954 resultados para Phenolic metabolites


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An oxidative pathway hitherto unknown for tile degradation of a sesquiterpene alcohol, nerolidol (I) by Alcaligenes eutrophus is presented. Fermentation of nerolidol (I) by this organism in a mineral salts medium resulted in the formation of geranylacetone (II) and an optically active alcohol (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III), as major metabolites. Nerolidol (I) induced cells readily transformed 1,2-epoxynerolidol (IV) and 1,2-dihydroxynerolidol (V) into geranylacetone (II). These cells also exhibited their ability to carry out stereospecific reduction of II into (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III). Oxygen uptake studies clearly indicated that nerolidol induced cells oxidized compounds II, III, IV, V and ethyleneglycol. Based on these observations a new oxidative pathway for the degradation of I is suggested which envisages the epoxidation of the terminal double bond, opening of the epoxide and cleavage between C-2 and C-3 in a manner similar to the periodate oxidation of diol.


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Polyphenolic compounds occurring naturally in knotwood of plants are known to have antimicrobial effects. The knots (i.e. the branch bases inside tree stems) and outer branches in pine trees contain a remarkably high concentration of phenolic stilbenes, while lignans are the major phenolic constituents of spruce knots. Large amount of these phenolic compounds can be extracted from wood knots at pulp and paper mills where their presence is undesirable. In Finland, marinating of broiler meat is done not only to increase or add value to the meat, but also to enhance the safety and shelf-life. These products are usually packed under a modified atmosphere for further protection against spoilage microorganisms. However, studies have revealed that addition of marinades to poultry products do not have an inhibitory effect on either some psychrotrophic anaerobic bacteria, such as Brochothrix thermosphacta or lactic acid bacteria associated with spoilage. Also, the activity of pathogenic Campylobacter jejuni is not affected by marinating. The objective of this study was to investigate the inhibitory and lethal activities of extracts from spruce (Picea spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) knotwood and outer branches that are dissolved in ethanol against the spoilage microorganisms in modified atmosphere packaged marinated broiler products. Modified atmosphere packaged broiler products were separately inoculated with ‘normal’ marinades, marinades with 70% ethanol, marinades with a mixture of spruce and pine extracts dissolved in 70% ethanol or mixture of spruce and pine extracts in powder form. The bacterial colony forming units per gram obtained from each of the samples were analysed on de Man Rogosa and Sharpe agar at days 1, 6, 12 and 15. The results showed that there were significant differences in bacterial colony forming units per gram (P <0.05) between packages with ‘normal’ marinades and packages with extracts added to their marinades on the 12th and 15th day. It can be concluded that the addition of extracts from spruce and pine knotwood to marinades significantly retarded growth of spoilage microorganisms during the 15 day test period. However further research is warranted to characterise and establish the safety and suitability of the compound(s) in spruce and pine knotwood extracts that are responsible for inhibitory or lethal activity against the microbes that may be present in marinated poultry meat.


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Zinc forms two types of complexes with o-vanillin salicyloylhydrazone. The H-1 and C-13 nmr studies suggest that it coordinates with azomethine nitrogen, the carbonyl oxygen and with one or both of the phenolic oxygens. The H-1-H-1 and H-1 decoupled C-13-C-13 two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser and exchange spectra show that there is an exchange between the two types of complexes.


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Addition of NADH inhibited the peroxidative loss of scopoletin in presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 and decreased the ratio of scopoletin (consumed):H2O2 (added). Concomitantly NADH was oxidized and oxygen was consumed with a stoichiometry of NADH: O-2 of 2:1. On step-wise addition of a small concentration of H2O2 a high rate of NADH oxidation was obtained for a progressively decreasing time period followed by termination of the reaction with NADH:H2O2 ratio decreasing from about 40 to 10. The rate of NADH oxidation increased linearly with increase in scopoletin concentration. Other phenolic compounds including p-coumarate also supported this reaction to a variable degree. A 418-nm absorbing compound;d accumulated during oxidation of NADH. The effectiveness of a small concentration of H2O2 in supporting NADH oxidation increased in presence of SOD and decreased in presence of cytochrome c, but the reaction terminated even in their presence. The results indicate that the peroxidase is not continuously generating H2O2 during scopolerin-mediated NADH oxidation and that both peroxidase and oxidase reactions occur simultaneously competing for an active form of the enzyme.


