989 resultados para Perform


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Smart Cities are designed to be living systems and turn urban dwellers life more comfortable and interactive by keeping them aware of what surrounds them, while leaving a greener footprint. The Future Cities Project [1] aims to create infrastructures for research in smart cities including a vehicular network, the BusNet, and an environmental sensor platform, the Urban Sense. Vehicles within the BusNet are equipped with On Board Units (OBUs) that offer free Wi-Fi to passengers and devices near the street. The Urban Sense platform is composed by a set of Data Collection Units (DCUs) that include a set of sensors measuring environmental parameters such as air pollution, meteorology and noise. The Urban Sense platform is expanding and receptive to add new sensors to the platform. The parnership with companies like TNL were made and the need to monitor garbage street containers emerged as air pollution prevention. If refuse collection companies know prior to the refuse collection which route is the best to collect the maximum amount of garbage with the shortest path, they can reduce costs and pollution levels are lower, leaving behind a greener footprint. This dissertation work arises in the need to monitor the garbage street containers and integrate these sensors into an Urban Sense DCU. Due to the remote locations of the garbage street containers, a network extension to the vehicular network had to be created. This dissertation work also focus on the Multi-hop network designed to extend the vehicular network coverage area to the remote garbage street containers. In locations where garbage street containers have access to the vehicular network, Roadside Units (RSUs) or Access Points (APs), the Multi-hop network serves has a redundant path to send the data collected from DCUs to the Urban Sense cloud database. To plan this highly dynamic network, the Wi-Fi Planner Tool was developed. This tool allowed taking measurements on the field that led to an optimized location of the Multi-hop network nodes with the use of radio propagation models. This tool also allowed rendering a temperature-map style overlay for Google Earth [2] application. For the DCU for garbage street containers the parner company provided the access to a HUB (device that communicates with the sensor inside the garbage containers). The Future Cities use the Raspberry pi as a platform for the DCUs. To collect the data from the HUB a RS485 to RS232 converter was used at the physical level and the Modbus protocol at the application level. To determine the location and status of the vehicles whinin the vehicular network a TCP Server was developed. This application was developed for the OBUs providing the vehicle Global Positioning System (GPS) location as well as information of when the vehicle is stopped, moving, on idle or even its slope. To implement the Multi-hop network on the field some scripts were developed such as pingLED and “shark”. These scripts helped upon node deployment on the field as well as to perform all the tests on the network. Two setups were implemented on the field, an urban setup was implemented for a Multi-hop network coverage survey and a sub-urban setup was implemented to test the Multi-hop network routing protocols, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and Babel.


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The Electromyography (EMG) is an important tool for gait analyzes and disorders diagnoses. Traditional methods involve equipment that can disturb the analyses, being gradually substituted by different approaches, like wearable and wireless systems. The cable replacement for autonomous systems demands for technologies capable of meeting the power constraints. This work presents the development of an EMG and kinematic data capture wireless module, designed taking into account power consumption issues. This module captures and converts the analog myoeletric signal to digital, synchronously with the capture of kinetic information. Both data are time multiplexed and sent to a PC via Bluetooth link. The work carried out comprised the development of the hardware, the firmware and a graphical interface running in an external PC. The hardware was developed using the PIC18F14K22, a low power family of microcontrollers. The link was established via Bluetooth, a protocol designed for low power communication. An application was also developed to recover and trace the signal to a Graphic User Interface (GUI), coordinating the message exchange with the firmware. Results were obtained which allowed validating the conceived system in static and with the subject performing short movements. Although it was not possible to perform the tests within more dynamic movements, it is shown that it is possible to capture, transmit and display the captured data as expected. Some suggestions to improve the system performance also were made.


