879 resultados para Praga de apiário


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Relata-se a ocorrência de Hypsipyla ferrealis Hampson no Estado do Acre, infestando sementes de andirobeiras, oriundas do município de Senador Guiomard - AC. No Laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Acre, as sementes foram depositadas em bandejas plásticas contendo areia umedecida e acondicionadas no interior de uma gaiola telada. Diariamente, a gaiola foi inspecionada à procura de insetos emergidos, os quais foram identificados como Hypsipyla ferrealis, lepidóptero comumente associado infestando sementes de andirobeira. Este é o primeiro registro desta espécie ocorrendo em sementes de andirobeira no estado do Acre.


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The root knot nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita, is widespread worldwide and a major pathogen of several cultivated crops. The use of resistant genotypes is the most effective and environmentally sound way to manage RKN. In this study, we screened 16 selected sweet potato cultivars including Amanda, Bárbara, Beatriz, Beauregard, Brazlândia Branca, Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, BRS Amélia, BRS Cuia, BRS Rubissol, Carolina Vitória, Duda, Júlia, Marcela, PA-26/2009, and Princesa obtained from Embrapa and Universidade Federal do Tocantins? germplasm bank. Studies were conducted under greenhouse and field conditions and the agronomic performance of the cultivars was evaluated in a nematode and soilborne insect-infested field. All 16 sweet potato cultivars tested were rated as resistant to this nematode both under greenhouse and field conditions with reproduction factors < 1. In the field infested with M. incognita, sweet potato cultivars Duda, BRS Amélia, Beauregard, Brazlândia Rosada, and Brazlândia Roxa stood out as superior cultivars, with average yield ranging from 26 to 47 tons per ha. Overall, most cultivars exhibited a fusiform to near fusiform root shape, a good characteristic for the market, and were moderately affected by insects (attack incidence 1 to 30%). As global demand for energy continues to rise, selecting new cultivars of sweet potatoes with increased resistance to nematode diseases and with high yield will be important for food security and biofuel production.


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The aim of this study was to conduct a survey on nematodes associated with five cultivated fruit trees growing in the Agroforestry System (AFS) of the municipality of Oiapoque, Amapá, Brazil. Rhizosphere samples were collected from three points at the base of murici (Byrsonima sp.), soursop (Annona muricata), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), passion fruit (Passiflora sp.) and peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) trees. Four species of phytonematodes were identified, namely Pratylenchus brachyurus, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Mesocriconema xenoplax and Rotylenchulus reniformis. The most prevalent and abundant species was R. reniformis, which was found in the rhizospheres of passion fruit, cupuaçu, soursop, and peach palm. The first record in Brazil of the nematode P. brachyurus, found in the roots of murici is reported here, and all of the nematode species identified here are the first records for fruit trees in the state of Amapá.


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Os opiliões (Arachnida: Opiliones) são aracnídeos com ampla distribuição geográfica, sendo a maior parte das espécies registradas na região Neotropical. Esses organismos possuem baixa capacidade de dispersão, alto grau de endemismo e sensibilidade às mudanças ambientais, também participam da ciclagem da matéria orgânica do solo, visto que muitas espécies possuem o hábito alimentar detritívoro. Dada a importância desses organismos, objetivou-se com esse trabalho prospectar a fauna de opiliões em remanescente florestal localizado no município de Plácido de Castro, AC. Foram utilizados dois métodos de captura: armadilhas pitfall (captura passiva), dispostas em dois transectos, e procura livre noturna (coleta ativa). As armadilhas pitfall consistiram em copos plásticos de 500 mL, contendo uma solução de formaldeído a 1% e gotas de detergente neutro, sendo recolhidas semanalmente. As coletas ativas mensais foram realizadas por quatro pessoas, em um esforço de coleta de 1 h. As espécies de opiliões capturadas foram: Paecilaema marajoara, Paraprotus quadripunctatus, Taito kakera e Cynorta sp. (Cosmetidae); Geaya sp. (Sclerosomatidae) e quatro adultos e um imaturo, pertencentes à família Manaosbiidae. Todos os opiliões registrados nesse levantamento foram capturados pelo método de ?procura livre noturna?, sendo os gêneros Geaya e Cynorta, bem como a espécie P. quadripunctatus, registrados pela primeira vez no estado do Acre.


