845 resultados para Physical education for disabled people
The adjustment of the teaching learning contents in Physical Education, requires of a rigorous analysis that permits to adjust them to the maximum with the educational needs of the student body. It has been approached an investigation study in the one which have intervened pupils, boys and girls, of two different populations, Girona and Madrid in order to prove and analyse the motor and mental components of the student body in the real situation of the game. The hypothesis that we have treated are:if it exists differences between the boys and girls of the educational levels studied in the motor and mental solution in the sports initiation, additionally, the differences that they can exist between the courses and what distance is verified between the study ages to approach a physical activity that implies an initial step to the hour of teaching the collective sports in the classes of Physical education. They have been employed three measure instruments: the first permits to analyse the mental solution without need of practice employing situation photographs of the real game with those which the pupils must choose to who to happen; the second is a pass test that permits to prove the technical dominance to use in a collective sport and the third is a real game situation that permits to put in manifesto the relationship between the mental behaviour and the motor of the pupil. This real game situation is ‘the game of ten pass’ (Blázquez,1986; Torres,1993). The results demonstrate that it do not exist differences between the two sexes in the study ages. In the case of the technical execution level, there is a considerable increase with the age and it is slightly greater in the kids that in the girls. In the case of the real game, we find ourselves with a great variability in the results and we cannot conclude that there are relative differences to the sex in none of the three courses. Respect at participation level during the game is confirmed that the pupils that more participate are not the pupils than more balls lose, what permits to guarantee the idea of the fact that it is convenient to use the real game practice as direct learning element. Finally, there is no a high correlation between the execution level measured in the test of technical execution and the decision execution during the game
The aim of this study limit is to analyze the different learning software tools for groups in need of attention special and disability that exist in the market so exclusive and cost recorded consulting and licensing, and compare them with the tools repository of Open Source Software Community without loss of performance and efficiency. Our engineering knowledge should always help the most in need.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Veure, dia a dia, com hi ha nens i nenes que abandonen el seu somni de jugar a futbol només perquè no estan d’acord amb l’entrenador, entrenadora que els ha tocat o perquè els membres de la junta d’un club de futbol de base no respon a les necessitats dels nostres infants i joves, és una llàstima. Des de Rizoma Pedagogia Esportiva no volem que aquests tipus de fets es repeteixin i per això donem assessorament tant a clubs en general com a entrenadors i entrenadores, per evitar aquestes situacions i fer que els nens i les nenes o nois i noies gaudeixin del seu temps de lleure fent allò que més els agrada
El objeto de estudio parte de un proceso de investigación acción (McKernan, 1999 y Eliot, 1993), el cual estamos llevando a cabo desde hace dos cursos, en el marco del plan piloto para la adaptación de los estudios de la UdG al Espacio Europeo deEducación Superior (EEES). La justificación se enmarca en la demanda del Espacio Europea de Educación Superior, mediante el desarrollo de una educación basada en competencias con el objetivo de partir de una información que responda a unas necesidades reales basadas del Proyecto Tunning. Esta aportación se refleja en una asignatura de libre elección de nuevaincorporación. Esta propuesta, da un énfasis especial en la interacción entre los dos estudios: educación y enfermería. La cooperación interdisciplinar nos ha permitido compartir, interactuar y dialogar de forma crítica para poder seguir avanzando en nuestra propuesta. Estamos plenamente convencidos que la Educación Física bien dosificada, la alimentación cualitativamente equilibrada y unas condiciones higiénicas correctas en un entorno favorable, son pilares de una buena educación para la salud