989 resultados para Problema de Riemann com restrição
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This text aims to undertake an analysis of the process of building the "problem of poverty" in Brazil. From a sociological approach on discourses and interpretations of poverty present in literary intellectuals representatives of some of the classics of Brazilian social thought, as well as in scientific works produced from mid-twentieth century and in the reports of various international organizations and national, such as the IMF, World Bank, MDS, IPEA, among others
The economic regional integration is a phenomenon observed in numerous occasions inside the global economic reality. Watchful to that phenomenon, the 1988 s Brazilian constitutional order establish in its 4th article, single paragraph, the commitment to seek for the Latin- American integration, as a Fundamental Principle to the Brazilian Federative Republic. Regarding the mentioned constitutional disposition s realization, the Brazilian State celebrated, specially, the 1980 s Montevideo Treaty, creating the Latin-American Integration Association, and the 1991 s Asuncion Treaty, performing the duty to establish a common market, in sub regional level, with Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, called Mercado Comum do Sul. However, due to an addiction to a wrong comprehension of State s Sovereignty Principle, the Constitution imposes to the international rules an incorporation process, without providing any privilege to those ones regarding the integration constitutional disposition s realization, whether original or derived. The Brazilian s Supreme Court, as matter of fact, affirmed that it is not possible, facing the actual constitutional order, to grant any character of preference. Also in the controversies solution mechanism, responsible for the law s execution in case of its noncompliance, where found malfunctions, most notably the system s open character and its excessive procedural flexibility, in addiction to restricting the access of individuals. It follows from these findings, then, the lack of legal certainty provided by the Mercosul s legal system, considering its effects both international and within the Brazilian state. Among the possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the problem are using the practice of the so-called executive agreements in the Mercosul s original rules incorporation to the Brazilian state, the creation of a Mercosul s court of law and/or a constitutional reform
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da utilização de ciclos alternados de restrição alimentar e realimentação no crescimento do pacu, durante o período de engorda, e a viabilidade desta prática na produção comercial da espécie. Juvenis foram distribuídos em três tanques e submetidos a diferentes manejos alimentares, constituindo os tratamentos: A (alimentado ad libitum), B (restrição alimentar de 4 semanas, realimentado por 9 semanas) e C (6 semanas de restrição alimentar, realimentado por 7 semanas), em um total de 13 semanas por ciclo (4 ciclos experimentais). No final de cada ciclo alimentar, 20 peixes de cada tratamento foram amostrados e os dados biométricos registrados. Os valores obtidos para peso, comprimento total e fator de condição (K) foram submetidos a ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento C é o mais indicado somente para outono/inverno, promovendo maior crescimento, menor custo com ração, baixa conversão alimentar e maior receita líquida parcial. Entretanto, durante as estações mais quentes do ano (primavera/verão) outros programas de alimentação devem ser testados, utilizando-se períodos mais curtos de restrição alimentar. Quando se tratou da produção anual, o tratamento A respondeu melhor em termos de biomassa produzida, apesar do maior gasto com alimentação, visto que, com o aumento da temperatura, o crescimento dos peixes dos demais tratamentos ficou prejudicado.
This Master s Thesis aims to use the theoretical models of growth with restricted balance of payments, specifically Kaldor (1970) and Thirlwall (1979) models, to analyze the behavior and the pattern of specialization of Brazilian exports and imports in the last years. It is observed that, in some periods, the pattern of specialization has contributed in restricting long-term growth of the Brazilian economy. It has been hypothesized that overall this is due to lack of structural transformation policies. To achieve this goal, it analyzed the performance of Brazilian exports and imports disaggregating them according to their technological content. The basis for comparison was a group of countries to which Brazil is inserted in, the BRIC. In this regard, the work is a comparative analysis by using descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the low rate of GDP growth experienced by Brazil since the 1980s can be explained in part by the decoupling of the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS) and the Brazilian productive structure. This would be reducing the income elasticity of exports and raising imports, causing a pattern of specialization intensive primary commodities and labor and low-skill labor
