985 resultados para Pedro Martínez Montálvez


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The cross section for dijet production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV is presented as a function of a variable that approximates the fractional momentum loss of the scattered proton in single-diffractive events. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 2.7 nb-1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at low instantaneous luminosities, and uses events with jet transverse momentum of at least 20 GeV. The dijet cross section results are compared to the predictions of diffractive and nondiffractive models. The low- data show a significant contribution from diffractive dijet production, observed for the first time at the LHC. The associated rapidity gap survival probability is estimated. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society.


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Evidence is presented for the associated production of a single top quark and W boson in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.9 fb -1. The measurement is performed using events with two leptons and a jet originated from a b quark. A multivariate analysis based on kinematic properties is utilized to separate the tt̄ background from the signal. The observed signal has a significance of 4.0σ and corresponds to a cross section of 16-4+5 pb, in agreement with the standard model expectation of 15.6±0.4-1.2+1.0 pb. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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First measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy of neutral pions produced in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √sNN=2.76 TeV are presented. The amplitudes of the second Fourier component (v2) of the π0 azimuthal distributions are extracted using an event-plane technique. The values of v2 are studied as a function of the neutral pion transverse momentum (pT) for different classes of collision centrality in the kinematic range 1.6


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Results are presented from a search for a narrow, spin-2 resonance decaying into a pair of Z bosons, with one Z-boson decaying into leptons (e+e- or μ+μ-) and the other into jets. An example of such a resonance is the Kaluza-Klein graviton, GKK, predicted in Randall-Sundrum models. The analysis is based on a 4.9 fb-1 sample of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. Kinematic and topological properties including decay angular distributions are used to discriminate between signal and background. No evidence for a resonance is observed, and upper limits on the production cross sections times branching fractions are set. In two models that predict Z-boson spin correlations in graviton decays, graviton masses are excluded lower than a value which varies between 610 and 945 GeV, depending on the model and the strength of the graviton couplings. © 2012 CERN.


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Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset corresponding to 5.0fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at s=7TeV. The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W'→tb, leading to a final state signature with a single electron or muon, missing transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is identified as a b-jet. A W' boson that couples to the right-handed (left-handed) chiral projections of the fermions with the same coupling constants as the W is excluded for masses below 1.85 (1.51) TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC data, constraints on the W' gauge couplings for a set of left- and right-handed coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant improvement over previously published limits. © 2012 CERN.


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The results of a search for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays t→Zq in events with a topology compatible with the decay chain tt̄→Wb+Zq→ℓνb+ℓℓq are presented. The search is performed with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The observed number of events agrees with the standard model prediction and no evidence for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays is found. A t→Zq branching fraction greater than 0.21% is excluded at the 95% confidence level. © 2012 CERN.


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Results are reported from a search for the effects of contact interactions using events with a high-mass, oppositely charged muon pair. The events are collected in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV using the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.3 fb-1. The observed dimuon mass spectrum is consistent with that expected from the standard model. The data are interpreted in the context of a quark- and muon-compositeness model with a left-handed isoscalar current and an energy scale parameter Λ. The 95% confidence level lower limit on Λ is 9.5 TeV under the assumption of destructive interference between the standard model and contact-interaction amplitudes. For constructive interference, the limit is 13.1 TeV. These limits are comparable to the most stringent ones reported to date. © 2013 CERN. Published by the American Physical Society.


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A search for supersymmetry in final states with jets and missing transverse energy is performed in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s=7 TeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.98 fb-1 collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. In this search, a dimensionless kinematic variable, α T, is used as the main discriminator between events with genuine and misreconstructed missing transverse energy. The search is performed in a signal region that is binned in the scalar sum of the transverse energy of jets and the number of jets identified as originating from a bottom quark. No excess of events over the standard model expectation is found. Exclusion limits are set in the parameter space of the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model, and also in simplified models, with a special emphasis on compressed spectra and third-generation scenarios.[Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration.