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Abstract Grapevine leafroll disease is associated with several species of phloem-limited grapevine leafrollassociated viruses (GLRaV), some of which are transmitted by mealybugs and scale insects. The grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) Biotype A (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae), is a common vineyard pest that feeds on the phloem of vine roots. There is concern that these insects may transmit one or more GLRaV species, particularly GLRaV-2, a species in the genus Closterovirus. A field survey was performed in vineyards with a high incidence of grapevine leafroll disease and D. vitifoliae was assessed for acquisition of GLRaV. In greenhouse experiments, the ability of D. vitifoliae to transmit GLRaV from infected root sections or vines to co-planted virus-free recipient vines was tested. There were no GLRaV-positive D. vitifoliae in the field survey, nor did D. vitifoliae transmit GLRaV- 1, ?2, ?3, or -4LV in greenhouse transmission experiments. Some insects tested positive for GLRaV after feeding on infected source vines in the greenhouse, however there was no evidence of virus transmission to healthy plants. These findings, in combination with the sedentary behaviour of the soil biotype of D. vitifoliae, make it unlikely that D. vitifoliae is a vector of any GLRaV.


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Temperate fruit production is an important economic activity in Southern Brazil. In this region, persimmon Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae) is grown in small farms for domestic consumption and internal market. Mealybugs are o*en found in at least 50% of the orchards causing damages on fruits due to the honeydew secretion. However, there is a lack of informatin about species composition damaging orchards in Southern Brazil. In this work, we present a survey of mealybugs associated with persimmon trees in the Serra Gaúcha Region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) é uma das principais pragas do pessegueiro no Brasil, causando perdas de 3-5% da produção. Dentre os agentes de controle biológico Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) tem sido encontrado nos pomares de pessegueiros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a criação de T. pretiosum em ovos de G. molesta e Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) e selecionar as linhagens de T. pretiosum com potencial de controle de G. molesta. A seleção de linhagens foi realizada com cinco populações de T. pretiosum coletadas em pomares de pessegueiro cultivados sob o sistema orgânico de produção. O estudo foi realizado em condições controladas de temperatura (25 ± 2°C), umidade relativa (70 ± 10%) e fotofase (14h). Ovos de G. molesta são hospedeiros adequados ao desenvolvimento de T. pretiosum uma vez que, nas variáveis estudadas número de ovos parasitados, porcentagem de parasitismo e razão sexual, os valores foram equivalentes aos criados em ovos de A. kuehniella . O maior parasitismo de ovos de G. molesta ocorreu com posturas de até 48h de desenvolvimento embrionário. Das linhagens de T. pretiosum coletadas, H08, PO8, PEL e L3M apresentaram melhor desempenho biológico, sendo, portanto, indicadas para estudos de semi-campo e campo para o controle biológico da mariposa-oriental.


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Linepithema micans Forel is a poorly studied species that is now considered a pest in vineyards in South Brazil. Larval characters have been used in a few phylogenetic studies, and their importance greatly depends in the amount of available information on different species. This study presents a complete panorama on the external morphology of the immatures of L. micans based on observations by light and scanning electron microscopy. The number of larval instars was estimated as three based on the frequency distribution of head widths of 965 larvae. Larvae of L. micans were similar to other Linepithema Mayr in the general format of body and mandibles, presenting a dorsal abdominal protuberance, nine pairs of spiracle, and unbranched hairs. On the other hand, L. micans was unique for having shorter hairs, predominantly denticulate, intraspecific variation in the number of antennal sensilla and in the types of sensilla on the labial palps were reported.


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Grapholita molesta (Busck) is one of the main pests of apple trees, and lives on their shoots and fruits. In southern Brazil, the insect is also found on old branches and structures similar to aerial roots, so-called burrknots. This study evaluated the development and population growth potential of G. molesta fed on burrknots, compared with apple fruit cultivar. Fuji and a corn-based artiÞcial diet. The study was carried out in the laboratory under controlled temperature (25 1C), relative humidity (7010%), and photophase (16 h). The biological parameters of the immature and adult stages were determined, and a fertility life table was constructed. Insects fed on burrknots showed a longer duration and a lower survival for the egg-to-adult period (29.3 d and 22.5%) compared with those that fed on apples (25.1 d and 30.0%) and artiÞcial diet (23.9 d and 54.8%). Insects reared on aerial roots had a lower pupal weight (10.0 mg) compared with those reared on either artiÞcial diet (13.7 mg) or apple cultivar. Fuji (12.4 mg). The fecundity and longevity of males and females did not signiÞcantly differ for the three foods. Based on the fertility life table, insects reared on burrknots had the lowest net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of population growth (rm) and finite rate of increase, compared with insects reared on artiÞcial diet and apple fruit. Burrknots support the development of the complete cycle of G. molesta, which allows populations of this pest to increase in orchards.