995 resultados para Proper
The addition of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), such as fly ash (FA) and slag, generally improves concrete workability, durability, and long-term strength. New trends in sustainable development of concrete infrastructure and in environmental regulations on waste disposal are spurring use of SCMs in concrete. However, use of SCM concrete is sometimes limited due to a lack of understanding about material behaviors and lack of proper specifications for its construction practice. It is believed that SCM concrete performance varies significantly with the source and proportion of the cementitious materials. SCM concrete often displays slower hydration, accompanied by slower setting and lower early-age strength, especially under cold weather conditions. The present research was conducted to have a better understanding of SCM concrete behaviors under different weather conditions. In addition to the study of the effect of SCM content on concrete set time using cementitious materials from different sources/manufacturers, further research may be needed to investigate the effects of SCM combinations on concrete flowability, air stability, cracking resistance, and durability.
Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.4. Spanish version.
Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.1
Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.2
Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.3
Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power and Doppler spectrum are derived for low-power Rayleighfaded wireless channels with proper complex signaling. Noside information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated inaccordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in thederived expressions thereby imbuing them with practical significance.
To understand the human capacity for psychological altruism, one requires a proper understanding of how people actually think and feel. This paper addresses the possible relevance of recent findings in experimental economics and neuroeconomics to the philosophical controversy over altruism and egoism. After briefly sketching and contextualizing the controversy, we survey and discuss the results of various studies on behaviourally altruistic helping and punishing behaviour, which provide stimulating clues for the debate over psychological altruism. On closer analysis, these studies prove less relevant than originally expected because the data obtained admit competing interpretations such as people seeking fairness versus people seeking revenge. However, this mitigated conclusion does not preclude the possibility of more fruitful research in the area in the future. Throughout our analysis, we provide hints for the direction of future research on the question.
Apoptosis is defined as a programmed cell death process operating in multicellular organisms in order to maintain proper homeostasis of tissues. Caspases are among the best characterized proteases to execute apoptosis although lately many studies have associated them with non-apoptotic functions. In the laboratory an antiapoptotic pathway relying on caspase-3 activation and RasGAP has been described in vitro. RasGAP bears two conserved caspase-3 cleavage sites. Under low stress conditions, RasGAP is first cleaved by low caspase-3 activity generating an N terminal fragment (fragment N) that induces a potent anti-apoptotic response mediated by the Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway. High levels of active caspase-3, associated with increased stress conditions, induce further cleavage of fragment N abrogating this anti-apoptotic response. In the present work I studied the functionality of fragment N-mediated protection in physiological conditions as well as the mechanism by which fragment N induces an anti-apoptotic response, with a focus on survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis. During my work in the laboratory I found that mice lacking caspase-3 or unable to cleave RasGAP (KI mice) are deficient in Akt activation and more sensitive to apoptosis than wild-type mice in response to stress. This higher sensitivity to stress led to augmented tissue damage, highlighting the importance of this pathway in protection against low stress. In parallel I focused on the study of survivin expression in the skin in response to UV-B light and I found that survivin is induced in the cytoplasm of keratinocytes in response to stress where it may fulfill a cyto-protective role. However fragment N had no effect on survivin expression. In addition, cytoplasmic survivin was increased in keratinocytes exposed to UV-B light, whether RasGAP is cleaved (WT mice) or not (KI mice), indicating that survivin is not involved in fragment N mediated protection. Altogether these data indicate that fragment N is pivotal for cell protection against pathophysiologic damage and can encourage the development of therapies aimed to strengthen the resistance of cells against aggressive treatments. Importantly, this finding contributes to the characterization of how caspase-3 can be activated without inducing cell death, although further studies need to be conducted in order to completely characterize this pro-survival molecular mechanism.
Executive Summary Electricity is crucial for modern societies, thus it is important to understand the behaviour of electricity markets in order to be prepared to face the consequences of policy changes. The Swiss electricity market is now in a transition stage from a public monopoly to a liberalised market and it is undergoing an "emergent" liberalisation - i.e. liberalisation taking place without proper regulation. The withdrawal of nuclear capacity is also being debated. These two possible changes directly affect the mechanisms for capacity expansion. Thus, in this thesis we concentrate on understanding the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market. A conceptual model to help understand the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market is developed an explained in the first essay. We identify a potential risk of imports dependence. In the second essay a System Dynamics model, based on the conceptual model, is developed to evaluate the consequences of three scenarios: a nuclear phase-out, the implementation of a policy for avoiding imports dependence, and the combination of both. We conclude that the Swiss market is not well prepared to face unexpected changes of supply and demand, and we identify a risk of imports dependence, mainly in the case of a nuclear phase-out. The third essay focus on the opportunity cost of hydro-storage power generation, one of the main generation sources in Switzerland. We use and extended version of our model to test different policies for assigning an opportunity cost to hydro-storage power generation. We conclude that the preferred policies are different for different market participants and depend on market structure.