This study aims to investigate the influence of the balance of payments constrained on economic growth in Brazil from 1991 to 2010. With this order, are shown some of the Keynesian balance of payments constrained growth models, inspired by Thirlwall (1979) and Kaldor (1970), which are supported by important points in common, such as adherence to the principle of effective demand. Given that within this theoretical perspective, there is no consensus about the best model to explain the growth rate allowed by the balance of payments constraint, the results are presented by the representative of the empirical literature that addresses the topic, which are necessary for understand the Brazilian case. From the estimation of the income elasticity of imports (0.85) via autoregressive vectors with error correction (VEC), it was calculated five growth rates of income, as predicted by the models of Thirlwall (1979), Thirlwall and Hussain (1982), Moreno-Brid (1998, 2003) and Lourenço et al. (2011) and compared with the actual growth rate. The empirical analysis has shown that: it can not reject the presence of external constraint in the Brazilian economy, there is a strong similarity in growth rates provided by different modeling suggest that growth with external constraint. In addition, when using data in quarterly for the period after 1990 there are no factors that could cause instability in the parameters of the import function (income elasticity and price elasticity of imports) within the period, which indicates that the structural break widely associated with the year 1994 was not confirmed by this study
Esta tesis de maestría es el resultado de una investigación de carácter cualitativo y etnometodológico, realizada entre agosto de 2003 y junio de 2004, en una escuela primaria estatal, ubicada en Natal RN (Brasil). Su objetivo fue investigar la recepción de la lectura de literatura por parte de una maestra a la que, según reveló, no le gustaba leer y no se consideraba lectora de literatura. Se buscó investigar la mediación que le posibilitara llegar a ser lectora, comprender cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en la relación entre el lector en formación y la lectura de literatura, y verificar cómo repercute ese proceso de formación en la práctica docente de la maestra estudiada. Los procedimientos de investigación fueron aplicados con flexibilidad, tomando en cuenta el proceso de formación lectora de la docente. Los principales instrumentos utilizados fueron dos entrevistas semi-estructuradas, realizadas con la maestra, y notas de campo, que adquirieron el formato de un diario de investigación. En la primera etapa, fueron realizadas treinta sesiones de lectura, para posibilitar el acercamiento de la maestra a diferentes textos literarios. En la segunda etapa, fueron realizados tres encuentros de planificación con la maestra y cinco clases de lectura con sus alumnos. El análisis focaliza la recepción de la lectura literaria por parte de la maestra, abordando diferentes aspectos: su historia en relación con la lectura; la identificación, el contrato ficcional y la relación texto-vida; las previsiones y sus verificaciones; la mediación y el andamiaje brindados para introducir a la maestra en la cultura de la lectura. Se focaliza también la relación entre sus roles de lectora y de mediadora de lectores. Los fundamentos teóricos se basan, principalmente, en Coulon (1995a, 1995b), Vigotsky (1989, 1991, 2003), Graves y Graves (1995), Smith (1991), Jauss (2002), Iser (1996, 1999) y Amarilha (1996, 2001). Como resultados de este trabajo, se destacan el interés de la maestra, la manera en que ella se involucró con las historias leídas mediante procesos de identificación con algunos personajes y la relación que estableció entre los textos y su historia; esos procesos indican avances significativos en su vínculo con la lectura de literatura. La mediación ocupó un papel central en la consecución de aquellos avances. Vale destacar que la relación texto-vida fue establecida por la maestra con cierta ingenuidad, lo que le impidió vivenciar lo ficcional como una actividad lúdica. Se considera necesario un contacto más intenso y regular con textos de ficción, para que la docente pueda distanciarse de su vida cotidiana y adquirir la autonomía y la conciencia transformadora que le permitirán ir y volver de la realidad a la ficción, enriqueciéndose, sin confundirlas. Ese contacto no depende sólo de una actitud individual y personal de la maestra, sino del contexto institucional y social en el cual está inmersa. En ese sentido, la segunda etapa del trabajo de campo demostró que el pasaje de la formación lectora inicial a una acción pedagógica adecuada es complejo; los procesos no son lineales y, todavía, queda un largo camino por recorrer
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do nível de restrição alimentar sobre o ganho compensatório e composição da carcaça de frangos Ross. Foram utilizados frangos machos, submetidos a restrição alimentar quantitativa de 30% e 70% do consumo diário das aves alimentadas ad libitum, entre o 8º e o 14º dias de idade e realimentados ad libitum até 42 dias de idade, em um experimento inteiramente casualizado, segundo um esquema em parcelas subdivididas, tendo como parcelas o programa alimentar (ad libitum, restrição 30% e 70%) e subparcelas a idade das aves (dias). O ganho de peso, peso da carcaça, peso do intestino e quantidade total de gordura dos frangos restritos a 70% foram significativamente menores aos 42 dias de idade; no entanto, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas quanto a estes parâmetros entre frangos restritos em 30% e os alimentados ad libitum. A conversão alimentar, o comprimento do intestino e a gordura abdominal não foram afetados pelo programa alimentar. Os resultados obtidos nestes experimentos evidenciam que frangos de corte submetidos a restrição alimentar de 30% apresentaram ganho compensatório durante o período de realimentação; no entanto, a restrição de 70% é muito severa, afetando de forma negativa tanto o desempenho quanto a qualidade da carcaça dos frangos.
