963 resultados para Poder administrativo
Este ensaio trata da relação entre o poder e a língua numa perspectiva enunciativa e filosófica. Propõe-se a inventariar fenômenos de ambas as áreas - poder e língua que, pela sua natureza, possibilitem construir um conducto teórico que privilegie o poder e a língua, identificando, outrossim, os fenômenos lingüísticos pelos quais circula o poder. Foram eleitos dois conceitos, o de poder, sustentado pelas posições de Bobbio e Foucault, cuja característica comum entre ambos é a interdependência entre o conceito de poder e a noção de liberdade; e o de língua, sustentado pela teoria da enunciação na perspectiva de Benveniste e a partir da relação de intersubjetividade. A reflexão desenvolvida estruturou-se no seguinte silogismo: se a relação de força, ou de poder, é concreta, imediata, singular e pontual; se o ato enunciativo é concreto, imediato, singular e pontual, por que a relação de intersubjetividade não é uma relação de poder? Em sendo, que tipo de sujeito sustentaria esse tipo de relação. Essas premissas foram acompanhadas pela pergunta – Qual a origem do Poder? – cuja resposta contribuiu para definir a analogia entre as relações de poder e de intersubjetividade: o desejo. O poder nasce do desejo que, ao racionalizar-se, torna-se potência no seio das relações sociais. Não existe poder se todos não o querem. É a dialética do poder: um paradoxo necessário. A natureza dialética que sustenta o poder é a mesma da relação de intersubjetividade: não existe um eu, se não se implantar um tu. Outro paradoxo necessário. O fenômeno da determinação/indeterminação cuja natureza dialética – coerção e liberdade – é a mesma das relações de intersubjetividade e de poder, torna-se, assim, uma das vias pela qual circula o poder. O desejo habita o homem, pois é sua própria essência, conceito de André Comte- Sponville, inspirado em Spinoza. O desejo que dá origem ao poder é o mesmo desejo do homem que, ao apropriar-se da língua, torna-se sujeito. O sujeito para sustentar as relações de poder e de intersubjetividade, cuja dialética pressupõe a liberdade deverá ser moral e ético, pois sê-lo, exige escolha, conceito de Sponville baseado em Spinoza. Moral é tudo o que se faz por dever; ética é tudo o que se faz por amor. Na concepção de Spinoza: amor é uma alegria que acompanha a idéia de uma causa externa; o ódio é uma tristeza que acompanha a idéia de uma causa externa. De acordo com essa concepção, a ética estrutura-se em cima das noções de desejo, de potência e de alegria. Trata-se de uma criação. Portanto, o sujeito para sustentar as relações de poder e de intersubjetividade – paradoxos necessários – deverá ser moral e ético e, para sê-lo, deverá gozar de liberdade. Outro paradoxo. O sujeito da língua e da política é determinado por imposições – religiosas, jurídicas, gramaticais, inconscientes e culturais – mas, simultaneamente, é agente de rebeldia. A singularidade de ambos é dada pelo modo como luta pela liberdade – sua moral, sua ética. O efeito dessa luta o torna sujeito; a interpretação que ele faz do mundo e de si próprio são a sua referência e esta o singulariza. E sua morte também.
Este trabalho verifica a hipótese de que há economias de escala presentes na administração de planos fechados de previdência privada no Brasil, utilizando três índices para medição do custeio administrativo das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Privada (EFPPs): despesas administrativas sobre as receitas; despesas administrativas sobre o total de ativos e despesas administrativas por participante. Verifica-se ainda as hipóteses de que o percentual de participantes assistidos sobre o total de participantes, indicando a maturidade do plano, e o número de planos geridos por uma mesma EFPP exercem um efeito importante sobre os índices de custeio. Finalmente, analisa-se o peso das despesas administrativas relativas à gestão dos investimentos no total do custeio de uma EFPP.
This thesis aims at fostering understanding of telework from the power/knowledge theoretical perspective. In this sense, telework is understood as a discourse that at one and the same time subjugates and builds subjectivities. To reach its objective, the author explores how teleworkers make sense out of their experience through the analysis of their discursive practices. Twenty-five teleworkers residing in Rio de Janeiro city were interviewed. All of the interviewees are teleworkers who hold stead job positions and perform knowledge- intensive tasks.
This work presents a study about the federal judiciary and in particular about the creation of specialized courts in fiscal execution in Rio de Janeiro. The bibliography research includes an approach to administrative theory, the formation of the State and the particular procedure of the fiscal execution, the field research tries to describe the reality of the courts specialized in fiscal execution with the position of the magistrate, attorney and public servant. The results of the analysis is directed to show the federal judiciary and in particular the creation of specialized jurisdiction.
The phonographic market has experienced a period of significant change caused by technological evolution. This phenomenon of global proportions has been the subject of considerable debate in the media and in academia. The entry of new actors, as well as piracy and new forms of commercialization of musical products, has significantly altered the relationships of power existing in this field. Therefore, the scope of this article is to analyze the phonographic industry in Brazil as an arena of forces and power struggles, based on notions of the field of cultural production, from the perspective of Bourdieu. This study constitutes a qualitative research and data was analyzed using a descriptiveinterpretative approach. In the case of the sector under scrutiny, and on the basis of the theoretical reference material, it would appear to be correct to affirm that economic capital is what is being sought on the part of the actors who comprise the field. Nevertheless, it is important to stress that the critical incidents that brought about the changes in the structure of the field over the course of time were predominantly of a technological nature. The field of the Brazilian phonographic market is currently experiencing a period of structural alteration that was especially affected by the development of MP3 technology and the emergence of virtual piracy. The fact is that formerly the major recording companies dominated the market and had the necessary resources of power to exercise their role as dominant actors and maintain this position. However, the aforementioned factors favored the entry of new actors in the field and the empowerment of those that prior to this time did not have the resources to compete against this domination.
