926 resultados para Poor growth of CGTMSE lending


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Aspects of the population dynamics of the undulate ray, Raja undulata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae), one of the more abundant elasmobranch fish captured along the Portuguese south coast (Algarve), were studied for the first time. Some traditional elasmobranch vertebral enhancing techniques were compared and the most precise for this species determined to be the cedar wood oil immersion and the alizarin red S stain. The sample consisted of 14 age-classes, with age-classes 3 to 8 being the most represented. Evidence of an annual deposition pattern of a pair of bands (one opaque and one translucent) was found by marginal increment analyses. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated and no differences found between males and females (all data: L-inf=110.22 cm, K=0.11 y(-1) and t(0)=-1.58 y).


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The bigeye thresher, Alopias supercilious, is commonly caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries targeting swordfish. Little information is yet available on the biology of this species, however. As part of an ongoing study, observers sent aboard fishing vessels have been collecting set of information that includes samples of vertebrae, with the aim of investigating age and growth of A. supercilious. A total of 117 specimens were sampled between September 2008 and October 2009 in the tropical northeastern Atlantic, with specimens ranging from 101 to 242 cm fork length (FL) (176 to 407 cm total length). The A. supercilious vertebrae were generally difficult to read, mainly because they were poorly calcified, which is typical of Lamniformes sharks. Preliminary trials were carried out to determine the most efficient band enhancement technique for this species, in which crystal violet section staining was found to be the best methodology. Estimated ages in this sample ranged from 2 to 22 years for females and 1 to 17 years for males. A version of the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGF) re-parameterised to estimate L(0), and a modified VBGF using a fixed L(0) were fitted to the data. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used to compare these models. The VBGF produced the best results, with the following parameters: L(inf) = 293 cm FL, k = 0.06 y(-1) and L(0) = 111 cm FL for females; L(inf) = 206 cm FL, k = 0.18 y(-1) and L(0) = 93 cm FL for males. The estimated growth coefficients confirm that A. supercilious is a slow-growing species, highlighting its vulnerability to fishing pressure. It is therefore urgent to carry out more biological research to inform fishery managers more adequately and address conservation issues.


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The smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena (Sphyrnidae) is regularly caught as bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries, but is one of the least studied of all pelagic sharks. Recently, ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) issued recommendations underlining the need for more studies on the life history parameters of this and other pelagic shark species. To this end, the age and growth of S. zygaena were studied in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, in an area where growth parameters were not yet available for this species. Data from 139 specimens, caught between June and September 2009, ranging in size from 136 to 233 cm fork length (FL), were analysed. Preliminary trials were carried out to assess the most efficient growth band enhancement technique. These indicated that sectioning the vertebrae into 500 μm sections followed by staining with crystal violet produced the best results. Growth models were fitted using the traditional von Bertalanffy growth equation and a modification of this equation using a known size at birth. Growth models were compared using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The von Bertalanffy growth equation seemed to be the most adequate model to describe growth in this species, with resulting growth parameters of L inf = 272 cm FL, k = 0.06 year for males and L inf = 285 cm FL, k = 0.07 year for females. In the first four years of life, S. zygaena grows 25 cm per year on average, but its growth slows down in later life. Future stock assessment models should incorporate these age and growth parameters for species management and conservation.


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The age and growth of the Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) in the Azorean waters were studied using whole and sliced otolith readings. Individuals were collected during demersal surveys carried out around the Azores islands and its most important fishing banks and also from commercial landings. A total of 1024 individuals were measured, weighed and their sex was determined. Individuals ranged from 3 to 49 cm total length (TL) and their estimated ages between 0 and 32 years old. The otoliths showed the typical teleost fish pattern with alternated opaque and hyaline rings. Significant differences between sliced and whole otolith readings were found, especially after 7 years old (>25 cm TL). Sliced otoliths were found easier to read, regardless of TL or age. Comparisons with other studies for the Azores region and other areas are discussed.


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Phytoremediation studies have been conducted in an area contaminated by heavy metals, located in Piracicaba - SP, Brazil. This area was contaminated accidentally by the addition of auto scrap shredding to the soil and was limed later to reduce heavy metal mobility in the environment. Previous characterization showed that it also presents high concentration of boron, which has limited the initial plant development of some species. As sunflower plants require a high boron supply and the literature describes its use in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals under some conditions, the aim of this work was to evaluate its potential for the remediation of this area. In the present study, the results of preliminary tests are presented, aiming at the evaluation of sunflower plant germination and its initial development when cultivated in the contaminated soil described. Two sunflower hybrids were sown in soils treated with different rates of boron and in the soil from the contaminated area in study. The results showed that sunflower plants had a normal initial development, even in the soil from the contaminated area. Therefore, sunflower is a promising crop and further studies will be developed to evaluate the sunflower efficiency in phytoextraction or phytostabilization of heavy metals in areas where boron contamination also occurs, as is the case in the study area.


