958 resultados para Post-natal Mortality


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Uno de los objetivos concretos de los remanentes radiculares tratados endodonticamente, es de servir como elemento de anclaje para una futura restauración protética. Si bien, todo tratamiento con pernos trae aparejado un cierto grado de debilitamiento tisular, es vital que este tipo de prótesis adapten y ajusten correctamente, ya que de ellas depende la estabilidad y la permanencia de la consecuente corona en boca. Son muchas las causas que nos pueden llevar a la falta de ajuste y adaptación de nuestras restauraciones, pero la técnica elegida para la preparación de la cavidad radicular, además del momento y el material con el que esta hecho el poste son 2 items fundamentales, para estudiar esta problemática. Actualmente existe un interesante debate a cerca de las ventajas de uno u otro sistema, en general esa discusión se centra en el análisis de las propiedades de uno u otro sistema, por ejemplo su modulo de elasticidad, su radiopacidad, su resistencia a la fractura, a la fatiga, su ventaja estética, etc. Pero hay un detalle, que por lo menos para nosotros es vital, la retención. En cuanto al diseño metodológico elegido para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se utilizaran 40 porciones radiculares a las que se les practicarán (con el mismo instrumento) cavidades con la finalidad de albergar postes intraradiculares. A las primeras 20 (codificadas) se le tomarán impresiones sectorizadas siguiendo posteriormente el protocolo correspondiente para la confección de postes post formados metálicos (colados) por método indirecto (Método COPISMY), luego de ser obtenidos, estos postes colados serán cementados a presión controlada sobre sus respectivas porciones radiculares. A las segundas 20 porciones (codificadas) se le cementarán también a presión controlada, postes prefabricados no metálicos, siguiendo los mismos pasos que para los colados. Posteriormente todas las muestras serán incluidas en cubos de resina transparente con la finalidad de practicarles cortes transversales para su posterior observación, medición y captura de imagen. Luego todos los valores numéricos obtenidos, serán sometidos a un estricto estudio estadístico para tratar de determinar si existen entre ambos grupos diferencias que puedan ser consideradas estadísticamente significativas.


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Descrevemos dois casos de protrusão localizada do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), entidade que tem sido descrita na literatura como aneurisma ou divertículo. Em ambos os casos, observou-se uma evolução distinta da anteriormente relatada. A incidência e história natural dessas raras anomalias são pouco conhecidas, podendo evoluir de forma assintomática ou gerar graves complicações e até o óbito no período pré-natal. A abordagem terapêutica deve ser individualizada.


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The crustacean fishery is important to the socio economics of rural and island communities around Ireland; with brown crab (Cancer pagurus) and European lobster (.Homarus gammarus) being the most valuable shellfish species. Brown crab and lobster are marketed live with the majority being exported from Ireland to southern Europe. Post capture processes used in Ireland are very subjective but promote fresh, live products. Common practices used in the crustacean fishery include nicking of brown crab and long term storage of lobster. This study showed that nicking resulted in elevated mean lactate levels of 17.90% (StDev ± 1.74) and elevated mean glucose levels of 120.55 % (StDev ± 0.26) with mean circulating bacteria levels 9 times greater in nicked crab. Nicking resulted in 96.3% increase in tissue necrosis and a subsequent reduction in product quality. These factors possibly compromise the host’s defense system, which may ultimately reduce the animal’s ability to cope with additional stressors caused by post-harvest processes. Long term storage allows lobster to be stored until the market is less saturated and prices are higher. This investigation found that some lobsters contracted bacterial biofilms as a result of long term storage. Bacteria isolated from biofilms were identified as Arcobacter and Campylobacterales with identity and alignment scores of 80% andd 88% respectively.


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Background:Circulatory system diseases are the first cause of death in Brazil.Objective:To analyze the evolution of mortality caused by heart failure, by ischemic heart diseases and by ill-defined causes, as well as their possible relations, in Brazil and in the geoeconomic regions of the country (North, Northeast, Center-West, South and Southeast), from 1996 to 2011.Methods:Data were obtained from DATASUS and death declaration records with codes I20 and I24 for acute ischemic diseases, I25 for chronic ischemic diseases, and I50 for heart failure, and codes in chapter XIII for ill-defined causes, according to geoeconomic regions of Brazil, from 1996 to 2011.Results:Mortality rates due to heart failure declined in Brazil and its regions, except for the North and the Northeast. Mortality rates due to acute ischemic heart diseases increased in the North and Northeast regions, especially from 2005 on; they remained stable in the Center-West region; and decreased in the South and in the Southeast. Mortality due to chronic ischemic heart diseases decreased in Brazil and in the Center-West, South and Southeast regions, and had little variation in the North and in the Northeast. The highest mortality rates due to ill-defined causes occurred in the Northeast until 2005.Conclusions:Mortality due to heart failure is decreasing in Brazil and in all of its geoeconomic regions. The temporal evolution of mortality caused by ischemic heart diseases was similar to that of heart failure. The decreasing number of deaths due to ill-defined causes may represent the improvement in the quality of information about mortality in Brazil. The evolution of acute ischemic heart diseases ranged according to regions, being possibly confused with the differential evolution of ill-defined causes.


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Diagnosis, prognosis and evaluation of death risk in Chagas cardiomyopathy still constitute a challenge due to the diversity of manifestations, which determine the importance of using echocardiography, tissue Doppler and biomarkers. To evaluate, within a systematic review, clinical and echocardiographic profiles of patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy, which may be related to worse prognosis and major mortality risk. To perform the systematic review, we used Medline (via PubMed), LILACS and SciELO databases to identify 82 articles published from 1991 to 2012, with the following descriptors: echocardiography, mortality and Chagas disease. We selected 31 original articles, involving diagnostic and prognostic methods. The importance of Chagas disease has increased due to its emergence in Europe and United States, but most evidence came from Brazil. Among the predictors of worse prognosis and higher mortality risk are morphological and functional alterations in the left and right ventricles, evaluated by conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler, as well as the increase in brain natriuretic peptide and troponin I concentrations. Recently, the evaluations of dyssynchrony, dysautonomia, as well as strain, strain rate and myocardial twisting were added to the diagnostic arsenal for the early differentiation of Chagas cardiomyopathy. Developments in imaging and biochemical diagnostic procedures have enabled more detailed cardiac evaluations, which demonstrate the early involvement of both ventricles, allowing a more accurate assessment of the mortality risk in Chagas disease.