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A measurement of the inclusive WW+WZ diboson production cross section in proton-proton collisions is reported, based on events containing a leptonically decaying W boson and exactly two jets. The data sample, collected at √s = 7 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5. 0 fb-1. The measured value of the sum of the inclusive WW and WZ cross sections is σ(pp→WW+WZ)=68. 9±8. 7 (stat.)±9. 7 (syst.)±1. 5 (lum.) pb, consistent with the standard model prediction of 65. 6±2. 2 pb. This is the first measurement of WW+WZ production in pp collisions using this signature. No evidence for anomalous triple gauge couplings is found and upper limits are set on their magnitudes. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.


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Results are presented from a search for the pair-production of heavy quarks, QQ̄, that decay exclusively into a top quark and a W or Z boson. The search is performed using a sample of proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1, collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment. The signal region is defined using a sample of events containing one electron or muon, missing transverse momentum, and at least four jets with large transverse momenta, where one jet is likely to originate from the decay of a bottom quark. No significant excess of events is observed with respect to the standard model expectations. Assuming a strong pair-production mechanism, quark masses below 675 (625) GeV decaying into tW (tZ) are excluded at the 95 % confidence level.[Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.


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Many models of new physics, including versions of supersymmetry (SUSY), predict production of events with low missing transverse energy, electroweak gauge bosons, and many energetic final-state particles. The stealth SUSY model yields this signature while conserving R-parity by means of a new hidden sector in which SUSY is approximately conserved. The results of a general search for new physics, with no requirement on missing transverse energy, in events with two photons and four or more hadronic jets are reported. The study is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions at s=7TeV corresponding to 4.96fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected with the CMS detector in 2011. Based on good agreement between the data and the standard model expectation, the data are used to determine model-independent cross-section limits and a limit on the squark mass in the framework of stealth SUSY. With this first study of its kind, squark masses less than 1430 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level. © 2012 CERN.


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Para quienes compartimos con Pedro Vuskovic una experiencia de amistad y colaboración profesional a lo largo de muchos años, la noticia de su fallecimiento en México nos ha provocado un sentimiento de profundo pesar. No sólo por las circunstancias mismas de su muerte, al cabo de una cruel enfermedad que fue minando gradualmente su capacidad física -aunque no la intelectual- sino por la pérdida de un latinoamericano de gran valía, de un maestro formador de numerosas generaciones de jóvenes de nuestro continente, y del compañero de tantas jornadas de lucha intelectual y política. Pedro ingresó a la CEPAL en 1950, prácticamente desde los inicios de la institución. Por espacio de casi 20 años realizó en su seno una brillante labor profesional, habiendo culminado su carrera en ella como Director de la División de Desarrollo. Sus aportes fueron decisivos para la estructuración y difusión del pensamiento cepalino, en una época en la que bullían las inquietudes de una pléyade de talentosos economistas y otros cientistas sociales. Eran los años de la posguerra, los cincuenta y los sesenta, cuando era menester "construir" a América Latina. Y Pedro Vuskovic colocó muchos ladrillos en esa colectiva construcción teórico-política que ha tenido tanta trascendencia para los países de la región. Coetáneamente, fue profesor en los programas de capacitación de la CEPAL y del ILPES, a la vez que impartía clases en la Escuela de Economía y en la de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile, así como en la Escuela de Economía de la Universidad de Concepción. Al retirarse de la CEPAL se incorporó de lleno a la actividad académica, desempeñándose como Director del Instituto de Economía de la Universidad de Chile, para luego pasar a ocupar un lugar de primer plano en la política chilena. En noviembre de 1970 fue designado Ministro de Economía por el Presidente Salvador Allende y en junio de 1972 pasó a ocupar el cargo de Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Corporación de Fomento de la Producción, con rango de Ministro, el que desempeñó hasta septiembre de 1973. Cuando las circunstancias políticas lo llevaron al exilio en México, país que lo acogió generosamente, como a tantos otros latinoamericanos que enfrentaban problemas similares, Pedro siguió desarrollando una importante labor académica, primero en el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, donde dirigió el Instituto de Estudios Económicos de América Latina, y posteriormente en el Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, donde fue designado Coordinador de un programa de estudios sobre pobreza y alternativas de desarrollo en diversos países de Latinoamérica. Aun cuando será recordado por su importante actuación política, su labor como académico y economista debe ser especialmente destacada. Junto con ser un expositor brillante, metódico e incisivo, que dominaba sus temas con gran sapiencia y amplitud, Pedro sentía un especial regocijo de estar con la juventud, estimularla intelectualmente y ser estimulado por ella. Las muchas generaciones de estudiantes latinoamericanos que tuvieron la fortuna de ser sus alumnos pueden dar testimonio de ello. A su vocación de investigador y maestro, Pedro Vuskovic unía una profunda sensibilidad política y social, que lo llevó a tomar como propia la causa de los pobres y los desamparados de América Latina, cuya situación pudo conocer muy tempranamente en su vida a través de los numerosos trabajos que realizó dentro del ámbito de la CEPAL. Fue tenaz y consecuente en sus ideas y principios, y luchó por ellas en todas las arenas en que estuvo situado --académicas y políticas- hasta el final de su vida. Quienes fuimos sus amigos y colegas recordamos también su bonhomía, sentido del humor y gran calidad humana, rasgos que iban unidos a una lealtad a toda prueba a sus principios valóricos. Nuestra despedida es con emoción; Pedro Vuskovic nos deja un legado de recuerdos y enseñanzas que tendremos siempre presentes. En nombre de sus amigos y colegas, Jacobo Schatan, Ex Director de la División Agrícola Conjunta CEPAL/FAO