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Um dos objetivos desta dissertação de mestrado foi avaliar o impacto ambiental do processo de tingimento usado na indústria de curtumes, em termos de volume de efluente produzido e sua carga poluente. Pretendeu-se também encontrar alternativas ao nível do processo de tingimento que levem a uma melhoria na qualidade do efluente produzido. Outro objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o funcionamento da ETAR existente na empresa JR Fontes, no que diz respeito aos parâmetros em estudo (carência química de oxigénio - CQO, pH, crómio e teor de sólidos suspensos totais - SST), propondo alterações que permitam respeitar os valores de emissão exigidos na licença de descarga da empresa. Verificou-se que o processo de tingimento aplicado pela empresa JR Fontes é muito poluente, em termos de carga orgânica e matéria em suspensão. Este facto é comprovado pelos resultados obtidos para os três processos estudados: Montana, Galáctico e Navak. Todos os processos apresentam um efluente com pH ácido (aproximado a 3) e valores de CQO superiores a 3550 mg O2/L, sendo o processo Navak aquele que apresenta o valor mais alto para o banho composto, 8362 mg O2/L. Relativamente ao teor de crómio, o banho de recurtume com concentração mais elevada de crómio total é o banho 1 do processo Navak, com 2297 mg/L, sendo que a concentração destes banhos é sempre elevada, igual ou superior a 746 mg/L. No que diz respeito à matéria em suspensão, o processo Navak é novamente o mais poluente, com um valor de 3842 mg SST/L, não sendo obtidos nos outros processos, valores inferiores a 1205 mg SST/L. Na realização de um processo alternativo de tingimento verificou-se que é possível diminuir a carga orgânica do efluente originado. A aplicação de recurtumes sintéticos deu origem a efluentes menos poluentes. O melhor valor obtido para a CQO foi de 1113 mg O2/L, sendo obtidos valores não superiores a 7185 mg O2/L para processos de características semelhantes aos aplicados nesta indústria. Relativamente à ETAR, apesar das restrições ao funcionamento que esta apresenta, no geral pode ser considerada eficiente, embora não consiga atingir o objetivo pretendido de remoção para a CQO, ou seja o valor de 1100 mg O2/L. Nos restantes parâmetros é cumprido o limite de emissão (350 mg SST/L, pH entre 6 e 9 e 2 mg Cr/L para o crómio total): os SST apresentam o valor de 98 mg SST/L, o crómio total de 1,2 mg Cr/L e o pH encontra-se entre 8 e 9. São aqui feitas duas abordagens para solucionar os problemas existentes na ETAR. A primeira considera um ajuste no tratamento e equipamentos existentes, através da reconstrução do tanque de equalização, da substituição do coagulante por sulfato ferroso e da reconstrução do sedimentador, assim como a substituição das tubagens por umas de maior diâmetro, solucionando assim problemas de manutenção de toda a instalação e do incumprimento da legislação. A outra abordagem implica a substituição do sistema de afinação existente, os filtros de areia e carvão ativados, por um sistema de membranas de ultrafiltração ou por dois filtros de carvão ativado. Para tratar um efluente com um valor de CQO de 3000 mg O2/L com o carvão estudado, seriam necessários 132 kg de carvão por coluna, aproveitando-se os equipamentos existentes. No caso das membranas filtrantes, estas são eficazes, reduzindo a CQO em cerca de 70%. Ao contrário do carvão, a aplicação deste sistema implicaria a aquisição de novos equipamentos. Futuramente propõe-se a avaliação dos vários tipos de reagentes usados no tingimento de couro de forma a aplicar no tratamento aqueles que produzam as características desejadas no produto final e a que apresentem um menor resultado de CQO. Propõe-se também o estudo de viabilidade da remoção de crómio dos banhos de recurtume e consequente avaliação da aplicabilidade de um tratamento biológico em substituição ou como complemento do tratamento existente.