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This study was perfonned in PSPs located at the CPAr-ACRE EMORAPA expcrirnental area and at the PC Peixoto management areas. AI CPA F-ACR E the managed area was meehanically exploited in 1992 and at PC Peixoto animal traction was used to extract the planks.


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Agroforestry systems with eucalyptus prevail in Central and Southeast Brazil, and little information is available about systems using native trees. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the development of seven native tree species grown under two agroforestry systems. The experiment was conducted starting in 2007 in 12-hectare area in the municipality of São Carlos, São Paulo state, Brazil. The tree species planted in the two systems (a silvopastoral system and an agrisilvicultural system) were: 'capixingui' (Croton floribundus) and 'mutambo' (Guazuma ulmifolia) (tutors), 'jequitibá-branco' (Cariniana estrellensis), 'canafistula' (Peltophorum dubium) and 'ipê felpudo' (Zeyheria tuberculosa) (timber trees), and 'angico-branco' (Anadenanthera colubrina) and 'pau-jacaré' (Piptadenia gonoacantha) (N-fixing trees). Data were collected for 48 months. The results show differences among tree development, which was evaluated as growth in height and diameter, as well as sensitivity to insect and disease damage. The overall results show that the agrisilvicultural system allowed better tree development. The species with best performance in the two systems were capixingui, mutambo and canafístula. Ipê-felpudo and jequitibá-branco showed the worst results. The high variability among individuals of the same species indicates the possibility of high production advances with selective breeding of these species.


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To test the hypothesis that the plant stress related elicitor cis-jasmone (cJ) provides protection in soybean pods against the seed-sucking stink bug pest, Euschistus heros, the growth of E. heros on cJ-treated pods was investigated using three soybean cultivars differing in insect susceptibility, i.e. BRS 134 (susceptible), IAC 100 (resistant) and Dowling (resistant). E. heros showed reduced weight gain when fed cJ-treated Dowling, whereas no effect on weight gain was observed when fed other treated cultivars. Using analysis of variance, a three factor (cultivar x treatment x time) interaction was observed with concentrations of the flavonoid glycosides daidzin and genistin, and their corresponding aglycones, daidzein and genistein. There were increases in genistein and genistin concentrations in cJ-treated Dowling at 144 and 120 h post treatment, respectively. Higher concentrations of malonyldaidzin and malonylgenistin in Dowling, compared to BRS 134 and IAC 100, were observed independently of time, the highest concentrations being observed in cJ-treated seeds. Levels of glycitin and malonylglycitin were higher in BRS 134 and IAC 100 compared to Dowling. Canonical variate analysis indicated daidzein (in the first two canonical variates) and genistein (in the first only) as important discriminatory variables. These results suggest that cJ treatment leads to an increase in the levels of potentially defensive isoflavonoids in immature soybean seeds, but the negative effect upon E. heros performance is cultivar-dependent.


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This paper uses three waves of panel surveys at the household level to study growth and poverty in Albania over the period 2002-2004. It attempts to answer two main questions. The first question is directed at finding the micro determinants of growth and aims to expose the obstacles households face to improve their economic situation. The main focus of the analysis is to investigate the importance of health, education, and infrastructure indicators for income growth. The second question asks whether growth in Albania during the period 2002-2004 has been pro-poor. I find that there is some evidence for a convergence of incomes and a pro-poor growth, which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of people living under the poverty line. I also find that infrastructure has not been an important determinant for income mobility, and neither has health. Only the higher education of poor urban households seems to have affected prospects for growing out of poverty, and unexpectedly, the relationship is negative.


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The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create scaffold-free, tissue engineering elastic cartilage constructs directly from a small population of donor cells. Although the developed constructs appeared to adopt the structural appearance of native auricular cartilage, the constructs displayed limited expression and poor localization of elastin. In the present study, the effect of growth factor supplementation (insulin, IGF-1, or TGF-β1) was investigated to stimulate elastogenesis as well as to improve overall tissue formation. Using rabbit auricular chondrocytes, bioreactor-cultivated constructs supplemented with either insulin or IGF-1 displayed increased deposition of cartilaginous ECM, improved mechanical properties, and thicknesses comparable to native auricular cartilage after 4 weeks of growth. Similarly, growth factor supplementation resulted in increased expression and improved localization of elastin, primarily restricted within the cartilaginous region of the tissue construct. Additional studies were conducted to determine whether scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs could be developed in the 3D shape of the external ear. Isolated auricular chondrocytes were grown in rapid-prototyped tissue culture molds with additional insulin or IGF-1 supplementation during bioreactor cultivation. Using this approach, the developed tissue constructs were flexible and had a 3D shape in very good agreement to the culture mold (average error <400 µm). While scaffold-free, engineered auricular cartilage constructs can be created with both the appropriate tissue structure and 3D shape of the external ear, future studies will be aimed assessing potential changes in construct shape and properties after subcutaneous implantation.


