978 resultados para Psychologie et anthropologie


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O trabalho aborda pesquisa realizada com famílias recasadas formadas após uma separação conjugal. Esta investigação teve como objetivo principal levantar as dificuldades e vivências apresentadas por pais e mães recasados, após divórcio, na condução desta nova organização familiar. Pretende-se também colaborar com o despertar sobre o referido tema, auxiliando para que novos estudos sejam desenvolvidos e aprofundados. O procedimento metodológico envolveu inicialmente o levantamento e estudo de material bibliográfico sobre a temática, além de busca em sites, comunidades do Orkut, romances, filmes e seriados televisivos que abordassem o assunto. Na análise teórica foram enfocadas as transformações pelas quais a família contemporânea tem passado, com o intuito de se perceber em que contexto ocorre o surgimento da família recasada proveniente de um divórcio. Segundo os autores estudados, a experiência do rompimento conjugal suscita diversas implicações que irão refletir na constituição do recasamento. A principal dificuldade enfrentada pelo ex-casal reside na indiferenciação, que por vezes persiste, de aspectos referentes à conjugalidade e à parentalidade. Os autores destacam a importância da manutenção de um vínculo próximo entre pais e filhos após o divórcio, apontando a guarda compartilhada como a modalidade de guarda que propicia a preservação do laço parental, a despeito da separação no âmbito conjugal. No estudo da família recasada, encontraram-se divergências quanto à denominação para esta formação familiar. Também foram observadas especificidades da família com padrasto/madrasta em relação aos aspectos urbanísticos, econômicos e, principalmente, jurídicos. No trabalho de campo, optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com cinco pais e cinco mães recasados após separação conjugal, integrantes de famílias diferentes, residentes no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de classe média e que coabitavam com seu atual companheiro. Os dados obtidos foram tratados por meio da análise de conteúdo. Percebeu-se com os pais e mães recasados dificuldades na mediação entre os filhos e o novo cônjuge, quando relataram que se sentiam como pára-choque e aparando arestas. A fim de lidar com a nova configuração familiar, alguns optavam por desencontros propositais, isto é, usufruir a companhia de seus filhos em momentos separados daqueles desfrutados com o atual companheiro. Também foi evidente a influência do modelo de família nuclear quando definiam quem fazia parte de sua família. Foram observadas as especificidades do casal recasado no que tange as comemorações da união, lua-de-mel, momentos de lazer, mudança de residência e decisão de ter ou não filhos do atual relacionamento. Concluiu-se que são inúmeras as implicações e aspectos que devem ser considerados nas famílias recasadas, sendo que a aceitação dos novos membros, ou seja, do padrasto e/ou da madrasta, demanda esforço de todos os envolvidos. Cada família descobre seu modo de estruturação, cabendo ao profissional de Psicologia estar atento às particularidades desta formação familiar e auxiliá-la neste caminho singular


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This publication gives the results of bottom trawlings made during the cruises Chalci 83.01 and Chalci 83.02 by the oceanographic research vessel "André Nizery", on the ivorian continental shelf. The publication content is: - an introduction explaining the form of results; the trawl recording cards with the characteristics of trawl and the detail of catches by species; the length frequency distributions of the measured samples.


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An estimation of the currents in the Biétri bay is given (tidal currents and currents due to the wind). They are lower than 10 cm.s-1 in the whole lagoon, and near of 5 cm.s-1 in the eastern part. The measures of salinity and tidal observations give the average rate of water renewal, respectively 0.20 and 0.14 d-1 in the central and eastern areas.


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Along the Ivorian seaboard we have seven (7) stations where sea water temperature is measured every morning between 7:30 and 8:00. The hydrologic station of Vridi located at point A (5°05N, 4°05W) is generally exploited twice a week. In this report we are going to deal with data collected in 1984 and 1985. The irregularity of the dynamic height at point A enables us to identify water masses that go over the continental plateau.


