897 resultados para Process of construction


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Effective interaction between climate science and policy is important for moving climate negotiations forward to reach an ambitious global climate change deal. Lack of progress in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations during recent years is a good reason for taking a closer look at the process of climate science–policy interaction to identify and eliminate existing shortcomings hindering climate policymaking. This paper examines the current state of climate science–policy interaction and suggests ways to integrate scientific input into the UNFCCC process more effectively. Suggestions relate to improvement in institutional structures, processes and procedures of the UNFCCC and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), quality of scientific input, credibility of scientific message and public awareness of climate change.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of the process of biodigestion of the protein concentrate resulting from the ultrafiltration of the effluent from a slaughterhouse freezer of Nile tilapia. Bench digesters were used with excrements and water (control) in comparison with a mixture of cattle manure and effluent from the stages of filleting and bleeding of tilapias. The effluent obtained in the continuous process (bleeding + filleting) was the one with highest accumulated population from the 37th day, as well as greatest daily production. Gases composition did not differ between the protein concentrates, but the gas obtained with the use of the effluent from the filleting stage presented highest methane gas average (78.05%) in comparison with those obtained in the bleeding stage (69.95%) and in the continuous process (70.02%) or by the control method (68.59%).


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In Australia, the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) remainsa popular program but considerable anguish persists within theuniversity sector over just what it is offering students. In thisarticle, we use the process of postgraduate socialisation tounderstand how candidates, supervisors and administratorsnavigate pathways to successful completion and offering of a DBAprogram. We identify four modes of knowledge applicable to theDBA and suggest that universities and candidates may draw onone another’s cultural capital to determine which mode(s) can beoffered. We also illustrate how candidates exercise agencythrough their cultural and social capital as they move through theprogram. We present a conceptual framework to help guidefuture research, and resource allocation on the DBA.


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Making sense of an organization overwhelmed with data becomes a problem for decision makers at all levels of business planning and operation. Although scholars have suggested several technological solutions such as business intelligence as being useful in helping busy executives to make decisions, we still know little about assisting business stakeholders in the process of understanding their organizational complexity before such decisions could even be formulated. In this paper, we investigate the opportunities in using BI technologies to make sense of a business environment. We analyze the views and opinions of developers, analysts, consultants, and users of business intelligence, who are experienced in using the technology beyond decision making to support organizational sensemaking. Our results highlight the need for creating and maintaining individual; and organizational identity and enacting this identity on the business and its environment.


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Although much has been written on how to improve the management of construction waste and increase the use of recycled materials, little progress has been made to address the reuse of construction waste. Yet there is a consensus in the literature that waste reuse practices have a decisive role to play in improving reduction of waste, and that institutional barriers are the most problematic obstacles to implementing identified reuse strategies. This paper examines the literature from the last 10 years on the issues facing different stakeholders around reuse of construction waste in Australia, and the causes and effects of the institutional barriers encountered. Key texts from before this period are also referenced. The findings reveal that institutional impediments are related to problems outside of the construction industry, such as social, economic and political barriers to change. A number of constraints are identified: lack of interest and demand from clients; attitudes towards reuse practices; and training all of which act as disincentives to a proactive and sustainable application of construction waste reuse strategies. Above all, it is argued that legislation should be better implemented to ensure that all states in Australia are required to implement strategies to reuse waste construction materials.


