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Culture conditions (pH, time, temperature, inoculum size, orbital agitation speed and substrate concentration) for an extracellular collagenase produced by Candida albicans URM3622 were studied using three experimental designs (one 2(6-2) fractionary factorial and two 2(3) full factorial). The analysis of the 2(6-2) fractionary design data indicated that agitation speed and substrate concentration had the most significant effect on collagenase production. Based on these results, two successive 2(3) full factorial design experiments were run in which the effects of substrate concentration, orbital agitation speed and pH were further studied. These two sets of experiments showed that all variables chosen were significant for the enzyme production, with the maximum collagenolytic activity of 6.8 +/- 0.4 U achieved at pH 7.0 with an orbital agitation speed of 160 rpm and 2% substrate concentration. Maximum collagenolytic activity was observed at pH 8.2 and 45 degrees C. The collagenase was stable within a pH range of 7.2-8.2 and over a temperature range of 28-45 degrees C. These results clearly indicate that C. albicans URM3622 is a potential resource for collagenase production and could be of interest for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently, we have built a classification model that is capable of assigning a given sesquiterpene lactone (STL) into exactly one tribe of the plant family Asteraceae from which the STL has been isolated. Although many plant species are able to biosynthesize a set of peculiar compounds, the occurrence of the same secondary metabolites in more than one tribe of Asteraceae is frequent. Building on our previous work, in this paper, we explore the possibility of assigning an STL to more than one tribe (class) simultaneously. When an object may belong to more than one class simultaneously, it is called multilabeled. In this work, we present a general overview of the techniques available to examine multilabeled data. The problem of evaluating the performance of a multilabeled classifier is discussed. Two particular multilabeled classification methods-cross-training with support vector machines (ct-SVM) and multilabeled k-nearest neighbors (M-L-kNN)were applied to the classification of the STLs into seven tribes from the plant family Asteraceae. The results are compared to a single-label classification and are analyzed from a chemotaxonomic point of view. The multilabeled approach allowed us to (1) model the reality as closely as possible, (2) improve our understanding of the relationship between the secondary metabolite profiles of different Asteraceae tribes, and (3) significantly decrease the number of plant sources to be considered for finding a certain STL. The presented classification models are useful for the targeted collection of plants with the objective of finding plant sources of natural compounds that are biologically active or possess other specific properties of interest.
The skin is a large and accessible area of the body, offering the possibility to be used as an alternative route for drug delivery. In the last few years strong progress has been made on the developing of nanoparticulate systems for specific applications. The interaction of such small particles with human skin and their possible penetration attracted some interest from toxicological as well as from drug delivery perspectives. As size is assumed to play a key role, the aim of the present work was to investigate the penetration profile of very small model particles (similar to 4 nm) into excised human skin under conditions chosen to mimic the in vivo situation. Possible application procedures such as massaging the formulation (5 to 10 minutes) were analyzed by non-invasive multiphoton- and confocal laser scanning microscopy (MPM, CLSM). Furthermore, the application on damaged skin was taken into account by deliberately removing parts of the stratum corneum. Although it was clearly observed that the mechanical actions affected the distribution pattern of the QDs on the skin surface, there was no evidence of penetration into the skin in all cases tested. QDs could be found in deeper layers only after massaging of damaged skin for 10 min. Taking these data into account, obtained on the gold standard human skin, the potential applications of nanoparticulate systems to act as carrier delivering drugs into intact skin might be limited and are only of interest for partly damaged skin.