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Sertraline is widely prescribed worldwide and frequently detected in aquatic systems. There is, however, a remarkable gap of information on its potential impact on estuarine and coastal invertebrates. This study investigated sertraline accumulation and effects in Carcinus maenas. Crabs from a moderately contaminated (Lima) and a low-impacted (Minho) estuary were exposed to environmental and high levels of sertraline (0.05, 5, 500 μg L−1). A battery of biomarkers related to sertraline mode of action was employed to assess neurotransmission, energy metabolism, biotransformation and oxidative stress pathways. After a seven-day exposure, sertraline accumulation in crabs’ soft tissues was found in Lima (5 μg L−1: 15.3 ng L−1 ww; 500 μg L−1: 1010 ng L−1 ww) and Minho (500 μg L−1: 605 ng L−1 ww) animals. Lima crabs were also more sensitive to sertraline than those from Minho, exhibiting decreased acetylcholinesterase activity, indicative of ventilatory and locomotory dysfunction, inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes and increased oxidative damage at ≥0.05 μg L−1. The Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index indicated their low health status. In addition, Minho crabs showed non-monotonic responses of acetylcholinesterase suggestive of hormesis. The results pointed an influence of the exposure history on differential sensitivity to sertraline and the need to perform evaluations with site-specific ecological receptors to increase relevance of risk estimations when extrapolating from laboratory to field conditions.


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Potentiometric detection with homemade polymeric membrane microelectrodes was coupled to a magnetic sandwich immunoassay for Salmonella typhimurium determination. Cadmium and sodium ion selective electrodes were used respectively as indicator and pseudo-reference electrodes and were prepared in pipette tips to allow potentiometric measurements in microliter sample volumes. In the proposed method, the concentration of S. typhimurium was proportional to the amount of cadmium released upon dissolution of a CdS nanoparticle labeled to the secondary detection antibody. The limit of detection was 2 cells per 100 μL. The immunomagnetic assay with potentiometric detection is suitable for sensitive and rapid (average total time per assay of 75 minutes) detection of S. typhimurium in milk samples. The proposed method is easy to perform, safe, sensitive, and low cost and has potential for in situ analysis.


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This paper presents the design of low cost, small autonomous surface vehicle for missions in the coastal waters and specifically for the challenging surf zone. The main objective of the vehicle design described in this paper is to address both the capability of operation at sea in relative challenging conditions and maintain a very low set of operational requirements (ease of deployment). This vehicle provides a first step towards being able to perform general purpose missions (such as data gathering or patrolling) and to at least in a relatively short distances to be able to be used in rescue operations (with very low handling requirements) such as carrying support to humans on the water. The USV is based on a commercially available fiber glass hull, it uses a directional waterjet powered by an electrical brushless motor for propulsion, thus without any protruding propeller reducing danger in rescue operations. Its small dimensions (1.5 m length) and weight allow versatility and ease of deployment. The vehicle design is described in this paper both from a hardware and software point of view. A characterization of the vehicle in terms of energy consumption and performance is provided both from test tank and operational scenario tests. An example application in search and rescue is also presented and discussed with the integration of this vehicle in the European ICARUS (7th framework) research project addressing the development and integration of robotic tools for large scale search and rescue operations.


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Background: Performing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on women with gynecological devices is a completely accepted practice. The goal of our review is to assess how safe it is to perform MRI on women using contraceptive implants or devices. Study Design: Literature review, searching in PubMed-Medline/Ovid for the following keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, intrauterine devices, Implanon® and Essure®. Results: Though plastic devices do not represent a contraindication to the use of the technique, those including metallic components have been submitted to several tests, after which they were classified as MR Conditional (devices presenting no risks in MR-specific environments) by the Food and Drug Administration. Thus, the use of MRI can be safely advised to women with this type of device as long as the magnetic resonance equipment is ≤3.0 T. Conclusions: Presently, there is no scientific evidence that contraindicates performing MRI on women with any kind of gynecological device. Therefore, this procedure is safe as long as it is performed under previously tested conditions.


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Num contexto em que as dinâmicas europeias em matéria de empreendedorismo e empresas sociais apelam à melhoria do ambiente legal, este estudo debruça-se sobre a oportunidade da consagração do princípio da livre fixação nos estatutos da cooperativa do montante do capital social. Esta solução legislativa permitirá reduzir os custos de contexto para a constituição da cooperativa e evitar o risco de fuga para formas societárias com regimes mais favoráveis em matéria de capital social mínimo. Constata-se que nas cooperativas, mais intensamente do que nas sociedades comerciais, o capital social mínimo não desempenha eficientemente as funções que lhe são tradicionalmente atribuídas. Conclui-se, igualmente, que a avaliação do nível de capitalização das cooperativas não pode atender apenas a este instituto, devendo ter em conta o património da cooperativa ressalvado para garantia dos credores, com particular destaque para a reserva legal.