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La division cellulaire asymétrique est un processus crucial dans le développement des organismes multicellulaires puisqu’elle permet la génération de la diversité cellulaire. Les cellules qui se divisent de façon asymétrique doivent tout d’abord se polariser et correctement orienter leur fuseau mitotique pour ségréger des déterminants cellulaires en deux entités distinctes. L’embryon du nématode C. elegans est un modèle robuste et largement utilisé pour étudier la division cellulaire asymétrique. Dans cet embryon, le point d'entrée du spermatozoïde détermine l'axe de polarité antéro-postérieur. Suite à la fécondation, le cortex embryonnaire est uniformément contractile et un complexe conservé formé des protéines PAR-3, PAR-6 et PKC-3 (nommé complexe PAR-3 ci-dessous) est localisé sur l'ensemble du cortex. La complétion de la méiose maternelle induit une relaxation corticale au postétieur et un flux cortical vers l’antérieur de l’embryon. Ces contractions corticales asymétriques mènent à la formation d'un domaine antérieur contenant le complexe PAR-3, tandis que le cortex postérieur, dont le complexe PAR-3 s’est délocalisé, est enrichi avec les protéines PAR-2 et PAR-1. Par conséquent, les domaines formés par les protéines PAR définissent un pôle antérieur et un pôle postérieur dans l'embryon suite au remodelage du cytosquelette. Les protéines PAR-4 et PAR-5 restent localisées de façon uniforme dans l'embryon. Curieusement, les protéines PAR exercent une régulation par rétroaction sur la contractilité corticale. Il a été montré qu’une des protéines PAR récemment identifiée, PAR-5, est orthologue à la protéine adaptatrice 14-3-3 et joue un rôle important dans la contractilité corticale. En dépit de son rôle central dans la contractilité corticale et le processus de polarisation cellulaire, le mécanisme par lequel PAR-5 régule la contractilité corticale n’est pas bien compris. Le but de ce projet est de mieux comprendre comment PAR-5 et ses interacteurs contrôlent la régulation des contractions corticales et, de ce fait, la polarité cellulaire. Dans un essai de capture de la protéine GST (GST pull-down), nous avons identifié plusieurs nouveaux interacteurs de PAR-5. Parmi ceux-ci, nous avons trouvé CAP-2 (protéine de coiffage de l'actine), qui a été identifiée dans des éxpériences de capture de 14-3-3 dans trois systèmes modèles différents. CAP-2 est un hétérodimère des protéines CAP, qui sont impliquées dans la régulation de l'actine. Nous avons trouvé que la déplétion des protéines CAP par interférence à l’ARN dans des vers de type sauvage mène à une augmentation létalité embryonnaire, ce qui suggère que ces protéines jouent un rôle important dans le développement embryonnaire. L'imagerie en temps réel d'embryons déplétés pour les protéines CAP montre qu’ils ont une diminution des contractions corticales avec un sillon de pseudoclivage mois stable, suggérant un défaut dans la régulation du cytosquelette d'actine-myosine. Ceci a également été confirmé par la diminution de la vitesse et du nombre de foci de NMY-2::GFP. En outre, ces embryons montrent une légère diminution de la taille du croissant cortical de PAR-2 lors de la phase d’établissement de la polarité. Les embryons déplétés en CAP-2 montrent également un retard dans la progression du cycle cellulaire, mais le lien entre ce phénotype et la régulation des contractions corticales reste à être précisé. La caractérisation des protéines CAP, des régulateurs du remodelage du cytosquelette, permettra d'améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent l'établissement et le maintien de la polarité cellulaire, et donc la division cellulaire asymétrique.


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La division cellulaire asymétrique est un processus crucial dans le développement des organismes multicellulaires puisqu’elle permet la génération de la diversité cellulaire. Les cellules qui se divisent de façon asymétrique doivent tout d’abord se polariser et correctement orienter leur fuseau mitotique pour ségréger des déterminants cellulaires en deux entités distinctes. L’embryon du nématode C. elegans est un modèle robuste et largement utilisé pour étudier la division cellulaire asymétrique. Dans cet embryon, le point d'entrée du spermatozoïde détermine l'axe de polarité antéro-postérieur. Suite à la fécondation, le cortex embryonnaire est uniformément contractile et un complexe conservé formé des protéines PAR-3, PAR-6 et PKC-3 (nommé complexe PAR-3 ci-dessous) est localisé sur l'ensemble du cortex. La complétion de la méiose maternelle induit une relaxation corticale au postétieur et un flux cortical vers l’antérieur de l’embryon. Ces contractions corticales asymétriques mènent à la formation d'un domaine antérieur contenant le complexe PAR-3, tandis que le cortex postérieur, dont le complexe PAR-3 s’est délocalisé, est enrichi avec les protéines PAR-2 et PAR-1. Par conséquent, les domaines formés par les protéines PAR définissent un pôle antérieur et un pôle postérieur dans l'embryon suite au remodelage du cytosquelette. Les protéines PAR-4 et PAR-5 restent localisées de façon uniforme dans l'embryon. Curieusement, les protéines PAR exercent une régulation par rétroaction sur la contractilité corticale. Il a été montré qu’une des protéines PAR récemment identifiée, PAR-5, est orthologue à la protéine adaptatrice 14-3-3 et joue un rôle important dans la contractilité corticale. En dépit de son rôle central dans la contractilité corticale et le processus de polarisation cellulaire, le mécanisme par lequel PAR-5 régule la contractilité corticale n’est pas bien compris. Le but de ce projet est de mieux comprendre comment PAR-5 et ses interacteurs contrôlent la régulation des contractions corticales et, de ce fait, la polarité cellulaire. Dans un essai de capture de la protéine GST (GST pull-down), nous avons identifié plusieurs nouveaux interacteurs de PAR-5. Parmi ceux-ci, nous avons trouvé CAP-2 (protéine de coiffage de l'actine), qui a été identifiée dans des éxpériences de capture de 14-3-3 dans trois systèmes modèles différents. CAP-2 est un hétérodimère des protéines CAP, qui sont impliquées dans la régulation de l'actine. Nous avons trouvé que la déplétion des protéines CAP par interférence à l’ARN dans des vers de type sauvage mène à une augmentation létalité embryonnaire, ce qui suggère que ces protéines jouent un rôle important dans le développement embryonnaire. L'imagerie en temps réel d'embryons déplétés pour les protéines CAP montre qu’ils ont une diminution des contractions corticales avec un sillon de pseudoclivage mois stable, suggérant un défaut dans la régulation du cytosquelette d'actine-myosine. Ceci a également été confirmé par la diminution de la vitesse et du nombre de foci de NMY-2::GFP. En outre, ces embryons montrent une légère diminution de la taille du croissant cortical de PAR-2 lors de la phase d’établissement de la polarité. Les embryons déplétés en CAP-2 montrent également un retard dans la progression du cycle cellulaire, mais le lien entre ce phénotype et la régulation des contractions corticales reste à être précisé. La caractérisation des protéines CAP, des régulateurs du remodelage du cytosquelette, permettra d'améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent l'établissement et le maintien de la polarité cellulaire, et donc la division cellulaire asymétrique.