La realització d’aquest treball s’ha centrat principalment en intentar trobar resposta a la següent pregunta: “Hi ha inadequació entre l’oferta i la demanda en el mercat de les llars d’infants a Barcelona?”. Per tal de desenvolupar aquest tema, s’han estudiat diferents aspectes que han servit per entendre aquest mercat i per tenir una petitanoció de la seva extraordinària complexitat.Primerament, s’han treballat i descrit els assumptes relacionats amb l’oferta de llars d’infants, com ara la situació actual en què es troba Barcelona, les restriccions que existeixen a la creació de noves llars d’infants, així com els costos i beneficis que determinen el nivell d’oferta de places. A més a més, s’ha comparat l’oferta pública amb la privada amb l’ajuda de diverses taules obtingudes mitjançant el treball de camp realitzat explicat més endavant i finalment s’ha estudiat per què no creix més l’oferta donat l’excés de demanda que hi ha en aquest mercat.En segon lloc, com era d’esperar, es parla de la demanda a les llars d’infants. En aquest apartat es pot trobar la descripció de l’estat actual de la demanda a Barcelona, es detalla tot el procés d’obtenció de dades per tal de trobar la demanda en els diversosdistrictes i s’explica breument el fenomen de la demanda amagada.En tercer lloc, es troba la part principal del treball, allà on es dóna resposta a lapregunta formulada a l’inici del treball. Es posen en comú l’oferta i la demanda, es creenambdues corbes i se n’estudia el desequilibri i les seves possibles causes.En un quart punt es tracta sobre l’efecte que té aquest desequilibri entre oferta idemanda sobre el mercat laboral de la dona i quins en són els principals perjudicats en lasocietat actual.Finalment, es fan diferents propostes per tal de donar una solució al desequilibriexistent entre l’oferta i la demanda de llars d’infants a Barcelona. Es pretén esbrinar la manera mitjançant la qual es podria millorar aquesta diferència entre oferta i demanda i, per tant, poder assolir un punt més proper a l’equilibri teòric que el que hi ha actualment.Pel que fa a la metodologia seguida, s’ha realitzat un treball de camp que ha consistit en demanar informació a un nombre prou significatiu de llars d’infants de laciutat de Barcelona per tal d’aconseguir amb certa fiabilitat algunes de les dades que nohan estat possibles de trobar, com per exemple la demanda en excés mitjana per districte.Amb aquesta ajuda, s’han pogut realitzar tota una sèrie de taules estadístiques molt útils pel desenvolupament del treball.Les fonts d’informació utilitzades han estat nombroses, entre les quals es troben:primerament, l’Administració (a tots els nivells: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya i Estat); en segon lloc, diversos articles de diaris i revistes que han servit per conèixer la importància que té aquest tema avui en dia en la societat; finalment, els testimonis de propietaris d’algunes llars d’infants de la ciutat de Barcelona i altres persones relacionades amb aquest àmbit com ara treballadors o mares i pares d’infants de zero a tres anys.
This study examines how MPEG-2 Transport Stream, used in DVB-T video transmission, can be reliably and efficiently transferred to remote locations over an MPLS network. All the relevant technologies used in this scenario are also discussed in the study. This study was done for Digita Oy, which is a major radio and television content distributor in Finland. The theoretical part of the study begins with the introduction to MPLS technology and continues with explanation of IP Multicast and its components. The fourth section discusses MPEG-2 and the formation and content of MPEG-2 Transport Stream. These technologies were studied in relevant literature and RFC documentation. After the theoretical part of the study, the test setup and the test cases are presented. The results of the test cases, and the conclusions that can be drawn based on them, are discussed in the last section of the study. The tests showed that it is possible to transfer digital video quite reliably over an MPLS network using IP Multicast. By configuring the equipment correctly, the recovery time of the network in case of a failure can be shortened remarkably. Also, the unwanted effect of other traffic on the critical video traffic can be eliminated by defining the Quality of Service parameters correctly. There are, however, some issues that need to be tested further before this setup can be used in broadcast networks. Reliable operation of IP Multicast and proper error correction are the main subjects for future testing.
