921 resultados para Physico-chemical features


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Solid tumours display a complex drug resistance phenotype that involves inherent and acquired mechanisms. Multicellular resistance is an inherent feature of solid tumours and is known to present significant barriers to drug permeation in tumours. Given this barrier, do acquired resistance mechanisms such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) contribute significantly to resistance? To address this question, the multicellular tumour spheroid (MCTS) model was used to examine the influence of P-gp on drug distribution in solid tissue. Tumour spheroids (TS) were generated from either drug-sensitive MCF7WT cells or a drug-resistant, P-gp-expressing derivative MCF7Adr. Confocal microscopy was used to measure time courses and distribution patterns of three fluorescent compounds; calcein-AM, rhodamine123 and BODIPY-taxol. These compounds were chosen because they are all substrates for P-gp-mediated transport, exhibit high fluorescence and are chemically dissimilar. For example, BODIPY-taxol and rhodamine 123 showed high accumulation and distributed extensively throughout the TSWT, whereas calcein-AM accumulation was restricted to the outermost layers. The presence of P-gp in TSAdr resulted in negligible accumulation, regardless of the compound. Moreover, the inhibition of P-gp by nicardipine restored intracellular accumulation and distribution patterns to levels observed in TSWT. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of P-gp in modulating drug distribution in solid tumour models. However, the penetration of agents throughout the tissue is strongly determined by the physico-chemical properties of the individual compounds.


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This present study compares the efficacy of microsphere formulations, and their method of antigen presentation, for the delivery of the TB sub-unit vaccine antigen, Ag85B-ESAT-6. Microspheres based on poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and chitosan incorporating dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) were prepared by either the w/o/w double emulsion method (entrapped antigen) or the o/w single emulsion method (surface bound antigen), and characterised for their physico-chemical properties and their ability to promote an immune response to Ag85B-ESAT-6. The method of preparation, and hence method of antigen association, had a pronounced effect on the type of immune response achieved from the microsphere formulations, with surface bound antigen favouring a humoural response, whereas entrapped antigen favoured a cellular response.


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Biofuels are promising renewable energy sources and can be derived from vegetable oil feedstocks. Although solid catalysts show great promise in plant oil triglyceride transesterification to biodiesel, the identification of active sites and operating surface nanostructures created during their processing is essential for the development of efficient heterogeneous catalysts. Systematic, direct observations of dynamic MgO nanocatalysts from a magnesium hydroxide-methoxide precursor were performed under controlled calcination conditions using novel in situ aberration corrected-transmission electron microscopy at the 0.1 nm level and quantified with catalytic reactivity and physico-chemical studies. Surface structural modifications and the evolution of extended atomic scale glide defects implicate coplanar anion vacancies in active sites in the transesterification of triglycerides to biodiesel. The linear correlation between surface defect density (and therefore polarisability) and activity affords a simple means to fine tune new, energy efficient nanocatalysts for biofuel synthesis. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Non-doped and La-doped ZnTiO3 nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a modified sol–gel method. The synthesized nanoparticles were structurally characterized by PXRD, UV-vis DRS, FT-IR, SEM-EDS, TEM, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results show that doping of La into the framework of ZnTiO3 has a strong influence on the physico-chemical properties of the synthesized nanoparticles. XRD results clearly show that the non-doped ZnTiO3 exhibits a hexagonal phase at 800 °C, whereas the La-doped ZnTiO3 exhibits a cubic phase under similar experimental conditions. In spite of the fact that it has a large ionic radius, the La is efficiently involved in the evolution process by blocking the crystal growth and the cubic to hexagonal transformation in ZnTiO3. Interestingly the absorption edge of the La-doped ZnTiO3 nanoparticles shifted from the UV region to the visible region. The photocatalytic activity of the La-doped ZnTiO3 nanoparticles was evaluated for the degradation of Rhodamine B under sunlight irradiation. The optimum photocatalytic activity was obtained for 2 atom% La-doped ZnTiO3, which is much higher than that of the non-doped ZnTiO3 as well as commercial N-TiO2. A possible mechanism for the degradation of Rhodamine B over La-doped ZnTiO3 was also discussed by trapping experiments. More importantly, the reusability of these nanoparticles is high. Hence La-doped ZnTiO3 nanoparticles can be used as efficient photocatalysts for environmental applications.