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The central objective of this case study was to formulate the strategy of internationalization of Tubofuro®, discriminating relevant points from its design to its implementation. This is a company located in Leiria, Ortigosa parish, which operates, among others, in the Portuguese PVC pipes industry for which currently the domestic market is clearly insufficient, given the oversupply compared to demand. Being Tubofuro® an exporting company since 2004, the work here developed specifically intended to increase sales to the foreign market, with this representing 45% of total company's business in 2018 increasing of the number of markets through new partners to enable the positioning of Tubofuro® among the main players in each market, particularly in South American markets, North African and European. To achieve the above objectives presented a case study was applied, centred on Tubofuro® company, target of the internationalization strategy. The search carried out for the formulation of the strategy has been supported on a thorough analysis of the external environment and internal characteristics of the company, for which were crossed different types of data, quantitative, qualitative, secondary data and primary data. From this work resulted the development of internationalization and international marketing plan for the next three years, whose objectives are based on entrance and consequent growth in new markets, including the market Chilean, Peruvian, Mexican, Argentine, Algerian and German, as well growth in the presence and turnover in the markets for which Tubofuro® already exports regularly, for example Spain, France, Tunisia and Morocco. Based on the production capacity of Tubofuro® company, which will not suffer any kind of investment for incrementing but only to update, it is expected that the appropriate response capacity for the company is 8 regular markets, and could eventually arise sporadic exports to other markets not interfering with the normal production capacity of the company. The suggestion of the presented markets resulted from the study of the final price based on the one that local customers purchase a product equal or similar to Tubofuro® and the number of potential existing customers in each market. The internationalization model known as Uppsala Model corresponds to the strategy adopted by the company to its internationalization process, taking into account the philosophy of senior management and the risk aversion of them. The sales team Tubofuro® demand for each market, export a full container registering customer feedback, including quality and flow capacity in the market in order to seek a partnership agreement with a local distributor, which allows the Tubofuro® go to step two above mentioned model. The partnership agreement is based on mutual commitment to technical cooperation and trade between the Tubofuro® and partner, in order to increase the performance capacity among local customers. Only if the market presents a greater demand to our supply capacity and be justified by cost / benefit ratio, the entry into this market through a joint venture or subsidiary is that the decision will be taken. Although this is a case study, which means that is adjusted to the concrete case Tubofuro® preventing generalization of findings, we believe that this work can be a useful example for other companies in the internationalization process or the methodology adopted in formulating strategy or the outputs and conclusions drawn.


