imaging of internal and external surfaces of the T-Block. For the imaging of the external surfaces technology has been used LIDAR (Light Detection and Range) and the imaging surface Interior was done using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), moreover, profiles were obtained with a Gamma Ray Gamae-spectômetro laptop. The goal of 3D digital imaging involved the identification and parameterization of surface geological and sedimentary facies that could represent heterogeneities depositional mesoscale, based on study of a block rocky with dimensions of approximately 1.60 m x 1.60 m x 2.70 m. The data acquired by means of terrestrial laser scanner made available georeferenced spatial information of the surface of the block (X, Y, Z), and varying the intensity values of the return laser beam and high resolution RGB data (3 mm x 3 mm), total points acquired 28,505,106. This information was used as an aid in the interpretation of radargrams and are ready to be displayed in rooms virtual reality. With the GPR was obtained 15 profiles of 2.3 m and 2 3D grids, each with 24 sections horizontal of 1.3 and 14 m vertical sections of 2.3 m, both the Antenna 900 MHz to about 2600 MHz antenna. Finally, the use of GPR associated with Laser Scanner enabled the identification and 3D mapping of 3 different radarfácies which were correlated with three sedimentary facies as had been defined at the outset. The 6 profiles showed gamma a low amplitude variation in the values of radioactivity. This is likely due to the fact of the sedimentary layers profiled have the same mineralogical composition, being composed by carbonate sediments, with no clay in siliciclastic pellitic layers or other mineral carrier elements radioactive


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)