Nosaltres mateixes som una prova de l’interès creixent que desperta l’ecologia en la societat d’avui en dia. Però també és important destacar que en aquesta ciència relativament jove hi ha molts tòpics i desconeixement. Per això vam pensar que a través d’aquest treball aconseguiríem combatre, al menys a nivell personal i d’entorn proper, aquesta desinformació.A més, pel nostre propi futur ens serà útil tot el que puguem aprendre en aquest anàlisi, ja que, com estem veient els darrers anys, la conscienciació ecològica és necessària per començar a frenar l’impacte mediambiental que té la nostra forma de vida i de treball actual.Un cop escollit el tema general, ens calia especificar. Vam pensar que construir-se una casa sostenible és el que marca la frontera entre viure d’acord amb el pensament ecològic i no contaminar o fer només petites aportacions a la preservació del medi ambient sense implicarse completament. Llavors ens vam adonar que un altre dels tòpics en el tema de l’ecologia ésrelacionar-la amb una gran despesa de diners. Vam lligar aquestes dues idees i vam arribar a la conclusió que l’estudi de la rendibilitat d’una casa sostenible seria molt interessant.L’objectiu del nostre treball és calcular la rendibilitat de la remodelació d’una casa convencional per convertir-la en sostenible. Sabem que la rendibilitat d’una casa sostenible no només depèn del factor econòmic, sinó també del moral. Però un anàlisi des d’aquesta perspectiva és molt difícil de comptabilitzar i, en tots els casos que hem vist, les persones que actualment es fan una casa sostenible és per conviccions morals. Tal com ens va dir l’Antoni Mestres, propietari d’una casa ecològica i sostenible: “Saber que et dutxes, rentes les mans i rentes la roba amb aigua calenta escalfada pel sol amb un cost gairebé zero, és tot un plaer”.A més, ens hem plantejat dues hipòtesis inicials: per una banda ser sostenible suposa un estalvi mensual en despeses i, per una altra, a llarg termini surt a compte la inversió inicial.
"... Unim el progrés de l'home i d'aquest possible canvi i no trobarem cap símbol millor que el carsharing: compartir la modernitat i els reptes de mobilitat amb eficiència econòmica i moral."Un carsharing, nascut a la bella Suïssa, de paratges que ens podrien recordar a l'estat pur de naturalesa perdut que, s'ha expandit i s'expandeix amb intensitat vital. Ens arriba aquí, amb força única a Barcelona...Estem preparats per poder aprofitar i gaudir d'aquesta nova cultura i servei? Explorem, doncs, que és aquest nou model de mobilitat i comprovem sin'estem, de preparats... Cap a on anem? Què fer? Puja al nostre cotxe i t'ho expliquem.El treball s'estructura en tres blocs diferenciats i numerats. Aquest fet no implica discontinuïtat, sinó que vol ajudar al lector a comprendre millor el nou model de mobilitat d'estudi i conduir-lo poc a poc per la carretera per on citcula el carsharing. La primera secció és de caire teòric i té com objectiu la contextualització i conceptualització; la segona combina un anàlisi empresarial i un estadístic per veure com es percep en el nostre entorn proper; i, finalment, la tercera intenta aportar conclusions, visions de futur i reptes a superar a través d'ambdues parts anteriors, alhora també, afegint raonaments nous i mirades personals.
Summary : Several signalling cascades are initiated through the triggering of the T cell receptor (TCR) by an antigenic peptide expressed at the surface of an antigen presenting cell. These pathways lead to morphological changes controlling T cell adhesiveness and migration to the site of infection, and to the activation of transcription factors that regulate key genes for the proper development of the immune response. Amongst them, the nuclear factor xB (NF-κB) is the subject of intense research since more than twenty years because deregulated NF-κB signalling in lymphocytes can lead to immunodeficiency, autoimmunity or lymphomas. Therefore, the understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating NF-κB activation is important for the development of new therapeutics aimed at treating various diseases. In T lymphocytes, a complex composed of CARMAI, BCL10 and MALT1 relays signals from TCR proximal events to NF-κB activation. Gene translocations of the BCL10 or MALTI genes or oncogenic mutations affecting CARNA 1 result in constitutive NF-κB activation and are related to the development of certain forms of lymphomas. MALT1 contains acaspase-like domain, but it is unknown whether this domain is proteolytically active. In this study, we found that MALT1 has arginine-directed proteolytic activity. We showed that the proteolytic activity of MALT 1 is key to TCR-induced NF-κB activation and production of interleukin 2. We identified BCL 10 as a MALT 1 substrate, and we showed that its cleavage regulates T cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. Furthermore, we identified caspase 10 as another substrate of MALT1. caspase 10 is a close homologue of caspase 8 and is known to be involved in the induction of apoptosis upon Fast or TRAIL stimulation. We showed that caspase 10 is important for TCR-induced NF-κB activation and interleukin 2 production, identifying for the first time a non apoptotic function for caspase 10. These data