A novel method of preparation of water-in-oil-in-micelle-containing water (W/O/W(m)) Multiple emulsions using the one-step emulsification method is reported. These multiple emulsions were normal (not temporary) and stable over a 60 day test period. Previously, reported multiple emulsion by the one-step method were abnormal systems that formed at the inversion point of simple emulsion (where there is an incompatibility in the Ostwald and Bancroft theories, and typically these are O/W/O systems). Pseudoternary phase diagrams and bidimensional process-composition (phase inversion) maps were constructed to assist in process and composition optimization. The surfactants used were PEG40 hydrogenated castor oil and sorbitan oleate, and mineral and vegetables oils were investigated. Physicochemical characterization studies showed experimentally, for the First time, the significance of the ultralow surface tension point oil multiple emulsion formation by one-step via phase inversion processes. Although the significance of ultralow surface tension has been speculated previously, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental confirmation. The multiple emulsion system reported here was dependent not only upon the emulsification temperature, but also upon the component ratios, therefore both the emulsion phase inversion and the phase inversion temperature were considered to fully explain their formation. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that the formation of these normal multiple emulsions is not a result of a temporary incompatibility (at the inversion point) during simple emulsion preparation, as previously reported. Rather, these normal W/O/W(m) emulsions are a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes. The formation of the primary emulsions (W/O) is in accordance with the Ostwald theory and the formation of the multiple emulsions (W/O/W(m)) is in agreement with the Bancroft theory.
The present work evaluates both in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of BPB-modified BthTX-I and its cationic synthetic peptide derived from the 115-129 C-terminal region. BPB-BthTX-1 presented cytotoxicity of 10-40% on different tumor cell lines, which were also susceptible to the lytic action of the synthetic peptide. Injection of the modified protein or the peptide in mice, 5 days after transplantation of S 180 tumor cells, reduced 30 and 36% of the tumor size on day 14th and 76 and 79% on day 60th, respectively, when compared to the untreated control group. Thus, these antitumor properties might be of interest in the development of therapeutic strategies against cancer. (C) 2009 The International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The starting point of this thesis was a desire to explain the rapid demise in the popularity which the Communist Party enjoyed in Queensland during the second world war. Wartime Queensland gave the Australian Communist Party its highest state vote and six years later Queensland again gave the Communist Party its highest state vote - this time however, to ban the Party. From this I was led into exploring the changing policies, beliefs and strategies of the Party, as well as the many sub-groups on its periphery, and the shifts in public response to these. In 1939 Townsville elected Australia's first Communist alderman. Five years later, Bowen elected not only Australia's first but also the British Empire's first, Communist state government member. Of the five electorates the Australian Communist Party contested in the 1944 Queensland State elections, in none did the Party's candidate receive less than twenty per-cent of the formal vote. Not only was the Party seemingly enjoying considerable popular support but this was occurring in a State which, but for the Depression years (May 1929 - June 1932) had elected a Labor State Government at every state election since 1915. In the September 1951 Constitution Alteration Referendum, 'Powers To Deal With Communists and Communism', Queensland regist¬ered the nation's highest "Yes" majority - 55.76% of the valid vote. Only two other states registered a majority in favour of the referendum's proposals, Western Australia and Tasmania. As this research was undertaken it became evident that while various trends exhibited at the time, anti-Communism, the work of the Industrial Groups, Labor opportunism, local area feelings, ideological shifts of the Party, tactics of Communist-led unions, etc., were present throughout the entire period, they were best seen when divided into three chronological phases of the Party's history and popularity. The first period covers the consolidation of the Party's post-Depression popularity during the war years as it benefited from the Soviet Union's colossal contribution to the Allied war efforts, and this support continued for some six months or so after the war. Throughout the period Communist strength within the trade union movement greatly increased as did total Party membership. The second period was marked by a rapid series of events starting in March 1946, with Winston Churchill's "Official Opening" of the Cold War by his sweeping attack on Communism and Russia, at Fulton. Several days later the first of a series of long and bitter strikes in Communist-led unions occurred, as the Party mobil¬ized for what it believed would be a series of attacks on the working class from a ruling class, defending a capitalist system on the verge of an economic collapse. It was a period when the Party believed this ruling class was using Labor reformism as a last desperate 'carrot' to get workers to accept their lot within a capitalist economic framework. Out of the Meat Strike emerged the Industrial Groups, who waged not only a determined war against Communist trade union leadership but also encouraged the A.W.U.-influenced State Labor apparatus to even greater anti-Communist antagonisms. The Communist Party's increasing militancy and Labor's resistance to it, ended finally in the collapse of the Chifley Labor government. Characteristically the third period opens with the Communist Party making an another about-face, desperately trying to form an alliance with the Labor Party and curbing its former adventurist industrial policy, as it prepared for Menzies' direct assault. The Communist Party's activities were greatly reduced, a function of both a declining member-ship and, furthermore, a membership reluctant to confront an increasingly hostile society. In examining the changing policies, beliefs and strategies of the Party and the shifts in public response to these, I have tried to distinguish between general trends occurring within Australia and the national party, and trends peculiar to Queensland and the Queensland branch of the Party, The Communist Party suffered a decline in support and membership right across Australia throughout this period as a result of the national policies of the Party, and the changing nature of world politics. There were particular features of this decline that were peculiar to Queensland. I have, however, singled out three features of particular importance throughout the period for a short but more specifically detailed analysis, than would be possible in a purely chronological study: i.e. the Party's structure, the Party's ideological subservience to Moscow, and the general effect upon it of the Cold War.