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In 1962, D. June Sutor published the first crystallographic analysis of C–H…O hydrogen bonding based on a selection of structures then known. Her follow-up paper the next year cited more structures and provided more details, but her ideas met with formidable opposition. This review begins by describing knowledge of C-H…O hydrogen bonding available at the time from physico-chemical and spectroscopic studies. By comparison of structures cited by Sutor with modern redeterminations, the soundness of her basic data set is assessed. The plausibility of the counter-arguments against her is evaluated. Finally, her biographical details are presented along with consideration of factors that might have impeded the acceptance of her work. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.


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Liposomes not only offer the ability to enhance drug delivery, but can effectively act as vaccine delivery systems and adjuvants. Their flexibility in size, charge, bilayer rigidity and composition allow for targeted antigen delivery via a range of administration routes. In the development of liposomal adjuvants, the type of immune response promoted has been linked to their physico-chemical characteristics, with the size and charge of the liposomal particles impacting on liposome biodistribution, exposure in the lymph nodes and recruitment of the innate immune system. The addition of immunostimulatory agents can further potentiate their immunogenic properties. Here, we outline the attributes that should be considered in the design and manufacture of liposomal adjuvants for the delivery of sub-unit and nucleic acid based vaccines.


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Lavas belonging to the Grande Ronde Formation (GRB) constitute about 63% of the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), a flood basalt province in the NW United States. A puzzling feature is the lack of phenocrysts (< 5%) in these chemically evolved lavas. Based mainly on this observation it has been hypothesized that GRB lavas were nearly primary melts generated by large-scale melting of eclogite. Another recent hypothesis holds that GRB magmas were extremely hydrous and rose rapidly from the mantle such that the dissolved water kept the magmas close to their liquidi. I present new textural and chemical evidence to show that GRB lavas were neither primary nor hydrous melts but were derived from other melts via efficient fractional crystallization and mixing in shallow intrusive systems. Texture and chemical features further suggest that the melt mixing process may have been exothermic, which forced variable melting of some of the existing phenocrysts. ^ Finally, reported here are the results of efforts to simulate the higher pressure histories of GRB using COMAGMAT and MELTS softwares. The intent was to evaluate (1) whether such melts could be derived from primary melts formed by partial melting of a peridotite source as an alternative to the eclogite model, or if bulk melting of eclogite is required; and (2) at what pressure such primary melts could have been in equilibrium with the mantle. I carried out both forward and inverse modeling. The best fit forward model indicates that most primitive parent melts related to GRB could have been multiply saturated at ∼1.5--2.0 GPa. I interpret this result to indicate that the parental melts last equilibrated with a peridotitic mantle at 1.5--2.0 GPa and such partial melts rose to ∼0.2 GPa where they underwent efficient mixing and fractionation before erupting. These models suggest that the source rock was not eclogitic but a fertile spinel lherzolite, and that the melts had ∼0.5% water. ^


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Low and high water periods create contrasting challenges for trees inhabiting periodically flooded wetlands. Low to moderate flood durations and frequencies may bring nutrient subsidies, while greater hydroperiods can be energetically stressful because of oxygen deficiency. We tested the hypothesis that hydroperiod affects the growth of mangrove seedlings and saplings in a greenhouse experiment by varying flood duration while keeping salinity and soil fertility constant. We measured the growth of mangrove trees along a hydroperiod gradient over a two-year period by tracking fine-scale diameter increment. Greenhouse growth studies indicated that under a full range of annual flood durations (0–8760 h/year), hydroperiod alone exerted a significant influence on growth for one species, Laguncularia racemosa, when flooding was imposed for two growing seasons. Field evaluations, on the other hand, indicated that increased flood duration may provide nutrient subsidies for tree growth. Diameter growth was related curvilinearly to site hydroperiod, including flood duration and frequency, as well as to salinity and soil fertility. An analysis of soil physico-chemical parameters suggests that phosphorus fertility, which was also linked directly to hydroperiod, is likely to influence growth on south Florida mangrove sites. The physical removal of phosphorus by greater flood frequencies from upland sources and/or addition of phosphorus from tidal flooding balanced against increased soil aeration and reduced water deficits may be an extremely important growth determinant for south Florida mangroves.