It is difficult to be precise as to the history of auditing. Everyone who has the responsibility to verify the legitimacy of economic-financial data and answer to one¿s superior may be considered to be an auditor. Verbal audit reports were used during the time of the Roman Empire. In the current world, public administration applies advanced auditing techniques. Brazil is going through a complex process of change in regard to breaking away from the present bureaucratic administrative model toward the management administrative model. Consequently, the procedures of Brazil¿s Audit Courts are adapting to a new administrative paradigm outlined in this study. Operational audits were analyzed beginning with the theoretical basis and presuppositions in the defined context and compared with the traditional audit model, identifying possible contributions to the management administrative model. This qualitative research seeks to explore such contributions beginning with a critical reading of the research of six operational type audits made in the Federal area by the Audit Court, but does not intend to be strictly classified as a theoretical-critical basis to the extent and depth that a study of this type requires, nevertheless, it intends to approach this position. The results obtained of the systematic reading and criticism of the implemented procedures and the filed final reports of the six examples studied demonstrated that they are a model of operational audits with emphasis on the actions of public administrators ¿ evaluating the aspects of competence, productivity and effectiveness of the public administration ¿ not just to be adequate, but essential to the operation of management administration. The final considerations highlight the basic presupposition of management administration, that is, the accountability of public management based on the results of its management obtained with the use of operational audit techniques, seeking the expected rigor of public management in benefit of society.
The characteristics of the Brazilian historic context, under which the predominant social relations have developed, have led to a process of income concentration and to the political power of the dominant classes. The slavery abolishment hasn't guaranteed the people the rights secured to privileged citizens in general. Such practices were observed during historic process as the low level literacy shown by the census of 1920, the political domination of oligarchies and the military coup, all as determining factors in process of political power concentration. The social indicators and the corruption are extremely unfavorable to our country, but we wonder if that happens only in underdeveloped societies. It is possible that even the American society, even the most developed societies, under the democratic capitalism, can suffer negative consequences of some corruption in the capitalism system. Our observations have led to the perception that all democratic society must be regulated by the State in order to preserve the stability of the system. It has also been observed that it is necessary more effective popular participation in order to neutralize economic groups¿ pressure. It has also become evident the necessity of reduction of commissioned office in the federal public administration. And, finally, it is fundamental to propose an amendment to the construction that allows the Public Ministry to have access to any bank, fiscal or telephonic information of anyone that is in office: It should be called "The Law of Moral Transparency". Those proposals will only be possible if there is massive popular participation and we hope that they express our people¿s will in order to appose to those who act only to obtain private benefits.
This study aims to bring back the debate on the use of the purchasing power of the State as instrument to boost other public policies established by federal entities. Besides putting it in a context of innovation in the public sector, the study of this issue must consider all its variables and questions, whwther of legal, economic, social or political order, starting with the one I consider the most important: the possibility of the State to assert its power of puchasing in order to design and promote markets, searching to achieve other objectives rather than those traditionally accepted. Thus, in the analysis of a direct application of a new practice, this study evaluates the implementation of the Additional Law number 123/06, which gives a differentiating treatment to micro and small enterprises in public contracting. By means of interviews, information was collected with the relevant actors in in this phase. The conclusion was that aspects such as the heterogeneity of the segment of the MPE`s and their low capacity of articulation, along with the endogenous obstacles of the instituion of the bidding, contribute decively to the low stage of the implementation that occurs at this moment.
Os escândalos envolvendo corrupção na administração pública brasileira parecem continuar recrudescendo. Os aparatos de controle não tem respondido satisfatoriamente a essa questão, não obstante os esforços efetuado pelos legisladores na elaboração da Constituição de 1988, particularmente no caso da ampliação do escopo do Controle Interno de cada poder da república, no sentido de um melhor controle da burocracia. Utilizamos a Teoria do Agente-Principal para explicar os conflitos surgidos entre os atores envolvidos, no exercício desse controle específico, em função dos diversos papéis assumidos, concomitantemente por esses mesmos atores nessas relações tipo Agente-Principal. Para identificar os fatores, oriundos dessas relações conflituosas, que condicionam a consecução dos objetivos constitucionais previstos para o Controle Interno, especificamente nos municípios da baixada fluminense, entrevistamos os responsáveis pelo Controle Interno de municípios dessa região, escolhendo uma amostra de 6 prefeituras. Entrevistamos ainda 3 técnicos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de fazer o contra-ponto das visões entre Controle Interno e Controle Externo. Os dados obtidos das entrevistas foram tratados pelo método de Análise de Conteudo, agrupando-se o material obtido por categoria, que foram definidas na grade mista, utilizada para as análises respectivas.
This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.
Com uma abordagem sistêmica se realizou-se uma análises da capacitação dos Recursos Humanos da Secretaria Nacional de Desarrollo Administrativo do Equador - SENDA-. É apresentada uma descrição da instituição analisada considerando sua origem, fmalidade, objetivos, estrura e resultados obtidos no âmbito da administração pública equatoriana. À luz de uma abordagem de tipo sistêmico da capacitação dos recursos humanos, significou obter um diagnóstico mais completo e propor uma política de administração eficiente do recurso mais importante das organizações, o ser humano.