996 resultados para Pufendorf, Samuel
This letter written to his father presumably discusses his concern regarding the appointment of a new pastor in his hometown of Petersham.
Willard asks his sister to bring some of his clothes to a tailor, and also to make him a pair of linen gloves, and to send him various items from home, including books, a jacket, and a hat.
This letter written to his father describes his arrival at Harvard, book expenses, and present financial situation; he also asks his father to build him a writing desk. Willard discusses the family of his uncle, Harvard president Joseph Willard, and his uncle’s health and issues with jaundice.
Willard complains about not having received requested items sooner, explains that his aunt gave him some furniture, discusses friends in Lancaster, mentions a blue coat that he would like to have made, and describes the house that he lives in, which was called “the Den or College House.”
Willard details his various expenses for food, wood, tuition, and books, and explains his bill payment schedule. He also mentions President Willard and sends best wishes to his mother, brother, and sister.
Willard discusses tailoring his coat, asks to be sent another towel and a Bible, and describes the latest Harvard fashion: “Deep blue is the Colour most in Vogue in this Place.” He also mentions that the “President and his family are pretty well,” and that he is invited to dine with them about once a fortnight.
Willard mentions that he spent his vacation in Lancaster, comments on the weather, and asks his family to write more often.
Willard apologizes for and describes disciplinary action taken against him by Harvard’s government, and explains that he has been sent to study under Reverend Thayer in Lancaster.
Willard informs his parents of the death of Deacon Fairbank. He assures them that on his return to Cambridge, he was “received with great apparent cordiality both by the government + the president’s family.” He also reports on the health of President Willard, whose health has improved. Willard concludes the letter by asking for money to pay his expenses.
Willard alludes to a situation regarding his father and praises him profusely.
Willard thanks his sister for writing to him and asks her to write as often as possible. He also mentions his cousin Sophia Chadwick, who has been living with President Willard.