O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de ciclos de restrição alimentar e realimentação (2/3 dias), aplicados durante seis meses antes da desova, no desenvolvimento gonadal de matrinxã. Na ocasião da desova, fêmeas alimentadas diariamente e submetidas ao regime alimentar experimental, selecionadas para a indução hormonal, foram sacrificadas para retirada das gônadas e do fígado, com os quais se calculou o IGS (índice gonadossomático) e o IHS (índice hepatossomático), sendo os ovários processados para análise histológica. Não houve alteração no peso relativo dos ovários e fígado, e o desenvolvimento gonadal não foi afetado pelo esquema alimentar. Os valores de IGS foram de 5,09±4,98% e 9,79±4,17% e os de IHS foram de 0,84±0,07% e 0,91±0,11%, para as fêmeas controle e experimentais, respectivamente, sem diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Os ovários de peixes dos dois grupos apresentaram as mesmas características do estádio maduro, com predominância de ovócitos na fase final de maturação, repletos de vitelo. O estudo indica que a restrição alimentar não afetou a preparação das fêmeas para a reprodução e que ciclos adequados de restrição e realimentação poderão ser aplicados na criação do matrinxã, assegurando menores custos de produção.
Tuberculosis is considered one of the most ancient human diseases, cases were registered 3900 years before Christ, and it is currently regarded as a serious public health problem in the world due to several factors such as income mismanagement, precarious standard of life and some sort of prejudice comprised by the word tuberculosis. Taking this into consideration, it was developed a descriptive and exploratory study aiming at analyzing the social representations of tuberculosis made by its patient from the Unidades de Saúde da Família (Family Health Units a public health program) in Campina Grande City PB, in relation to the decentralization of the policies that administrate the disease. It was interviewed 34 tuberculosis patient that were being treated from 2007 to 2008. The age group of the interviewees varied from 10 to 60 years old, but most of them were between 36 and 60 years old (58,8%, n=20), some were young adult and adult (21 35 years old), with 11 (32,3%) respondents, and, less frequent, children and teenagers (11 20 years old), with 03 (8,8%) participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interview. The questions that guided the research were elaborated based on the operational recommendations of DOTS strategy; that is: access to laboratory examinations; medication guarantee; directly observed treatment. Besides that, the experiences of the patient were considered in their relation with the family and the different social groups. The analysis of the discursive material was submitted to the Analyse Lexicale par Context d un Ensemble de Segments de Texte software - ALCESTE 4.7. Data interpretation showed five categories for the social representations of the tuberculosis patient that participated in DOTS strategy: 1) the accessibility of the health assistance service; 2) the patient perspective of the disease; 3) the change in the operation of the productive life; 4) the signals and symptoms of the tuberculosis disease; 5) the rearrangement and mechanisms used to face the disease. The Central Nucleus reveals that tuberculosis is a transmissible disease that can be prevented by people through educational practices, health promotion, active search for symptomatic respiratory and control of the carriers communication; these mechanisms should be incorporated to the routine of all participants of the family health groups. The Intermediate Elements, based on quotidian life, as well as the individual experiences of the tuberculosis patient, reveals prejudiced attitude and beliefs that lead to isolation and restriction of interpersonal relationship. Peripheral Elements were constituted by themes that showed the patient feelings of indignation because of the social barriers they had to face in the Family Health Units during the treatment. These elements demonstrate a negative perspective of the representation concerning the accessibility, i.e. inadequate structure of the health service; long distance to the Health Centre, this factormakes it difficult for the patient to continue the treatment; scheduling delay; and limited service regarding other requests (doctor, dentist etc). One expects to contribute for the construction of a new perspective of the health question between the different agents who make the assistencial institutions and formation of professionals, either in central or local scope
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da restrição alimentar qualitativa precoce sobre o desempenho, as características do trato gastrintestinal e a carcaça de frangos de corte. Um total de 975 pintos de corte de um dia da linhagem Ross, 15 parcelas com 30 machos cada e 15 parcelas com 35 fêmeas, foi distribuído em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 (forma de restrição x sexo), com três repetições por tratamento. As formas de restrição estudadas foram: 1 - testemunha, sem diluição; 2 -diluição com 15% de calcário; 3 - diluição com 30% de calcário; 4 - diluição com 15% de casca de arroz; e 5 - diluição com 30% de casca de arroz. Os frangos foram alimentados ad libitum com ração padrão, no período de 1 a 7 dias e de 15 a 45 dias de idade. A restrição alimentar por diluição das rações, conforme cada tratamento, foi aplicada do 8º ao 14º dia de idade. Para o período de restrição alimentar, foram formuladas rações com níveis normais de minerais e vitaminas, reduzindo-se os outros nutrientes, conforme a diluição. Os frangos submetidos à restrição alimentar qualitativa precoce, pela diluição com 15% de calcário e, 15 ou 30% de casca de arroz, apresentaram ganho compensatório, com bom desempenho final. Entretanto, a restrição com 30% de calcário foi muito severa, prejudicando o desempenho. Houve alteração nas características do trato gastrintestinal com a restrição alimentar, porém houve recuperação até o momento do abate. Os frangos submetidos à restrição alimentar qualitativa precoce apresentaram menor deposição de gordura e maior deposição de proteína na carcaça em comparação ao controle.