provide evidence for previously uncharacterized roles of MALT 1 and BCL 10 in the regulation of T cell adhesion and of caspase 10 in the activation of lymphocytes, and allow a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of T lymphocyte activation. Since the proteolytic activity of MALT1 is essential to T cell activation, it suggests that the targeting of this activity may be relevant for the development of immunomodulatory or anticancer drugs. Résumé : De nombreuses voies de signalisation sont initiées via la stimulation des récepteurs des cellules T (TCR) par un peptide antigénique exprimé à la surface d'une cellule présentatrice d'antigènes. Ces cascades de signalisation produisent des changements morphologiques qui contrôlent l'adhésion des cellules T et leur migration vers le site d'infection. Elles contrôlent également l'activation de facteurs de transcription qui régulent la transcription de gènes importants pour la réponse immunitaire. Parmi ces derniers, le facteur nucléaire KB (NF-κB) joue un rôle essentiel, puisqu'une régulation aberrante de son activité dans les lymphocytes peut causer des immunodéficiences, des maladies autoimmunes ou des lymphomes. C'est pour cela que la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent l'activation de NF-κB est donc importante pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies. Un complexe contenant les protéines CAIZMAI, BCL10 et MALT1 transmet, dans les lymphocytes T, le signal du TCR vers l'activation de NF-κB. Des translocations des gènes qui codent pour BCL10 et MALTI et des mutations affectant la fonction de CARNAI ont été liées au développement de certaines formes de lymphomes. MALTI contient un domaine qui ressemble au domaine catalytique présent dans les caspases, mais il n'est pas connu si ce domaine a une activité protéolytique. Dans cette étude, nous avons découvert que MALTI est une protéase qui a une spécificité pour les acides aminés basiques comme l'arginine. Nous montrons que l'activité protéolytique de MALTI est importante pour l'activation de NF-κB et la production d'interleukine 2 après stimulation du TCR. Nous avons observé que BCL10 est clivé par MALTI pendant l'activation des lymphocytes T, et que ce clivage est impliqué dans la régulation de l'adhésion des lymphocytes T à la fibronectin, une protéine de la matrice extracellulaire. De plus, nous avons identifié que la caspase 10, qui a une grande homologie avec la caspase 8 et qui jusqu'à maintenant est connue pour son rôle dans l'induction de la mort cellulaire en réponse à une stimulation par Fast ou par TRAIL, est également un substrat de MALT 1. En montrant que la caspase 10 est nécessaire à l' activation de NF-icB et à la production de l'interleukine 2 après stimulation du TCR, nous décrivons pour la première fois une fonction non apoptotique de la caspase 10. Ces résultats décrivent de nouveaux rôles pour MALT1 et BCL10 dans le contrôle de l'adhésion des lymphocytes T et de la caspase 10 pour l'activation des lymphocytes T. Puisque l'activité protéolytique de MALT1 est essentielle pour l'activation des lymphocytes T, nous suggérons que cibler cette activité protéolytique de MALT 1 pourrait amener de nouvelles possibilités de traitement de maladies où une activation aberrante des lymphocytes est impliquée.
According to the 1972 Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a set of regulations for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The purpose of these regulations is to reduce pollution of the nation’s waterways. In addition to other pollutants, the NPDES regulates stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities, municipal storm sewer systems, and construction sites. Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations, which went into effect in Iowa in 2003, applies to construction activities that disturb more than one acre of ground. The regulations also require certain communities with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) to perform education, inspection, and regulation activities to reduce stormwater pollution within their communities. Iowa does not currently have a resource to provide guidance on the stormwater regulations to contractors, designers, engineers, and municipal staff. The Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) manuals are widely accepted as the statewide standard for public improvements. The SUDAS Design manual currently contains a brief chapter (Chapter 7) on erosion and sediment control; however, it is outdated, and Phase II of the NPDES stormwater regulations is not discussed. In response to the need for guidance, this chapter was completely rewritten. It now escribes the need for erosion and sediment control and explains the NPDES stormwater regulations. It provides information for the development and completion of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) that comply with the stormwater regulations, as well as the proper design and implementation of 28 different erosion and sediment control practices. In addition to the design chapter, this project also updated a section in the SUDAS Specifications manual (Section 9040), which describes the proper materials and methods of construction for the erosion and sediment control practices.