917 resultados para Probabilistic constraints
"Contract no. 68-01-4427"--Verso of t.p.
Thesis (M. S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Item 429-T-11.
On spine: Task Force report - water resources.
To generate innovation in Brazil becomes a high level priority in the last two decades. Innovation, according to the Presidential speech, is the right way to conduce the nation towards the development of technological competitive capabilities through the high technology-based products and services. Although the nation has come a long way, Brazil has to face the challenge of overcoming obstacles in infrastructure conditions for innovation. This paper aims to describe the main conditions to manage innovation in Brazil. This work offers a quantitative analysis of the main factors that impact innovation. This is a documental research based on data collected from high reliability international sources complemented by a research field applied to a sample of technology–based firms located in São José dos Campos, Brazil. The results indicated that entrepreneurs deal with difficulties to develop managerial competences in order to manage the business growth while developing new products and services. The lack of qualified human resources to manage business in technological environment is also a matter.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The Jiaodong gold province is the largest gold repository in China. Both mineralization and granitoid hosts are spatially related to the crustal-scale Tan-Lu strike-slip fault system, which developed along the Mesozoic continental margin in eastern China. A series of Ar-40/Ar-39 laser incremental heating analyses of hydrothermal sericite/muscovite from three major gold deposits (Jiaojia, Xincheng, and Wangershan) and igneous biotite from the granodiorite hosts were performed to establish a possible temporal link between gold mineralization, magmatism, and movement along the Tan-Lu fault zone. Magmatic biotite crystals yield well-defined and concordant plateau ages between 124.5+/-0.4 Ma and 124.0+/-0.4 Ma (2sigma), whereas sericite and muscovite samples (a total of 30 single separates) give reproducible plateau ages ranging from 121.0+/-0.4 Ma to 119.2+/-0.2 Ma (2sigma). An integration of our Ar-40/Ar-39 results with age data from other major gold deposits in Jiaodong demonstrates that widespread gold mineralization occurred contemporaneously during a 2-3-m.yr. period. Most gold deposits show intimate spatial associations with abundant mafic to intermediate dikes. The mafic dikes have K-Ar ages of 123.5-119.6 Ma, in excellent agreement with those of the gold deposits. These newly obtained Ar-40/Ar-39 ages, in combination with other independent geological and geochronological data on granodioritic intrusions (130-126 Ma), volcanic rocks (1243.6-114.7 Ma), and deformed rocks within strike-slip faults (132-120 Ma) in Jiaodong or adjacent areas, also support the idea that gold mineralization postdated the granodioritic magmatism but was contemporaneous with mafic magmatism and volcanism, all controlled by the transtensional motion along the Tan-Lu fault in the Early Cretaceous.
Rocks used as construction aggregate in temperate climates deteriorate to differing degrees because of repeated freezing and thawing. The magnitude of the deterioration depends on the rock's properties. Aggregate, including crushed carbonate rock, is required to have minimum geotechnical qualities before it can be used in asphalt and concrete. In order to reduce chances of premature and expensive repairs, extensive freeze-thaw tests are conducted on potential construction rocks. These tests typically involve 300 freeze-thaw cycles and can take four to five months to complete. Less time consuming tests that (1) predict durability as well as the extended freeze-thaw test or that (2) reduce the number of rocks subject to the extended test, could save considerable amounts of money. Here we use a probabilistic neural network to try and predict durability as determined by the freeze-thaw test using four rock properties measured on 843 limestone samples from the Kansas Department of Transportation. Modified freeze-thaw tests and less time consuming specific gravity (dry), specific gravity (saturated), and modified absorption tests were conducted on each sample. Durability factors of 95 or more as determined from the extensive freeze-thaw tests are viewed as acceptable—rocks with values below 95 are rejected. If only the modified freeze-thaw test is used to predict which rocks are acceptable, about 45% are misclassified. When 421 randomly selected samples and all four standardized and scaled variables were used to train aprobabilistic neural network, the rate of misclassification of 422 independent validation samples dropped to 28%. The network was trained so that each class (group) and each variable had its own coefficient (sigma). In an attempt to reduce errors further, an additional class was added to the training data to predict durability values greater than 84 and less than 98, resulting in only 11% of the samples misclassified. About 43% of the test data was classed by the neural net into the middle group—these rocks should be subject to full freeze-thaw tests. Thus, use of the probabilistic neural network would meanthat the extended test would only need be applied to 43% of the samples, and 11% of the rocks classed as acceptable would fail early.
Cyclic peptides containing oxazole and thiazole heterocycles have been examined for their capacity to be used as scaffolds in larger, more complex, protein-like structures. Both the macrocyclic scaffolds and the supramolecular structures derived therefrom have been visualised by molecular modelling techniques. These molecules are too symmetrical to examine structurally by NMR spectroscopy. The cyclic hexapeptide ([Aaa-Thz](3), [Aaa-Oxz](3)) and cyclic octapeptide ([Aaa-Thz](4), [Aaa-Oxz](4)) analogues are composed of dipeptide surrogates (Aaa: amino acid, Thz: thiazole, Oxz: oxazole) derived from intramolecular condensation of cysteine or serine/threonine side chains in dipeptides like Aaa-Cys, Aaa-Ser and Aaa-Thr. The five-membered heterocyclic rings, like thiazole, oxazole and reduced analogues like thiazoline, thiazolidine and oxazoline have profound influences on the structures and bioactivities of cyclic peptides derived therefrom. This work suggests that such constrained cyclic peptides can be used as scaffolds to create a range of novel protein-like supramolecular structures (e.g. cylinders, troughs, cones, multi-loop structures, helix bundles) that are comparable in size, shape and composition to bioactive surfaces of proteins. They may therefore represent interesting starting points for the design of novel artificial proteins and artificial enzymes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
An important functional and evolutionary constraint on the physical performance of vertebrates is believed to be the trade-off between speed and endurance capacity. However, despite the pervasiveness of physiological arguments, most studies have found no evidence of the trade-off when tested at the whole-animal level. We investigated the existence of this trade-off at the whole-muscle level, the presumed site of this physiological conflict, by examining inter-individual variation in both maximum power output and fatigue resistance for mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle using the work-loop technique. We found negative correlations between several measures of in vitro maximum power output and force production with fatigue resistance for individual mouse EDL muscles, indicating functional trade-offs between these performance parameters. We suggest that this trade-off detected at the whole-muscle level has imposed an important constraint on the evolution of vertebrate physical performance.