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Mononuclear copper(II) complexes of tri- and tetra-dentate tripodal ligands containing phenolic hydroxyl and benzimidazole or pyridine groups have been isolated. They are of the type (CuL(X)].nH2O, [CuL(H2O)]X.nH2O or [CuL].nH2O where X = Cl-, ClO4-, N3- or NCS- and n = 0-4. The electronic spectra of all the complexes exhibit a broad absorption band around 14000 cm-1 and the polycrystalline as well as the frozen-solution EPR spectra are axial, indicating square-based geometries. The crystal structure of [CuL(Cl)] [HL = (2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)bis(2-pyridyl-methyl)amine] revealed a square-pyramidal geometry around Cu(II). The mononuclear complex crystallises in the triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 6.938(1), b = 11.782(6), c = 12.678(3) angstrom and alpha = 114.56(3), beta = 92.70(2), gamma = 95.36(2)-degrees. The co-ordination plane is comprised of one tertiary amine and two pyridine nitrogens and a chloride ion. The phenolate ion unusually occupies the axial site, possibly due to the electron-withdrawing p-nitro group. The enhanced pi delocalisation involving the p-nitrophenolate donor elevates the E1/2 values. The spectral and electrochemical results suggest the order of donor strength as nitrophenolate < pyridine < benzimidazole in the tridentate and nitrophenolate < benzimidazole < pyridine in the tetradentate ligand complexes.


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Pseudomonas putida CSV86, a soil bacterium, grows on 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene as the sole source of carbon and energy. In order to deduce the pathways for the biodegradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene, metabolites were isolated from the spent medium and purified by thin layer chromatography. Emphasis has been placed on the structural characterisation of isolated intermediates by CC-MS, demonstration of enzyme activities in the cell free extracts and measurement of oxygen uptake by whole cells in the presence of various probable metabolic intermediates. The data obtained from such a study suggest the possibility of occurrence of multiple pathways in the degradation of 1- and 2-methylnaphthalene. We propose that, in one of the pathways, the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the methyl moiety is oxidized leading to the formation of methylsalicylates and methylcatechols. In another pathway the methyl side chain is hydroxylated to -CH2-OH which is further converted to -CHO and -COOH resulting in the formation of naphthoic acid as the end product. In addition to this, 2-hydroxymethylnaphthalene formed by the hydroxylation of the methyl group of 2-methylnaphthalene undergoes aromatic ring hydroxylation. The resultant dihydrodiol is further oxidised by a series of enzyme catalysed reactions to form 4-hydroxymethyl catechol as the end product of the pathway.


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Bioconversion of acyclic isoprenoids using a strain of Aspergillus niger results in hydroxylated metabolites with regio- and stereoselectivity. The organism carries out oxidation of the terminal allylic methyl group and the remote double bond in all the compounds tested (I-VII). However, these two activities seem to have preferential structural requirements. When an acyclic isoprenoid with a ketone functionality such as geranylacetone is used as the substrate, the organism also carries out the asymmetric reduction of the keto group. All the metabolites formed have been purified and characterized by conventional spectroscopic methods and quantification has been made by gas chromatographic analyses.