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In this report were gathered accurate data from coastal stations and from a hydrological station. The used experiments took place from 1986 to 1988.


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The present bibliography collects references on lagoon and coastal environments in Côte d'Ivoire. It is mainly based on: - the draft bibliography prepared by Charles-Dominique and Durand in 1979, edited in the Archives Scientifiques du Centre de Recherches Océanographiques d'Abidjan (vol. 5 no. 2); - the synthesis on the marine environment, published in 1993 (LeLoeuff, Marchal and Amon-Kothias editors); - and the synthesis on the lagoon environment, published in 1994 (Durand, Dufour, Guiral and Zabi editors). In spite of a careful check of the available documents, it is more than possible that references are lacking or erroneous. That's why this bibliography is still a draft, and the author will be glad to receive complements and/or corrections from lectors. After these contributions, a more comprehensive version will be proposed. Remarks can be sent to this e-mail: arfi@ortsom.orstom.fr or to the postal address.


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Synopsis of this numerically very important Diptera category, which is dominant and consequently of relevance in most aquatic environments.


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On tables 1 to 12, daily beach surface temperatures are presented. These temperatures are also ploted on figures 2 to 5 in daily values and in 7, 15, 30 days means. Salinity variations are less important than these of temperature (Fig. 6, 7). It follows that during upwelling period, variations of dynamic height anomaly are closely correlated with temperature (Fig. 6 and 8).


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Total CO2 of brackish water (Ebrié lagoon) is measured with a simple method: degassing and trapping CO2 in NaOh solution, the conductivity of which is a function of the trapped CO2 quantity. A relation CO2 versus salinity is deduced; it is nearly the same as the one deduced from CO2 measurements performed from alkalinity. Dissolved organic C is evaluated with a CHN analyser by evaporating 0.5 ml of acidified sample. Variation coefficient is near 10% for the lagoon values.


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Physico-chemical data collections aimed to assess the interannual variability of the lagoon hydroclimate and the impact of an airport dam on the water quality of the Ebrié lagoon.


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This publication gives the results of the bottom trawlings made during the cruises Togo 1 and Togo 2 by the oceanographic research vessel "Andre Nizery" on the continental shelf of Togo during the estimation program of halieutic resources. The report includes: 1 - The report of the cruises Togo 1 and Togo 2; 2 - Some information on the presentation of the results; 3 - The trawl recording cards for the 2 cruises; 4 - The length frequency distributions of the measured samples.


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The present document represents a synthesis of the scientific knowledge gathered by the CRO in the years 1985-1990, and related to the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes, commonly called floating aquatic weeds, in the Ebrié lagoon.


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In order to control the proliferation of floating aquatic vegetation in Côte d'Ivoire, a coastal inlet, allowing a direct communication between the Comoe river and the ocean, was created in September 1987. The impact of this operation on the hydrochemistry (salinity, nutrients, algal biomass) and the bacterial contamination level was studied in the area close to the Vridi canal.


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The toxic effects of two herbicides Round up (gliphosate) and 2,4-D (herbazol) were tested on Pistia stratiotes (Linn. Araceae) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The gliphosate appears to be more toxic on Pistia Stratiotes than 2,4-D. It was then tested on tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron juveniles. The lethal dose for tilapia (CL50 = 13.25 mg.l -1) is about 18, 37 and 74 times higher than the glyphosate toxic dose for plants at 1, 2 and 4 meters water depth respectively.


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We identified from bibliographical review and field observations fourty two species composed essentially of molluscs and insects. These animals attack floating plants such as E. crassipes, P. stratiotes and S. molesta. They indifferently consume or destroy the aquatic plants except N. bruchi, N. eichhorniae and S. albiguttalis which specifically attack E. crassipes. N. putchellus, L. guinaicus and P. africana graze preferably P. stratiotes; C. salviniae, C. singularis and P. acuminata consume only Salvinia molesta.