We show that quantum mechanics predicts a contradiction with local hidden variable theories for photon number measurements which have limited resolving power, to the point of imposing an uncertainty in the photon number result which is macroscopic in absolute terms. We show how this can be interpreted as a failure of a new premise, macroscopic local realism.
We demonstrate tomographic imaging of the refractive index of turbid media using bifocal optical coherence refractometry (BOCR). The technique, which is a variant of optical coherence tomography, is based on the measurement of the optical pathlength difference between two foci simultaneously present in a medium of interest. We describe a new method to axially shift the bifocal optical pathlength that avoids the need to physically relocate the objective lens or the sample during an axial scan, and present an experimental realization based on an adaptive liquid-crystal lens. We present experimental results, including video clips, which demonstrate refractive index tomography of a range of turbid liquid phantoms, as well as of human skin in vivo.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) describes the phenomenon whereby eggs fertilized by sperm from insects infected with a rickettsial endosymbiont fail to hatch. Unidirectional CI between conspecific populations of insects is a well documented phenomenon. Bidirectional CI has, however, only been described in mosquito populations, and recently between closely related species of parasitic wasps, where it is of interest as both an unusual form of reproductive isolation and as a potential means of insect population suppression. Here we report on the first known example of bidirectional CI between conspecific populations of Drosophila simulans. Further, we show that defects as early as the first cleavage division are associated with CI. This observation suggests that the cellular basis of CI involves disruption of processes before or during zygote formation and that CI arises from defects in the structure and/or function of the sperm during fertilization.
The relationship between sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) for all soils has traditionally been assumed to be similar to that developed by the United States Salinity Laboratory (USSL) in 1954. However, under certain conditions, this relationship has been shown not to be constant, but to vary with both ionic strength and clay mineralogy. We conducted a detailed experiment to determine the effect of ionic strength on the Na+-Ca2+ exchange of four clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, pyrophyllite, and montmorillonite), with results related to the diffuse double-layer (DDL) model. Clays in which external exchange sites dominated (kaolinite and pyrophyllite) tended to show an overall preference for Na+, with the magnitude of this preference increasing with decreasing ESP. For these external surfaces, increases in ionic strength were found to increase preference for Na+. Although illite (2:1 non-expanding mineral) was expected to be dominated by external surfaces, this clay displayed an overall preference for Ca2+, possibly indicating the opening of quasicrystals and the formation of internal exchange surfaces. For the expanding 2:1 clay, montmorillonite, Na+-Ca2+ exchange varied due to the formation of quasicrystals (and internal exchange surfaces) from individual clay platelets. At small ionic strength and large ESP, the clay platelets dispersed and were dominated by external exchange surfaces (displaying preference for Na+). However, as ionic strength increased and ESP decreased, quasicrystals (and internal exchange surfaces) formed, and preference for Ca2+ increased. Therefore, the relationship between SAR and ESP is not constant and should be determined directly for the soil of interest.
Despite its environmental (and financial) importance, there is no agreement in the literature as to which extractant most accurately estimates the phytoavailability of trace metals in soils. A large dataset was taken from the literature, and the effectiveness of various extractants to predict the phytoavailability of Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Pb examined across a range of soil types and contamination levels. The data suggest that generally, the total soil trace metal content, and trace metal concentrations determined by complexing agents (such as the widely used DTPA and EDTA extractants) or acid extractants (such as 0.1 M HCl and the Mehlich 1 extractant) are only poorly correlated to plant phytoavailability. Whilst there is no consensus, it would appear that neutral salt extractants (such as 0.01 M CaCl2 and 0.1 M NaNO3) provide the most useful indication of metal phytoavailability across a range of metals of interest, although further research is required.