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Objectives To evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of an exergame intervention as a tool to promote physical activity in outpatients with schizophrenia. Design Feasibility/Acceptability Study and Quasi-Experimental Trial. Method Sixteen outpatients with schizophrenia received treatment as usual and they all completed an 8-week exergame intervention using Microsoft Kinect® (20 min sessions, biweekly). Participants completed pre and post treatment assessments regarding functional mobility (Timed Up and Go Test), functional fitness performance (Senior Fitness Test), motor neurological soft signs (Brief Motor Scale), hand grip strength (digital dynamometer), static balance (force plate), speed of processing (Trail Making Test), schizophrenia-related symptoms (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) and functioning (Personal and Social Performance Scale). The EG group completed an acceptability questionnaire after the intervention. Results Attrition rate was 18.75% and 69.23% of the participants completed the intervention within the proposed schedule. Baseline clinical traits were not related to game performance indicators. Over 90% of the participants rated the intervention as satisfactory and interactive. Most participants (76.9%) agreed that this intervention promotes healthier lifestyles and is an acceptable alternative to perform physical activity. Repeated-measures MANOVA analyses found no significant multivariate effects for combined outcomes. Conclusion This study established the feasibility and acceptability of an exergame intervention for outpatients with schizophrenia. The intervention proved to be an appealing alternative to physical activity. Future trials should include larger sample sizes, explore patients' adherence to home-based exergames and consider greater intervention dosage (length, session duration, and/or frequency) in order to achieve potential effects.


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Bipedal gaits have been classified on the basis of the group symmetry of the minimal network of identical differential equations (alias cells) required to model them. Primary bipedal gaits (e.g., walk, run) are characterized by dihedral symmetry, whereas secondary bipedal gaits (e.g., gallop-walk, gallop- run) are characterized by a lower, cyclic symmetry. This fact has been used in tests of human odometry (e.g., Turvey et al. in P Roy Soc Lond B Biol 276:4309–4314, 2009, J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 38:1014–1025, 2012). Results suggest that when distance is measured and reported by gaits from the same symmetry class, primary and secondary gaits are comparable. Switching symmetry classes at report compresses (primary to secondary) or inflates (secondary to primary) measured distance, with the compression and inflation equal in magnitude. The present research (a) extends these findings from overground locomotion to treadmill locomotion and (b) assesses a dynamics of sequentially coupled measure and report phases, with relative velocity as an order parameter, or equilibrium state, and difference in symmetry class as an imperfection parameter, or detuning, of those dynamics. The results suggest that the symmetries and dynamics of distance measurement by the human odometer are the same whether the odometer is in motion relative to a stationary ground or stationary relative to a moving ground.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de frameworks de testes automáticos de software. Este tipo de testes normalmente está associado ao modelo evolucionário e às metodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento de software, enquanto que os testes manuais estão relacionados com o modelo em cascata e as metodologias tradicionais. Como tal foi efetuado um estudo comparativo sobre os tipos de metodologias e de testes existentes, para decidir quais os que melhor se adequavam ao projeto e dar resposta à questão "Será que realmente compensa realizar testes (automáticos)?". Finalizado o estudo foram desenvolvidas duas frameworks, a primeira para a implementação de testes funcionais e unitários sem dependências a ser utilizada pelos estagiários curriculares da LabOrders, e a segunda para a implementação de testes unitários com dependências externas de base de dados e serviços, a ser utilizada pelos funcionários da empresa. Nas últimas duas décadas as metodologias ágeis de desenvolvimento de software não pararam de evoluir, no entanto as ferramentas de automação não conseguiram acompanhar este progresso. Muitas áreas não são abrangidas pelos testes e por isso alguns têm de ser feitos manualmente. Posto isto foram criadas várias funcionalidades inovadoras para aumentar a cobertura dos testes e tornar as frameworks o mais intuitivas possível, nomeadamente: 1. Download automático de ficheiros através do Internet Explorer 9 (e versões mais recentes). 2. Análise do conteúdo de ficheiros .pdf (através dos testes). 3. Obtenção de elementos web e respetivos atributos através de código jQuery utilizando a API WebDriver com PHP bindings. 4. Exibição de mensagens de erro personalizadas quando não é possível encontrar um determinado elemento. As frameworks implementadas estão também preparadas para a criação de outros testes (de carga, integração, regressão) que possam vir a ser necessários no futuro. Foram testadas em contexto de trabalho pelos colaboradores e clientes da empresa onde foi realizado o projeto de mestrado e os resultados permitiram concluir que a adoção de uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de software com testes automáticos pode aumentar a produtividade, reduzir as falhas e potenciar o cumprimento de orçamentos e prazos dos projetos das organizações.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specialization on Collaborative Enterprise Networks