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Mucor piriformis was used to study the mode of transformation of 16-dehydroprogesterone (I, pregna-4, 16-diene-3, 20-dione) and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (II, 17 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3, 20-dione). Biotransformation products formed from I were 14 alpha-hydroxypregna-4, 16-diene-3, 20-dione (Ia), 7 alpha, 14 alpha-dihydroxypregna-4 16-diene-3, 20-dione (Ib), 3 beta, 7 alpha, 14 alpha-trihydroxy-5 alpha-pregn-16-en-20-one (Ic), and 3 alpha, 7 alpha, 14 alpha-trihydroxy-5 alpha-pregn-16-en-20-one (Id). Metabolites Ic and Id appear to be hitherto unknown. Timecourse studies suggested that the transformation is initiated by hydroxylation at the 14 alpha-position (Ia) followed by hydroxylation at the 7 alpha-position (Ib). Microsomes (105,000 g sediment) prepared from 16-dehydroprogesterone-induced cells hydroxylate I to its 14 alpha-hydroxy derivative (Ia) in the presence of NADPH. Incubation of Ia with the organism resulted in the formation of Ib, Ic and Id. Biotransformation products formed from compound II were 17 alpha, 20 alpha-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (IIa), 7 alpha, 17 alpha-dihydroxypregn-4-ene-3, 20-dione (IIb), 6 beta, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-trihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (IIc) and 11 alpha, 17 alpha, 20 alpha-trihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (IId). Time-course studies indicated that IIa is the initial product formed, which is further hydroxylated either at the 6 beta or 11 alpha position. Incubation of IIa with the organism resulted in the formation of IIc and IId. Reduction of the 4-en-3-one system and 20-keto group has not been observed before in organisms of the order Mucorales. In addition, M. piriformis has been shown to carry out hydroxylation at the C-6, C-7, C-11 and C-14 positions in the steroid molecules tested.


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Pseudomonas maltophilia CSV89, a bacterium isolated from soil in our laboratory, grows on 1-naphthoic acid as the sole source of carbon and energy. To elucidate the pathway for degradation of 1-naphthoic acid, the metabolites were isolated from spent medium, purified by TLC, and characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The involvement of various metabolites as intermediates in the pathway was established by demonstrating relevant enzyme activities in cell-free extracts, oxygen uptake and transformation of metabolites by the whole cells. The results obtained from such studies suggest that the degradation of 1-naphthoic acid is initiated by double hydroxylation of the aromatic ring adjacent to the one bearing the carboxyl group, resulting in the formation of 1,2-dihydroxy-8-carboxynaphthalene. The resultant diol was oxidized via 3-formyl salicylate, 2-hydroxyisophthalate, salicylate and catechol to TCA cycle intermediates.


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Purine nucleotide synthesis in Plasmodium falciparum takes place solely by the purine salvage pathway in which preformed purine base(s) are salvaged from the host and acted upon by a battery of enzymes to generate AMP and GMP. Inhibitors of this pathway have a potent effect on the in vitro growth of P. falciparum and are hence, implicated as promising leads for the development of new generation anti-malarials. Here, we describe the mechanism of inhibition of the intraerythrocytic growth of P. falciparum by the purine nucleoside precursor, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleoside (AICAR). Our results show that AICAR toxicity is mediated through the erythrocyte in which AICAR is phosphorylated to its nucleotide, ZMP. Further, purine metabolite labeling of the parasitized erythrocytes by H-3]-hypoxanthine, in the presence of AICAR, showed a significant decrease in radioactive counts in adenylate fractions but not in guanylate fractions. The most dramatic effect on parasite growth was observed when erythrocytes pretreated with AICAR were used in culture. Pretreatment of erythrocytes with AICAR led to significant intracellular accumulation of ZMP and these erythrocytes were incapable of supporting parasite growth. These results implicate that in addition to the purine salvage pathway in P. falciparum, AICAR alters the metabolic status of the erythrocytes, which inhibits parasite growth. As AICAR and ZMP are metabolites in the human serum and erythrocytes, our studies reported here throw light on their possible role in disease susceptibility, and also suggests the possibility of AICAR being a potential prophylactic or chemotherapeutic anti-malarial compound. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cheap and readily available iodotrichlorosilane (SiCl4 / NaI) readily regenerates aldehydes and ketones from cyclic and acyclic acetals and ketals, in 20–60 min at ambient temperature. The reaction is highly chemoselective as phenolic ethers and esters are not cleaved. The pathway for the process is unlike any previously proposed.