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Tree islands are an important structural component of many graminoid-dominated wetlands because they increase ecological complexity in the landscape. Tree island area has been drastically reduced with hydrologic modifications within the Everglades ecosystem, yet still little is known about the ecosystem ecology of Everglades tree islands. As part of an ongoing study to investigate the effects of hydrologic restoration on short hydroperiod marshes of the southern Everglades, we report an ecosystem characterization of seasonally flooded tree islands relative to locations described by variation in freshwater flow (i.e. locally enhanced freshwater flow by levee removal). We quantified: (1) forest structure, litterfall production, nutrient utilization, soil dynamics, and hydrologic properties of six tree islands and (2) soil and surface water physico-chemical properties of adjacent marshes. Tree islands efficiently utilized both phosphorus and nitrogen, but indices of nutrient-use efficiency indicated stronger P than N limitation. Tree islands were distinct in structure and biogeochemical properties from the surrounding marsh, maintaining higher organically bound P and N, but lower inorganic N. Annual variation resulting in increased hydroperiod and lower wet season water levels not only increased nitrogen use by tree species and decreased N:P values of the dominant plant species (Chrysobalanus icaco), but also increased soil pH and decreased soil temperature. When compared with other forested wetlands, these Everglades tree islands were among the most nutrient efficient, likely a function of nutrient immobilization in soils and the calcium carbonate bedrock. Tree islands of our study area are defined by: (1) unique biogeochemical properties when compared with adjacent short hydroperiod marshes and other forested wetlands and (2) an intricate relationship with marsh hydrology. As such, they may play an important and disproportionate role in nutrient and carbon cycling in Everglades wetlands. With the loss of tree islands that has occurred with the degradation of the Everglades system, these landscape processes may have been altered. With this baseline dataset, we have established a long-term ecosystem-scale experiment to follow the ecosystem trajectory of seasonally flooded tree islands in response to hydrologic restoration of the southern Everglades.


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Deep sea manganese nodules from the Central Pacific Basin are mainly composed of 10Å manganite and d-MnO2 Two zones equivalent to the minerals are evidently distinguishable according to their optical properties. Microscopic and microprobe analyses revealed quite different chemical compositions and textnral characteristics of the two zones. These different feature of the two zones of nodules suggest the different conditions under which they were formed. Concentrations of 11 metal elements in the zones and inter-element relationships show that the 10Å manganite zone is a monomineralic oxide phase containing a large amount of manganese and minor amounts of useful metals, and that the d-MnO2 zone which is apparently homogeneous under the microscope is a mixture of three or more different minerals. The chemical characteristics of the two zones can explain the variation of bulk composition of deep sea manganese nodules and inter-element relationships previously reported, suggesting that the bulk compositions are attributable to the mixing of the 10Å manganite and d-MnO2 zones in various ratios. Characteristic morphology and surface structure of some types of nodules and their relationships to chemistry are also attribut able to the textural and chemical features of the above mentioned two phases. Synthesis of hydrated manganese oxides was carried out in terms of the formation of manganese minerals in the ocean. The primary product which is an equivalent to d-MnO2 was precipitated from Mn 2+ -bearing alkaline solution under oxigenated condition by air bubbling at one atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The primary product was converted to a l0Å manganite equivalent by contact with Ni 2+, Cu 2++ or CO2+ chloride solutions. This reaction caused the decrease of Ni2+, Cu2+ or CO2+ concentrations and the increase of Na+ concentration in the solution. The reaction also proceeded even in diluted solutions of nickel chloride and resulted in a complete removal of Ni2+ from the solution. Reaction products were exclusively 10Å manganite equivalents and their chemical compositions were very similar to those of 10Å manganite in manganese nodules. The maximum value of(Cu+Ni+Co)/Mn ratio of 10Å manganite zones in manganese nodules is 0.16, and the Ni/Mn ratio of synthetic 10Å manganite ranges from 0.15 to 0.18 with the average of 0.167.