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Increasing evidence from human epidemiological studies suggests that poor growth before birth is associated with postnatal growth retardation and the development of cardiovascular disease in adulthood. We have shown previously that nutritional deprivation in the pregnant rat leads to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), postnatal growth failure, changes in the endocrine parameters of the somatotrophic axis, and to increased blood pressure in later life. In the present study, we investigated whether administration of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) or bovine growth hormone (GH) during pregnancy could prevent IUGR and/or alter long-term outcome. Dams h-om day 1 of pregnancy throughout gestation received a diet of nd libitum available food or a restricted dietary intake of 30% of ad libitum fed dams. From day 10 of gestation, dams were treated for 10 days with three times daily subcutaneous injections of saline (100 mu l), IGF-I (2 mu g/g body weight) or GH (2 mu g/g body weight). Maternal weight gain was significantly increased (P


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Tetrasomy, pentasomy, and hexasomy 8 (polysomy 8) are relatively rare compared to trisomy 8. Here we report on a series of 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) associated with polysomy 8 as detected by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In an attempt to better characterize the clinical and hematological profile of this cytogenetic entity, our data were combined with those of 105 published patients. Tetrasomy 8 was the most common presentation of polysomy 8. In 60.7% of patients, polysomy 8 occurred as part of complex changes (16.2% with 11q23 rearrangements). No cryptic MLL rearrangements were found in cases in which polysomy 8 was the only karyotypic change. Our study demonstrates the existence of a polysomy 8 syndrome, which represents a subtype of AML, MDS, and MPD characterized by a high incidence of secondary diseases, myelomonocytic or monocytic involvement in AML and poor overall survival (6 months). Age significantly reduced median survival, but associated cytogenetic abnormalities did not modify it. Cytogenetic results further demonstrate an in vitro preferential growth of the cells with a high level of aneuploidy suggesting a selective advantage for polysomy 8 cells.


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ErbB receptors (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3 and ErbB4) are growth factor receptors that regulate signals of cell differentiation, proliferation, migration and survival. Inappropriate activation of these receptors is associated with the development and severity of many cancers and has prognostic and predictive value in cancer therapy. Drugs, such as therapeutic antibodies, targeted against EGFR and ErbB2, are currently used in therapy of breast, colorectal and head and neck cancers. The role of ErbB4 in tumorigenesis has remained relatively poorly understood. Alternative splicing produces four different isoforms of one ErbB4 gene. These isoforms (JM-a, JM-b, CYT-1 and CYT-2) are functionally dissimilar and proposed to have different roles in carcinogenesis. The juxtamembrane form JM-a undergoes regulated intramembrane proteolysis producing a soluble receptor ectodomain and an intracellular domain that translocates into the nucleus and regulates transcription. Nuclear signaling via JM-a isoform stimulates cancer cell proliferation. This study aimed to develop antibodies targeting the proposed oncogenic ErbB4 JM-a isoform that show potential in inhibiting ErbB4 dependent tumorigenesis. Also, the clinical relevance of ErbB4 shedding in cancer was studied. The currently used monoclonal antibody trastuzumab, targeting ErbB2, has shown efficacy in breast cancer therapy. In this study novel tissues with ErbB2 amplification and trastuzumab sensitivity were analyzed. The results of this study indicated that a subpopulation of breast cancer patients demonstrate increased shedding and cleavage of ErbB4. A JM-a isoform-specific antibody that inhibited ErbB4 shedding and consequent activation of ErbB4 had anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, ErbB4 shedding associates with tumor growth and specific targeting of the cleavable JM-a isoform could be considered as a strategy for developing novel ErbB-based cancer drugs. In addition, it was demonstrated that ErbB2 amplification is common in intestinal type gastric cancers with poor clinical outcome. Trastuzumab inhibited growth of gastric and breast cancer cells with equal efficacy. Thus, ErbB2 may be a useful target in gastric cancer.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the meteorological variables, water deficiency, growth, and agro-industrial yield of sugarcane varieties: RB72454, RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003, RB951541, and RB971755, in rainfed crop in two harvests in the Rio Largo-AL region. The meteorological variables were obtained in an automatic station and water balance was done by Thornthwaite & Mather method. During the study period, the air temperature ranged from 16.6 to 35.9 ºC. In the first production cycle rained 1,806 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,775 mm. In the second cycle, the rainfall totaled 1,632 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,290 mm. The average water excess of two production cycles was 689 mm and the water deficit totaled 665 mm. The average agricultural productivity in the plant was 86.8 t ha-1, in the first ratoon was 75.2 t ha-1 and the agro-industrial yield average was 12.9 and 10.9 tons of sugar per hectare in the plant and first ratoon, respectively. The air temperature was not limiting to the growth of sugarcane and the rainfall was higher than the crop evapotranspiration, but due to poor distribution of the rains there was water deficit. The most productive varieties were RB93509, RB92579, and RB863129.