Nature-based tourism has grown in importance in recent decades, and strong links have been established between it and ecotourism. This reflects rising incomes, greater levels of educational attainment and changing values, especially in the Western world. Nature-based tourism is quite varied. Different types of such tourism are identified and their consequences for sustainability of their resource-base are briefly considered. The development and management of nature-based tourism involves many economic aspects, several of which are discussed. For example, one must consider the economics of reserving or protecting land for this type of tourism. What economic factors should be taken into account? Economists stress the importance of taking into account the opportunity costs involved in such a decision. This concept is explained. However, determining the net economic value of an area used for tourism is not straightforward. Techniques for doing this, such as the travel cost method and stated value methods, are introduced. Natural areas reserved for tourism may have economic value not only for tourism but also jointly for other purposes, such as conserving wildlife, maintaining hydrological cycles and so on. These other purposes, should be taken into account when considering the use of land for nature-based tourism. According to one economic point of view, land should be used in a way that maximises its total economic value. While this approach has its merits, it does not take into account the distribution of benefits from land use and its local impacts on income and employment. These can be quite important politically and for nature conservation, and are discussed. Finally, there is some discussion of whether fees charged to tourists for access to environmental resources should discriminate between domestic tourists and foreigners.
Power system small signal stability analysis aims to explore different small signal stability conditions and controls, namely: (1) exploring the power system security domains and boundaries in the space of power system parameters of interest, including load flow feasibility, saddle node and Hopf bifurcation ones; (2) finding the maximum and minimum damping conditions; and (3) determining control actions to provide and increase small signal stability. These problems are presented in this paper as different modifications of a general optimization to a minimum/maximum, depending on the initial guesses of variables and numerical methods used. In the considered problems, all the extreme points are of interest. Additionally, there are difficulties with finding the derivatives of the objective functions with respect to parameters. Numerical computations of derivatives in traditional optimization procedures are time consuming. In this paper, we propose a new black-box genetic optimization technique for comprehensive small signal stability analysis, which can effectively cope with highly nonlinear objective functions with multiple minima and maxima, and derivatives that can not be expressed analytically. The optimization result can then be used to provide such important information such as system optimal control decision making, assessment of the maximum network's transmission capacity, etc. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Adsorption of binary hydrocarbon mixtures involving methane in carbon slit pores is theoretically studied here from the viewpoints of separation and of the effect of impurities on methane storage. It is seen that even small amounts of ethane, propane, or butane can significantly reduce the methane capacity of carbons. Optimal pore sizes and pressures, depending on impurity concentration, are noted in the present work, suggesting that careful adsorbent and process design can lead to enhanced separation. These results are consistent with earlier literature studies for the infinite dilution limit. For methane storage applications a carbon micropore width of 11.4 Angstrom (based on distance between centers of carbon atoms on opposing walls) is found to be the most suitable from the point of view of lower impurity uptake during high-pressure adsorption and greater impurity retention during low-pressure delivery. The results also theoretically confirm unusual recently reported observations of enhanced methane adsorption in the presence of a small amount of heavier hydrocarbon impurity.
Analytical electron microscopy was used to measure the composition of grain boundaries (GBs) and interconstituent boundaries (IBs) of X52 pipeline steel using specimens about 40-60 nm in thickness. All elements of interest were examined with the exception of carbon. With this caveat; there was no segregation at proeutectoid ferrite GBs. This indicated that the commonly expected species S and P are not responsible for preferential corrosion of GBs during intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels. Manganese was the only species measured to segregate at the IBs. Manganese segregated to the IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic cementite, and desegregated from IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic ferrite. The pearlitic cementite was Mn rich. There was no Mn segregation at the IBs between pearlitic ferrite and pearlitic cementite. The pattern of Mn segregation could be explained in terms of diffusion in the process zone ahead of the pearlite during the austenite to pearlite transformation and diffusion in the IBs between the proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.