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Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature and its derivative chitosan has been widely studied due to its unique chemical and pharmacological properties. However, studies show that when this molecule is used as food, drug, etc. it tends to accumulate in renal tissue and promotes an increase in calcium excretion. Nevertheless, the effect of chitosan on the formation of calcium oxalate (OxCa) crystals has never been evaluated. The formation of kidney stones (urolithiasis) is the disease that most often affects the kidneys and the urinary system. In addition, this is a disease with high prevalence and recurrence. Many molecules with antioxidant activity have been shown to decrease the potential for in vitro OxCa crystals formation. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low molecular weight chitosan and its derivatives conjugated to gallic acid (AG) as antioxidant and inhibitor of OxCa crystals formation. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed the identity of chitosan. This molecule was subjected to five antioxidant tests and showed an excellent copper chelating activity. However, chitosan did not show other significant antioxidant activity. When chitosan was subjected to in vitro crystal formation tests, it increased the number of OxCa monohydrate crystals, modified the morphology of the crystals, modified the proportions between populations of crystals in solution and increased the zeta potential of these crystals formed. Four molecules of chitosan conjugated with GA were obtained. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed that chitosan and AG were covalently bonded. However, the amount of GA liked to chitosan did not increase even when 10 times more GA was used in experiment. When these derivatives were subjected to antioxidant tests, all chitosan conjugates showed higher antioxidant potential than their precursors. However, they showed different activity between them, which indicating that the position where AG is conjugated is an important factor for chitosan-GA activity. When conjugated chitosans were submitted to in vitro crystal formation tests, a reduction in the crystals number was observed when compared with those formed in the presence of unconjugated chitosan. Chitosan has a strong capacity for inducing OxCa monohydrate crystal formation, as well as modify their morphology and zeta potential. Over all, the process of conjugating AG to chitosan led to an increase in antioxidant potential of this molecule and was also able to decrease its capacity of inducing in vitro crystal formation


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Bionanocomposites systems clay base (montmorillonite and sepiolite), layered double hidroxides and biopolymers (carboxymethylcellulose and zein) were evaluated as topical delivery systems with antibacterial activity and as oral delivery systems. For this study, neomycin, a topical antibiotic, indicated mainly for open wound infections. The drug amoxicillin, an antibiotic indicated mainly for throat infections, were also used in this study. Both antibiotics were used as model drugs. Initially, drugs were incorporated directly into the biopolymer matrix, comprising the combination of carboxymethylcellulos and zein, being conformed as movies and balls and evaluated for their antibacterial activity and controlled release simulating gastrointestinal fluids. Moreover, hybrids materials have been prepared where the neomycin drug was incorporated into the lamellar inorganic solids, such as montmorillonite by ion exchange reaction, and the fibrous type, such as sepiolite by adsorption in aqueous solution. But the drug amoxicillin was incorporated into layered double hydroxides by anion exchange and montmorillonite by cation exchange. The resulting hybrids were in turn combined with the biopolymer matrix yielding bionanocomposites shaped materials such as films were tested for their antibacterial activity, and the shaped materials beads were tested for their release in the gastrointestinal fluids. Through the analysis of various physico-chemical techniques, we observed the interactions between the studied materials, the formation of hybrids materials, obtaining the bionanocomposites materials and material efficiency when applied in controlled release of drugs both topical and use oral mainly influenced by the presence of zein, are promising as topical delivery systems and oral drugs.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of diet with selenium on the physico-chemical composition and somatic cell count of buffalo milk, and check the selenium waste in milk and minas kind fresh cheese. For the analysis of physical-chemical composition and SCC were used 2264 buffalo milk data from the Murrah, belonging to Tapuio Ltda, located in the agreste region of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period 2010 to 2014. To check the amount of selenium residue in buffalo milk and fresh cheese mines were used 100 Murrah buffaloes divided into 5 lots. The batches were formed according to the production levels of animals, wherein the amount of concentrate fed varied within each lot, which received 0.08 ppm / Se / kg of concentrate. Was collected from 300 ml of tank milk from and each lot, as well as 300 gr minas cheese, from August to November 2014, with the collection of lots held only in the month of November. The samples were sent to the Pernambuco Tecnology Institute for selenium residue analysis. The effect of the seasons was contrasted in two ways, namely: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter season or drought and rainy season. The analyzes statistics were performed using the procedures available in the software SAS® (SAS, 2002). Selenium level provided to the animals in this study was not significant to the point of detection of their residue in milk and the cheeses. However, it influences the reduction of the CCS. The milk characteristics were not affected by selenium use only the seasons.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of diet with selenium on the physico-chemical composition and somatic cell count of buffalo milk, and check the selenium waste in milk and minas kind fresh cheese. For the analysis of physical-chemical composition and SCC were used 2264 buffalo milk data from the Murrah, belonging to Tapuio Ltda, located in the agreste region of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period 2010 to 2014. To check the amount of selenium residue in buffalo milk and fresh cheese mines were used 100 Murrah buffaloes divided into 5 lots. The batches were formed according to the production levels of animals, wherein the amount of concentrate fed varied within each lot, which received 0.08 ppm / Se / kg of concentrate. Was collected from 300 ml of tank milk from and each lot, as well as 300 gr minas cheese, from August to November 2014, with the collection of lots held only in the month of November. The samples were sent to the Pernambuco Tecnology Institute for selenium residue analysis. The effect of the seasons was contrasted in two ways, namely: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter season or drought and rainy season. The analyzes statistics were performed using the procedures available in the software SAS® (SAS, 2002). Selenium level provided to the animals in this study was not significant to the point of detection of their residue in milk and the cheeses. However, it influences the reduction of the CCS. The milk characteristics were not affected by selenium use only the seasons.