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Background: This study is part of an interactive improvement intervention aimed to facilitate empowerment-based chronic kidney care using data from persons with CKD and their family members. There are many challenges to implementing empowerment-based care, and it is therefore necessary to study the implementation process. The aim of this study was to generate knowledge regarding the implementation process of an improvement intervention of empowerment for those who require chronic kidney care. Methods: A prospective single qualitative case study was chosen to follow the process of the implementation over a two year period. Twelve health care professionals were selected based on their various role(s) in the implementation of the improvement intervention. Data collection comprised of digitally recorded project group meetings, field notes of the meetings, and individual interviews before and after the improvement project. These multiple data were analyzed using qualitative latent content analysis. Results: Two facilitator themes emerged: Moving spirit and Encouragement. The healthcare professionals described a willingness to individualize care and to increase their professional development in the field of chronic kidney care. The implementation process was strongly reinforced by both the researchers working interactively with the staff, and the project group. One theme emerged as a barrier: the Limitations of the organization. Changes in the organization hindered the implementation of the intervention throughout the study period, and the lack of interplay in the organization most impeded the process. Conclusions: The findings indicated the complexity of maintaining a sustainable and lasting implementation over a period of two years. Implementing empowerment-based care was found to be facilitated by the cooperation between all involved healthcare professionals. Furthermore, long-term improvement interventions need strong encouragement from all levels of the organization to maintain engagement, even when it is initiated by the health care professionals themselves.


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Morteza’s thesis investigated the opportunities in using BI technologies to make sense of a business environment. The results of his research highlighted the need for creating and maintaining an identity for Business Intelligence at both individual and organizational level and enacting this identity on the business and its environment.


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The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, its aim is to ascertain the major aspects of job satisfaction for South Australian construction workers including the main ramifications of job satisfaction in the working environment. Secondly, it investigates the influence of key age-related factors i.e. chronological age, organisational age and length of service on major aspects of job satisfaction. The collected data for this study comprised 72 questionnaires completed by construction practitioners working at operational levels in the South Australian construction industry. Based on the responses from the target group, this study deduced that job dissatisfaction was predominantly related to the adverse impact on personal health and quality of life. In addition, indifference and the perception of dejection in the workplace are the main consequences of low levels of job satisfaction. Inferential analyses revealed that none of the age-related factors could significantly affect the major aspects of job satisfaction of construction workers in the South Australian context. The study concludes with providing practical suggestions for redesigning human resources practices for increasing the level of job satisfaction within the South Australian construction industry.


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The aim of this study is to apply a recently proposed model of motivation based on expectancy theory to site-based workers in construction and confirm the validity of this model for the construction industry. The study drew upon data from 194 site-based construction workers in Iran to test the proposed model of motivation. To this end, the structural equation modelling (SEM) approach based on the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) technique was deployed. The study reveals that the proposed model of expectancy theory incorporating five indicators (i.e. intrinsic instrumentality, extrinsic instrumentality, intrinsic valence, extrinsic valence and expectancy) is able to map the process of construction workers' motivation. Nonetheless, the findings posit that intrinsic indicators could be more effective than extrinsic ones. This proffers the necessity of construction managers placing further focus on intrinsic motivators to motivate workers.


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The intense competition between the Iranian construction companies has led them to take all appropriate measures to decrease the costs as much as possible. Hence, due to the pivotal role of human resources in construction projects cost, a major part of Iranian construction companies seek their profitability and survival in maximizing the productivity of their operatives. Because of the widespread belief among contractors about the low productivity of daily workers and operatives with basic salary, they commit a major part of their projects activities to sub-contractors. Deployment of sub-contractors by construction firms has become largely conventional in country's construction projects. The aims of this paper is defined as determining the factors and grounds affecting sub-contractors productivity and evaluate their overall negative side effects on project productivity via a structured questionnaire. A total of 31 factors selected and were divided into 7 broad categories. The perceptions of companies managers were asked about the level of effect brought about by the mentioned factors and groups upon productivity on a time based criterion. The analysis indicated that the most important grounds affecting sub-contractors productivity in descending order include: Materials/Tools, Construction technology and method, Planning, Supervision system, Reworks, Weather, and Jobsite condition. Project managers should focus on the identified major grounds and relevant factors in order to improve productivity as long as they commit construction activities to sub-contractors. © 2012 Copyright Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press Technika.


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In 2008, the stable seagrass beds of the Mira estuary (SW Portugal) disappeared completely; however, during 2009, they have begun to present early symptoms of natural recovery, characterised by a strongly heterogeneous distribution. This study was designed to investigate the spatial and temporal variability patterns of species composition, densities and trophic composition of the benthic nematode assemblages in this early recovery process, at two sampling sites with three stations each and at five sampling occasions. Because of the erratic and highly patchy seagrass recovery and the high environmental similarity of the two sampling sites, we expected within-site variability in nematode assemblages to exceed between-site variability. However, contrary to that expectation, whilst nematode genus composition was broadly similar between sites, nematode densities differed significantly between sites, and this between-site variability exceeded within-site variability. This may be linked to differences in the Zostera recovery patterns between both sites. In addition, no clear temporal patterns of nematode density, trophic composition and diversity were evident.