Telecommunications play a key role in contemporary society. However, as new technologies are put into the market, it also grows the demanding for new products and services that depend on the offered infrastructure, making the problems of planning telecommunications networks, despite the advances in technology, increasingly larger and complex. However, many of these problems can be formulated as models of combinatorial optimization, and the use of heuristic algorithms can help solving these issues in the planning phase. In this project it was developed two pure metaheuristic implementations Genetic algorithm (GA) and Memetic Algorithm (MA) plus a third hybrid implementation Memetic Algorithm with Vocabulary Building (MA+VB) for a problem in telecommunications that is known in the literature as Problem SONET Ring Assignment Problem or SRAP. The SRAP arises during the planning stage of the physical network and it consists in the selection of connections between a number of locations (customers) in order to meet a series of restrictions on the lowest possible cost. This problem is NP-hard, so efficient exact algorithms (in polynomial complexity ) are not known and may, indeed, even exist
The SONET/SDH Ring Assignment Problem (PALAS) treats to group localities in form of some rings, being respected the traffic's limitations of the equipment. Each ring uses a DXC (Digital Cross Connect) to make the communication with the others, being the DXC the equipment most expensive of the net, minimizing the number total of rings, will minimize the total net cost, problem's objective . This topology in rings provides a bigger capacity of regeneration. The PALAS is a problem in Combinatorial Optimization of NP-hard Class. It can be solved through Heuristics and Metaheuristics. In this text, we use Taboo Search while we keep a set of elite solutions to be used in the formation of a part of the collection of vocabulary's parts that in turn will be used in the Vocabulary Building. The Vocabulary Building will be started case Taboo Search does not reach the best solution for the instance. Three approaches had been implemented: one that only uses vocabulary's parts deriving of Taboo Search, one that it only uses vocabulary's parts randomly generated and a last one that it uses half come of the elite and half randomly generated
Particle Swarm Optimization is a metaheuristic that arose in order to simulate the behavior of a number of birds in flight, with its random movement locally, but globally determined. This technique has been widely used to address non-liner continuous problems and yet little explored in discrete problems. This paper presents the operation of this metaheuristic, and propose strategies for implementation of optimization discret problems as form of execution parallel as sequential. The computational experiments were performed to instances of the TSP, selected in the library TSPLIB contenct to 3038 nodes, showing the improvement of performance of parallel methods for their sequential versions, in executation time and results
Algoritmo evolutivo paralelo para o problema de atribuição de localidades a anéis em redes sonet/sdh
The telecommunications play a fundamental role in the contemporary society, having as one of its main roles to give people the possibility to connect them and integrate them into society in which they operate and, therewith, accelerate development through knowledge. But as new technologies are introduced on the market, increases the demand for new products and services that depend on the infrastructure offered, making the problems of planning of telecommunication networks become increasingly large and complex. Many of these problems, however, can be formulated as combinatorial optimization models, and the use of heuristic algorithms can help solve these issues in the planning phase. This paper proposes the development of a Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm to be applied to telecommunications problem known in the literature as SONET Ring Assignment Problem SRAP. This problem is the class NP-hard and arises during the physical planning of a telecommunication network and consists of determining the connections between locations (customers), satisfying a series of constrains of the lowest possible cost. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the Evolutionary Algorithm parallel, over other methods, to obtain solutions that are either optimal or very close to it