985 resultados para Personal stories


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The purpose of personal financial management is achievement of personal financial freedom. It is a stage where finance will not be a hindrance against the fulfilment ofthe financial objectives of persons. After counting individual values and preferences we arrive at a standard or normal financial behaviour. Even though individuals differ in their tastes and preferences, there are a very large amount of commonality among them. The financial manager should list out the various financial objectives ofthe family. Then he should make the best choice from among the various alternatives on a priority based system. In short personal finance is concerned with the way in which a person manages his income and expenditure to achieve his personal financial objectives. Thus a proper personal financial planning is essential in every family for attaining financial discipline in the family. The fall ofthejoint family system, the growing financial responsibilities of modern families, limited chance ofincreasing income, growing population, financial insecurity of the government employees, lack of financial freedom, lack of proper personal financial practice and its awareness, the growing suicide rate on account offinancial crisis etc.,make the study a necessity


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Biometrics deals with the physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual to establish identity. Fingerprint based authentication is the most advanced biometric authentication technology. The minutiae based fingerprint identification method offer reasonable identification rate. The feature minutiae map consists of about 70-100 minutia points and matching accuracy is dropping down while the size of database is growing up. Hence it is inevitable to make the size of the fingerprint feature code to be as smaller as possible so that identification may be much easier. In this research, a novel global singularity based fingerprint representation is proposed. Fingerprint baseline, which is the line between distal and intermediate phalangeal joint line in the fingerprint, is taken as the reference line. A polygon is formed with the singularities and the fingerprint baseline. The feature vectors are the polygonal angle, sides, area, type and the ridge counts in between the singularities. 100% recognition rate is achieved in this method. The method is compared with the conventional minutiae based recognition method in terms of computation time, receiver operator characteristics (ROC) and the feature vector length. Speech is a behavioural biometric modality and can be used for identification of a speaker. In this work, MFCC of text dependant speeches are computed and clustered using k-means algorithm. A backpropagation based Artificial Neural Network is trained to identify the clustered speech code. The performance of the neural network classifier is compared with the VQ based Euclidean minimum classifier. Biometric systems that use a single modality are usually affected by problems like noisy sensor data, non-universality and/or lack of distinctiveness of the biometric trait, unacceptable error rates, and spoof attacks. Multifinger feature level fusion based fingerprint recognition is developed and the performances are measured in terms of the ROC curve. Score level fusion of fingerprint and speech based recognition system is done and 100% accuracy is achieved for a considerable range of matching threshold


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The nature and extent of protection secured to personal liberty has been a subject matter of great controversy and debate. The expression "procedure established by law" as a standard of protection for personal liberty has been looked upon as highly unsatisfactory and inadequate. For, unlike the specific attributes of liberty that are separately guaranteed under Art.19, ‘personal liberty‘ as guaranteed by Art.21 does not obligate the .Legislature to comply with the requirements of justice and reasonableness as and when it enchroaches upon that right. Though the concept of ‘personal liberty‘ has received an evolutive and expansive meaning through judicial process, the standard of protection which the judicial process could secure to personal liberty through the interpretation of Art.21 has been far from satisfactory Even after four decades of judicial process in the interpretation of Art.21 the problem of evolving a just and adequate standard of protection for personal liberty in that Article continues to be 21 crucial constitutional issue, craving for a. satisfactory solution. And the present study is a humble attempt to unravel this problem and to Search for a reasonable solution.


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Im Rahmen des Programms Lernkulturentwicklung hat die Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufliche Weiterbildungsforschung (ABWF) das Schulzentrum/Akademie Silberburg (AKAS) für zunächst zwei Jahre (2001-2002) gefördert, mit dem Ziel neuartige Wege zu einem umfassenden Lernkulturwandel zu erproben. Mit der Konzipierung und wiss. Begleitung wurden die Projektgruppe Zukunftsmoderation der Universität Kassel unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Olaf-Axel Burow beauftragt. Nachfolgend geben wir einen Einblick in erste Erfahrungen mit dem Projekt und skizzieren einige Elemente unseres "Evolutionären Personal- und Organisationsentwicklungssystems" (EPOS). Schulentwicklung - so unsere These - ist dann besonders folgenreich, wenn - auf freiwilliger Basis - ein evolutionärer Prozess der integrierten Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung eingeleitet wird. Dieser Prozess muss von Lehrer/innen, Schüler/innen, der Geschäftsleitung sowie des sonstigen Personals getragen werden. Aufgabe der Berater/innen ist es, bedarfsorientiert Möglichkeitsräume und Trainingsangebote zur Verfügung zu stellen, um den evolutionären Prozess anzustoßen und zu unterstützen. Als besonders fruchtbar haben sich dabei Verfahren der prozessorientierten Zukunfsmoderation sowie des Biographischen Lernens erwiesen.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone favorecer mediante la aplicaci??n de un programa las habilidades personales del alumnado. Se realiza en la EEI Media Luna en Pinos Puente, Granada. Los objetivos son: desarrollar habilidades de autonom??a personal y lograr una verdadera coeducaci??n; fomentar la autonom??a e independencia de nuestro alumnado; facilitar la integraci??n sociofamiliar de nuestro alumnado; desarrollar h??bitos de higiene y salud corporal; desarrollar h??bitos de vestido; desarrollar h??bitos de alimentaci??n equilibrada; potenciar las habilidades de comunicaci??n y relaci??n; desarrollar unos h??bitos de comportamiento adecuados y fomentar el respeto hacia las normas del centro.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Información y formación para la salud y la seguridad en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Incluye en los anexos escalas y cuestionarios para medir el autoconcepto (Piers Harris, Coopersmith, Brookover y cols.)


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De los dos volúmenes que componen esta obra, uno es la guía para el profesor y el otro la del alumno