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Triterpenoids are pentacyclic secondary metabolites present in many terrestrial plants. Natural triterpenoids have been reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic activities. Here, we show that modifications of ring A of boswellic acid (2 cyano, 3 enone) resulted in a highly active growth inhibitory, anti-inflammatory, pro-differentiative and anti-tumour triterpenoid compound called cyano enone of methyl boswellates (CEMB). This compound showed cytotoxic activity on a number of cancer cell lines with IC50 ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mu M. CEMB inhibits DNA synthesis and induces apoptosis in A549 cell line at 0.25 mu M and 1 mu M concentrations, respectively. CEMB induces adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells at a concentration of 0.1 mu M. Finally, administration of CEMB intra-tumourally significantly inhibited the growth of C6 glioma tumour xenograft in immuno-compromised mice. Collectively, these results suggest that CEMB is a very potent anti-tumour compound.


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It was shown earlier that the monoterpene ketone, piperitenone (I) is one of the major metabolites of R-(+)-pulegone, a potent hepatotoxin, In the present studies, the metabolic disposition of piperitenone (I) was examined in rats. Piperitenone (I) was administered orally (400 mg/kg of the b. wt./day) to rats for 5 days, The following urinary metabolites were isolated and identified by various spectral analyses: p-cresol (VI), 6,7-dehydromenthofuran (III), p-mentha-1,3,5,8-tetraen-3-ol (IX), p-mentha-1,3, 5-friene-3, 8-diol (X), 5-hydroxypiperitenone (VIII), 7-hydroxypiperitenone (XI), 10-hydroxypiperitenone (XII), and 4-hydroxypiperitenone (VII). Incubation of piperitenone (I) with phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH resulted in the formation of five metabolites which have been tentatively identified as metabolites III, VII, VIII, XI, XII, on the basis of gas chromatography retention time and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Based on these results, a probable mechanism for the formation of p-cresol from piperitenone (I) via the intermediacy of metabolite III has been proposed.


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A bacterial strain belonging to the genus Bacillus isolated by enrichment culture technique using morphine as a sole source of carbon transforms morphine and codeine into 14-hydroxymorphinone and 14-hydroxycodeinone as major and 14-hydroxymorphine and 14-hydroxycodeine as minor metabolites, respectively. When the N-methyl group in morphine and codeine are replaced by higher alkyl groups, the organism still retains its ability to carry out 14-hydroxylation as well as oxidation of the C-6-hydroxyl group in these N-variants, although the level of metabolites formed are considerably low. The organism readily transforms dihydromorphine and dihydrocodeine into only dihydromorphinone and dihydrocodeinone, respectively; suggesting that the 7,8-double bond is a necessary structural feature to carry out 14-hydroxylation reaction. The cell free extract (20,000 x g supernatant), prepared from morphine grown cells, transforms morphine into 14-hydroxymorphinone in the presence of NAD(+), but fails to show activity against testosterone. However, the cell free extract prepared from testosterone grown cells contains significant levels of 17 beta- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase but shows no activity against morphine.


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Selective separation of haematite from alumina and silica/calcite was achieved through microbiologically induced flotation and flocculation in presence of Bacillus subtilis. Bacterial metabolites containing extracellular proteins were characterized from mineral-grown bacterial cell free extract. Bacteria can adhere to mineral surfaces and influence subsequent flotation of the minerals. Cells and metabolic products of bacteria were used in flotation, flocculation and adsorption studies on oxide minerals. Bacteria functions as a stronger depressant for haematite. Selective affinity of the bacterial cells towards the mineral surface was observed through adsorption studies. Bacterial byproduct like extracellular protein (EP) was isolated from bacteria. The protein profile of the EP of bacterial cells grown in presence and absence of minerals (haematite, corundum, quartz and calcite) was also studied. The role of such proteins in selective mineral separation was demonstrated through microbially induced selective flotation. This study has demonstrated the utility and amenability of microbially induced mineral beneficiation through the use of bacterially generated metabolic products and mineral-grown bacterial cells. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.