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This study describes for the first time the female of Leptodactylus cupreus and provides new information concerning its geographical distribution, male's morphology and bioacustics. Leptodactylus cupreus, a poorly known species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, was originally allocated in the L. mystaceus complex of the L. fuscus species group. Based on morphological observations, we infer that L. cupreus should be in fact related to L. mystacinus, a species that, although assigned to the L. fuscus species group, is not assigned to the L. mystaceus complex. Therefore, we comment the phylogenetic relationships concerning L. cupreus, L. mystaceus and L. mystacinus. © 2013 Magnolia Press.


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A search for new exotic particles decaying to the VZ final state is performed, where V is either a W or a Z boson decaying into two overlapping jets and the Z decays into a pair of electrons, muons or neutrinos. The analysis uses a data sample of pp collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb-1 collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at √s=7 TeV in 2011. No significant excess is observed in the mass distribution of the VZ candidates compared with the background expectation from standard model processes. Model-dependent upper limits at the 95% confidence level are set on the product of the cross section times the branching fraction of hypothetical particles decaying to the VZ final state as a function of mass. Sequential standard model W′ bosons with masses between 700 and 940 GeV are excluded. In the Randall-Sundrum model for graviton resonances with a coupling parameter of 0.05, masses between 750 and 880 GeV are also excluded. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.


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Results are presented from a search for the pair production of third-generation scalar and vector leptoquarks, as well as for top squarks in R-parity-violating supersymmetric models. In either scenario, the new, heavy particle decays into a τ lepton and a b quark. The search is based on a data sample of pp collisions at √s=7 TeV, which is collected by the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb -1. The number of observed events is found to be in agreement with the standard model prediction, and exclusion limits on mass parameters are obtained at the 95% confidence level. Vector leptoquarks with masses below 760 GeV are excluded and, if the branching fraction of the scalar leptoquark decay to a τ lepton and a b quark is assumed to be unity, third-generation scalar leptoquarks with masses below 525 GeV are ruled out. Top squarks with masses below 453 GeV are excluded for a typical benchmark scenario, and limits on the coupling between the top squark, τ lepton, and b quark, λ333′ are obtained. These results are the most stringent for these scenarios to date. © 2013 CERN.