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The Ming deposit, Newfoundland Appalachians, is a metamorphosed (upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies), Cambro-Ordovician, bimodalmafic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit that consists of several, spatially-associated, elongated orebodies composed of stratabound semimassive to massive sulfides and/or discordant sulfide stringers in a rhyodacitic footwall. Copper is the main commodity; however, the deposit contains precious metal-bearing zones with elevated Au grades. In this study, field observations, microscopy, and micro-analytical tools including electron microprobe, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and secondary ion mass spectrometry were used to constrain the relative timing of precious metal emplacement, the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluid precipitation, and the sources of sulfur, precious metals, semi-metals and metals. The ore mineral assemblage is complex and indicates an intermediate sulfidation state. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are the dominant ore minerals with minor sphalerite and pyrrhotite, and trace galena, arsenopyrite and cubanite. Additional trace phases include tellurides, NiSb phases, sulfosalts, electrum, AgHg±Au alloys, and oxides. Silver phases and precious metals occur predominantly in semi-massive and massive sulfides as free grains, and as grains spatially associated with arsenopyrite and/or sulfosalts. Precious metal phases occurring between recrystallized pyrite and within cataclastic pyrite are rare. Hence, the complex ore assemblage and textures strongly suggest syngenetic precious metal emplacement, whereas metamorphism and deformation only internally and locally remobilized precious metal phases. The ore assemblage formed from reduced, acidic hydrothermal fluids over a range of temperatures (≈350 to below 260ºC). The abundance of telluride and Ag-bearing tetrahedrite, however, varies strongly between the different orebodies indicating variable ƒTe₂, ƒSe₂, mBi, and mSb within the hydrothermal fluids. The variations in the concentrations of semi-metals and metals (As, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Te), as well as Au and Ag, were due to variations in temperature but also to a likely contribution of magmatic fluids into the VMS hydrothermal system from presumably different geothermal reservoirs. Sulfur isotope studies indicate at least two sulfur sources: sulfur from thermochemically-reduced seawater sulfate and igneous sulfur. The source of igneous sulfur is the igneous footwall, direct magmatic fluid/volatiles, or both. Upper greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphic conditions and deformation had no significant effect on the sulfur isotope composition of the sulfides at the Ming deposit.