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One parameter that influences the adhesively bonded joints performance is the adhesive layer thickness. Hence, its effect has to be investigated experimentally and should be taken into consideration in the design of adhesive joints. Most of the results from literature are for typical structural epoxy adhesives which are generally formulated to perform in thin sections. However, polyurethane adhesives are designed to perform in thicker sections and might have a different behavior as a function of adhesive thickness. In this study, the effect of adhesive thickness on the mechanical behavior of a structural polyurethane adhesive was investigated. The mode I fracture toughness of the adhesive was measured using double-cantilever beam (DCB) tests with various thicknesses of the adhesive layer ranging from 0.2 to 2 mm. In addition, single lap joints (SLJs) were fabricated and tested to assess the influence of adhesive thickness on the lap-shear strength of the adhesive. An increasing fracture toughness with increasing adhesive thickness was found. The lap-shear strength decreases as the adhesive layer gets thicker, but in contrast to joints with brittle adhesives the decrease trend was less pronounced.


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Adhesive bonding is an excellent alternative to traditional joining techniques such as welding, mechanical fastening or riveting. However, there are many factors that have to be accounted for during joint design to accurately predict the joint strength. One of these is the adhesive layer thickness (tA). Most of the results are for epoxy structural adhesives, tailored to perform best with small values of tA, and these show that the lap joint strength decreases with increase of tA (the optimum joint strength is usually obtained with tA values between 0.1 and 0.2 mm). Recently, polyurethane adhesives were made available in the market, designed to perform with larger tA values, and whose fracture behaviour is still not studied. In this work, the effect of tA on the tensile fracture toughness (View the MathML source) of a bonded joint is studied, considering a novel high strength and ductile polyurethane adhesive for the automotive industry. This work consists on the fracture characterization of the bond by a conventional and the J-integral techniques, which accurately account for root rotation effects. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening (δn) and adherends rotation at the crack tip (θo) during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these parameters. As output of this work, fracture data is provided in traction for the selected adhesive, enabling the subsequent strength prediction of bonded joints.


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INTRODUCTION: Excision of large dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the anterior aspect of the trunk often results in large surgical defects that frequently dictate the need for microsurgical reconstruction. However, this option is not always available. PRESENTATION OF CASE: The authors describe two patients with very large anterior trunk dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: one in the epigastric region and the other in the hypogastric region. In the patient with the hypogastric tumor, a classical abdominoplasty flap associated with umbilical transposition was used to cover the skin defect after muscle and fascial plication, and placement of a polypropylene mesh. In the patient with the epigastric tumor, a synthetic mesh was also placed, and the skin and subcutaneous defect was reconstructed with a reverse abdominoplasty flap and two thoraco-epigastric flaps. In both cases, complete closure was possible without immediate or late complications. DISCUSSION: The local options described in this paper present several potential advantages compared to microsurgical reconstruction, namely they are easier and faster to perform and teach; they provide a good skin color and texture match; they are not associated with distant donor site morbidity; follow-up is usually less cumbersome; the post-operative hospital stay tends to be shorter; they are less costly; they are less prone to complete failure. CONCLUSION: The authors believe that these two patients clearly show that local flaps, although frequently neglected, continue to be valid options for reconstructing large anterior trunk defects, even in the current era of microsurgery enthusiasm.